Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 560-11-2-.20

Current through Rules and Regulations filed through October 2, 2024
Rule 560-11-2-.20 - Classification of Real and Personal Property on Individual Ad Valorem Tax Returns
(1) Beginning with all ad valorem tax returns received after January 1, 1993, all taxable real and personal property returned or assessed for county taxation shall be identified according to the following classifications. Real Property receiving preferential assessment under O.C.G.A. § 48-5-7.1, 48-5-7.2, 48-5-7.3 or 48-5-7.6 or current use assessment under O.C.G.A. § 48-5-7.4 or 48-5-7.7 shall be included in the classification specifically designated for those properties and not included in the general use classification that might otherwise be appropriate.
(a) Residential - This classification shall apply to all land utilized, or best suited to be utilized as a single family homesite, the residential improvements and other nonresidential homesite improvements thereon. For the purposes of this subparagraph, duplexes and triplexes shall also be considered single-family residential improvements.
1.This classification shall also apply to all personal property owned by individuals that has not acquired a business situs elsewhere and is not otherwise utilized for agricultural, commercial or industrial purposes.
(b) Residential Transitional - This classification shall apply to the residential improvement and up to no more than five acres of land underneath the improvement and comprising the homesite the value of which is influenced by its proximity to or location in a transitional area and which is receiving a current use assessment under O.C.G.A. § 48-5-7.4.
(c) Agricultural - This classification shall apply to all real and personal property currently utilized or best suited to be utilized as an agricultural unit. It shall include the single family homesite that is an integral part of the agricultural unit, the residential improvement, the non-residential homesite improvements, the non-homesite agricultural land, and the production and storage improvements.
1.This classification shall also apply to all personal property owned by individuals that is not connected with the agricultural unit but has not acquired a business situs elsewhere and the personal property connected with the agricultural unit which shall include the machinery, equipment, furniture, fixtures, livestock, products of the soil, supplies, minerals and off-road vehicles.
(d) Preferential - This classification shall apply to land and improvements primarily used for bona fide agricultural purposes and receiving preferential assessment under O.C.G.A. § 48-5-7.1.
(e) Conservation Use - This classification shall apply to all land and improvements primarily used in the good faith production of agriculture products or timber and receiving current use assessment under O.C.G.A. § 48-5-7.4.
(f) Environmentally Sensitive - This classification shall apply to all land certified as environmentally sensitive property by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and receiving current use assessment under O.C.G.A. § 48-5-7.4.
(g) Brownfield Property - This classification shall apply to all land certified "Brownfield Property" by the Environmental Protections Division of the Department of Natural Resources and receiving preferential assessment under O.C.G.A. § 48-5-7.6.
(h) Forest Land Conservation Use Property - This classification shall apply to all land and improvements primarily used in the good faith production of timber receiving current use assessment under O.C.G.A. § 48-5-7.7.
(i) Commercial - This classification shall apply to all real and personal property utilized or best suited to be utilized as a business unit the primary nature of which is the exchange of goods and services at either the wholesale or retail level. This classification shall include multi-family dwelling units having four or more units.
(j) Historic - This classification shall apply to up to two acres of land and improvements thereon designated as rehabilitated historic property or landmark historic property and receiving preferential assessment under O.C.G.A. § 48-5-7.2 or O.C.G.A. § 48-5-7.3.
(k) Industrial - This classification shall apply to all real and personal property utilized or best suited to be utilized as a business unit, the primary nature of which is the manufacture or processing of goods destined for wholesale or retail sale.
(l) Utility - This classification shall apply to the property of companies that are required to file an ad valorem tax return with the State Revenue Commissioner, and shall include all the real and personal property of railroad companies and public utility companies and the flight equipment of airline companies.
