935 CMR, § 500.002

Current through Register 1530, September 13, 2024
Section 500.002 - Definitions

For the purposes of 935 CMR 500.000, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

Administrative Hold means a hold requiring temporary isolation of Marijuana or Marijuana Products by a Licensee or Registrant pending further investigation.

Adult-use Cannabis or Marijuana means Marijuana that is cultivated, Processed, Transferred, tested or sold to adults 21 years of age or older pursuant to M.G.L. c. 94G.

Adult-use Cannabis or Marijuana Products means Marijuana Products that are Processed, Manufactured, Transferred, tested or sold to adults 21 years of age or older pursuant to M.G.L. c. 94G.

Advanced Core Curriculum means the advanced training curriculum taught by a Responsible Vendor Trainer that may be taken by Marijuana Establishment Agents after completing the Basic Core Curriculum under 935 CMR 500.105(2)(b).

Advertising means a form of marketing communication that employs a sponsored, non-personal message to sell or promote a Marijuana Establishment's Brand Name, Marijuana Establishment Branded Good, service, product or idea.

Affixed means the attachment of a label or other packaging material so that it is not easily removed or lost.

Agent Registration Card means an identification card currently and validly issued by the Commission to a Marijuana Establishment, MTC or Laboratory Agent. The Agent Registration Card allows access into Commission supported databases. The card facilitates verification of an individual Registrant's status including, but not limited to, identification by the Commission and Law Enforcement Authorities of those individuals exempt from Massachusetts criminal and civil penalties under M.G.L. c. 94G and 94I, and 935 CMR 500.000 and 501.000.

Area of Disproportionate Impact means a geographic area identified by the Commission for the purposes identified in M.G.L. c. 94G, § 4(a1/2)(iv), and which has had historically high rates of arrest, conviction, and incarceration related to Marijuana crimes.

Arming Station means a device that allows control of a security alarm system.

Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors means a contractual agreement with a third-party by which the Licensee assigns all of its assets and liabilities to such third-party in order to satisfy the Licensee's obligations to its creditors by liquidating the assets.

Basic Core Curriculum means the foundational training curriculum required of all Marijuana Establishment Agents taught by a Responsible Vendor Trainer under 935 CMR 500.105(2)(b).

Beverage means a liquid intended for drinking.

Bona Fide Healthcare Provider Patient Relationship means a relationship between a Certifying Healthcare Provider, acting in the usual course of their professional practice, and a Patient in which the healthcare provider has conducted a Clinical Visit, completed and documented a full assessment of the Patient's medical history and current medical condition, has explained the potential benefits and risks of Marijuana use, and has a role in the ongoing care and treatment of the Patient.

Brand Name means a brand name (alone or in conjunction with any other word), registered trademark, logo, symbol, motto, selling message, recognizable pattern of colors, or any other identifiable marker associated with a Marijuana Establishment.

Brand Name Sponsorship means the payment by a Marijuana Establishment in exchange for use of a Brand Name:

(1) to sponsor an athletic, musical, artistic, or other social or cultural event; or
(2) to identify, advertise, or promote such event, or an entrant, or participant of such an event.

Cannabinoid means any of several compounds produced by Marijuana plants that have medical and psychotropic effects.

Cannabinoid Profile means the amounts, expressed as the dry-weight percentages, of delta-nine-tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabidiol, tetrahydrocannabinolic acid and cannabidiolic acid in a Marijuana Product. Amounts of other Cannabinoids may be required by the Commission.

Cannabis means Marijuana as defined herein.

Canopy means an area to be calculated in square feet and measured using clearly identifiable boundaries of all areas(s) that will contain Flowering and/or Vegetative plants larger than eight inches tall and eight inches wide at any point in time, including all of the space(s) within the boundaries. Canopy may be noncontiguous, but each unique area included in the total Canopy calculations shall be separated by an identifiable boundary which includes, but is not limited to: interior walls, shelves, Greenhouse walls, hoop house walls, garden benches, hedge rows, fencing, garden beds, or garden plots. If Flowering and/or Vegetative plants larger than eight inches tall and eight inches wide are being cultivated using a shelving system, the surface area of each level shall be included in the total Canopy calculation.

Card Holder means a Registered Qualifying Patient, Personal Caregiver, Marijuana Establishment Agent, Medical Marijuana Treatment Center (MTC) Agent, or Laboratory Agent who holds a valid Patient or Agent Registration Card.

Caregiver means a Personal Caregiver or Institutional Caregiver.

Caregiving Institution means a hospice program, long-term care facility, or hospital duly registered currently and validly by the Commission, providing care to a Registered Qualifying Patient on the premises of the facility or through a hospice program.

Cease and Desist Order means an order to stop or restrict operations including, but not limited to, cultivation, product manufacturing, Transfer, sale, delivery, or testing, of Marijuana, Marijuana Products or Marijuana-infused Products (MIPs) by a Licensee or Registrant to protect the public health, safety or welfare.

Ceases to Operate means a Marijuana Establishment, Medical Marijuana Treatment Center (MTC) or Independent Testing Laboratory that closes and does not transact business for a period greater than 60 days with no substantial action taken to reopen. The Commission may determine that a Marijuana Establishment has Ceased to Operate based on its actual or apparent termination of operations.

Certificate of Licensure means the certificate issued by the Commission that confirms that an MTC or Independent Testing Laboratory has met all applicable requirements pursuant to M.G.L. c. 94I, and 935 CMR 501.000, and is currently and validly licensed by the Commission. An MTC or Independent Testing Laboratory may be eligible for a provisional or final Certificate of Licensure.

Certificate of Registration means a certificate currently and validly issued by the Commission, that confirms an individual or entity has met all applicable requirements pursuant to M.G.L. c. 94I, and 935 CMR 501.000 and is registered by the Commission.

Certifying Certified Nurse Practitioner (CNP) means a Massachusetts licensed certified nurse practitioner licensed pursuant to 244 CMR 4.00: Advanced Practice Registered Nursing, who certifies that in their professional opinion, the potential benefits of the medical use of Marijuana would likely outweigh the health risks for a Qualifying Patient.

