Iowa Admin. Code r. 199-15.17

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 6, October 2, 2024
Rule 199-15.17 - Alternate energy purchase programs

Any consumer-owned utility, including any electric cooperative corporation or association or any municipally owned electric utility, may apply to the commission for a waiver under this rule.

This rule shall not apply to non-rate-regulated electric utilities physically located outside of Iowa that serve Iowa customers.

(1)Obligation to offer programs.
a. Beginning January 1, 2004, each electric utility, whether or not subject to rate regulation by the commission, shall offer an alternate energy purchase program that allows customers to contribute voluntarily to the development of alternate energy in Iowa, and allows for the exceptions listed in paragraph 15.17(1)"c."
b. Each electric utility subject to rate regulation by the commission, except for utilities that elect rate regulation pursuant to Iowa Code section 476.1A, shall demonstrate on an annual basis that it produces or purchases sufficient energy from program AEP facilities located in Iowa to meet the needs of its Iowa program. These Iowa-based AEP facilities shall not include AEP facilities for which the utility has sought cost recovery under rule 199-20.9 (476) prior to July 1, 2001.
c. The electric utility may partially or fully base its program on energy produced by AEP facilities located outside of Iowa under any of the following circumstances:
(1) The energy is purchased by the electric utility pursuant to a contract in effect prior to July 1, 2001, and continues until the expiration of the contract, including any options to renew that are exercised by the electric utility.
(2) The electric utility has a financial interest, as of July 1, 2001, in an AEP facility that is located outside of Iowa or in an entity that has a financial interest in an AEP facility located outside of Iowa; or
(3) The energy is purchased by an electric utility that is not subject to rate regulation by the commission, or which elects rate regulation pursuant to Iowa Code section 476.1A, and that is required to purchase all of its electric power requirements from one or more suppliers that are physically located outside of Iowa.
(2)Customer notification.
a. Each electric utility shall notify eligible customer classes of its alternate energy purchase program and proposed program modifications at least 60 days prior to implementation of the program or program modification. The notification shall include, as applicable:
(1) A description of the availability and purpose of the program or program modification, clarifying that customer contributions will not involve the direct sale of alternate energy to individual customers;
(2) The effective date of the program or program modification;
(3) Customer classes eligible for participation;
(4) Forms and levels of customer contribution available to program participants;
(5) A utility telephone number for answering customers' questions about the program; and
(6) Customer instructions that explain how to participate in the program.
b. In addition to the notification requirements under paragraph 15.17(2)"a," each electric utility subject to rate regulation by the commission, excluding utilities that elect rate regulation pursuant to Iowa Code section 476.1A, shall:
(1) Include fuel report information described under subrule 15.17(5); and
(2) Submit the proposed notification to the commission for approval at least 30 days prior to the proposed date of issuance of the notification.
(3)Program plan filing requirements for rate-regulated utilities. On or before October 1, 2003, each electric utility subject to rate regulation by the commission, excluding utilities that elect rate regulation pursuant to Iowa Code section 476.1A, shall file with the commission a plan for the utility's alternate energy purchase program. Initial program plans and any subsequent modifications will be subject to commission approval. Modification filings need only include information about elements of the program that are being modified. The initial program plan filing shall include:
a. The program tariff;
b. The program effective date;
c. A sample of the customer notification, including a description of the method of distribution;
d. Customer classes eligible for participation and the schedule for extending participation to all customer classes;
e. Identification of each AEP facility used for the program, including:
(1) Fuel type;
(2) Nameplate capacity;
(3) Estimated annual kWh output;
(4) Estimated in-service date;
(5) Ownership, including any utility affiliation;
(6) A copy of any contract for utility purchases from the facility;
(7) A description of the method or procedure used to select the facility;
(8) Facility location; and
(9) If the facility is located outside of Iowa, an explanation of how the facility qualifies under paragraph 15.17(1)"c";
f. The forms and levels of customer contribution available to program participants, including, but not limited to:
(1) kWh rate premiums applied to percentages of participant kWh usage, with an explanation of how the kWh rate premiums are derived; or
(2) kWh rate premiums applied to fixed kWh blocks of participant usage, with an explanation of how the kWh rate premiums are derived; or
(3) Fixed contributions, with an explanation of how the fixed amounts are derived;
g. The maximum allowable time lag between the beginning of customer contributions and the inservice date for identified AEP facilities, and the procedures for suspending customer contributions if the maximum time lag is exceeded;
h. The intended treatment of program participants under 199-20.9 (476) energy automatic adjustment and AEP automatic adjustment clauses;
i. An accounting plan for identifying and tracking participant contributions and program costs, including:
(1) Identification of incremental program costs not otherwise recovered through the utility's rates, including but not limited to: program start-up and administration costs; program marketing costs; and program energy and capacity costs associated with identified AEP facilities;
