Fla. Admin. Code R. 62D-2.014

Current through Reg. 50, No. 187; September 24, 2024
Section 62D-2.014 - Activities and Recreation
(1) Regulation of Recreation Activities. The Division, in furtherance of the policy and intent of Chapter 258, F.S., may prohibit or regulate any activity that lessens the safety or recreational experience of the visiting public or lessens the natural or cultural value of the park. Except as provided herein, all recreational activities will occur at such locations as designated for specific uses by the Division.
(2) Park Entrance Rules and User Fees.
(a) Entering State Park Property. Entering or leaving any state park property except through the designated entrance points (except in emergency cases) is prohibited. No person may enter a state park property for the purpose of using the resources or facilities therein without paying the appropriate fee, if any, in effect at the time for that park property. A full stop shall be made at the Ranger Station when entering a state park.
(b) Fees. Admission fees shall be waived by authorized Division personnel for representatives of any government agency and for salesmen, tradesmen or other individuals who will benefit the park or state park system and who present proper identification. Admission fees shall also be waived for:
1. Children under six years of age,
2. Patients of Florida State Mental Institutions and clients of the Department of Juvenile Justice and the Department of Children and Family Services, and other similar institutions which are fully funded by federal, state, or local government, when such patients and/or clients are part of an organized group or program under the sponsorship and supervision of their respective institutions or parent agencies,
3. Florida school groups, including vocational schools, colleges and universities, accompanied by one or more teachers, and bearing a letter from the school principal, professor or other appropriate official, certifying that the park visit is related to a specific school curriculum and is for educational purposes rather than a purely recreational outing,
4. Division employees and their families,
5. The Division also offers a fifty percent discount on base camping fees to Florida citizens who are at least 65 years of age or Florida citizens possessing a current Social Security disability award certificate or proof of a 100% disability award from the Federal government or other acceptable proof of 100% disability.
(c) The Division Director shall recommend standard admission and other park fees, taking into consideration the following factors:
1. User demand,
2. Location of the park, including distance from major metropolitan areas,
3. Cost of managing and operating the park,
4. Type of facilities available,
5. Season; and,
6. Natural and historic resource values of the park.
(d) User fees shall become effective after they are advertised in a general statewide news release, and, if requested, reviewed at a public hearing, and approved in writing by the Secretary of the Department. Copies of the current fee schedule may be obtained from State Park offices or by writing to the Division at MS #500, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000.
(3) Traffic Control. Authorized law enforcement officers and park personnel shall direct traffic in parks and on roads adjacent thereto as conditions warrant. All persons shall comply with lawful orders, signals, and direction of such officers and personnel. All persons shall observe and comply with posted traffic control devices and signs.
(4) Speed of Vehicles in Parks. No person shall drive a vehicle at a speed greater than is reasonable or prudent, having due regard for the surface, width and condition of paving and the traffic thereon, particularly when near children or bicyclists. Speed shall not exceed 25 miles per hour, and at the more congested centers and near park buildings, beaches, campgrounds, and picnic and play areas, it shall not exceed 15 miles per hour or as otherwise posted.
(5) Restriction to Roads. No person shall drive any vehicle on any area except designated roads, parking areas, or other such designated areas.
(6) Parking. All vehicles shall be parked only in established parking areas or in such other areas and at such times as the Division may designate.
(7) Bathing and Swimming.
(a) No individual shall swim, bathe, or wade in any waters at such places designated as prohibited for such activity by the Division. All such activities shall be in compliance with this chapter.
(b) In every area of a park including bathing areas no individual shall expose the human, male or female genitals, pubic area, the entire buttocks or female breast below the top of the nipple, with less than a fully opaque covering.
(8) Boating.
(a) No person shall operate watercraft regardless of means of propulsion upon any park watercourse, bay, lagoon, lake, canal, pond, slough, or those sovereign submerged lands lying within 400 feet of the Mean High Water or Ordinary High Water Line within the riparian lines of any state park unit in places designated by the Division as closed for such purposes.
(b) No watercraft shall be launched into or removed from any park waters, except at places designated for such purpose by the Division.
(c) No person shall moor, anchor or tie up to any buoy, marker, bank or any wharf, dock, tree, building or other object or structure on the bank, any watercraft of any kind in waters within or contiguous to park areas within one hundred feet of the shoreline, in areas designated by the Division as closed for such purposes. This restriction does not apply to vessels of a law enforcement agency of a local, state, or federal government.
