Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 560-11-2-.57

Current through Rules and Regulations filed through October 2, 2024
Rule 560-11-2-.57 - Homeowner Tax Relief Grants
(1) For the purposes of implementing Chapter 89 of Title 36 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated and this Rule, the following terms are defined to mean:
(a) "Applicable rollbacks" means a rollback of an ad valorem tax millage rate pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 48-8-91(a)in a county or municipality that levies a local option sales tax, a rollback of an ad valorem tax millage rate pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 36-70-24, a subtraction from an ad valorem millage rate pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 20-2-334 in a local school system that receives a state school tax credit, and a reduction of an ad valorem tax millage rate pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 33-8-8.3(a)(2) in a county that collects insurance premium tax.
(b) "Constitutional homestead exemption" means all statewide homestead exemptions and all local homestead exemptions that are authorized in or pursuant to the Constitution of the State of Georgia.
(c) "County millage rate" means the net ad valorem tax millage rate, after deducting applicable rollbacks, levied by a county for county maintenance and operations purposes and applying to a qualified homestead, but shall not include any ad valorem tax millage rate levied for purposes of bonded indebtedness or any ad valorem tax millage rate levied within a special tax district that was not created or reported on the 2004 ad valorem tax digest certified to and received by the State Revenue Commissioner on or before December 31, 2004.
(d) "Current year's tax digest" means the roll of tangible properties within a county, including the qualified homesteads, that are made subject to ad valorem taxation during the calendar year that ends within the fiscal year for which the General Assembly appropriates a homeowner tax relief grant.
(e) "Eligible assessed value" means the amount of the assessed value of a qualified homestead that the General Assembly may fix in the General Appropriations Act to serve as the basis for determining the portion of the homeowner tax relief grant that is due each owner of a qualified homestead appearing on each county's current year's tax digest.
(f) "Homeowner tax relief credit" means the amount applied to reduce the otherwise applicable tax liability on a qualified homestead on a dollar-for-dollar basis, but shall not in any case exceed the amount of the otherwise applicable tax liability on a qualified homestead after the granting of all applicable constitutional homestead exemptions and millage rollbacks.
(g) "Local billing authority" means the county tax commissioner when the taxes that are eligible for the homeowner tax relief credit are collected by such tax commissioner. Local billing authority means the municipal fiscal authority when the taxes that are eligible for the homeowner tax relief credit are collected by such municipal fiscal authority.
(h) "Maximum eligible credit" means the homeowner tax relief credit amount that results when the eligible assessed value of a qualified homestead is multiplied times the applicable state, county, and school millage rates.
(i) "Municipal fiscal authority" means the person authorized to collect taxes for a local independent school system. This would be the county tax commissioner in a county that has contracted with a local independent school system to collect taxes, otherwise it is a person authorized by a local independent school system to collect taxes on behalf of such system.
(j) "Municipal millage rate" means the net ad valorem tax millage rate, after deducting applicable rollbacks, levied by a municipality for maintenance and operations purposes and applying to a qualified homestead, but shall not include any ad valorem tax millage rate levied for purposes of bonded indebtedness or any ad valorem tax millage rate levied within a special tax district that was not created or reported on the 2004 ad valorem tax digest certified to and received by the State Revenue Commissioner on or before December 31, 2004.
