Ill. Admin. Code tit. 35, pt. 212, subpt. U, app C

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 41, October 11, 2024
Appendix C - Past Compliance Dates

Rule 202(e)

Owners or operators of new emission sources were required to comply with the emission standards and limitations of Rule 202 by April 14, 1972.

Owners or operators of existing emission sources were required to comply with the emission standards and limitations of Rule 202 by December 31, 1972; except that owners or operators of emission sources subject to Rule 203(g) were required to comply with the emission standards and limitations of Rule 203 by May 30, 1975.

Rule 203(c)

Except as otherwise provided in Rule 203, every existing process emission source which was not in compliance with Rule 203(b) as of April 14, 1972, was required to comply with Rule 203(a), unless both of the following conditions were met:

a) The source was in compliance, as of April 14, 1972, with the terms and conditions of a variance granted by the Board, or, by June 13, 1972, the source was the subject of a variance petition filed with the Board, which variance was subsequently granted; and,

b) As of April 14, 1972, construction was commenced on equipment or modifications sufficient to achieve compliance with Rule 203(b).

Rule 203(d)(3)(A) and (B)

Corn wet milling processes subject to Rule 203(d)(3) were subject to a standard of 0.3 gr/scf of effluent gas from April 14, 1972 to May 30, 1975.

Rule 203(d)(5)(L) and (M)

Every owner or operator of an emission source the construction or modification of which was commenced after September 6, 1979 was required to comply with the emission standards and limitations of Rule 203(d)(5) upon commencement of operation.

Every owner or operator of an emission source the construction or operation of which was commenced prior to September 6, 1979 was required to comply with the emission standards and limitations of Rule 203(d)(5) no later than December 31, 1982.

From the effective date of this Rule 203(d)(5) through December 31, 1982, full compliance program and project completion schedule pursuant to Rule 104 for all sources of particulate emissions subject to Rule 203(d)(5) and 203(f) as amended under common ownership or control in the same air quality control region constituted compliance with the emission standards and limitations contained in Part II if such Compliance Program and Project Completion Schedule:

a) provided for compliance by all sources of particulate matter subject to Rules 203(d)(5) and 203(f), as amended, under common ownership or control in the same air quality region, as expeditiously as practicable considering what was economically reasonable and technically feasible, and

b) provided for reasonable further progress in achieving the reductions in particulate emissions required by Rule 203(d)(5) and 203(f), as amended, including annual increments of reductions such that at least one-third of the total reductions were achieved by December 31, 1980 and at least two-thirds of the total reduction were achieved by December 31, 1981, unless the owner or operator demonstrated in a hearing before the Board that such increments were technically infeasible or economically unreasonable or unless the owner or operator demonstrated in a hearing before the Board that some alternate schedule represents reasonable further progress within the meaning of Section 172(b) of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 7502(b).

The provisions of Rule 203(d)(5)(L)(iii) did not apply to any facility subject to a rule which was not in full force and effect as a matter of state law because of judicial action, and in such event the facility shall remain subject to the regulations in effect at the time these amendments were adopted.

The provisions of Rule 203(d)(5)(L) were not severable. Should any portion thereof have been found invalid or been disapproved by USEPA as a revision of the state implementation plan pursuant to the Clean Air Act, then the entire Rule 203(d)(5)(L) would have been null and void, the provisions of Rule 203(d)(5)(A) and (B) were to have become immediately effective, and the provisions of existing Rules 203(a), (b), and (c) and prior Rules 203(d)(2) (in effect from April 14, 1972 to the effective date of this Rule) were to have been reinstated.

Rule 203(d)(8)(J)

Existing grain-handling and grain-drying operations subject to Rule 203(d)(8)(B), (C) and (D) were required to achieve compliance on or before April 30, 1977, except that all such operations were required to achieve compliance with Rule 203(d)(8)(A) by June 30, 1975.

New grain-handling and grain-drying operations were required to comply with Rule 203(d)(8) by June 30, 1975.

Rule 203(f)(3) (Preamble)

Potential sources of fugitive particulate matter were required to be maintained and operated in accordance with Rule 203(f)(3) on or after December 31, 1982.

Rule 203(f)(3)(F) (Preamble)

Sources of fugitive particulate matter described in Rule 203(f)(3)(A)-(E) were required to submit an operating program to the Agency for review by December 31, 1982.

Rule 203(i)

Every owner or operator or a new emission source was required to comply with the standards and limitations of Rule 203 by April 14, 1972.

Except as otherwise provided in Rule 203(d)(4), (d)(6), (i)(3), (i)(4), and (i)(5), every owner or operator of an existing emission source was required to comply with the standards and limitations of Rule 203 by December 31, 1973.

Every owner or operator of an existing emission source subject to Rule 203(f) was required to comply with the standards and limitations of Rule 203:

a) by October 14, 1972 when the emissions from such source were caused by the stockpiling of materials;

b) by October 14, 1972 for emission sources subject to Rule 203(f)(4); and

c) by April 14, 1973 for all other emission sources subject to Rule 203(f).

Every owner or operator of an existing emission source subject to Rule 203(g) was required to comply with the standards and limitations of Rule 203 by May 30, 1975.

Notwithstanding any other provisions of Rule 203, every owner or operator of an existing emission source which:

a) was required to comply with Rules 2-2.51, 2-2.52, 2-2.54, 3-3.111, 3-3.2110, 3-3.2130 and 3-3.220 of Rules and Regulations Governing the Control of Air Pollution as amended August 19, 1969; and

b) which was in compliance with such rules, as of April 14, 1972, or is in compliance with Rules 203(c)(1) and (2);

was required to comply with the applicable emission standards and limitations of Rules 203 by May 30, 1975.

Notwithstanding the other dates specified in this Rule, grain handling and conditioning operations were required to comply with the requirements of Rule 203 by May 30, 1975.

Ill. Admin. Code tit. 35, pt. 212, subpt. U, app C