(d) No person other than a Division employee or a concessionaire of the Division shall rent or hire, for profit or charge, any kind of watercraft in any park waters. Nor shall any watercraft operating for hire or carrying passengers for a fee, or contemplating such, land or receive such passengers at any dock, wharf or anchorage within jurisdiction of the Division except by permit. Permits shall be issued only when no concession agreement exists or when the concessionaire does not wish to provide the services requested. Permits shall be issued when it is determined by the Division that the request to provide this service would not adversely affect park resources, would be consistent with park management practices as stated in Sections 258.004, 258.007, 258.017 and 258.037, F.S., and would provide a needed visitor service. Permits shall be applied for in the same manner as in subsection 62D-2.013(7), F.A.C., herein.
(e) No person operating passenger launches or excursion boats from outside the parks that are for rent or hire or carrying passengers for money shall land or anchor or tie up in any park without first having applied for and received a permit from the Division. Permits shall be issued when it is determined by the Division that the request to provide this service would not adversely affect park resources, would be consistent with park management practices as stated in Sections 258.004, 258.007, 258.017 and 258.037, F.S., and would provide a needed visitor service. Permits shall be applied for in the same manner as in subsection 62D-2.013(7), F.A.C., herein. All persons operating such watercraft shall be subject to all Division boating rules.
(9) Fishing.
(a) Fishing is allowed in park waters, by any legal method, except where prohibited by the Division and under the provisions of this chapter. Any device which is employed to remove, capture, or attempt to capture fish in any waters closed to fishing or any device otherwise used in violation of this chapter shall be seized and confiscated by law enforcement officers.
(b) Under the provisions of this chapter commercial fishing for food and bait fish is allowed in the John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park, St. Lucie Inlet State Park and those sovereign submerged lands lying within 400 feet of the Mean High Water or Ordinary High Water Line within the riparian lines of any state park unit under Division jurisdiction, except as prohibited in subsection 62D-2.014(1), F.A.C.
(c) All fishing in John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park is subject to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Rule 68B-5.002, F.A.C., and provisions of Chapter 62D-2, F.A.C.
(d) Spearfishing is prohibited in all state parks.
(10) Hunting and Firearms. Hunting, trapping or the pursuit of wildlife is prohibited on all state park property, except in Reserves, as authorized by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Weapons shall at all times be in possession of a responsible party or properly secured within or to a vehicle or temporary housing, which shall include motor homes, travel trailers, recreational vehicles, campers, tents, or other enclosed structures, while in state parks. Properly secured means the weapon shall be locked away and not accessible to minors, and if in a tent means the weapon shall be secured in a locked container. No person shall use or openly display in any state park weapons such as firearms of any type, air rifles, spring guns, cross bows, bows and arrows, gigs (except in areas where gigs may be legally used for saltwater fishing), sling shots, electronic weapons, devices which fire a dart or projectile, or any other forms of weapons or trapping devices potentially dangerous to wildlife or human safety except when such weapons or traps are used for resource management purposes as authorized in this subsection. Shooting weapons into park areas from beyond park boundaries is prohibited. The Division may authorize the control of nuisance animals and may remove all nuisance or exotic animals from parks by trapping and other necessary means for park resource management purposes. Such authorization shall be in the form of a letter of authorization, license, permit, or contract negotiated by the parties or made pursuant to an advertised bid by the Division. Authorization may be obtained in the same manner as stated in subsection 62D-2.013(7), F.A.C., herein.
(11) Subleases of Certain Properties. The Division may sublease certain properties, or portions thereof, to other state, county or local governmental agencies for management purposes subject to approval by the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund in accordance with Section 253.034(4), F.S. The terms and conditions of the sublease shall control the use and management of the property.
(12) Alcoholic Beverages. Consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited except in restaurants and lodges that provide sales of such alcohol, and during park-sanctioned events such as special events, within designated areas only.
(13) Domestic Animals.
(a) Domestic animals shall be regulated in parks at any time when appropriate to enhance the recreational experience of other visitors or to protect the parks' resources.
