4 Colo. Code Regs. § 723-3-3662

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 17, September 10, 2024
Section 4 CCR 723-3-3662 - Annual RES Compliance Report
(a) Each investor owned and cooperative electric association QRU shall file an annual RES compliance report no later than June 1 to report on the status of the QRU's compliance with the RES for the most recently completed compliance year. Unless expressly noted otherwise, the annual RES compliance report of each investor owned and cooperative electric association QRU shall provide the following information for the most recently completed compliance year
(I) The total MWH sold by the QRU to its retail customers in Colorado and the associated eligible energy required for compliance with the RES, including the requirements for retail renewable distributed generation and wholesale renewable distributed generation, as applicable.
(II) The total amount and source of eligible energy and RECs acquired by the QRU during the compliance year for to meet the RES, including the requirements for retail renewable distributed generation and wholesale renewable distributed generation, as applicable. The QRU shall separately identify and quantify amounts of eligible energy and RECs by each type of resource, including residential retail renewable distributed generation and nonresidential renewable distributed generation, as applicable. The QRU shall also separately identify eligible energy and RECs generated by early eligible energy resources.
(III) The total amount of RECs by category acquired by the investor owned QRU during the compliance year and the total amount and source of eligible energy generated by the QRU-owned eligible energy resources.
(IV) The total amount of eligible energy and RECs borrowed forward, pursuant to rule 3654, in previous compliance years that were made up during the compliance year to achieve compliance with each component of the RES.
(V) The total amount of eligible energy and RECs borrowed forward, pursuant to rule 3654, from future compliance years to achieve compliance with each component of the RES in the compliance year.
(VI) The total amount and source of eligible energy and RECs the QRU is carrying back from the year following the compliance year under rule 3654 to achieve compliance with each component of the RES in the compliance year.
(VII) The total amount of eligible energy and RECs the QRU has carried forward from prior calendar years under rule 3654 to apply in the compliance year for each component of the RES.
(VIII) The total amount of eligible energy and RECs the QRU has acquired in the compliance year that the QRU proposes to carry forward under rule 3654 to future years for each component of the RES.
(IX) The total amount of eligible energy and RECs the QRU has counted toward compliance with the RES, including the requirements for retail renewable distributed generation and wholesale renewable distributed generation, as applicable, in the compliance year. The QRU shall separately identify amounts of renewable energy by each type of resource and eligible energy or RECs generated by early eligible energy resources.
(X) The total amount of renewable energy or RECs acquired by the QRU during the compliance year pursuant to the SRO program.
(XI) The total amount of RECs retired by the investor owned QRU during the compliance year pursuant to a voluntary green pricing program.
(XII) The total amount of RECs sold or traded by the investor owned QRU during the compliance year along with the profit and losses of such transactions and the method for calculating these margins.
(XIII) Whether the QRU has invested in any eligible energy resource and whether that resource is under construction or in operation.
(XIV) The funds expended from the RESA account and other revenue sources and the retail rate impact of the eligible energy and RECs acquired by the investor owned QRU. If the investor owned QRU has not acquired sufficient eligible energy and RECs to meet the RES under rule 3654 or the requirements for renewable distributed generation under rule 3655 due to the retail rate impact cap under rule 3661, the retail rate impact cap shall be recalculated based on the actual compliance year values. To the extent the recalculation of the retail rate impact cap demonstrates that additional funds are available based on actual compliance year values, the investor owned QRU shall use those additional funds to acquire RECs, to the extent necessary, to achieve the compliance levels set forth in rules 3654 and 3655 or until the additional funds have been spent if the investor owned QRU intends to claim that the retail rate impact cap prevented it from achieving compliance with the standard.
(XV) A description of the method used to develop the retail rate impact calculation.
(XVI) The proposed calculation of on-going annual net incremental costs for eligible energy resources that will come on line prior to the end of the following compliance year that have not been locked down pursuant to an investor owned QRU's compliance plan filing.
(XVII) The funds advanced by the investor owned QRU during the compliance year, if any, to augment the amounts collected from retail customers through the RESA.
(XVIII) The average hourly incremental cost of electricity during the compliance year, the total number of CSG kWh which were unsubscribed for each CSG during that period, and the total kWh and corresponding billing credits paid to CSG subscribers during the compliance year by each retail rate class for each CSG.
(XIX) A summary of program participation by master meter operators as defined in paragraph 3801(c).
(b) In the annual RES compliance report filed by the investor owned or cooperative electric association QRU, the QRU must explain whether it achieved compliance with the RES, including the requirements for retail renewable distributed generation and wholesale renewable distributed generation, as applicable, during the most recently completed compliance year, or explain why the QRU had difficulty meeting the RES or the requirements for retail renewable distributed generation and wholesale renewable distributed generation, as applicable.
(c) If, in its annual RES compliance report, the investor owned QRU did not comply with its RES as a direct result of absolute limitations within a requirements contract from a wholesale electric supplier, then the QRU must explain whether it acquired a sufficient amount of either eligible RECs or documented and verified energy savings through energy efficiency and/or conservation programs, or both to rectify the noncompliance so as to excuse the investor owned QRU from any administrative fine or other administrative action.
(d) On the same date that the investor owned or cooperative electric association QRU files its annual RES compliance report, the QRU shall post its annual compliance report excluding confidential material on its website to facilitate public access and review.
(e) On the same date that the investor owned or cooperative electric association QRU files its annual RES compliance report, if the QRU did not file using the Commission's E-Filings System, it shall provide the Commission with an electronic version of its annual compliance report excluding confidential material. The Commission may place the non-confidential portion of each QRU's annual compliance report on the Commission's website in order to facilitate public review.
(f) Each qualifying wholesale utility shall submit an annual report to the Commission no later than June 1 of each year. In addition, the qualifying wholesale utility shall post each annual report on its website. In each annual report, the qualifying wholesale utility shall:
(I) describe the steps it took during the most recently completed compliance year to comply with the RES of 20 percent of retail sales by 2020 as established in § 40-2-124(8), C.R.S.;
(II) for the compliance years before 2020, describe whether it is making sufficient progress toward meeting the standard in 2020 or is likely to meet the 2020 standard early. If it is not making sufficient progress toward meeting the standard of 20 percent in 2020, it shall explain why and shall indicate the steps it intends to take to increase the pace of progress; and
(III) for the 2020 compliance year and each compliance year thereafter, describe whether it has achieved compliance with the RES established in § 40-2-124(8), C.R.S., and whether it anticipates continuing to do so. If it has not achieved such compliance or does not anticipate continuing to do so, it shall explain why and shall indicate the steps it intends to take to meet the standard and by what date.

4 CCR 723-3-3662

38 CR 17, September 10, 2015, effective 9/30/2015
39 CR 06, March 25, 2016, effective 4/14/2016
39 CR 08, April 25, 2016, effective 5/15/2016
40 CR 22, November 25, 2017, effective 12/15/2017
42 CR 03, February 10, 2019, effective 3/2/2019
42 CR 07, April 10, 2019, effective 4/30/2019
42 CR 09, May 10, 2019, effective 5/30/2019
43 CR 08, April 25, 2020, effective 5/15/2020
43 CR 12, June 25, 2020, effective 7/15/2020
43 CR 20, October 25, 2020, effective 11/14/2020
44 CR 13, July 10, 2021, effective 7/30/2021
44 CR 24, December 25, 2021, effective 1/14/2022
45 CR 18, September 25, 2022, effective 10/15/2022
46 CR 02, January 25, 2023, effective 2/14/2023