Conn. Agencies Regs. § 19-13-B99

Current through September 27, 2024
Section 19-13-B99 - Control of fumigation
(a) No person, firm or corporation, or the agent, employee or servant thereof, shall use or cause to be used, any substance for the purpose of fumigating any building, vessel, special room, vault, tank or enclosed space in the state of Connecticut without compliance with this section. This section shall not apply to fumigation of greenhouses or mushroom houses, horticultural or farm fumigation or the control of burrowing animals outside of buildings. Substances commonly known as insecticides and disinfectants, which are essentially destructive in the solid or liquid phase, are excluded from this section. A person, firm or corporation or the agent, employee or servant conducting fumigation is hereafter designated as a fumigator.
(b) A fumigator shall be licensed by the state department of environmental protection and shall be qualified by special training and experience to conduct fumigations in such manner as to be effective and to protect life and property. He shall be able to read and understand regulations governing fumigation operations, shall know the basic facts concerning the fumigant he is using, shall have general knowledge of all fumigants commonly used as pest control and shall know the hazards involved and the safety precautions and first aid measures necessary to safeguard human life. He shall have proper equipment to carry out fumigations and necessary safety precautions.
(c) No person shall conduct fumigation in any town, city or borough without a local permit or license if such permit or license is required by local ordinance, or otherwise without registration of his qualifications with the local director of health of the town, city or borough and submission of information as to qualifications. No person found by the local director of health to be unqualified for the purpose of conducting fumigation shall conduct any fumigation.
(d) Written notice of fumigation shall be served upon the owner of the building to be fumigated or his authorized agent and written or verbal notice shall be served upon all occupants of the building. Written notice shall also be served upon the local director of health and officials in charge of the local fire and police departments. All notifications shall be served at least twenty-four hours in advance of fumigation unless this required time is reduced by direction of the local director of health. If there is no organized local fire or police department, notification shall be made upon the first selectman of the town or the warden of the borough, as the case may be.
(e) The fumigator shall take steps to effect removal, from the premises to be fumigated or adjacent buildings which may be affected by fumigation, of all food, drink or drugs which may absorb any poisonous substances used in the process of fumigation.
(f) If any part of a building, other than a special room or vault especially designed for this purpose and having proper ventilation, is to be fumigated, the entire building shall be vacated during the fumigation and ventilation periods. All persons occupying or living in premises to be fumigated shall vacate such premises upon request of the fumigator. If anyone fails to comply with such a request, the director of health may declare the premises unfit for human habitation and may issue necessary orders for vacation of the premises, if in his opinion fumigation is necessary to eliminate insanitary conditions.
(g) If inspection shows the possibility of gas gaining entrance to separate adjacent buildings, the fumigator shall warn in advance the occupants of such separate adjacent buildings and take any steps necessary to safeguard the lives and health of all persons occupying such buildings.
(h) All crevices, cracks or openings in the building or portion thereof to be fumigated, except the exit, shall be effectively sealed before fumigation material is distributed. All workers shall be accounted for before the final exit is closed and sealed.
(i) Warning signs, printed in red with headline letters at least two inches in height, shall be placed at all exits of the premises and kept there during fumigation and ventilation. They shall comply with the pertinent United States Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Standards.
(j) During periods of fumigation and ventilation the fumigator shall employ locks or barricades to prevent unauthorized entrance and shall provide for one or more watchmen who shall remain on duty until such time as the premises have been delcared by the fumigator to be safe for human occupancy.
(k) Persons conducting fumigation shall wear masks of a suitable type while in the enclosed space during and after liberation of gas and until the space after ventilation is delcared safe by the fumigator. The fumigator shall provide an extra canister for the mask at each fumigating job and shall keep an accurate record of the length of time during which the gas canister has been used in order that it may be replaced as required. In handling sulphuric acid, cyanide or other material likely to be injurious, rubber gloves shall be used. Employees of the fumigator shall comply with pertinent United States Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Standards.
(l) A minimum of twelve hours shall be required for ventilation, except for rooms, vaults and chambers equipped with a special exhaust system. During ventilation (1) all windows, doors and other means of ventilation shall be kept open; (2) all drawers, closets and similar enclosures shall be kept open; (3) all mattresses and bedding shall be taken from beds and thoroughly aired; (4) the temperature of living quarters shall be elevated to a minimum of 60°F.
(m) Prior to allowing any other persons to enter, the fumigator shall, at the conclusion of ventilation of the premises, inspect and make appropriate tests of the interior of the building and certify that it is safe for persons to enter without special protection.
(n) Proper arrangements shall be made and carried out for the disposal of residue fumigation material.
(o) Special rooms, tanks, vaults or other enclosed spaces in which articles are fumigated shall meet with the approval of the local director of health in regard to the construction and location of premises.

Conn. Agencies Regs. § 19-13-B99

Effective January 2, 1975