Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 391-3-4-.08

Current through Rules and Regulations filed through October 17, 2024
Rule 391-3-4-.08 - Solid Waste Thermal Treatment Operations
(1) Except as otherwise noted in (2) below, any person engaged in thermal treatment technology of solid waste, in addition to the requirements of O.C.G.A. 12-8-24(i)relating to Federal New Source Performance Standards, shall comply with the following requirements:
(a) Design Criteria: a design and operational plan prepared as a part of the permit application must be prepared by a professional engineer registered in Georgia and must include, but is not limited to, the following criteria:
1. Capacity: the thermal treatment technology facility shall be adequate in size and capacity to manage the projected incoming solid waste and residue volumes.
2. Storage Time: the facility shall provide for a minimum storage capacity of not less than three (3) times the daily capacity of the thermal treatment technology equipment. No waste shall be stored in excess of the permitted capacity.
3. Types of Waste: the application must include the sources, types and weight or volumes of solid waste to be processed, including data on the moisture content of the waste, and information concerning special environmental pollution or handling problems that may be created by the solid waste.
4. Residue Analysis: the facility shall be designed in such a manner as to provide for such devices to expedite the routine sampling of bottom and fly ash.
5. Air Quality: the facility shall be designed in such manner as to meet any air quality standards of the Division.
6. Wastewater: the facility shall be designed so that any wastewater generated will be discharged to a wastewater system and, before final release, will be treated in a manner approved by the Division.
7. Fire Protection: facility design shall provide for fire control equipment placed near the storage and charging area, and elsewhere as needed, and additional fire fighting equipment shall be made available for emergencies.
8. Residue Acceptability: the facility shall provide for sufficient temperature and combustion times to produce a residue essentially free of odors and unstable organic matter.
(b) Construction Certification: upon receipt of a final and effective solid waste handling permit, construction may commence in accordance with the approved design and operational plan and permit conditions. Prior to the receipt of solid waste, the Division must be provided with written certification, by a professional engineer licensed to practice in Georgia, that the facility has been constructed in accordance with the approved permit. Unless notified otherwise by the Division within 15 days of receipt by the Division of the written certification, the facility owner or operator may commence disposal of solid waste.
(c) All persons owning or operating thermal treatment technology facilities shall comply with the following performance requirements:
1. Supervision: operation and management of thermal treatment technology facilities shall be under the direct supervision and control of an operator who is present at all times of operation and is qualified in thermal treatment technology management by training, education or experience and who, after July 1, 1992, is certified in accordance with O.C.G.A. 12-8-24.1 and these Rules.
2. Residue: temperature and combustion time shall be sufficient to produce a satisfactory residue, essentially free of odors and unstable organic matter, and such residue shall be promptly deposited in a municipal solid waste landfill having a liner and leachate collection system and operated and maintained as provided herein, handled in such other manner as may be approved by the Division, or if shown by testing to be hazardous, handled in accordance with the provisions of the Georgia Hazardous Waste Management Act, O.C.G.A. 12-8-60, et seq.
3. Waste Water: waste water shall be discharged into a waste water treatment system and, before final release, shall be treated in a manner approved by the Division.
4. Information Posted: signs shall be posted at the entrance to the plant indicating the days and hours of operation. Access to the plant shall be limited to those times when authorized personnel are on duty.
5. Cleanliness and Sanitation: plants shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. Solid waste shall be confined to the unloading area, which shall be maintained free of dust and nuisances. Accumulations of putrescible materials and rubbish shall be controlled in a manner so as to minimize odors and prevent infestation by insects or rodents, and insect and rodent control measures shall be applied as needed. Sanitary facilities shall be provided for employees and shall be kept clean and good repair.
6. Fire Control: fire control equipment shall be available near the storage area and charging area, and elsewhere as needed, and additional fire fighting equipment shall be made available for emergencies.
7. Sampling requirements: sampling of ash residues must be conducted at frequencies and in such a manner as prescribed below:
(i) Prior to the initial disposal of ash or residue from a facility.
