Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 560-12-2-.84

Current through Rules and Regulations filed through September 23, 2024
Rule 560-12-2-.84 - Taxicabs
(1) Taxicab owners and operators. Any person owning and operating a taxicab or taxicabs shall register as a dealer and pay the tax at the time of purchase on tangible personal property used or consumed in the operations. Such purchases include taxicabs, meters, accessories, tires, repair parts, gasoline, lubricants, tools, and other supplies. Additionally, such person shall collect the tax on fares for the transportation of persons in accordance with the uniform bracket system and shall remit same to the State Revenue Commissioner.
(2) Taxicab operators leasing cabs to drivers. Any person leasing or renting taxicabs to others and supervising their operations must register as a dealer. Taxicabs, meters, accessories, repair parts, and tires exclusively for lease or rental should be purchased tax exempt under Certificates of Exemption. Other materials and supplies, including gasoline, lubricants, soaps, etc., used or consumed in connection with their operations are taxable at the time of purchase. Lessees or rentees of taxicabs and other tangible personal property shall be liable for a tax thereon at the rate of 4% of the gross lease or rental charges. Additionally, lessees or rentees of taxicabs shall collect the tax on fares for transportation of persons in accordance with the uniform bracket system. Said lessees or rentees shall pay the tax on charges for the lease or rental of tangible personal property and fares collected for transportation of persons to their lessors or renters and said lessors or renters shall remit same to the State Revenue Commissioner.
(3) Taxicab operators and lessors. Any person owning and leasing taxicabs which are operated partially by the owner and partially by the lessee shall register as a dealer and pay the tax at the time of purchase on tangible personal property used or consumed in the operations, including taxicabs, meters, accessories, tires, repair parts, gasoline, lubricants, and other supplies. Additionally, such lessors shall collect the tax on the gross lease or rental charges for taxicabs and equipment, and shall collect the tax on any tangible personal property sold to lessees. Lessees shall collect the tax on fares for transportation of persons in accordance with the uniform bracket system and pay such tax to the lessor for remittance to the State Revenue Commissioner.
(4) Taxicab "headquarters" operators. Any person operating a headquarters for taxicabs and supervising or directing taxicab drivers, or receiving and relaying calls to cab driver members, shall register as a dealer. Cab driver members operating from such headquarters shall pay the tax at the time of purchase, lease or rental, on all tangible personal property used or consumed in the operations. Additionally, such drivers shall collect the tax on fares for transportation of persons in accordance with the uniform bracket system and pay the same to the dealer operating the headquarters for remittance to the State Revenue Commissioner.
(5) Independent taxicab operators. Independent taxicab operators shall register as dealers and pay the tax at the time of purchase, lease or rental on all equipment, materials, and supplies used or consumed in the operations. Additionally, such persons shall collect the tax on fares for transportation of persons in accordance with the uniform bracket system and remit same to the State Revenue Commissioner.
(6) Cars for hire. For the purpose of this regulation, cars for hire are taxable in the same manner as taxicabs.
(7) Definitions.
(a) For purposes of this regulation the term "independent taxicab operator" means a person who is totally unassociated with any headquarters operation and with any lessors of taxicabs and with any other taxicab business or driver.
(b) Due to the likelihood that the State would otherwise lose tax funds due to the difficulty of policing the business operations of taxicab drivers because of the nature of the business, the lack of an office or regular place of business and the turnover of drivers, headquarters operators and lessors of taxicabs shall collect the tax on fares for transportation of persons from their drivers as required above, and the term "headquarters operators" includes not only any person operating a headquarters for taxicabs and supervising or directing taxicab drivers, or receiving and relaying calls to cab driver members, but also any person or entity allowing use of the trade name of the headquarters or allowing any driver to hold himself out as being associated with the headquarters. The term "taxicab lessors" includes any person or entity leasing a vehicle to another person or entity for use as a taxicab.

Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 560-12-2-.84

Ga. L. 1937-38, Extra Sess., pp. 77, et seq., as amended; (Ga. Code Ann., Secs. 92-8405, 8406, 8409, 8427); Ga. L. 1951, pp. 360, 385; (Ga. Code Ann., Sec. 92-3438a); O.C.G.A. Secs. 430-2-12, 48-8-2(6)(B).

Original Rule entitled "Taxicabs" was filed and effective on June 30, 1965.
Amended: Filed February 28, 1983; effective March 20, 1983.
Amended: F. Feb. 5, 1991; eff. Feb. 25, 1991.