Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024

Section 63-3029G, Idaho Code

01.Definitions. The Idaho credit is computed using the same definitions of qualified research expenses, qualified research, basic research payments, and basic research as are found in Section 41, Internal Revenue Code, except only the amounts related to research conducted in Idaho qualify for the Idaho credit. If an expense does not qualify for the federal credit under Section 41, Internal Revenue Code, it will not qualify for purposes of the Idaho credit.
02.Limitations. The credit for Idaho research activities allowable in any taxable year is limited as follows:
a. Tax Liability. The total amount of any credit for Idaho research activities claimed during a taxable year may not exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the tax, after allowing all other income tax credits that may be claimed before the credit for Idaho research activities, regardless of whether the credit for Idaho research activities results from a carryover earned in prior years, the current year, or both. See Rule 799 of these rules for the priority order for nonrefundable credits.
b. Unitary Taxpayers. Limitations apply to each taxpayer according to its own tax liability. Each corporation in a unitary group is a separate taxpayer.
03.Short Taxable Year Calculations. Short taxable year calculations provided in Section 41, Internal Revenue Code, and related regulations are used to compute the Idaho credit if the taxpayer must use short taxable year calculations for purposes of computing the federal credit.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective April 6, 2023