(2) Beginning with all ad valorem tax returns received after January 1, 1993, all taxable real property returned or assessed for county taxation shall be further stratified into the following strata:
(a) Improvements - This stratum shall include all in-ground and above ground improvements that have been made to the land including lease hold improvements. This stratum excludes all production and storage improvements utilized in the operation of a farm unit and those improvements auxiliary to residential or agricultural dwellings included in the Production/Storage/Auxiliary stratum.
1.The Board of Tax Assessors are given the option under this regulation to place the value of residential auxiliary buildings in this stratum or in the Production/Storage/Auxiliary stratum described in subparagraph (2)(f) of this Regulation.
2.This stratum does not include the land.
(b) Operating Utility - This stratum shall include all real and personal property of a public utility, tangible and intangible, utilized in the conduct of usual and ordinary business.
1.Real and personal property of a public utility not utilized in the conduct of usual and ordinary business shall be designated non-operating property and shall be included in the appropriate alternative strata.
(c) Lots - This stratum shall include all land where the market indicates the site is sold on a front footage or buildable unit basis rather than by acreage.
(d) Small Tracts - This stratum shall include all land that is normally described and appraised in terms of small acreage, which is of such size as to favor multiple uses.
(e) Large Tracts - This stratum shall include all land that is normally described and appraised in terms of large acreage, which is of such size as to limit multiple uses, e.g., cultivatable lands, pasture lands, timber lands, open lands, wastelands and wild lands.
1.The acreage breakpoint between small tracts and large tracts shall be designated by the Board of Tax Assessors as being that point where the market price per acre reflects distinct and pronounced change as the size of the tract changes. In the event this break point cannot easily be determined, the Board of Tax Assessors shall designate a reasonable break point not less than five (5) acres but not greater than twenty-five (25) acres.
(f) Production/Storage/Auxiliary - This stratum shall include those improvements auxiliary to residential or agricultural dwellings not included in the Improvements stratum described in subparagraph (2)(a) of this regulation and all improvements to land that are utilized by an agricultural unit for the storage or processing of agricultural products.
(g) Other Real - This stratum shall include leasehold interests, mineral rights, and all real property not otherwise defined in this paragraph.
(3) Beginning with all ad valorem tax returns received after January 1, 1993, all taxable personal property returned or assessed for county taxation shall be further stratified into the following strata:
(a) Aircraft - This stratum shall include all airplanes, rotorcraft and lighter-than-air vehicles, including airline flight equipment required to be returned to the State Revenue Commissioner.
(b) Boats - This stratum shall include all craft that are operated in and upon water. This stratum shall include the motors, but not the land transport vehicles.
(c) Inventory - This stratum shall include all raw materials, goods in process and finished goods. This stratum shall include all consumable supplies used in the process of manufacturing, distributing, storing or merchandising of goods and services. This stratum shall not include inventory receiving freeport exemption under O.C.G.A. § 48-5-48-2.

This stratum shall also include livestock and other agricultural products.

(d) Freeport Inventory - This stratum shall include all inventory receiving the Freeport exemption under O.C.G.A. Sec. 48-5-48-2 and 48-5-48.6.
(e) Furniture/Fixtures/Machinery/Equipment-This stratum shall include all fixtures, furniture, office equipment, computer software and hardware, production machinery, offroad vehicles, equipment, farm tools and implements, and tools and implements of trade of manual laborers.
(f) Other Personal - This stratum shall include all personal property not otherwise defined in this paragraph.

Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 560-11-2-.20

O.C.G.A. §§ 48-2-1, 48-2-7, 48-2-12, 48-5-16, 48-5-105, 48-5-269.

Original Rule entitled "Tangible Property Classifications - Ad Valorem Tax Returns" adopted. F. Nov. 8, 1972; eff. Nov. 28, 1972.
Repealed: New Rule entitled "Classification of Real and Personal Property on Individual Ad Valorem Tax Returns" adopted. F. June 9, 1989; eff. June 29, 1989.
Amended: F. Aug. 4, 1992; eff. Aug. 24, 1992.
Amended: F. May 9, 2011; eff. May 29, 2011.
Amended: F. Mar. 24, 2017; eff. Apr. 13, 2017.