Iowa Admin. Code r. 199-22.4

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 6, October 2, 2024
Rule 199-22.4 - Intrastate access charge application, tariff procedures, and rates
(1)Application of intrastate access charges.
a. Intrastate access charges shall apply to all intrastate access services rendered to interexchange telecommunications service providers. Intrastate access charges shall not apply to extended area service (EAS) traffic. In the case of resale of services of interexchange telecommunications service providers, access charges shall apply as follows:
(1) The interexchange telecommunications service provider shall be billed as if no resale were involved.
(2) The resale telecommunications service provider shall be billed only for access services not already billed to the underlying interexchange telecommunications service provider.
(3) Specific billing treatment and administration shall be provided pursuant to tariff.
b. Except as provided in subparagraph 22.4(1)"b" (3), no person shall make any communication of the type and nature transmitted by telecommunications service providers, between exchanges located within Iowa, over any system or facilities, which are or can be connected by any means to the intrastate telecommunications network, and uses exchange telecommunications service provider facilities, unless the person shall pay to the exchange telecommunications service provider or telecommunications service providers which provide service to the exchange where the communication is originated and the exchange where it is terminated, in lieu of the carrier common line charge, a charge in the amount of $25 per month per circuit that is capable of interconnection. However, if the person provides actual access minutes to the exchange telecommunications service provider, the charge shall be the charge per access minute or fraction thereof, not to exceed $25 per line per month. The charge shall apply in all exchanges. However, if the person attests in writing that the person's facility cannot interconnect and is not interconnected with the exchange in question, the person will not be subject to the charge in that exchange.
(1) In the event that a communication is made without compliance with this rule, the telecommunications service provider or telecommunications service providers serving the person shall terminate telecommunications service after notice to the person. The telecommunications service provider shall not reinstate service until the commission orders the telecommunications service provider to restore service. The commission shall order service to be restored when the commission has reasonable assurance that the person will comply with this rule.
(2) In any action concerning this rule, the burden of proof shall be upon the person making intrastate communications.
(3) This rule shall be inapplicable to administrative communications made by or to a telecommunications service provider.
(2)Filing of intrastate access service tariffs.
a. Tariffs providing for intrastate switched access services shall be filed with the commission by a local exchange telecommunications service provider that provides such services. A local exchange telecommunications service provider whose tariff or concurring tariff does not contain automatic reductions to implement the applicable transitional intrastate access service reductions shall file revised transitional intrastate access services rates with the commission to become effective on or about July 1 of each year until such terminating rates are removed from the tariff. A competitive local exchange carrier that is required to benchmark its intrastate access service rates to the rates of an incumbent local exchange carrier shall file revised transitional intrastate access rates with the commission to become effective on or about August 1 of each year until such terminating rates are removed from the tariff. Unless otherwise provided, the filings are subject to the applicable rules of the commission.
b. Except in situations involving HVAS, a local exchange telecommunications service provider may concur in the intrastate access tariff filed by another local exchange telecommunications service provider serving the same exchange area. However, a competitive local exchange carrier may not concur in the intrastate access tariff of an incumbent local exchange carrier that qualifies as a rural telephone company pursuant to 47 U.S.C. § 153(44) unless the competitive local exchange carrier is also a rural CLEC pursuant to 47 CFR 61.26(a)(6).
(1) Alternatively, a local exchange telecommunications service provider may voluntarily elect to join another local exchange telecommunications service provider or telecommunications service providers in forming an association of local exchange telecommunications service providers. The association may file intrastate access service tariffs.
(2) All elements of the filings under this rule, including access service rate elements, shall be subject to review and approval by the commission.
c. All intrastate access service tariffs shall incorporate the following:
(1) Carrier common line charge. The rate for the intrastate carrier common line charge shall be three cents per access minute or fraction thereof for the originating segments of the communication unless a lower rate is required by the transitional intrastate access service reductions or if numbered paragraphs 22.4(2)"c" (1) "1," "2," and "3" are applicable. The carrier common line charge shall be assessed to exchange access made by an interexchange telecommunications service provider, including resale telecommunications service providers. In lieu of this charge, interconnected private systems shall pay for access as provided in paragraph 22.4(1)"b."
1. Incumbent local exchange telecommunications service provider intrastate access service tariffs shall include the carrier common line charges approved by the commission.
2. A competitive local exchange telecommunications service provider that concurs in or mirrors the rates in the access services tariff of the Iowa Communications Alliance, or its successor, shall deduct the originating and terminating carrier common line charges from its intrastate access service tariff.
3. Carrier common line charge for originating segments of the communication may be stepped down in compliance with requirements established by the Federal Communications Commission for originating access.
(2) End-user charge. No intrastate end-user charge shall be assessed.
(3) Universal service fund. No universal service fund shall be established.
(4) Transitional and premium rates. There shall be no discounted transitional rate elements applied in Iowa except as otherwise specifically set forth in these rules.
(5) A telecommunications service provider may, pursuant to tariff, bill for access on the basis of assumed minutes of use where measurement is not practical. However, if the interexchange telecommunications service provider provides actual minutes of use to the billing telecommunications service provider, the actual minutes shall be used.