Certifying Healthcare Provider means a Certifying CNP, a Certifying Physician or a Certifying Physician Assistant.

Certifying Physician means a Massachusetts licensed physician (Medical Doctor or Doctor of Osteopathy) who certifies that in their professional opinion, the potential benefits of the medical use of Marijuana would likely outweigh the health risks for a Qualifying Patient.

Certifying Physician Assistant means a Massachusetts physician assistant licensed pursuant to 263 CMR 3.00: Licensure of Individual Physician Assistants, who certifies that in their professional opinion, the potential benefits of the medical use of Marijuana would likely outweigh the health risks for a Qualifying Patient.

Clinical Visit means an in-person or telehealth visit during which a Certifying Healthcare Provider establishes a Bona Fide Healthcare Provider Patient Relationship and conducts a full assessment of the Patient's medical history and current medical condition, including the Debilitating Medical Condition, and explains the potential benefits and risks of Marijuana use. A Clinical Visit for an initial Certificate of Registration shall be performed in-person.

Clone means a clipping from a Cannabis or Marijuana plant that can be rooted and grown.

Close Associate means a Person who holds a relevant managerial, operational or financial interest in the business of an applicant or Licensee and, by virtue of that interest or power, is able to exercise a significant influence over the corporate governance of a Marijuana Establishment, an MTC or Independent Testing Laboratory licensed under 935 CMR 500.000. A Close Associate is deemed to be a Person or Entity Having Direct or Indirect Control.

Colocated Marijuana Operations (CMO) means an MTC operating under a License pursuant to 935 CMR 501.000: Medical Use of Marijuana and a Marijuana Establishment operating under at least one License pursuant to 935 CMR 500.000 on the same Premises. Colocated Marijuana Operations pertain to cultivation, product manufacturing, and retail licenses, but not any other adult-use License.

Commission means the Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission as established by M.G.L. c. 10, § 76, or its representatives. The Commission has authority to implement the state Marijuana laws which include, but are not limited to, St. 2016, c. 334, The Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana Act, as amended by St. 2017, c. 55, An Act to Ensure Safe Access to Marijuana; M.G.L. 10, § 76, M.G.L. c. 94G; M.G.L. c. 94I; 935 CMR 500.000 and 935 CMR 501.000: Medical Use of Marijuana.

Community Impact Fee (CIF) means impact fee(s) claimed by a Host Community in relation to the operations of a particular Marijuana Establishment or MTC which have been certified by the Commission or ruled upon by a court of competent jurisdiction as being Reasonably Related to the actual costs imposed on a Host Community by a Marijuana Establishment or MTC's operations.

Commission Delegee(s) means other state or local officials or agencies working in cooperation with the Commission by agreement, to carry out the Commission's responsibilities and to ensure compliance with the adult-use and medical-use, laws, and any other applicable federal or state laws.

Confidential Application Materials means any electronic or written document, communication or other record pertaining to an application for licensure or registration that is required to be confidential or protected from disclosure by law which includes, but is not limited to, personally identifiable information concerning an applicant, Registrant, or Licensee; background check information or Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) as defined by 803 CMR 2.02: Definitions, or Criminal History Record Information (CHRI) as defined by 803 CMR 7.02: Definitions; and information that implicates security concerns.

Confidential Database means the Commission database that holds data concerning:

(a) Qualifying Patients issued a Registration Card for medical use of Marijuana;
(b) Healthcare professionals registered to issue Written Certifications;
(c) MTCs;
(d) Quantity of medical-use Marijuana dispensed to a Card Holder; and
(e) Any other pertinent information.

Confidential Information means information that is legally required to be kept confidential, or that is protected from disclosure by a legally recognized privilege. This includes, but is not limited to, M.G.L. c. 4, § 7, cl. 26 and M.G.L. c. 94I, §§ 2(e) and 3.

Confidential Investigatory Materials means any electronic or written document, communication or other record pertaining to an investigation, which concerns:

(a) A possible violation of a statute, regulation, rule, practice or procedure, or professional or industry standard, administered or enforced by the Commission;
(b) An ongoing investigation that could alert subjects to the activities of an investigation;
(c) Any details in witness statements, which if released create a grave risk of directly or indirectly identifying a private citizen who volunteers as a witness;
(d) Investigative techniques the disclosure of which would prejudice the Commission's future investigative efforts or pose a risk to the public health, safety or welfare; or
(e) The background of any person the disclosure of which would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.

Confidential Records means any electronic or written record required to be kept confidential or protected from disclosure by law, which includes, but is not limited to, Confidential Application Materials, Confidential Social Equity Application Materials, Confidential Investigatory Materials, and Protected Patient Records (as defined in 935 CMR 501.002: Protected Patient Records).

Confidential Social Equity Application Materials means any electronic or written document, communication or other record pertaining to an application for the Social Equity Program that is required to be confidential or protected from disclosure by law which includes, but is not limited to, CORI as defined by 803 CMR 2.02: Definitions, or CHRI as defined in 803 CMR 7.02: Definitions.

Consumer means a person who is 21 years of age or older.

Court Appointee shall mean a person or entity appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction to exercise court oversight with respect to the property, assets, management, or operations of a Licensee or Person or Entity Having Direct or Indirect Control over a Licensee including, without limitation, a receiver, custodian, guardian, trustee, and executor or administrator of estate. This could include a person or entity preapproved or recommended by the Commission or its delegee appointed by the court.

Court Supervised Proceeding shall mean a proceeding where a court of competent jurisdiction supervises the property, assets, management, or operations of a Licensee or Person or Entity Having Direct or Indirect Control over a Licensee through a Court Appointee.

Craft Marijuana Cooperative means a Marijuana Cultivator comprised of residents of the Commonwealth and organized as a limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or cooperative corporation under the laws of the Commonwealth. A cooperative is licensed to cultivate, obtain, Manufacture, Process, package, brand and Transfer Marijuana or Marijuana Products to Marijuana Establishments, but not to Consumers.

Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) shall have the same meaning as defined by 803 CMR 2.02: Definitions.

