Conn. Agencies Regs. § 19a-111-1

Current through September 9, 2024
Section 19a-111-1 - Definitions
(1) "Abatement" means any set of measures designed to eliminate lead hazards in accordance with standards established pursuant to Sections 20-474 through 20-482 and subsections (e) and (f) of Section 19a-88 of the Connecticut General Statutes and regulations of Connecticut State Agencies sections 19a-111-1 through 19a-111-11 and 20-478-1 and 20-478-2 including, but not limited to, the encapsulation, replacement, removal, enclosure or covering of paint, plaster, soil or other material containing toxic levels of lead and all preparation, clean-up, disposal and reoccupancy clearance testing.
(2) "Abatement area" means a room or area isolated with containment in accordance with subdivision 19a-111-4(c)(2) of the regulations of Connecticut State Agencies where lead abatement is occurring.
(3) "Accessible surface" means any surface which is below five (5) feet in height or is exposed in such a way that a child can come in contact with the surface.
(4) "Apparent lead concentration" (ALC) means the average of at least three displayed lead concentration readings taken using a direct reading type x-ray fluorescence analyzer.
(5) "Approved training course" or "approved refresher training course" means a training course or a refresher training course, respectively, approved by the department pursuant to Section 20-477 of the Connecticut General Statutes.
(6) "Atomic absorption spectrophotometer" (AAS) means an instrument which measures the lead content in parts per million (ppm) using a lead source lamp, a flame capable of measuring the absorbed energy and converting it to concentration.
(7) "Biological monitoring" means the analysis of a person's blood and/or urine, to determine the level of lead contamination in the body.
(8) "Certificate" means a document issued by the department indicating successful completion of an approved training course.
(9) "Certified historic property" means any building, structure, or site which has been determined historic by the Connecticut Historical Commission. Historic properties must be included in or eligible for inclusion in the national or state registers of historic places.
(10) "Certified industrial hygienist" means a person possessing a certificate from the American Board of Industrial Hygiene which indicates that they have specific academic credentials, five years professional experience in industrial hygiene, and have passed an examination given by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene.
(11) "Certified lead inspector risk assessor" means any lead consultant who completes an appropriate approved training course and obtains a certificate as a lead inspector risk assessor from the department. A certified lead inspector risk assessor conducts inspections and collects and interprets information to assess the level of risk from lead hazards.
(12) "Certified lead abatement supervisor" means any person who completes an appropriate approved training course and obtains a certificate as a lead abatement supervisor from the department. A lead abatement supervisor oversees lead abatement activities.
(13) "Certified lead abatement worker" means any person who completes an appropriate approved training course and obtains a certificate as a lead abatement worker from the department. A lead abatement worker performs lead abatement activities.
(14) "Certified lead inspector" means any lead consultant who completes an appropriate approved training course and obtains a certificate as a lead inspector from the department. A certified lead inspector conducts inspections to determine the presence of lead in paint, other surface coverings and various environmental media. The terms "lead inspector" and "inspector" mean "certified lead inspector" or "code enforcement official" as defined in subsection (20) of this section unless specifically noted otherwise.
(15) "Certified lead planner-project designer" means any lead consultant who completes an appropriate approved training course and obtains a certificate as a lead planner-project designer from the department. A certified lead planner-project designer designs lead abatement and management activities.
(16) "Chewable surface" means any projection one half (0.50) inch or greater from an interior or exterior surface up to five (5) feet in height that can be mouthed by a child. The chewable surface includes window sills, door frames, stair rails and stairs, two (2) inches back from any edge, and any other exterior and interior surface that may be readily chewed by children. Baseboards with an exposed horizontal edge may have quarter round molding applied to the top so that only vertical edges forming outside corners, if present, constitute a chewable surface.
(17) "Child" means a person under the age of six (6).
(18) "Child day care services" means a program of supplementary care in accordance with section 19a-77(a) of the Connecticut General Statutes.
(19) "Child day care center" means a program of supplementary care in accordance with section 19a-77(a)(1) of Connecticut General Statutes.
(20) "Code enforcement agency" means the local health department responsible for enforcing the public health code or the local housing agency responsible for enforcing housing code regulations or any other agency designated by the appropriate authority to enforce either the public health code or housing code regulations.
