170 Ind. Admin. Code 4-1-16

Current through October 9, 2024
Section 170 IAC 4-1-16 - Disconnection of service; prohibited disconnections; reconnection

Authority: IC 8-1-1-3; IC 8-1-2-4

Affected: IC 8-1-2-113; IC 8-1-2-122

Sec. 16.

(a) The customer shall:
(1) notify the utility at least three (3) days in advance of the day disconnection is desired; and
(2) remain responsible for all service used and the billings therefor until service is disconnected pursuant to such notice. Upon request by a customer of a utility to disconnect service, the utility shall disconnect the service within three (3) working days of the requested disconnection date. The customer shall not be liable for any service rendered to such address or location after the expiration of three (3) such days.
(b) A utility may disconnect service without request by the customer of the service and without prior notice only:
(1) if a condition dangerous or hazardous to life, physical safety, or property exists;
(2) upon order by any court, the commission, or other duly authorized public authority;
(3) if fraudulent or unauthorized use of electricity is detected and the utility has reasonable grounds to believe the affected customer is responsible for the use; or
(4) if the utility's regulating or measuring equipment has been tampered with and the utility has reasonable grounds to believe that the affected customer is responsible for the tampering.

In all other instances, a utility, upon providing the customer with proper notice as defined in subsection (e), may disconnect service subject to the other provisions of this rule.

(c) Except as otherwise provided in subsections (a) and (b), a utility shall postpone the disconnection of service for ten (10) days if, prior to the disconnect date specified in the disconnect notice, the customer provides the utility with a medical statement from a licensed physician or public health official that states that disconnection would be a serious and immediate threat to the health or safety of a designated person in the household of the customer. The postponement of disconnection shall be continued for one (1) additional ten (10) day period upon the provision of an additional such medical statement. A utility may not disconnect services to the customer:
(1) upon his or her failure to pay for:
(A) merchandise or appliances;
(B) the service rendered at a different metering point, residence, or location if such bill has remained unpaid for less than forty-five (45) days;
(C) services to a previous occupant of premises to be served; or
(D) a different form or class of utility service;
(2) if the customer or user shows cause for his or her inability to pay the full amount due (financial hardship shall constitute cause), and the customer:
(A) pays a reasonable portion (not to exceed ten dollars ($10) or one-tenth (1/10) of the bill, whichever is less, unless the customer agrees to a greater portion) of the bill;
(B) agrees to pay the remainder of the outstanding bill within three (3) months;
(C) agrees to pay all undisputed future bills for service as they become due; and
(D) has not breached any similar agreement with the utility made pursuant to this section within the past twelve (12) months; provided, however, that the utility may add to the outstanding bill a late payment charge not to exceed the amount set under section 13(c) of this rule, and, provided further, that the terms of agreement shall be put in writing by the utility and signed by the customer and by a representative of the utility; or
(3) if a customer or user is unable to pay a bill that is unusually large due to a prior incorrect reading of the meter, incorrect application of the rate schedule, incorrect connection or functioning of the meter, prior estimates where no actual reading was taken for over two (2) months, stopped or slow meters, or any human or mechanical error of the utility, and the customer:
(A) pays a reasonable portion of the bill, not to exceed an amount equal to the customer's average bill for the six (6) bills immediately preceding the bill in question;
(B) agrees to pay the remainder at a reasonable rate; and
(C) agrees to pay all undisputed future bills for service as they become due, provided, however, that the utility may not add to the outstanding bill any late fee, and, provided further, that the terms of agreement shall be put in writing by the utility and signed by the customer and a representative of the utility.

If a customer proceeds with a review under 170 IAC 16-1-5, the utility may disconnect only as provided in 170 IAC 16-1-7.

(d) No utility may disconnect service unless it is done between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., prevailing local time. Disconnections under subsections (a) and (b) are not subject to this limitation. A utility may not disconnect service for nonpayment on any day, or beyond noon of the day immediately preceding any day, on which the utility office is not open to the public.
(e) Except as otherwise provided in this article, electric service to any residential customer shall not be disconnected for a violation of any rule or regulation of a utility or for the nonpayment of a bill, except after fourteen (14) days prior written notice to the customer by either mailing the notice to the residential customer at the address shown on the records of the public utility or personal delivery of the notice to the residential customer or a responsible member of his or her household at the address shown on the records of the utility. No disconnect notice for nonpayment may be rendered prior to the date on which the account becomes delinquent. The notice must be in language that is clear, concise, and easily understandable to a layperson and shall state the following in separately numbered large types or printed paragraphs:
(1) The date of the proposed disconnection.
(2) The specific factual basis and reason for the proposed disconnection.
(3) The telephone number of the utility office that the customer may call during regular business hours in order to question the proposed disconnection or seek information concerning his or her rights.
(4) A reference to the pamphlet furnished to the customer under section 18 of this rule for information as to the customer's rights.
(f) Immediately preceding the actual disconnection of service, the employee of the utility designated to perform such function shall:
(1) make a reasonable attempt to identify himself or herself to the customer or any other responsible person then upon the premises;
(2) announce the purpose of his or her presence;
(3) make a record thereof to be maintained for at least thirty (30) days;
(4) have in his or her possession information sufficient to enable him or her to inform the customer or other responsible person the reason for disconnection, including the amount of any delinquent bill of the customer; and
(5) request the customer for any available verification that the outstanding bill has been satisfied or is currently in dispute pursuant to review.

Upon the presentation of such credible evidence, service shall not be disconnected. The employee shall not be required to accept payment from the customer, user, or other responsible person in order to prevent the service from being disconnected. The utility shall notify its customers under section 18 of this rule of its policy with regard to the acceptance or nonacceptance of payment from such employee and shall uniformly follow such policy without discrimination. When the employee has disconnected the service, the employee shall give to a responsible person at the user's premises or, if no one is at home, shall leave at a conspicuous place on the premises, a notice stating that service has been disconnected and stating the address and telephone number of the utility where the user may arrange to have service reconnected.

(g) A utility may charge a reasonable reconnection charge, not to exceed the charge approved by the commission in the utility's filed tariffs. A utility shall inform its customers of the reconnection fee under section 18 of this rule. If the utility disconnects service in violation of this rule, the service shall immediately be restored at no charge to the customer. The utility must reconnect the service to the customer or user as soon as reasonably possible but at least within one (1) working day after it is requested to do so if the customer has satisfied the requirements of this rule.

170 IAC 4-1-16

Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission; No. 33629: Standards of Service For Electrical Utilities Rule 16; filed Mar 10, 1976, 9:10 a.m.: Rules and Regs. 1977, p. 349; No. 34526; filed Jul 30, 1976, 12:00 p.m.: Rules and Regs. 1977, p. 385; filed Oct 13, 1983, 4:02 p.m.: 7 IR 37; readopted filed Jul 11, 2001, 4:30 p.m.: 24 IR 4233; readopted filed Apr 24, 2007, 8:21 a.m.: 20070509-IR-170070147RFA; filed May 25, 2010, 1:52 p.m.: 20100623-IR-170090792FRA; readopted filed Aug 2, 2013, 2:16 p.m.: 20130828-IR-170130227RFA
Readopted filed 4/11/2019, 9:04 a.m.: 20190508-IR-170190136RFA