Cultivation Batch means a collection of Cannabis or Marijuana plants from the same seed or plant stock that are cultivated and harvested together, and receive an identical Propagation and cultivation treatment including, but not limited to: growing media, ambient conditions, watering and light regimes and agricultural or hydroponic inputs. Clones that come from the same plant are one batch. The Licensee shall assign and record a unique, sequential alphanumeric identifier to each Cultivation Batch for the purposes of production tracking, product labeling and product recalls.

Debilitating means causing weakness, cachexia, wasting syndrome, intractable pain, or nausea, or impairing strength or ability, and progressing to such an extent that one or more of a patient's major life activities is substantially limited.

Debilitating Medical Condition means cancer, glaucoma, positive status for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), hepatitis C, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Crohn's disease, Parkinson's disease, and multiple sclerosis (MS), when such diseases are debilitating, and other Debilitating conditions as determined in writing by a Qualifying Patient's healthcare provider.

Delivery Agreement means a contract between a licensed Marijuana Establishment and a Delivery Licensee or Marijuana Establishment with a Delivery Endorsement to deliver Marijuana or Marijuana Products from the Marijuana Establishment directly to Consumers and as permitted, Marijuana Couriers to Patients and Caregivers, under the provisions of a Delivery License.

Delivery Endorsement means authorization granted to Licensees in categories of Marijuana Establishments identified by the Commission to perform deliveries directly from the establishment to Consumers.

Delivery Items means Finished Marijuana Products, Marijuana Accessories, and Marijuana Establishment Branded Goods.

Delivery License means either a Marijuana Courier License or a Marijuana Delivery Operator License.

Delivery Licensee means either a Marijuana Courier or a Marijuana Delivery Operator authorized to deliver Marijuana and Marijuana Products directly to Consumers and as permitted, Marijuana Couriers to Patients and Caregivers.

Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) means the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources, unless otherwise specified. MDAR has jurisdiction over Hemp and Pesticides.

Department of Criminal Justice Information Services (DCJIS) means the Massachusetts Department of Criminal Justice Information Services, unless otherwise specified. DCJIS shall have the same meaning as defined in 803 CMR 2.02: Definitions.

Department of Public Health (DPH) means the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, unless otherwise specified. DPH is the agency that administered the Medical Use of Marijuana Program prior to 2019.

Department of Revenue (DOR) means the Massachusetts Department of Revenue, unless otherwise specified.

Department of Unemployment Assistance (DUA) means the Massachusetts Department of Unemployment Assistance, unless otherwise specified.

Duress Alarm means a silent security alarm signal generated by the entry of a designated code into an Arming Station that signals an alarm user is under duress and turns off the system.

Economic Empowerment Priority Applicant means an applicant who, as an entity or through an individual certified by the Commission in 2018, meets and continues to meet three or more of the following six criteria, at least one of which shall be a majority-equity-ownership criterion:

(a) Majority-equity-ownership Criteria:
1. A majority (more than 50%) of ownership belongs to people who have lived for five of the preceding ten years in an Area of Disproportionate Impact, as determined by the Commission.
2. A majority (more than 50%) of ownership has held one or more previous positions where the primary population served were disproportionately impacted, or where primary responsibilities included economic education, resource provision or empowerment to disproportionately impacted individuals or communities.
3. A majority (more than 50%) of the ownership is made up of individuals from Black, African American, Hispanic or Latino descent.
(b) Additional Criteria:
1. At least 51% of current employees or subcontractors reside in Areas of Disproportionate Impact and by the first day of business, the ratio will meet or exceed 75%.
2. At least 51% of employees or subcontractors have drug-related CORI and are otherwise legally employable in Cannabis enterprises.
3. Other significant articulable demonstration of past experience in or business practices that promote economic empowerment in Areas of Disproportionate Impact. This applicant has priority for the purposes of the review of its license application.

Edibles means a Marijuana Product that is to be consumed by humans by eating or drinking. These products, when created or sold by a Marijuana Establishment or an MTC, shall not be considered a food or a drug as defined in M.G.L. c. 94, § 1.

Electronic Certification means a document signed or executed electronically by a Certifying Healthcare Provider, stating that in the healthcare professional's professional opinion, the potential benefits of the medical use of Marijuana would likely outweigh the health risks for the Qualifying Patient. Such certification shall be made only in the course of a Bona Fide Healthcare Provider-patient Relationship and shall specify the Qualifying Patient's Debilitating Medical Condition. Electronic Certifications, on submission by a Certifying Healthcare Provider to the Commission, shall automatically generate a temporary registration.

Enclosed Area means an indoor or outdoor area equipped with locks or other security devices, which is accessible only to Consumers, Marijuana Establishment Agents, Registered Qualifying Patients, or Caregivers.

Equity Holder means a person or entity that holds, or may hold as a result of one or more of the following including, without limitation, vesting, conversion, exercising an option, a right of first refusal, or any agreement that would trigger an automatic transfer of or conversion to equity, any amount of equity in a Marijuana Establishment or an MTC.

Executive means members of the board of directors, executive officers, executive director, manager, or their equivalent, of a Marijuana Establishment, MTC, or Independent Testing Laboratory.

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EOEEA) means the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, unless otherwise specified.

Existing Licensee Transporter means an entity that is otherwise licensed by the Commission and also licensed to purchase, obtain, and possess Marijuana or Marijuana Products solely for the purpose of transporting, temporary storage, sale and distribution on behalf of other Marijuana Establishments or MTCs to other establishments, but not to Consumers.

Expedited Applicant means an applicant for a Marijuana Microbusiness, Marijuana Craft Cooperative, Independent Testing Laboratory, or Outdoor Marijuana Cultivator license; a Social Equity Participant; a minority, woman, and/or veteran-owned business; eligible for expedited review prior to other General Applicants.

Fingerprint-based Background Check Trust Fund means a fund established under M.G.L. c. 29, § 2HHHH, in which fees for fingerprint background checks are deposited.

Finished Marijuana means Usable Marijuana, Cannabis resin or Cannabis concentrate.

Finished Marijuana Product means a Marijuana Product that is completely manufactured and ready for retail sale and shall include Finished Marijuana that has been separated into individual packages or containers for sale.

