Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 120-2-2-.13

Current through Rules and Regulations filed through October 2, 2024
Rule 120-2-2-.13 - Form and Content of Filed Documents; Privacy Protections for Filings
1.Necessary Information. A filed document must state clearly:
a. the name of the Department;
b. the name of the adjudication;
c. the name and designation (such as "applicant" "petitioner," or "respondent") of the filing party;
d. the type of filing (e.g., petition, notice, motion to dismiss, etc.);
e. any assigned docket number of the case; and
f. the filing party's or other filing person's address, telephone number, fax number (if any), and email address (if any).
a. All filed documents created by a party must:
i. be 8 by 11 inches in size except, when necessary, tables, charts, and other attachments may be larger if folded to the size of the filed documents to which they are physically attached;
ii. be only on one side of the page and be typewritten, printed, or otherwise reproduced in permanent and plainly legible form;
iii. be double-spaced except for footnotes and long quotations, which may be single-spaced;
iv. have a left margin of at least 11/2 inches and other margins of at least 1 inch; and
v. be bound on the left side, if bound.
b. Illegible documents will not be accepted.
c. All documents must be in the English language or, if in a foreign language, accompanied by an authenticated English translation.
3.Confidentiality and Privacy Protections.
a. Unless the Department orders otherwise, in an electronic or paper filing with the Department that contains an individual's social-security number, driver's license number, passport number, taxpayer-identification number, birthdate, an individual's mother's maiden name, the name of an individual known to be a minor, an individual's physical or email address, an individual's telephone number, or a financial-account or credit-card number, a party or nonparty making the filing may include only
i. the last four digits of any social-security number and any taxpayer-identification number;
ii. the year of an individual's birth;
iii. the first letter of an individual's mother's maiden name;
iv. the city, state, and country of an individual's physical address;
v. a minor's initials; and
vi. the last four digits of the financial-account or credit-card number.
b. The redaction requirement under this subsection does not apply to the record of a court or other tribunal, if that record was not subject to a redaction requirement when Originally filed.
c. The Adjudicator may order that a filing be made under seal with or without redaction. The Adjudicator may later unseal the filing or may order the person who made the filing to file a redacted version for the public administrative record. The Department must retain the unredacted copy as part of the administrative record.
d. For good cause, the Adjudicator may order redaction of additional information, including national security, business-proprietary, medical, or other sensitive personal information.
e. A person waives the protection of this subsection as to the person's own information by filing it without redaction and not under seal.
4.Signature. The original of every filed document must be signed by the submitting party or its attorney or other authorized representative of record. Except as otherwise provided, filed documents need not be verified or accompanied by an affidavit. The signature constitutes a certification by the signing person that (s)he has read the filed document, that to the best of her/his knowledge, information, and belief the statements made therein are true, that it is not interposed for delay, and that it complies with this rule.

Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 120-2-2-.13

O.C.G.A. § 33-2-9et seq.

Original Rule entitled "Renewal Licenses" was filed and effective on July 20, 1965.
Amended: Filed February 7, 1975; effective February 27, 1975.
Amended: Rule repealed and a new Rule of the same title adopted. Filed May 5, 1981; effective June 1, 1981, as specified by Agency.
Amended: Rule repealed and a new Rule of the same title adopted. Filed January 17, 1989; effective February 15, 1989, as specified by the Agency.
Editor's Note: In accordance with Ga. Laws 1967, p. 618, Ga. Code Ann., Section 3A-124, the content of this Rule is not filed with or published by the Secretary of State; only the name and designation is filed, printed, and distributed. This Regulation is on file in the office of the Comptroller General and is open for public examination and copying. (See Editor's Note, p. 88.03.)
Repealed: New Rule entitled "Form and Content of Filed Documents; Privacy Protections for Filings" adopted. F. Dec. 13, 2019; eff. Jan. 1, 2020, as specified by the Agency.