(k) "Prior year's tax digest" means the roll of tangible properties within a county, including the qualified homesteads, that were made subject to ad valorem taxation during any calendar year that precedes the calendar year to which the current year's tax digest applies.
(l) "Qualified homestead" means a homestead qualified for the state $2,000 homestead exemption authorized in O.C.G.A. § 48-5-44, and actually receiving such exemption or any other increased state homestead exemption authorized in Part 1 of Article 2 of Chapter 5 of Title 48 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated.
(m) "School millage rate" means the net ad valorem tax millage rate, after deducting applicable rollbacks, levied by or on behalf of a local school system for school maintenance and operations purposes and applying to a qualified homestead. School millage rate shall not include any ad valorem tax millage rate levied for purposes of bonded indebtedness or, in the case of local independent school systems, the school millage rate shall not include any millage rate levied by the municipality for purposes other than the maintenance and operation of such independent school system.
(n) "State millage rate" means the ad valorem tax millage rate levied annually by the Governor with the assistance of the State Revenue Commissioner pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 48-5-8.
(2) In each year that the General Assembly provides for homeowner tax relief grants, the local billing authority shall determine the individual homeowner tax relief credit to appear on each tax bill they prepare for a qualified homestead. The total amount of credit to be allowed each such taxpayer shall be determined as follows:
(a) The maximum state homeowner tax relief credit shall be determined by multiplying the eligible assessed value of the qualified homestead by the state millage rate.
(b) The state tax liability shall be determined by multiplying the net assessed value after deducting all constitutional homestead exemptions by the state millage rate.
(c) The state homeowner tax relief credit shall be the lower of the maximum state homeowner tax relief credit or the state tax liability computed in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of this paragraph.
(d) The county homeowner tax relief credit shall be determined by repeating subparagraphs (a) and (b) of this paragraph substituting the county millage rate for the state millage rate and then selecting the lower of the maximum county homeowner tax relief credit or the county tax liability.
(e) The school homeowner tax relief credit shall be determined by repeating subparagraphs (a) and (b) of this paragraph substituting the school millage rate for the state millage rate and then selecting the lower of the maximum school homeowner tax relief credit or the school tax liability.
(f) The total homeowner tax relief credit shall be determined by adding together the state, county, and school homeowner tax relief credits as determined in subparagraphs (c), (d) and (e) of this paragraph.
(g) The municipal homeowner tax relief credit shall be determined by repeating subparagraphs (a) and (b) of this paragraph substituting the municipal millage rate for the state millage rate and then selecting the lower of the maximum municipal homeowner tax relief credit or the municipal tax liability.
(h) The credit allowed the taxpayer may be reduced to 85 percent of the amount that would ordinarily be due if the property is still under appeal at the time the bills are computed. When the appeal is resolved, the taxpayer's credit shall be adjusted accordingly.
(a) For any owner of a qualified homestead who would, absent the homeowner tax relief credit, have an ad valorem tax liability on such homestead, the local billing authority or municipal fiscal authority shall be required to prepare and furnish a tax bill in accordance with the provisions of this subparagraph. Such bill shall be prepared even if there is no remaining tax liability after the credit has been applied. Such tax bill shall include the following information:
1. The total amount of homeowner tax relief credit, labeled "HTRG Credit" on the bill; and
2. A prominent notice in substantially the following form:

"The 'HTRG Credit' reduction shown on your bill is the result of homeowner tax relief enacted by the Governor and the General Assembly of the State of Georgia."

(b) Any homeowner tax relief credit allowed a taxpayer shall be shown on the digest extension where the net tax due is shown.
(a) Immediately following the actual preparation of ad valorem property tax bill amounts the tax commissioner shall provide to, if not previously provided to, the State Revenue Commissioner a copy of the digest in a computer readable format acceptable to the State Revenue Commissioner. Such copy shall contain either the following information, or information acceptable to the Commissioner from which the following information may be determined for each qualified homestead:
1. The name of the owner(s);
2. The parcel identification number;
3. The tax district where such qualified homestead is located;
4. The code for each property class and stratum as such class and stratum are defined in Rule 560-11-2-.21, 40 percent value and, where applicable, acres for each property class;
5. The separate homestead codes and 40 percent values for state, county and school maintenance and operations purposes;
6. The separate amounts of state, county and school tax liability before the homeowner tax relief credit; and
7. The separate amounts of state, county and school homeowner tax relief credit allowed the taxpayer.
(b) The local billing authority shall also certify to the Commissioner on forms provided by the Department the following information:
1. The total number of qualified homesteads;
2. The county millage rate and school millage rate;
3. The total amount of homeowner tax relief credits actually allowed on the tax bills for the current tax year; and
4. The net amount of homeowner tax relief credits allowed taxpayers for any prior year's tax digest, when such credits have not been previously certified. Such net amount shall be determined by deducting any homeowner tax relief credits determined to have been illegally or erroneously allowed taxpayers from any homeowner tax relief credits determined to have been illegally or erroneously denied taxpayers. Such net amount shall be accompanied by an itemized listing containing the information required in subparagraph (a) of this paragraph along with a brief explanation of the basis for each adjustment.
(c) For those counties providing for the collection and payment of taxes in installments, the certification required in this paragraph shall be made immediately following the preparation of ad valorem tax bills for each installment. If only one bill is prepared showing the several installments, then such certification shall be made immediately following the preparation of such bill.
(d) For those counties issuing ad valorem tax bills under temporary collections pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 48-5-310, the certification required in this paragraph shall be made immediately following the preparation of ad valorem tax bills for the temporary billing. The final certification shall be made immediately following the preparation of ad valorem tax bills for the final billing.
(e) For the purposes of this paragraph, the actual preparation of the tax bill amounts means those steps and calculations necessary for the local billing authority to definitively determine the amount of homeowner tax relief credit due each qualified homestead and the total of such credits. The bills are not required to be actually printed or mailed before the certification required by this paragraph may be made to the Commissioner.
(5) Within 60 days of receipt of the certification required by paragraph (4)(b) of this Rule, the State Revenue Commissioner shall remit to the local billing authority the homeowner tax relief grants for the state, county and school system based on the amounts certified in subparagraph (4)(b)3. and subparagraph (4)(b)4. of this Rule, unless during that time the State Revenue Commissioner determines the certification to be in error. In such an event, the State Revenue Commissioner shall require the local billing authority to provide a corrected certification and the time allowed for the State Revenue Commissioner to make the remittance shall begin anew.
(6) The local billing authority shall distribute, after deducting appropriate commissions, the homeowner tax relief grants to the state, county, school system, and municipality as if such grants represented ad valorem taxes collected directly from the taxpayers.
(a) The local billing authority shall recover any credit that is erroneously or illegally granted in the same manner as other delinquent ad valorem taxes are collected. The local billing authority shall maintain a separate ledger or bank account entitled "Homeowner Tax Relief Credit Adjustments Account" to account for any homeowner tax relief credits that have been determined to have been illegally or erroneously granted and that have been withheld or recovered from taxpayers.
(b) The local billing authority shall allow a taxpayer a homeowner tax relief credit when it is determined that such credit has been illegally or erroneously denied such taxpayer on the current year's tax digest. The local billing authority shall be further authorized, to the extent there are funds available in the Homeowner Tax Relief Credit Adjustments Account, to distribute such allowed credits in accordance with paragraph (6) of this Rule. When there are insufficient funds available in such account to distribute such allowed credits, the local billing authority shall not be required to distribute such credits in accordance with paragraph (6) of this Rule until such time as additional homeowner tax relief grants for this specific purpose are appropriated by the General Assembly and distributed by the State Revenue Commissioner to the local billing authority.
(c) Any balance in the Homeowner Tax Relief Credit Adjustments Account shall be certified by the local billing authority in accordance with subparagraph (4)(b)4. of this Rule, and shall be deducted by the State Revenue Commissioner from the current year's homeowner tax relief grant distribution made in accordance with paragraph (5) of this Rule. The local billing authority shall then transfer such balance to his or her regular tax collection accounts to be added to the balance of the current year's homeowner tax relief grants, when received from the State Revenue Commissioner, and distributed in accordance with paragraph (6) of this Rule.

Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 560-11-2-.57

O.C.G.A. Secs. 20-2-334, 33-8-8.3, 36-89-1 to 36-89-6, 48-2-12, 48-5-8, 48-5-44, 48-5-310, 48-8-91, 48-8-104.

Original Rule entitled "Homeowner Tax Relief Grants" was adopted as ER. 560-11-2-0.13-.57. F. May 27, 1999; eff. May 25, 1999, the date of adoption, to remain in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter is adopted, as specified by the Agency.
Amended: Permanent Rule of same title adopted. F. Aug. 24, 1999; eff. Sept. 13, 1999.
Amended: F. Dec. 30, 2006; eff. Jan. 9, 2007.