Flowering means the gametophytic or reproductive state of Cannabis or Marijuana in which the plant produces flowers, trichomes, and Cannabinoids characteristic of Marijuana.

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) means the United States Food and Drug Administration.

General Applicant means an applicant that has not been certified as an Economic Empowerment Priority Applicant or an MTC Priority Applicant; and is not eligible to be an Expedited Applicant.

Greenhouse means a structure or thermally isolated Enclosed Area of a building that maintains a specialized sunlit environment used for and essential to the cultivation, protection or maintenance of plants.

Gross Annual Sales means the total revenue generated by an ME or MTC under an individual license pertaining to the sale of Marijuana, Marijuana Products, Marijuana Accessories and Marijuana Establishment or MTC Branded Goods or the provision of services used by the Commission to calculate limits under M.G.L. c. 94G, § 3(d)(2)(i) regarding the Community Impact Fee amount properly due and payable to a Host Community.

Hardship Cultivation Registration means a registration issued to a Registered Qualifying Patient under the requirements of 935 CMR 501.027: Hardship Cultivation Registration.

Healthcare Clinician or Provider means a Certifying Physician, Certifying Certified Nurse Practitioner or Certifying Physician Assistant qualified under 935 CMR 501.000: Medical Use of Marijuana, to issue Written Certifications for the medical use of Marijuana.

Hemp means the plant of the genus Cannabis or any part of the plant, whether growing or not, with a delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol concentration that does not exceed 0.3% on a dry weight basis of any part of the plant of the genus Cannabis, or per volume or weight of Marijuana Product, or the combined percent of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and tetrahydrocannabinolic acid in any part of the plant of the genus Cannabis, regardless of moisture content. MDAR has jurisdiction over Hemp.

Holdup Alarm means a silent alarm signal generated by the manual activation of a device that signals a robbery in progress.

Horticultural Lighting Equipment (HLE) means any lighting equipment (e.g., fixtures, bulbs, ballasts, controls, etc.) that uses energy for the cultivation of plants, at any stage of growth (e.g., germination, cloning/Mother Plants, Propagation, Vegetation, Flowering, and harvest).

Horticulture Lighting Square Footage (HLSF) means an area to be calculated in square feet and measured using clearly identifiable boundaries of all areas(s) that will contain plants at any point in time, at any stage of growth, including all of the space(s) within the boundaries. HLSF may be noncontiguous, but each unique area included in the total HLSF calculations shall be separated by an identifiable boundary which includes, but is not limited to: interior walls, shelves, Greenhouse walls, hoop house walls, garden benches, hedge rows, fencing, garden beds, or garden plots. If plants are being cultivated using a shelving system, the surface area of each level shall be included in the total HLSF calculation.

Host Community means a municipality in which a Marijuana Establishment or Independent Testing Laboratory is located or in which a License Applicant has proposed locating an establishment.

Host Community Agreement (HCA) means an agreement entered into and executed between a Host Community and a License Applicant or between a Host Community and a Marijuana Establishment or MTC pursuant to M.G.L. c. 94G, § 3(d).

Host Community Agreement (HCA) Waiver means a written statement executed by a Host Community and a License Applicant, or by a Host Community and a Marijuana Establishment or MTC, which expresses the parties' mutual intent to waive the regulatory requirement to have a Host Community Agreement.

Immature Plant means a rooted plant in the Vegetation stage of development that is no taller than eight inches, no wider than eight inches, and is in a growing/cultivating container.

Immediate Family Member means a spouse, parent, child, grandparent, grandchild, or sibling, including in-laws.

Impassible Barrier means, for the purposes of determining the 500 feet buffer zone, a highway, public or private way or path, inaccessible structure, body of water, or other obstruction that renders any part of the 500-foot straight-line distance between a Marijuana Establishment Entrance and a School Entrance inaccessible by a pedestrian or automobile.

Independent Testing Laboratory means a laboratory that is licensed or registered by the Commission and is:

(a) Currently and validly licensed under 935 CMR 500.101, or formerly and validly registered by the Commission;
(b) Accredited to ISO 17025: 2017 or the International Organization for Standardization 17025 by a third-party accrediting body that is a signatory to the International Laboratory Accreditation Accrediting Cooperation mutual recognition arrangement or that is otherwise approved by the Commission;
(c) Independent financially from any MTC Marijuana Establishment or Licensee; and
(d) Qualified to test Marijuana and Marijuana Products, including MIPs, in compliance with M.G.L. c. 94C, § 34; M.G.L c. 94G, § 15; 935 CMR 500.000; 935 CMR 501.000: Medical Use of Marijuana; and Commission protocol(s).

Individual Order means a delineated amount of Finished Marijuana Products to be delivered by a Delivery Licensee or a Marijuana Establishment with a Delivery Endorsement to an individual Consumer and as permitted, a Marijuana Courier to a Patient or Caregiver, and not to exceed the individual possession amount limits as determined by statute.

Inducement means money or any other thing of substantial value intended to persuade or influence a person or entity to take an action or refrain from taking an action.

Informed Consent means the consent obtained by a Research Licensee from potential participants in a research project that explains to potential participants the risks and potential benefits of a study, and the rights and responsibilities of the parties involved.

Informed Consent Form means the document provided to potential participants in a research project that explains to potential participants the risks and potential benefits of a study, and the rights and responsibilities of the parties involved.

Institutional Caregiver means an employee of a hospice program, long-term care facility, or hospital providing care to a Registered Qualifying Patient on the Premises of a long-term care facility, hospital or through a hospice program.

Institutional Review Board means a specifically constituted administrative body established or designated by a Marijuana Research Facility Licensee to review and oversee the design and methods of a research project and, where human or animal subject are a component of the research, to protect the rights and welfare of persons recruited to participate in research.

Known Allergen means milk, egg, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, wheat, peanuts, and soybeans, or such other allergen identified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Laboratory Agent means an employee of an Independent Testing Laboratory registered in accordance with 935 CMR 500.029, who transports, possesses or tests Cannabis or Marijuana in compliance with 935 CMR 500.000.