(6) In the absence of a waiver granted by the commission, local exchange telecommunications service providers shall allow any interexchange telecommunications service provider the option to use its own facilities that were in service on March 19, 1992, to provide local access transport service to terminate its own traffic to the local exchange telecommunications service provider. The interexchange telecommunications service provider may use its facilities in the manner and to a meet point agreed upon by the local exchange telecommunications service provider and the interexchange telecommunications service provider as of March 19, 1992. Changes mutually agreeable to the local exchange telecommunications service provider and the interexchange telecommunications service provider after that date also shall be recognized in allowing the interexchange telecommunications service provider to use its own local access transport facilities to terminate its own traffic. Recognition under this rule will also be extended to improvements by an interexchange telecommunications service provider that provided all the transport facilities to an exchange on March 19, 1992, whether the improvements were mutually agreeable or not, unless the improvements are inconsistent with an agreement between the interexchange telecommunications service provider and the local exchange telecommunications service provider.
(7) A provision prohibiting the application of association access service rates to HVAS traffic.
d. A local exchange telecommunications service provider that is adding a new HVAS customer or otherwise reasonably anticipates an HVAS situation shall provide notice of the situation, the telephone numbers that will be assigned to the HVAS customer (if applicable), and the expected date service to the HVAS customer will be initiated, if applicable. Notice may be sent to each interexchange telecommunications service provider that paid for intrastate access services from the local exchange telecommunications service provider in the preceding 12 months; to any telecommunications service provider with whom the local exchange telecommunications service provider exchanged traffic in the preceding 12 months; and to all other local exchange telecommunications service providers authorized to provide service in the subject exchange, by a method calculated to provide adequate notice. Any interexchange telecommunications service provider may request negotiations concerning the access rates applicable to calls to or from the HVAS customer.
(1) Any interexchange telecommunications service provider that believes a situation has occurred or is occurring which does not specifically meet the HVAS threshold requirements defined in subrule 22.1(2), but which raises the same general concerns and issues as an HVAS situation, may file a complaint with the commission.
(2) A local exchange telecommunications service provider that experiences an increase in intrastate access billings that qualifies as an HVAS situation, but did not add a new HVAS customer or otherwise anticipate the situation, shall notify interexchange telecommunications service providers of the HVAS situation at the earliest reasonable opportunity, as described in the preceding paragraph. Any interexchange telecommunications service provider may request negotiations concerning whether the local exchange telecommunications service provider's access rates, as a whole or for HVAS only, should be changed to reflect the increased access traffic. When a telecommunications service provider requests negotiations concerning intrastate access services, the companies shall negotiate in good faith to achieve reasonable terms and procedures for the exchange of traffic. No access charges shall apply to the HVAS traffic until an access tariff for HVAS has been approved by the commission. At any time that any telecommunications service provider believes negotiations will not be successful, the telecommunications service provider may file a written complaint with the commission. In any such proceeding, the commission will consider setting the rate for access services for HVAS traffic based upon the incremental cost of providing HVAS, although any other relevant evidence may also be considered. The incremental cost will not include marketing or other payments made to HVAS customers. The resulting rates for access services may include a range of rates based upon the volume of access traffic or other relevant factors. Any negotiations pursuant to this subparagraph shall conclude within 60 days. After 60 days, a telecommunications service provider may petition the commission to extend the period of negotiations or may petition the commission to establish a procedural schedule and hearing date.
(3)Notice of intrastate access service tariffs.
a. Each telecommunications service provider that files new or changed tariffs relating to access charges or access service shall give written notice of the new or changed tariffs to the telecommunications service provider's interexchange telecommunications service provider access customers, the commission, and the consumer advocate. Notice shall be given on or before the date of the filing of the tariff. The notice shall consist of: the file date and proposed effective date of the tariff, a description of the proposed changes, and the tariff section number where the service description is located. If two or more local exchange telecommunications service providers concur in a single tariff filing, the local exchange telecommunications service providers may send a joint written notice to the commission, the consumer advocate, and the interexchange telecommunications service providers.
b. The commission shall not approve any new or changed tariff described in paragraph 22.4(3)"a" until after the period for resistance.
(4)Resistance to intrastate access service tariffs.
a. If an interexchange telecommunications service provider affected by an access service filing or the consumer advocate desires to file a resistance to a proposed new or changed access service tariff, it shall file its resistance within 14 days after the filing of the proposed tariff. The interexchange telecommunications service provider shall send a copy of the resistance to all telecommunications service providers filing or concurring in the proposed tariff.
b. After receipt of a timely resistance, the commission may:
(1) Deny the resistance if it does not on its face present a material issue of adjudicative fact or the commission determines the resistance to be frivolous or otherwise without merit and approve the tariff; or
(2) Either suspend the tariff or approve the tariff to become effective subject to refund; and initiate informal complaint proceedings; or
(3) Either suspend the tariff or approve the tariff to become effective subject to refund; and initiate contested case proceedings; or
(4) Reject the tariff, stating the grounds for rejection.
c. The interexchange telecommunications service provider or the consumer advocate shall have the burden to support its resistance.
d. If contested case proceedings are initiated upon resistance filed by an interexchange telecommunications service provider, the interexchange telecommunications service provider may be required to pay the expenses reasonably attributable to the proceedings. The commission will assess the costs of the proceeding on a case-by-case basis.
(5)Access charge rules to prevail. The provisions of this rule shall be determinative of the procedures relating to intrastate access service tariffs and shall prevail over all inconsistent rules.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 199-22.4

ARC 7826B, lAB 6/3/09, effective 7/8/09; Editorial change: lAC Supplement 12/29/10
Amended by IAB October 14, 2015/Volume XXXVIII, Number 08, effective 11/18/2015
Amended by IAB February 15, 2017/Volume XXXIX, Number 17, effective 3/22/2017
Amended by IAB December 18, 2019/Volume XLII, Number 13, effective 1/22/2020
Editorial change: IAC Supplement 7/24/2024