(2) Methods for quantifying, assigning, and allocating costs of the program and for segregating those costs in the utility's accounts; and
j. Marketing and customer information plan, including schedules and copies of all marketing and information materials, as available.
(4)Annual reporting requirements for rate-regulated utilities. On or before April 1, 2005, and annually thereafter, each electric utility subject to rate regulation by the commission, excluding utilities that elect rate regulation pursuant to Iowa Code section 476.1A, shall file with the commission a report of program activity for the previous calendar year. The annual report shall include:
a. Program information including:
(1) The number of program participants, by customer class;
(2) Participant contribution revenues, by customer class, by form and level of contribution, and associated participant kWh sales;
(3) Program electricity generated from each program AEP facility and the associated costs; and
(4) Other program costs, by cost type.
b. An annual reconciliation of participant contributions and program costs.
(1) Program costs are incremental costs associated with the utility's alternate energy purchase program not otherwise recovered through the utility's base tariff rates, and electricity costs dedicated to the program and separated from the utility's 199-20.9 (476) energy or AEP automatic adjustment clauses.
(2) The excess of participant contributions over program costs is an annual program surplus, and the excess of program costs over participant contributions is an annual program deficit.
(3) Annual program surpluses and deficits are cumulative over successive years.
(4) A program deficit may be recovered through the utility's 199-20.9 (476) AEP automatic adjustment clause.
(5) Any program surplus shall be used to offset prior years' program deficits previously recovered through the AEP automatic adjustment clause, and the offset amount shall be credited through the utility's AEP automatic adjustment clause.
c. Identification of any other AEP or renewable energy requirements being met with program AEP facilities and identification of any revenues derived from the separate sale of the renewable energy attributes of program AEP facilities.
d. Documentation that shows the energy produced by the utility's program AEP facilities in Iowa (whether contracted, leased, or owned), not including AEP facilities for which the utility has sought cost recovery under 199-20.9 (476) prior to July 1, 2001, is sufficient to meet the requirement of the utility's Iowa alternate energy purchase program.
e. A description of program marketing and customer information activities, including schedules and copies of all marketing and information materials related to the program.
f. Program modifications and uses for any program surplus that are under consideration, including procurement or assignment of additional electricity from AEP facilities.
g. A copy of the utility's annual fuel report to customers under subrule 15.17(5).
(5)Annual fuel reporting requirements for rate-regulated utilities.
a. Each electric utility subject to rate regulation by the commission, excluding utilities that elect rate regulation pursuant to Iowa Code section 476.1A, shall annually report to all its Iowa customers its percentage mix of fuel and energy inputs used to produce electricity. The report shall, to the extent practical, specify percentages of electricity produced by coal, nuclear energy, natural gas, oil, AEP electricity produced for the utility's alternate energy purchase program, non-program AEP electricity, and resources purchased from other companies. The percentages for AEP electricity shall further specify percentages of electricity produced by wind, solar, hydropower, biomass, and other technologies.
b. The report shall include an estimate of sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxide (NOx), and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions for each known fuel and energy input type. The emission estimate shall be expressed in pounds per 1000 kWh.
(6)Tariff filing requirements for non-rate-regulated utilities.
a. On or before January 1, 2004, each electric utility that is not subject to rate regulation by the commission or that elects rate regulation pursuant to Iowa Code section 476.1A shall file with the commission a tariff for the utility's alternate energy purchase program. Initial tariff filings and any subsequent modifications shall be filed for informational purposes only. Tariff modification filings need only include information about elements of the program that are being modified. The initial tariff filings shall include, as applicable:
(1) The program tariff;
(2) The program effective date;
(3) A sample of the customer notification, including a description of the method of distribution;
(4) Customer classes eligible for participation;
(5) Identification of any specific AEP facilities to be included in the program, including: fuel type; nameplate capacity; estimated annual kWh output; estimated in-service date; ownership, including any utility affiliation; location; and, if the facility is located outside of Iowa, an explanation of how the facility qualifies under paragraph 15.17(1)"c"; and
(6) Forms and levels of customer contribution available to program participants.
b. Joint filings. An electric utility that is not subject to rate regulation by the commission or that elects rate regulation pursuant to Iowa Code section 476.1A may file its tariff jointly with other non-rate-regulated utilities or through an agent. A joint tariff filing shall contain the information required by paragraph 15.17(6)"a," separately identified for each utility participating in the joint tariff. The information for each utility may be provided by reference to an attached document or to a section of the joint tariff filing. A joint tariff filing filed by an agent shall state the agent's relationship to each utility and include a document from each utility authorizing the agent to act on the utility's behalf.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 199-15.17

Editorial change: IAC Supplement 7/24/2024