Fla. Admin. Code R. 62B-56.150

Current through Reg. 50, No. 202; October 15, 2024
Section 62B-56.150 - General Conditions for Reconstructed Dune Permit
(1) The following general permit conditions shall apply, unless superseded by the Department or modified by the permit as a special permit condition:
(a) The responsible entity shall perform all construction activities in accordance with the plans and specifications that were approved by the Department. Any deviations without written approval from the Department shall be grounds for suspension of the work or revocation of the permit pursuant to section 120.60(5), F.S., and rule 62B-56.160, F.A.C., and shall result in assessment of administrative fines, as described in rule 62B-54.002, F.A.C., or issuance of an order to alter or remove the unauthorized work, or both. No other construction or activities shall be conducted. No modifications to project size, location, or structural design are authorized without prior written approval from the Department. A copy of the Notice to Proceed shall be conspicuously displayed at the project site. Approved plans shall be available for inspection by a Department representative.
(b) The responsible entity shall use extreme care during construction to prevent any adverse impacts to the beach-dune system, native coastal vegetation, nesting state or federally threatened or endangered species, and nesting marine turtles and their hatchlings, or adjacent property and structures.
(c) The responsible entity shall allow any duly identified and authorized member of the Department to access the project site to document compliance with the terms of the permit and with the rules of the Department.
(d) The responsible entity shall hold and save the State of Florida, the Department, and its officers and employees harmless from any damages, no matter how occasioned and no matter what the amount, to persons or property that might result from the construction or activity authorized under the permit and from any and all claims and judgments resulting from such damages.
(e) Construction activity authorized by this permit shall not begin until:
1. The time provided in the public notice for the public to exercise any rights, given under chapter 120, F.S., has expired, or if a hearing is requested, final disposition of the hearing request has been made.
2. A Notice to Proceed placard has been issued by the Department. The issuance of the placard acknowledges that the permit holder has met the permit conditions and rule requirements applicable prior to the pre-construction conference described below. Prior to issuance of a notice to proceed with construction, the permit holder must submit, where applicable, and the Department must accept the following documents: proof of publication of the public notice pursuant to subsection 62B-56.070(3), F.A.C.; proof of the recording of the permit and the permit conditions with the clerk of the county court pursuant to subsection 62B-56.070(6), F.A.C.; executed financial assurance forms pursuant to rule 62B-56.090, F.A.C.; incidental take permit(s), as defined in rule 62B-56.020, F.A.C.; and other permits, licenses, agreements or approvals specified in the special permit conditions.
3. A preconstruction conference has been held on site with the contractor, the responsible entity, or agent and a field representative of the Department to establish a mutual understanding of the items specified in the special and general conditions of the permit. The locations of all proposed structures and construction limits shall be staked out prior to the conference; and,
4. Measures have been taken that provide maximum protection to the coastal system, native coastal vegetation, nesting state or federally threatened or endangered species, and nesting marine turtles and their hatchlings, public access, and adjacent properties, including installation of temporary construction fencing, and designation of access and vehicle/equipment storage areas, as required.
(f) All imported sand shall meet the definition of beach quality sand in rule 62B-56.020, F.A.C., and be obtained from a source landward of the Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL). Prior to the sand placement authorized by this permit, the permittee shall provide the Department's field representative with three benchmark samples of sand used in completing Form 62B-56.900(3), entitled "Sand Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan" (effective date 6-22-09), which is incorporated by reference. Copies of forms may be obtained by writing to the Department of Environmental Protection, 2600 Blairstone Road, MS 3522, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400; or at the following website: www.dep.state.fl.us/beaches. One sample shall be retained by the Department's field representative, one by the permittee and one will remain on site, for permit compliance.
(g) Sand excavated seaward of the CCCL shall remain on site seaward of the CCCL and be placed in the immediate area of construction unless otherwise specifically authorized by the Department. Beach scraping is prohibited.
(h) All construction debris shall be removed and disposed at a location landward of the CCCL.
(i) Extreme care is to be exercised to ensure minimal disturbance of existing vegetation during construction. Protection of existing native vegetation, planting of reconstructed dunes and revegetation during maintenance of a reconstructed dune or following the removal of a dune core shall meet the following requirements:
1. Prior to construction, a Department representative shall determine, using best horticultural practices, the feasibility of transplanting disturbed native vegetation to suitable bare areas seaward of the CCCL. All transplanted vegetation shall be maintained, irrigated and/or fertilized to ensure a seventy-five percent survival rate for a minimum of one growing season.
2. Disturbed vegetated areas, seaward of the CCCL are to be stabilized by planting a minimum of eighty percent of the area with native salt-tolerant, sand-stabilizing perennial grasses indigenous to the native plant communities existing on or near the site. Plantings shall include a mix of a minimum of three plant species indigenous to the project shoreline, including; perennial grasses such as sea oats (Uniola paniculata); beach panicum (Panicum amarum); marsh hay cordgrass (Spartina patens); or other sand stabilizing native species approved by the Department and grown from stock indigenous to the region in which the project is located.