Law Enforcement Authorities means local law enforcement including, but not limited to, the local police and fire departments within the municipality where the Licensee is sited, unless otherwise indicated.

License means the certificate issued by the Commission that confirms that a Marijuana Establishment or an Independent Testing Laboratory has met all applicable requirements pursuant to St. 2016, c. 334, as amended by St. 2017, c. 55, M.G.L. c. 94G, and 935 CMR 500.000. A Marijuana Establishment or Independent Testing Laboratory may hold a provisional or final License.

License Applicant means a person or entity pursuing a license to operate a Marijuana Establishment or MTC who has submitted or intends to submit a license application to the Commission. A License Applicant may also be considered a prospective Marijuana Establishment.

Licensee means a person or entity on the application and licensed by the Commission to operate a Marijuana Establishment or Independent Testing Laboratory under St. 2016, c. 334, as amended by St. 2017, c. 55, M.G.L. c. 94G, and 935 CMR 500.000. Any person or entity that solely provides initial capital to establish or operate the establishment and to whom, in return for the initial capital, requires only repayment of the loan and does not have any ownership or direct or indirect authority to control the Marijuana Establishment or Independent Testing Laboratory, will not be a Licensee.

Life-limiting Illness means a Debilitating Medical Condition that does not respond to curative treatments, where reasonable estimates of prognosis suggest death may occur within two years.

Lighting Power Density (HLPD) means a measure of total watts of Horticultural Lighting Equipment per total Horticulture Lighting Square Footage, (HLE / HLSF = HLPD) expressed as number of watts per square foot.

Limitation on Sales means a limitation on the sales of Marijuana or Marijuana Products by a Marijuana Establishment Licensee or Registrant arising from the regulations and until substantial compliance by a Licensee or Registrant with a law, regulation, guidance or other requirement for licensure or registration.

Limited Access Area means an indoor or outdoor area on the Premises of a Marijuana Establishment where Marijuana or Marijuana Products, or their byproducts are cultivated, stored, weighed, packaged, Processed, or disposed, under the control of a Marijuana Establishment, with access limited to only those Marijuana Establishment or Laboratory Agents designated by the Establishment after receipt of a Final License.

Local Approval Process means the steps required by a Host Community in order for a License Applicant to operate as an ME or MTC in the Host Community, including, but not limited to, zoning, all associated fees, deadlines, and meeting schedules for local bodies involved in such processes.

Local Authorities means local municipal authorities, unless otherwise indicated.

Manufacture means to compound, blend, extract, infuse or otherwise make or prepare a Marijuana Product.

Marijuana (or Cannabis) means all parts of any plant of the genus Cannabis, not excepted in 935 CMR 500.002(a) through (c) and whether growing or not; the seeds thereof; and resin extracted from any part of the plant; Clones of the plant; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of the plant, its seeds or resin, including tetrahydrocannabinol as defined in M.G.L. c. 94G, § 1; provided that Cannabis shall not include:

(a) The mature stalks of the plant, fiber produced from the stalks, oil, or cake made from the seeds of the plant, any other compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of the mature stalks, fiber, oil, or cake made from the seeds of the plant or the sterilized seed of the plant that is incapable of germination;
(b) Hemp; or
(c) The weight of any other ingredient combined with Cannabis or Marijuana to prepare topical or oral administrations, food, drink or other products.

Marijuana Accessories (or Cannabis Accessories) means equipment, products, devices or materials of any kind that are intended or designed for use in planting, Propagating, cultivating, growing, harvesting, Manufacturing, compounding, converting, producing, Processing, preparing, testing, analyzing, packaging, Repackaging, storing, containing, ingesting, inhaling or otherwise introducing Cannabis or Marijuana into the human body.

Marijuana Courier means an entity licensed to deliver Finished Marijuana Products, Marijuana Accessories and Branded Goods directly to Consumers from a Marijuana Retailer, or directly to Registered Qualifying Patients or Caregivers from an MTC, but is not authorized to sell Marijuana or Marijuana Products directly to Consumers, Registered Qualifying Patients or Caregivers and is not authorized to Wholesale, Warehouse, Process, Repackage, or White Label. A Marijuana Courier is an additional license type under M.G.L. c. 94G, § 4(b)(1) that allows for limited delivery of Marijuana or Marijuana Products to Consumers; and shall not be considered to be a Marijuana Retailer under 935 CMR 500.002 or 500.050 and shall be subject to 935 CMR 500.050(1)(b).

Marijuana Cultivator means an entity licensed to cultivate, Process and package Marijuana, and to Transfer Marijuana to other Marijuana Establishments, but not to Consumers. A Craft Marijuana Cooperative is a type of Marijuana Cultivator.

Marijuana Delivery Operator or Delivery Operator means an entity licensed to purchase at Wholesale and Warehouse Finished Marijuana Products acquired from a Marijuana Cultivator, Marijuana Product Manufacturer, Microbusiness or Craft Marijuana Cooperative, and White Label, sell and deliver Finished Marijuana Products, Marijuana Accessories and Marijuana Branded Goods directly to Consumers, but is not authorized to Repackage Marijuana or Marijuana Products or operate a storefront under this license. A Delivery Operator is an additional license type under M.G.L. c. 94G, § 4(b)(1) that allows for limited delivery of Marijuana or Marijuana Products to Consumers; and shall not be considered to be a Marijuana Retailer under 935 CMR 500.002 or 500.050 and shall be subject to 935 CMR 500.050(1)(b).

Marijuana Establishment (ME) means a Marijuana Cultivator (Indoor or Outdoor), Craft Marijuana Cooperative, Marijuana Product Manufacturer, Marijuana Microbusiness, Independent Testing Laboratory, Marijuana Retailer, Marijuana Transporter, Delivery Licensee, Marijuana Research Facility Licensee (as defined in 935 CMR 500.002: Marijuana Research Facility Licensee) Social Consumption Establishment (as defined in 935 CMR 500.002: Social Consumption Establishment) or any other type of licensed Marijuana-related business, except a Medical Marijuana Treatment Center (MTC).