(21) "Code enforcement official" means the director of health or a person authorized by him to act on his behalf, the local housing code official or a person authorized by him to act on his behalf, or an agent of the commissioner.
(22) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of public health.
(23) "Common area" means a room or area that is accessible to all tenants in a building (e.g. hallway, boiler room).
(24) "Containment" means a process for protecting workers, residents, and the environment by controlling exposures to lead dust and debris created during abatement.
(25) "Confirmatory testing" means analysis using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS), graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry (GFAAS), inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrophotometry (ICP-AES), or x-ray fluorescence spectrum analysis spectrometry with a 240 second spectrum analyzer test.
(26) "Corrected lead concentration" (CLC) means the difference between the average displayed lead concentration readings (using a direct reading type x-ray fluorescence analyzer) taken on a painted surface and the average of three readings taken on a bare substrate (substrate contribution).
(27) "Department" means the department of public health.
(28) "Defective surface" means peeling, flaking, chalking, scaling or chipping paint; paint over crumbling, cracking or falling plaster, or plaster with holes in it; paint over a defective or deteriorating substrate; or paint that is damaged in any manner such that a child can get paint from the damaged area.
(29) "Director" means the director of the state program for childhood lead poisoning prevention.
(30) "Dwelling" means every building or shelter used or intended for human habitation, including exterior surfaces and all common areas thereof, and the exterior of any other structure located within the same lot, even if not used for human habitation.
(31) "Dwelling unit" means a room or group of rooms within a dwelling arranged for use as a single household by one or more individuals living together who share living and sleeping facilities.
(32) "Elevated blood lead level" means a blood lead concentration equal to or greater than twenty (20) micrograms per deciliter (ug/dl) or as defined by Connecticut General Statutes section 19a-111.
(33) "Encapsulation" means resurfacing or covering surfaces, and sealing or caulking with durable materials, so as to prevent or control chalking, flaking substances containing toxic levels of lead from becoming part of house dust or accessible to children.
(34) "Entity" means any person, partnership, firm, association, corporation, sole proprietorship or any other business concern, state or local government agency or political subdivision or authority thereof, or any religious, social or union organization, whether operated for profit or otherwise.
(35) "Epidemiological investigation" means an examination and evaluation to determine the cause of elevated blood lead levels. An epidemiological investigation will include an inspection conducted by a lead inspector to detect lead-based paint and report of findings. This investigation must also include evaluation of other sources such as soil, dust, pottery, gasoline, toys, or occupational exposures, to determine the cause of elevated blood lead levels. The investigation may also include isotopic analysis of lead-containing items.
(36) "Family day care home" means a program of supplementary care in accordance with section 19a-77(a)(3) of Connecticut General Statutes.
(37) "Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometer" (GFAAS) means an instrument that functions the same as an AAS, with one exception, i.e., the flame is replaced by an electrically heated chamber, a graphite tube, into which the sample is deposited.
(38) "Group day care home" means a program of supplementary care in accordance with section 19a-77(a)(2) of Connecticut General Statutes.
(39) "High efficiency particulate air" (HEPA) means a type of filtering system capable of filtering out particles of 0.3 microns or greater diameter from a body of air at 99.97% efficiency or greater.
(40) "High phosphate detergent" is detergent which contains at least five (5%) percent tri-sodium phosphate (TSP).
(41) "Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrophotometer" (ICP-AES) is an instrument which measures lead in ppm using a heat source (plasma torch) to dissociate and ionize lead atoms thereby emitting energy. This emission energy is measured and converted to concentration by the detector.
(42) "Intact surface" means a defect-free surface with no loose, peeling, chipping or flaking paint. Painted surfaces must be free from crumbling, cracking or falling plaster and must not have holes in them. Intact surfaces must not be damaged in any way such that a child can get paint from the damaged area.
(43) "Isotopic analysis" means a physicochemical method which differentiates between chemical elements having different atomic weight and electrical charge.
(44) "Lead-based" refers to paints, glazes, and other surface coverings, containing a toxic level of lead.
(45) "Lead abatement plan" means a written plan that identifies the location of intact and defective lead-based paint and describes how defective lead-based surfaces will be abated and how the environment, health, and safety will be protected. The plan also identifies the location of soil containing lead and describes sampling protocol used and abatement options.
(46) "Lead consultant" means any person who performs lead detection, risk assessment, abatement design or related services in disciplines including, but not necessarily limited to, inspector, inspector risk assessor and planner-project designer.