(ii) At a minimum, monthly for the first six (6) months of operations at the facility, and annually during the remaining life of the facility.
(iii) A sampling and analysis plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Director.
(iv) Fly ash and bottom ash shall be sampled and analyzed separately.
8. Prohibited Waste: no lead acid batteries, radioactive waste, or regulated quantities of hazardous waste may be accepted. The operator must have a plan for excluding these wastes.
9. Record Keeping: accurate written, daily records by actual weight or by the methods approved in accordance with O.C.G.A. 12-8-31.1(g)shall be kept of all waste received at the thermal treatment facility. Copies of such records shall be maintained for a period of at least three (3) years and shall be made available to the Division upon request.
10. Additional Stipulations: notwithstanding the above, additional stipulations for owning or operating a thermal treatment facility may be imposed by the Director as deemed necessary to carry out the purposes of O.C.G.A. 12-8-20, et seq.
(2) Any person engaged in the operation of an Air Curtain Destructor (ACD) shall comply with the following requirements: for purposes of these Rules, an "Air Curtain Destructor" means a forced air pit thermal treatment technology for the burning of wood wastes.
(a) Design Criteria: a design and operational plan prepared as a part of the permit application must be prepared by a professional engineer registered in Georgia and must include, but is not limited to, the following criteria:
1. Location: the ACD must be at least 500 feet from any occupied dwelling. The distance may increased or decreased on a site-specific basis at the discretion of the Division.
2. Storage: areas for storing wastes prior to treatment must be clearly defined and maximum capacity specified.
3. Types of Wastes: only wood wastes consisting of trees, logs, brush, stumps relatively free of soil, and natural wood products free of wood preserving chemicals, paints, and other contaminants may be burned. Fallen leaves, sawdust, other densely packed wood wastes, and paper (any type) may not be burned.
4. Air Quality: the facility shall be designed in such a manner as to meet applicable air quality standards of the Division. No smoke emissions exceeding 20 percent opacity may be produced during operation except for a specified ignition period.
5. Disposal of Ash and Residue: ash and residue shall be removed from the facility, handled as a recovered material or and disposed in a permitted facility.
6. Fire Protection: facility design shall provide for fire control equipment placed near the storage and ACD area. Additional fire fighting equipment shall be made available for emergencies.
(b) Construction Certification: upon receipt of a final and effective solid waste handling permit, construction may commence in accordance with the approved design and operational plan and permit conditions. Prior to the receipt of solid waste, the Division must be provided with written certification, by a professional engineer licensed to practice in Georgia, that the facility has been constructed in accordance with the approved permit. Unless notified otherwise by the Division within 15 days of receipt by the Division of the written certification, the facility owner or operator may commence disposal of solid waste.
(c) All persons owning or operating an air curtain destructor shall comply with the following performance requirements:
1. Supervision: operation and management of air curtain destructors shall be under the direct supervision and control of an operator who is present at all times of operation and is qualified in air curtain distracter management by training, education or experience and who, after July 1, 1992, is certified in accordance with O.C.G.A. 12-8-24.1 and these Rules.
2. Residue: temperature and combustion time shall be sufficient to produce a satisfactory residue, and such residue shall be promptly deposited in a landfill operated and maintained as provided herein or handled in such other manner as may be allowed by these Rules. Ashes may not be allowed to build up on the combustion pit to higher than one-third the pit depth to the point where combustion is impeded, whichever comes first.
3. Access: facility access shall be restricted to prohibit unauthorized storage or disposal of wastes and to prevent injury during ACD operation.
4. Inspection and Maintenance: the ACD and all operating appurtenances must be routinely inspected and adequately maintained to ensure proper working order. Storage areas must be inspected and maintained to exclude unauthorized wastes and minimize any fire hazard.
(d) No ACD may burn any household waste or yard trimmings.

Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 391-3-4-.08

Ga. L. 1972, p. 1002, as amended; O.C.G.A. §§ 12-8-20, et seq., 12-8-23.

Original Rule was filed on September 19, 1974; effective October 9, 1974.
Amended: Rule retitled "Incineration and Pyrolysis Operations." F. Jun. 9, 1989; eff. Jun. 29, 1989.
Amended: Rule retitled "Solid Waste Thermal Treatment Operations." F. Sept. 4, 1991; eff. Sept. 24, 1991.
Amended: F. Jun. 7, 1993; eff. Jun. 27, 1993.
Amended: F. Oct. 7, 1993; eff. Oct. 27, 1993.
Amended: F. Mar. 8, 2018; eff. Mar. 28, 2018.
Amended: F. July 17, 2023; eff. Aug. 6, 2023.