Marijuana Establishment Agent means any Owner, employee, Executive, or volunteer of a Marijuana Establishment, who shall be 21 years of age or older. Employee includes a consultant or contractor who provides on-site services to a Marijuana Establishment related to the cultivation, harvesting, preparation, packaging, storage, testing, or dispensing of Marijuana.

Marijuana Establishment Branded Good means a merchandise item offered for sale by a Marijuana Establishment, and identifiable as being of a particular Marijuana Establishment, distinct from those of other entities, by having the Marijuana Establishment's Brand Name. A Marijuana Establishment Branded Good does not include Marijuana, Marijuana Products, or Marijuana Accessories. It may include apparel, water bottles or other similar non-edible merchandise.

Marijuana Establishment Entrance means the entrance or entrances that provides ingress and egress to Consumers, Registered Qualifying Patients and Caregivers to the Marijuana Establishment.

Marijuana-infused Product (MIP) means a Marijuana Product infused with Marijuana that is intended for use or consumption including, but not limited to, Edibles, ointments, aerosols, oils, and Tinctures. A Marijuana-infused Product (MIP), when created or sold by a Marijuana Establishment or an MTC, shall not be considered a food or a drug as defined in M.G.L. c. 94, § 1. MIPs are a type of Marijuana Product.

Marijuana Products (or Cannabis Products) means Marijuana and its products, unless otherwise indicated. Marijuana Products includes products that have been Manufactured and contain Cannabis, Marijuana, or an extract from Cannabis or Marijuana, including concentrated forms of Marijuana and products composed of Marijuana and other ingredients that are intended for use or consumption, including Edibles, Beverages, topical products, ointments, oils and Tinctures. Marijuana Products include Marijuana-infused Products (MIPs) defined in 935 CMR 500.002.

Marijuana Product Manufacturer means an entity licensed to obtain, Manufacture, Process and package Marijuana or Marijuana Products and to Transfer these products to other Marijuana Establishments, but not to Consumers.

Marijuana Regulation Fund means the fund established under M.G.L. c. 94G, § 14, in which fees, fines, and other monies collected by the Commission are deposited, except for fees collected by the Commission on behalf of other state agencies.

Marijuana Research Facility means the Premises at which a Marijuana Research Facility Licensee is approved to conduct research.

Marijuana Research Facility Licensee or Research Licensee means an academic institution, nonprofit corporation or domestic corporation or entity authorized to do business in the Commonwealth, including a licensed Marijuana Establishment or MTC, that is licensed to conduct research.

Marijuana Retailer means an entity licensed to purchase, Repackage, White Label, and transport Marijuana or Marijuana Product from Marijuana Establishments and to Transfer or otherwise Transfer this product to Marijuana Establishments and to sell to Consumers. Unless licensed, retailers are prohibited from offering Marijuana or Marijuana Products for the purposes of on-site social consumption on the Premises of a Marijuana Establishment.

Marijuana Transporter means an entity, not otherwise licensed by the Commission, that is licensed to possess Marijuana Products solely for the purpose of transporting, temporary storage, sale and distribution to Marijuana Establishments or MTCs, but not to Consumers. Marijuana Transporters may be an Existing Licensee Transporter or Third-party Transporter.

Marijuana Vaporizer Device means a product containing concentrated marijuana oil that is converted into inhalable marijuana aerosolized vapors.

Massachusetts Resident means a person whose primary Residence is in Massachusetts.

Medical Marijuana Treatment Center (MTC), (formerly known as a Registered Marijuana Dispensary (RMD)), means an entity licensed under 935 CMR 501.101: Application Requirements that acquires, cultivates, possesses, Processes (including development of related products such as Edibles, MIPs, Tinctures, aerosols, oils, or ointments), Repackages, transports, sells, distributes, delivers, dispenses, or administers Marijuana, products containing Marijuana, related supplies, or educational materials to Registered Qualifying Patients or their Personal Caregivers for medical use. Unless otherwise specified, MTC refers to the site(s) of dispensing, cultivation, and preparation of Marijuana for medical use.

Medical-use Marijuana (or Medical-use Cannabis) means Marijuana that is cultivated, Processed, Transferred, tested or sold in compliance with M.G.L. c. 94I, and 935 CMR 501.000: Medical Use of Marijuana.

Medical-use Marijuana or Marijuana Products means Marijuana Products that are Manufactured, Transferred, tested or sold in compliance with M.G.L. c. 94I, and 935 CMR 501.000: Medical Use of Marijuana.

Member means a member of a nonprofit entity incorporated pursuant to M.G.L. c. 180.

Microbusiness means an entity that can be either a Tier 1 Marijuana Cultivator or Marijuana Product Manufacturer or both, in compliance with the operating procedures for each License and, if in receipt of a Delivery Endorsement issued by the Commission, may deliver Marijuana or Marijuana Products produced at the licensed location directly to Consumers in compliance with established regulatory requirements for retail sale as it relates to delivery. A Microbusiness that is a Marijuana Product Manufacturer may purchase no more than 2,000 pounds of Marijuana per year from other Marijuana Establishments for the purpose of Marijuana Product manufacturing by the Licensee.

Model Host Community Agreement means a template published by the Commission to illustrate a compliant Host Community Agreement. Host Community Agreements that conform to the model Host Community Agreement are presumed compliant and must be executed by the parties.

Mother Plant means a marijuana plant that is grown or maintained for the purpose of generating Clones, and that will not be used to produce plant material for sale to another Marijuana Establishment or Medical Marijuana Treatment Center.

MTC Agent means any Owner, employee, Executive, or volunteer of an MTC, who shall be 21 years of age or older. Employee includes a consultant or contractor who provides on-site services to an MTC related to the cultivation, harvesting, preparation, packaging, storage, testing, or dispensing of Marijuana or Marijuana Products for medical purposes.

MTC Priority Applicant means a Medical Marijuana Treatment Center (MTC) (previously, Registered Marijuana Dispensary (RMD)) certified by the Commission as an MTC Priority Applicant in 2018 upon demonstrating that it had at least a provisional Certification of Registration prior to April 1, 2018. This applicant has priority for the purposes of the review of its license application.