(47) "Lead management plan" means a written plan that describes how an intact surface with lead-based paint will be monitored to ensure that defective paint surfaces will be identified and abated.
(48) "Licensed lead abatement contractor" means any entity that contracts to perform lead hazard reduction by means of abatement including, but not limited to, the encapsulation, replacement, removal, enclosure or covering of paint, plaster, soil or other material containing toxic levels of lead and obtains a license from the department to conduct such abatement work. The contractor utilizes certified lead abatement supervisors to oversee such lead abatement activities and certified lead abatement workers to perform such abatement activities. The terms "lead abatement contractor" and "abatement contractor" mean "licensed lead abatement contractor" unless specifically noted otherwise.
(49) "Licensed lead consultant contractor" means any entity that contracts to perform lead hazard reduction consultation work utilizing an inspector, inspector risk assessor and/or planner-project designer and obtains a license from the department to conduct such consultation work. The terms "lead consultant contractor" and "consultant contractor" mean "licensed lead consultant contractor" unless specifically noted otherwise.
(50) "Owner" means any person, partnership, firm, association, corporation, sole proprietorship or any other business concern, state or local government agency or political subdivision or authority thereof, or any religious, social or union organization, whether operated for profit or otherwise, who, alone or jointly with others owns, holds, or controls the whole or any part of the deed or title to any property. No holder of an easement, mortgagee, bank or lender holding the mortgage, shall be considered an owner except when the holder of an easement, mortgagee, banker, or lender takes physical possession of the property.
(51) "Paint removal" means a strategy of abatement which entails stripping lead paint from surfaces.
(52) "Replacement" means a strategy of abatement which entails the removal of components such as windows, doors and trim that contain toxic levels of lead and installing new components which are lead free.
(53) "Secretary of Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings" means the guidelines and methods approved by the state and federal governments for alterations to historic properties (36 CFR section 67).
(54) "State laboratory for lead and lead poisoning detection" means the laboratory established by the commissioner, for the purpose of analyzing blood specimens from persons for the presence of lead; and analyzing samples of paint, plaster, soil and other materials, within the laboratory or on site with mobile units, for toxic levels of lead.
(55) "State program" means the childhood lead poisoning prevention program established by the department.
(56) "Substrate" means the underlying surface which remains after paint is removed.
(57) "Substrate equivalent lead" (SEL) means the average of at least three displayed lead concentration readings with a direct reading type x-ray fluorescence analyzer after paint is removed from the substrate.
(58) "Target housing" means any housing constructed prior to 1978, except any zero-bedroom dwelling unit or any housing for the elderly or persons with disabilities unless a child resides or is expected to reside in such dwelling unit or housing.
(59) "Toxic level of lead" means a level of lead that:
(A) when present in paint offered for sale for use on or in a residential dwelling contains greater than 0.06 percent lead by weight as measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS), graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry (GFAAS), inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrophotometry (ICP-AES) or another accurate and precise testing method that has been approved by the commissioner, by a laboratory approved by the department for lead analysis.
(B) when present in a dried paint, plaster or other accessible surface on or in a residential dwelling contains equal to or greater than 0.50 percent lead by dry weight as measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS), graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry (GFAAS), inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrophotometry (ICP-AES) or another accurate and precise testing method that has been approved by the commissioner, by a laboratory approved by the department for lead analysis, or equal to or greater than 1.0 milligrams lead per square centimeter of surface as measured on site by an X-ray fluorescence analyzer or another accurate and precise testing method that has been approved by the commissioner.
(60) "Treatment" means any method, technique or process designed to change the physical chemical, or biological character or composition of any hazardous waste so as to render it non-hazardous, or to recover it, or to make it safer to transport, store or dispose of, or to make it amenable for recovery, storage, or volume reduction.
(61) "TSP" means tri-sodium phosphate. A TSP solution contains at least 5% TSP or its equivalent.
(62) "X-ray fluorescence analyzer (XRF)" means an analytical instrument that measures lead concentration of dried paint on surfaces or in a laboratory sample in milligrams per square centimeter (mg/cm2)

Conn. Agencies Regs. § 19a-111-1

Effective September 29, 1992; Amended November 29, 1995; Amended July 25, 1997; Amended September 30, 2003; amended 8/10/2023