Conn. Agencies Regs. § 19-13-F5

Current through September 27, 2024
Section 19-13-F5 - Sanitary conditions of land and air conveyances

Sanitary conditions of all land and air conveyances, such as railway coaches, sleeping cars, dining cars, motor buses and airplanes, shall be such as not to facilitate the spread of communicable diseases and to this end such conveyances shall be maintained and operated in a satisfactory manner for the protection of health and in accordance with the following requirements:

(a) When toilet and lavatory facilities are provided on conveyances, they shall be properly located, constructed, equipped and maintained so as to insure cleanliness. Separate basins for brushing the teeth shall be provided in the wash rooms of sleeping cars.
(b) The discharge of fecal wastes, waste water or other polluting materials while any conveyance is at a station or terminal shall not be permitted unless proper devices, such as soil cans, garbage receptacles or connections to a sewer line, are used for the purposes for which provided. Toilets shall be kept locked at all times when a conveyance is at a standstill in a depot unless adequate watertight containers are used to receive such fecal wastes and unless proper measures are taken for the sanitary disposal of such wastes and for the cleaning of the containers.
(c) There shall be no discharge from any conveyances of fecal wastes, garbage, waste water or other polluting materials while any such conveyance is passing through or over (1) a public water supply watershed or (2) an approved area from which shellfish for domestic consumption are obtained. The limits of areas of watersheds and shellfish-producing areas within which discharges are prohibited and toilets are required to be kept locked under the provisions of this section shall be as established by the state department of health in cooperation with the U. S. Public Health Service. Under all conditions when a conveyance is en route, garbage shall be held in covered metal containers until such material can be satisfactorily disposed of at a point of stop-over.
(d) Conveyances when in transit or operation shall be kept clean and sanitary, free of dirt, odors, rodents, flies and other insects. Cleaning of conveyances while occupied shall be limited to the minimum consistent with the maintenance of clean conditions and shall be carried out so as to cause the least possible raising of dust or other annoyance to passengers; cleaning by dry sweeping or dry dusting shall be avoided while the conveyance is occupied by passengers.
(e) All conveyances shall be so ventilated as to insure an adequate supply of fresh or conditioned air at all times while in service and shall be so heated in cold weather as to maintain comfort.
(f) Facilities and equipment for the furnishing of food and drink supplies on conveyances shall be such that these supplies are properly protected. Such food and drink supplies shall be clean, wholesome and free from spoilage, and shall be so stored, prepared and served as to be safe for human consumption.

Conn. Agencies Regs. § 19-13-F5