Mycotoxin means a secondary metabolite of a microfungus that is capable of causing death or illness in humans and other animals. For purposes of 935 CMR 500.000, and 501.000: Medical Use of Marijuana, Mycotoxin shall include aflatoxin B1, aflatoxin B2, aflatoxin G1, aflatoxin G2, and ochratoxin A.

Order to Show Cause means an order issued by the Commission or Commission Delegee on a determination that there are grounds to suspend or revoke a License or registration.

Other Jurisdiction means the United States, another state, or foreign jurisdiction, or a military, territorial or Native American tribal authority.

Outdoor Cultivation means the cultivation of mature Cannabis without the use of artificial lighting in the Canopy area at any point in time. Artificial lighting is permissible only to maintain Immature or Vegetative Mother Plants.

Owner means any Equity Holder that possesses 10% equity or more in a Marijuana Establishment, MTC or Independent Testing Laboratory.

Panic Alarm means an audible security alarm signal generated by the manual activation of a device that signals a life threatening or emergency situation and calls for a law enforcement response.

Paraphernalia means "drug paraphernalia" as defined in M.G.L. c. 94C, § 1.

Patient Registration Card means a temporary or an annual Registration Card currently and validly issued by the Commission to a Registered Qualifying Patient. The Patient Registration Card facilitates verification of an individual Registrant's status including, but not limited to, identification by the Commission and Law Enforcement Authorities, of those individuals who are exempt from Massachusetts criminal and civil penalties under M.G.L. c. 94I, and 935 CMR 501.000: Medical Use of Marijuana through Commission-supported databases. A Temporary Patient Registration issued to a Qualifying Patient shall be deemed a Registration Card.

Person means an individual or entity under the laws of the Commonwealth.

Personal Caregiver means a person, registered by the Commission, who shall be 21 years of age or older, who has agreed to assist with a Registered Qualifying Patient's medical use of Marijuana, and is not the Registered Qualifying Patient's Certifying Healthcare Provider. A visiting nurse, personal care attendant, or home health aide providing care to a Registered Qualifying Patient may serve as a Personal Caregiver, including as a second Personal Caregiver to patients younger than 18 years old.

Personal Caregiver Registration Card means a temporary or an annual Registration Card currently and validly issued by the Commission to a Personal Caregiver. The Registration Card allows access into Commission supported databases. The Registration Card facilitates verification of an individual Registrant's status including, but not limited to, identification by the Commission and Law Enforcement Authorities of those individuals who are exempt from Massachusetts criminal and civil penalties under M.G.L. c. 94I, and 935 CMR 501.000: Medical Use of Marijuana. A temporary registration issued to a Personal Caregiver shall be deemed a Registration Card.

Person or Entity Having Direct Control means any person or entity having direct control over the operations of a Marijuana Establishment, which satisfies one or more of the following criteria:

(a) An Owner that possesses a financial interest in the form of equity of 10% or greater in a Marijuana Establishment;
(b) A Person or Entity that possesses a voting interest of 10% or greater in a Marijuana Establishment or a right to veto significant events;
(c) A Close Associate;
(d) A Person or Entity that has the right to control or authority, through contract or otherwise including, but not limited to:
1. To make decisions regarding operations and strategic planning, capital allocations, acquisitions and divestments;
2. To appoint more than 50% of the directors or their equivalent;
3. To appoint or remove Corporate-level officers or their equivalent;
4. To make major marketing, production, and financial decisions;
5. To execute significant (in aggregate of $10,000 or greater) or exclusive contracts; or
6. To earn 10% or more of the profits or collect more than 10% of the dividends.
(e) A Court Appointee or assignee pursuant to an agreement for a general assignment or Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors; or
(f) A Third-party Technology Platform Provider that possesses any financial interest in a Delivery Licensee including, but not limited to, a Delivery Agreement or other agreement for services.

Person or Entity Having Indirect Control means any person or entity having indirect control over operations of a Marijuana Establishment. It specifically includes any Person or Entity Having Direct Control over an indirect holding or parent company of the applicant, and the chief executive officer and executive director of those companies, or any person or entity in a position indirectly to control the decision-making of a Marijuana Establishment.

Pesticide means a substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest, and any substance or mixture of substances intended for use as a plant regulator, defoliant, or desiccant; provided that Pesticide shall not include any article that is a "new animal drug" within the meaning of § 201(v) of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. § 321(v)), or that has been determined by the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services not to be a new animal drug by a regulation establishing conditions of use for the article, or that is an animal feed within the meaning of § 201(w) of such act (21 U.S.C. § 321(w)).

Preapproved Court Appointee means a person or entity preapproved by the Commission pursuant to 935 CMR 500.104(3)(c) to serve as a Court Appointee over a Licensee or its delegee which may be recommended to a court of competent jurisdiction.

Pre-certification Application means an application reviewed by the Commission for pre-certification prior to provisional licensure. The Pre-certification Application may be available in a form and manner determined by the Commission.

Pre-verification means the process of a Marijuana Establishment examining the identification presented by an individual Consumer to confirm that the identification is valid and matches the individual presenting it and collecting the information required by 935 CMR 500.000 prior to that Consumer being able to receive deliveries of Marijuana or Marijuana Products to the Consumer's Residence. A Marijuana Establishment may not acquire or record personal information about Consumers other than information typically required in a retail transaction.

Pre-verification or Verification of Eligibility as a Social Equity Business means the process through which the Commission confirms whether an applicant is a Social Equity Business.

Premises means any indoor or outdoor location over which a Marijuana Establishment or Independent Testing Laboratory or its agents may lawfully exert substantial supervision or control over entry or access to the property or the conduct of persons.

Priority Applicant means an MTC Priority Applicant (formerly a Registered Marijuana Dispensary or RMD Priority Applicant) or an Economic Empowerment Priority Applicant.

Process or Processing means to harvest, dry, cure, trim and separate parts of the Cannabis or Marijuana plant by manual or mechanical means, except it shall not include Manufacture as defined in 935 CMR 500.002.