3. Soil stabilizing native grasses are to be spaced throughout the project area in staggered rows a maximum distance of 18 inches on center for four inch wide root balls or smaller plugs, or up to 36 inches on center for one-gallon size planting units. Grass planting units are to be planted a minimum of six inches deep with slow-release pelletized fertilizer in the planting holes. All planting units shall be fertilized and watered-in at the time of installation and thereafter irrigated and fertilized as necessary to meet the following survival criteria. Within 180 days, a minimum eighty percent overall survival rate of the planting units must be established, eighty percent of the planted area covered with the grass species and no shore parallel gaps present. Plants shall be considered to be healthy and surviving if they show clearly vigorous rhizomes and white, turgid roots. Survival rates shall be determined by observing a minimum of 24 healthy out of 30 randomly selected, planting units. All deficient areas shall be replanted and the plantings maintained until the above success criterion are met.
4. Irrigation systems are to be designed, installed and maintained to avoid interference with nesting species. Irrigation pipes shall be buried and maintained a minimum of three inches below the surface. Irrigation shall be directed away from nesting species. Irrigation systems and other structures placed during plant installation shall be removed after the plantings are established.
5. The reconstructed dunes are to be protected from foot traffic or other encroachments. Signs, rope and bollard barriers, or sand fencing shall be constructed and maintained as necessary to prevent trampling of vegetation, erosion of the dune feature, and to protect nesting state and federal endangered and threatened species. Such signs, ropes, barriers, and sand fencing shall not interfere with established public access.
(j) If not specifically authorized elsewhere in the permit, no construction activities including the installation of construction fences, and no operation, transportation, or storage of equipment or materials are authorized within or seaward of nesting species habitats during the nesting seasons of state and federally threatened or endangered species.
(k) If not specifically authorized in the permit, no temporary lighting of the construction area is authorized at any time during the marine turtle nesting season.
(l) The responsible entity shall immediately inform the Bureau of any change of mailing address of the responsible entity and any authorized agent.
(m) The responsible entity shall submit to the Bureau monthly periodic progress reports beginning at the start of construction and continuing until all construction and restoration work has been completed. Reports shall be certified by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Florida. The engineer shall certify that as of the date of each report all construction has been performed in compliance with the plans and project description approved as a part of the permit and with all conditions of the permit, or shall specify any deviation from the plans, project description, or conditions of the permit. The report shall include photographic documentation of site conditions and state the percent of completion of the project and each major individual component. The reports shall be provided to the Bureau using Form 62B-56.900(9) entitled "Periodic Progress Report" (effective date 6-22-09), which is incorporated by reference. Copies of forms may be obtained by writing to the Department of Environmental Protection, 2600 Blairstone Road, MS 3522, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400; or at the following website: www.dep.state.fl.us/beaches.
(n) Within 30 days of construction completion, the responsible entity shall submit two copies of a signed and sealed as-built survey and a completed Form 62B-56.900(6), entitled "Final Construction Certification of Reconstructed Dune" (effective date 6-22-09), both prepared pursuant to rule 62B-56.140, F.A.C., of this chapter. This form is incorporated by reference. Copies of forms may be obtained by writing to the Department of Environmental Protection, 2600 Blairstone Road, MS 3522, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400; or at the following website: www.dep.state.fl.us/beaches.
(o) Continuous sand coverage of at least three feet of sand shall be maintained over the dune core and stabilized with native beach-dune vegetation unless otherwise specified by state or federal habitat protection requirements.
(p) Following conversion to the maintenance phase, the responsible entity shall submit to the Bureau annual reports, as required by the permit or by chapter 62B-56, F.A.C. The completed reports shall be provided to the Bureau using Form 62B-56.900(8), entitled "Maintenance Inspection Report" (effective date 6-22-09), which is incorporated by reference. Copies of forms may be obtained by writing to the Department of Environmental Protection, 2600 Blairstone Road, MS 3522, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400; or at the following website: www.dep.state.fl.us/beaches.
(q) Authorization for construction is based on an engineering review and assessment of the design and anticipated performance and impact of the structure as a complete unit. Construction of anything less than the complete structure, as approved by the Department, is not authorized and may result in the issuance of an order to remove the partially constructed structure. Modifications to the project size, location, or structural design will be processed by the Department in accordance with rule 62B-56.110, F.A.C., and shall require payment of the major modification fee.
(2) This permit does not authorize excavation, construction, or other physical activity on or encroaching on the sovereignty land of Florida. Authorization may be obtained from the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund.
(3) The responsible entity shall inform the Bureau of any impending change in its legal status pursuant to subsection 62B-56.050(4), F.A.C., and within 30 days prior to the effect of the change, present documentation of how its legal responsibilities for the permit will be maintained.
(4) The requirements set forth in this chapter, and the permit shall apply, unless a more stringent requirement is contained in any associated Incidental Take Permit.
(5) Any permit issued under this rule does not exempt any party from complying with the applicable requirements of federal, state, county, or municipal law.
(6) This permit does not authorize trespass onto other property.

Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 62B-56.150

Rulemaking Authority 161.053(20), 161.085(5) FS. Law Implemented 161.053(2), (4), 161.085(9) FS.

New 6-22-09.

New 6-22-09.