(b) Domestic breeds of dogs, cats and other fur-bearing pets, except dog guides, service dogs and nonhuman primates of the genus Cebus, which are trained and registered for assisting the physically impaired, shall be excluded from the following places in a park: food-service areas, designated camping areas, cabins, bathing and swimming areas including land and water portions, park buildings, playgrounds, and other designated areas. Pets are permitted in all other areas subject to the following restrictions:
1. All pets must be confined, leashed, or otherwise under the physical control of a person at all times. Leashes may not exceed six feet in length. This rule does not apply to horses and pack animals brought in for equestrian trail use.
2. Pets must be well behaved at all times. Pets must be confined in the owner's camping unit during designated quiet hours. Unconfined pets may not be left unattended for more than 30 minutes and must be leashed.
3. Pet owners shall pick up after their pets and properly dispose of all pet droppings in trash receptacles.
4. Pets which are noisy, vicious, dangerous, disturbing or intimidating to other persons, and pets which damage park resources are considered to be nuisances and will not be permitted to remain in the park.
(c) Camping areas and other park areas will be evaluated, as to the suitability of pets, on a periodic basis. Areas of the park designated as prohibited for pets shall be determined based on park natural and cultural resources, primary recreational activities, camper and pet health and safety, geographical location and layout of camping areas, and the ability to provide a quality recreational experience for all visitors.
(14) Merchandising. No person shall offer for sale any article or material, nor place any stand, cart, or vehicle for the transportation, sale or display of any article or material for sale within any state park unless authorized by the Division. Authorization shall be issued when park resources are not adversely affected, existing contractual relationships are not impaired, a needed visitor service is provided, and the activity would be consistent with park management practices as stated in Sections 258.004, 258.007, 258.017 and 258.037, F.S. Authorizations may be obtained in the same manner as stated in subsection 62D-2.013(7), F.A.C., herein.
(15) Aircraft. No person operating or responsible for any aircraft, glider, balloon, parachute, or other aerial apparatus shall cause any such apparatus to take off from or land in any park except in an emergency when human life is endangered or where a designated landing facility may exist on park property.
(16) Hours.
(a) The opening and closing hours for each park shall be posted. No person shall remain in any park after closing unless properly registered as an overnight visitor or in possession of a valid after hours permit from the Division or park manager. Said permits may be obtained from the park office where such after hours use is offered.
(b) The Division, in furtherance of the park management practices as stated in Sections 258.004, 258.007, 258.017 and 258.037, F.S., may close any park or section thereof to the public at any time and for any interval of time, either temporarily or at regular stated intervals and either entirely or only for certain uses. Park closures will be used to provide visitor and employee safety, resource protection, operational efficiency, and facility maintenance. No person shall remain in any closed park or section thereof, unless authorized by the Division or park manager, or their delegee. Verbal authorization shall be granted by the Division, the park manager, or their delegee, when it is in the best interest of the park, or of the person remaining in the closed area, for safety, protection, construction, or restoration purposes.
(17) Photography. Private and commercial photography are allowed in state parks, except that commercial photography, such as motion picture productions, shall require a contract with the Division if they will disrupt normal park operations, adversely impact the park's resources, or disrupt the public's normal enjoyment of the park. Such activities shall be designed to avoid alteration of an irreplaceable natural resource, taking of a threatened or endangered species, or disruption of wildlife habitat, foraging, nesting or resting areas. The terms of the contract shall be negotiated with the Division and must result in a net positive benefit to the park, including reasonable compensation for use of public lands. This subsection is not intended to, and shall not, impair any constitutional right of free speech.
(18) Free Speech Activities. Free speech activities include, but are not limited to, public speaking, performances, distribution of printed material, displays, and signs. Free speech activities do not include activities for commercial purposes. Any persons engaging in such activities can determine what restrictions as to time, place, and manner may apply, in any particular situation, by contacting the park manager. Free speech activities shall not create a safety hazard or interfere with any other park visitor's enjoyment of the park's natural or cultural experience. The park manager will determine the suitability of place and manner based on park visitor use patterns and other visitor activities occurring at the time of the free speech activity.

Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 62D-2.014

Rulemaking Authority 258.007(2) FS. Law Implemented 258.004, 258.007(1), (2), (3) 258.014, 258.016, 258.017, 258.037 FS., Ch. 2006-103, Laws of Florida.

New 4-16-96, Amended 4-14-98, 12-19-99, 10-29-03, 4-30-07.

New 4-16-96, Amended 4-14-98, 12-19-99, 10-29-03, 4-30-07.