Ill. Admin. Code tit. 26 § 207.50

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 41, October 11, 2024
Section 207.50 - Deputy Registrars; Definition of Bonafide State Civic Organization
a) For the purpose of determining eligibility for appointment as a deputy registrar pursuant to Sections 4-6.2, 5-16.2 and 6-50.2 of The Election Code (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1983, ch. 46 pars. 1-1 et seq.), a "bonafide State Civic organization" is defined to mean any corporation, unincorporated association or organization which,
1) as part or its written articles of incorporation, by-laws, charter, or by separate written declaration, has among its stated purposes the promotion of civic, patriotic or political goals, including the promotion of free and equal elections and the encouragement of political responsibility through informed and active participation of citizens in government;
2) is organized or conducts its activities primarily within the State of Illinois;
3) is organized on a not-for-profit basis;
4) continuously maintains an office or business location within the State of Illinois, together with a current listed telephone number (post office box numbers will not be acceptable); and
5) files with the State Board of Elections not less than 90 days before the next ensuing election for which the organization seeks to accept registrations a written application, verified by oath, which contains the following:
A) a statement that the organization has an interest in accepting registration of qualified persons in Illinois and wishes to have its officers and/or members appointed as deputy registrars for that purpose;
B) a description of the organization's qualifications to be designed as a bonafide State civic organization for the purpose of having its officers and/or members appointed as deputy registrars, including a copy of the organization's written articles of incorporation, by-laws, charter or separate written declaration;
C) a list, including street addresses (no post office box numbers will be accepted) and listed telephone numbers, of the organization's offices within the State from which the organization conducts it transactions;
D) a list of the names, street addresses (no post office box numbers will be accepted) and listed telephone numbers of each of the principal officers of the organization;
E) in the case of a parent organization which is also seeking the certification of any of its local chapters or affiliates, a list of the names, street addresses (no post office box numbers will be accepted) and listed telephone numbers of each local chapter, affiliate or subsidiary of the parent organization for which it is seeking certification, including the names and addresses of the principal officer or officers of such local chapter, affiliate or subsidiary.
b) Any corporation, unincorporated association or organization which fulfills the requirements of paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(5) of this Rules shall be issued, within 7 days of the receipt of application, a certificate by the State Board of Elections certifying that the organization is, for purposes of Sections 4-6.2, 5-16.2 and 6-50.2 of The Election Code, a bona fide State civic organization.
c) If, the State Board of Elections determines that any corporation, unincorporated association or organization that is seeking certification as a bona fide State civic organization fails to fulfill any of the requirements of paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(5) of this Section, the Board shall notify such corporation, unincorporated association or organization in writing that it is not a bona fide State civic organization and such notice shall specify the reason for such determination.
d) Any corporation, unincorporated association or organization that has been notified pursuant to paragraph (c) that it is not a bona fide State civic organization may request in writing that the State Board of Elections reconsider its determination. Upon receipt of such a written request, the Board, at its next regular or special meeting, shall conduct a public hearing in accordance with Subpart C, Part 125, Practice and Procedure, to reconsider its earlier determination. The corporation, unincorporated association or organization requesting such reconsideration shall be notified of the public hearing and shall be given an opportunity to appear and to present such additional evidence or argument which would tend to establish its eligibility under paragraph (a) as a bona fide State civic organization. The Board may request that the corporation, unincorporated association or organization provide additional data in support of its application for certification, such additional data shall be requested whenever the Board determines that such data will assist it in making an informed determination. Upon reconsideration, the Board shall make a determination, using the same standards as it did in making a Subpart (b) determination, whether the corporation, unincorporated association or organization is a bona fide State civic organization. The Board shall admit any evidence presented which supports or refutes the corporation's unincorporated associations' or organization's position that it meets the definition of bona fide State civic organization, unless such evidence is unduly repetitive. Such determination shall be in writing and shall state the findings of the Board.
e) In the event that the State Board of Elections determines that a corporation, unincorporated association or organization which has been issued a certificate pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (b) no longer fulfills the requirements of Subsection (a)(1) through (a)(5) and is no longer a bona fide State civic organization, the Board shall notify such corporation, unincorporated association or organization that its certificate is being suspended pending a public hearing on the question of whether the certificate should be revoked. Such notice shall be in writing, shall specify the reasons for the proposed revocation, and shall notify the corporation, unincorporated association or organization that it has the opportunity to appear at the public hearing and to present evidence and argument why the certificate should not be revoked. Following the public hearing, the Board shall make its determination whether to revoke the certificate. Such determination shall be in writing and shall state the findings of the Board.

Ill. Admin. Code tit. 26, § 207.50

Added at 8 Ill. Reg. 21615, effective October 22, 1984