Fla. Admin. Code R. 61B-33.002

Current through Reg. 50, No. 187; September 24, 2024
Section 61B-33.002 - Recall of One or More Directors of a Board of Administration at a Member Meeting; Board Certification; Filling Vacancies
(1) Calling a Recall Meeting. Ten percent of the voting interests of a homeowners' association created pursuant to Section 723.075, F.S., may call a meeting of the members to recall one or more directors of the association's board by giving notice as specified in subsection (2) below.
(2) Noticing a Recall Meeting.
(a) Signature List. Prior to noticing a members' meeting to recall one or more directors of the board, a list shall be circulated for the purpose of obtaining signatures of not less than 10 percent of the voting interests. The signature list shall:
1. State that the purpose for obtaining signatures is to call a meeting of the members to recall one or more directors of the board;
2. State that replacement directors shall be elected at the meeting, if a majority or more of the existing directors are successfully recalled at the meeting; and,
3. Contain lines for the voting interest to fill in his or her mobile home lot number, signature and date of signature.
(b) Recall Meeting Notice. The recall meeting notice shall:
1. State that the purpose of the members' meeting is to recall one or more directors of the board and, if a majority or more of the board is subject to recall, the notice shall also state that an election to replace recalled directors will be conducted at the meeting;
2. List by name each director sought to be recalled at the meeting, even if all directors are sought to be recalled;
3. Specify a person, other than a director subject to recall at the meeting, who shall determine whether a quorum is present, call the meeting to order, preside, and proceed as provided in paragraph (3)(b) of this rule;
4. List at least as many eligible persons who are willing to be candidates for replacement directors as there are directors sought to be recalled, in those cases where a majority or more of the board is sought to be recalled. Candidates for replacement directors shall not be listed when a minority of the board is sought to be recalled, as the remaining directors may appoint replacements. In addition, the notice must state that nominations for replacement directors may be taken from the floor at the meeting;
5. Have attached to it a copy of the signature list referred to in paragraph (2)(a) above;
6. Be mailed or delivered to all members as required in the governing documents for a meeting of the members; and,
7. Be delivered to the board at least 10 days prior to the recall meeting. The notice shall become an official record of the association upon actual receipt by the board.
(3) Recall Meeting; Electing Replacements.
(a) Date for Recall Meeting. A recall meeting shall be held not less than 10 days nor more than 20 days from the date when the notice of the recall meeting is mailed or delivered.
(b) Conducting the Recall Meeting. After determining that a quorum exists (proxies may be used to establish a quorum) and the meeting is called to order, the voting interests shall proceed as follows:
1. A representative to receive pleadings (e.g., copies of a petition for recall arbitration, motions), notices, or other papers on behalf of the recalling members shall be elected or designated by the presiding officer in the event the board disputes the recall.
2. A person to record the minutes of the recall meeting, who shall not be a board director subject to recall at that meeting, shall be elected or designated by the presiding officer.
3. The requirements of this subsection do not prohibit the voting interests from electing one person to perform one or more of these functions.
(c) Recall Meeting Minutes. The minutes of the recall meeting shall:
1. Record the date and time the recall meeting was called to order and adjourned;
2. Record the name or names of the person or persons chosen as the presiding officer, the recorder of the official minutes, and the member representative's name and address;
3. Record the vote count taken on each director of the board sought to be recalled;
4. State whether the recall was effective as to each director sought to be recalled;
5. Record the vote count taken on each candidate to replace the directors subject to recall and, if applicable, the specific seat each replacement director was elected to, in those cases where a majority or more of the existing board was subject to recall; and,
6. Be delivered to the board, and upon such delivery to the board become an official record of the association.
(d) Separate Recall Vote. The voting interests shall vote to recall each director separately.
(e) Filling Vacancies. When the voting interests have recalled one or more directors at a members' meeting, the following provisions apply regarding the filling of vacancies on the board:
1. If less than a majority of the existing board is recalled at the meeting, no election of replacement directors shall be conducted at the members' meeting as the existing board may, in its discretion, fill these vacancies, subject to the provisions of Section 723.078(2)(i), F.S., by the affirmative vote of the remaining directors. In the alternative, if less than a majority of the existing board is recalled at the members meeting, the board may call and conduct an election to fill a vacancy or vacancies;
2. If a majority or more of the existing board is recalled at the meeting, an election shall be conducted at the recall meeting to fill vacancies on the board occurring as a result of recall. The voting interests may vote to elect replacement directors in an amount equal to the number of recalled directors.
(f) Taking Office. When a majority or more of the board is recalled at a members' meeting, replacement directors shall take office:
1. Upon the expiration of five full business days after adjournment of the members' recall meeting, if the board fails to hold its board meeting to determine whether to certify the recall within five full business days of the adjournment of the members' recall meeting; or
2. Upon the expiration of five full business days after adjournment of the board meeting to determine whether to certify the recall, if the board fails to certify the recall and fails to file a petition for arbitration; or
3. Upon certification of the recall by the board; or
4. Upon certification of the recall by the arbitrator, in accordance with subparagraph (5)(b)4. of this rule, if the board files a petition for recall arbitration.
(g) After adjournment of the meeting to recall one or more members of the board of administration:
1. Any rescission of an individual member's vote or any additional votes received in regard to the recall shall be ineffective.
2. Where the board determines not to certify the recall of a director and that director resigns, any appointment to fill the resulting vacancy shall be temporary pending the arbitration decision.
(4) Substantial compliance with the provisions of subsections (1), (2) and (3) of this rule shall be required for the effective recall of one or more directors of the board.
(5) Board Meeting Concerning a Recall at a Meeting of the Members; Filling Vacancies. The board shall properly notice the board meeting at which it will determine whether to certify (i.e., to validate or accept) the recall of one or more directors at a members' meeting. It shall be presumed that recall of one or more directors at a members' meeting shall not, in and of itself, constitute grounds for an emergency meeting of the board, if the board has been provided notice of the recall meeting as provided in subparagraph (2)(b)7. of this rule.
(a) Certified Recall. If the recall of one or more directors by vote at a members' meeting is certified by the board, the recall shall be effective upon certification, and the following provisions apply:
1. Each recalled director shall return to the board all association records in his or her possession within five full business days after adjournment of the board meeting at which the recall was certified.
2. If less than a majority of the existing board is recalled in a certified recall, a vacancy or vacancies on the board may be filled by the affirmative vote of a majority of the remaining board members, subject to the provisions of Section 723.078(2)(i), F.S., regardless of whether the authority to fill vacancies in this manner is provided in the governing documents. No recalled director shall be appointed by the board to fill any vacancy on the board. A director appointed pursuant to this rule shall fill the vacancy for the unexpired term of the seat being filled. If the board determines not to fill vacancies by vote of the remaining directors or if it is unable to fill vacancies in this manner (e.g., if there is a tie vote on the proposed replacement director, if a quorum is not obtained, or otherwise), the board may, in its discretion, call and hold an election in the manner provided by Section 723.078(2)(d), F.S., in which case any person elected shall fill the entire remaining term.
3. If a majority or more of the board is recalled in a certified recall, those replacement directors elected at the recall meeting shall take office upon adjournment of the board meeting at which it was determined to certify the recall. A director who is elected to fill a vacancy caused by recall shall fill the vacancy for the unexpired term of the seat being filled.
(b) Non-certification of Recall by the Board. If the board votes for any reason not to certify the recall of one or more directors at a meeting of the members, the following provisions apply:
1. The board shall, subject to the provisions of these rules, file a petition for arbitration with the division (i.e., be received by the division) within five full business days after adjournment of the board meeting at which the board determined not to certify the recall of one or more directors.
2. Any director sought to be recalled shall, unless he or she resigns, continue to serve on the board until a final order regarding the validity of the recall is mailed by the arbitrator.
3. If the arbitrator certifies the recall of less than a majority of the board, the remaining directors may fill the vacancy or vacancies as provided in subparagraph (5)(a)2. of this rule.
4. If the arbitrator certifies the recall of a majority or more of the board, the term of office of those replacement directors elected at the recall meeting shall become effective upon mailing of the final order of arbitration. The term of office of replacement directors elected at the recall meeting shall expire in accordance with the provisions of subparagraph (5)(a)3. of this rule.
(6) Failure to Duly Notice and Hold a Board Meeting. If the board fails to duly notice and hold a meeting to determine whether to certify the recall within five full business days of the adjournment of the members' recall meeting, the following shall apply:
(a) The recall shall be deemed effective immediately upon expiration of the last day of five full business days after adjournment of the members' recall meeting.
(b) If a majority of the board is recalled, replacement directors elected at the members' meeting shall take office immediately upon expiration of the last day of five full business days after adjournment of the members' recall meeting, in the manner specified in this rule.

Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 61B-33.002

Rulemaking Authority 723.1255., 723.006(7), 723.078(2)(i) FS. Law Implemented 723.078(2)(i) FS.

Adopted by Florida Register Volume 42, Number 026, February 09, 2016 effective 2/24/2016.

New 2-24-16.