Product Database means a Commission-operated technology platform displaying information about Marijuana Products produced by licensed Marijuana Product Manufacturers and sold by a licensed Marijuana Retailer or Delivery Operator pursuant to 935 CMR 500.000 or an MTC pursuant to 935 CMR 501.000: Medical Use of Marijuana.

Production Area means a Limited Access Area within the Marijuana Establishment where Cannabis or Marijuana is handled or produced in preparation for sale.

Production Batch means a batch of finished plant material, Cannabis resin, Cannabis concentrate, or Marijuana-infused Product made at the same time, using the same methods, equipment and ingredients. The Licensee shall assign and record a unique, sequential alphanumeric identifier to each Production Batch for the purposes of production tracking, product labeling and product recalls. All Production Batches shall be traceable to one or more Cannabis or Marijuana Cultivation Batches.

Program Transfer means the transfer of the medical use of Marijuana program pursuant to St. 2017, c. 55, §§ 64 through 71, and 82, and M.G.L. c. 94I.

Propagation means the reproduction of Cannabis or Marijuana plants by seeds, cuttings, or grafting.

Protected Patient Records means any document, record or electronic or written communication related to their care provided by a medical-use Marijuana Licensee or establishment or by a Certifying Healthcare Provider that is required to be confidential or protected from disclosure by law.

Provisional Marijuana Establishment License means a License issued by the Commission confirming that a Marijuana Establishment has completed the application process and satisfied the qualifications for initial licensure.

Qualifying Patient means:

(i) a Massachusetts Resident or a non-Massachusetts Resident receiving end-of-life or palliative care or cancer treatment in Massachusetts as determined by a Certifying Healthcare Provider, who is 18 years of age or older who has been diagnosed by a Certifying Healthcare Provider as having a Debilitating Medical Condition; or
(ii) a Massachusetts Resident, or a non-Massachusetts Resident receiving end-of-life or palliative care or cancer treatment in Massachusetts as determined by a Certifying Healthcare Provider, who is younger than 18 years old who has been diagnosed by two Massachusetts licensed Certifying Physicians, at least one of whom is a board-certified pediatrician, pediatric subspecialist, oncologist, neurologist, or family physician as having a Debilitating Medical Condition that is also a Life-limiting Illness, subject to 935 CMR 501.010(11).

Quality Control Sample means a sample of Marijuana or Marijuana Product developed by a Marijuana Cultivator, a Marijuana Product Manufacturer, a Microbusiness, or a Craft Marijuana Cooperative that is provided internally to employees for purposes of ensuring product quality and making determinations about whether to sell the Marijuana or Marijuana Product.

Quarantine Order means an order to quarantine or otherwise restrict the sales or use of Marijuana, Marijuana Products, or MIPs by a Licensee or Registrant to protect the public health, safety, or welfare.

Reasonably Related means a demonstrable nexus between the actual operations of a Marijuana Establishment or MTC and an enhanced need for a Host Community's goods or services in order to offset the impact of operations. Fees customarily imposed on other non-marijuana businesses operating in a Host Community shall not be considered Reasonably Related.

Registered Qualifying Patient means a Qualifying Patient who is currently and validly issued a temporary or an annual Registration Card by the Commission.

Registrant means the holder of a Registration Card currently and validly registered with the Commission.

Registration Card means an identification card currently and validly issued by the Commission, to a Registered Qualifying Patient, Personal Caregiver, Institutional Caregiver, Marijuana Establishment or Laboratory Agent. The Registration Card allows access into Commission supported databases. The Registration Card facilitates verification of an individual Registrant's status including, but not limited to, the identification by the Commission and Law Enforcement Authorities of those individuals who are exempt from Massachusetts criminal and civil penalties under St. 2016, c. 334, as amended by St. 2017, c. 55, M.G.L. c. 94I, and 935 CMR 501.000: Medical Use of Marijuana.

Removal of Product means an order issued against a Marijuana Establishment to remove and prohibit sales of categories of products, product types, specific product types or specific brands of products after notice and on a determination that the Marijuana or Marijuana Product poses a substantial risk to the public health, safety or welfare including, but not limited to, when the product is especially appealing to persons younger than 21 years old.

Repackage means to uniformly wrap or seal Marijuana that has already been wrapped or sealed, into a ready-made product for retail sale, without combining, infusing, or changing the chemical composition of the Marijuana.

Research Permit means a certificate indicating Commission approval to conduct a specified research project over a specified and finite period. To the extent that a Research Licensee is subject to other IRB, institutional, industry, or professional standards, they shall demonstrate compliance with those standards.

Residence means a house, condominium or apartment, and excludes, unless otherwise authorized by law, dormitories or other on-campus college or university housing; bed-and-breakfast establishments, hotels, motels or other commercial hospitality operations; and federal public housing identified at https://resources.hud.gov/, shelters or residential programs.

Residual Solvent means a volatile organic chemical used in the Manufacture of a Marijuana Product that is not completely removed by practical manufacturing techniques.

Responsible Vendor means a Marijuana Establishment that the Commission has determined to have completed the initial training requirements and has maintained its training requirement under 935 CMR 500.105(2).

Responsible Vendor Trainer means an independent business entity certified by the Commission to provide Responsible Vendor Training Program courses. No owner, manager, or employee of a Responsible Vendor Trainer may be a Person or Entity Having Direct or Indirect Control of a Marijuana Establishment.

Responsible Vendor Training (RVT) Program means a mandatory program that provides training courses taught by a Responsible Vendor Trainer for Marijuana Establishment Agents in order to satisfy the minimum training hours required under 935 CMR 500.105(2).

School Entrance means the entrance(s) that provide ingress and egress to students of the preexisting public or private or private school providing education in kindergarten or any grades 1 through 12 at the time of the newspaper publication of the proposed Marijuana Establishment's community outreach meeting under 935 CMR 500.101(1)(a)9.a..

SDO means the Supplier Diversity Office of the Massachusetts Operational Services Division (OSD).

Second Confirmatory Test means a second full panel of tests performed for reanalysis of a sample of Marijuana or Marijuana Products that failed an initial test for contaminants.

Seed-to-sale Electronic Tracking System means a system designated by the Commission as the system of record (Seed-to-sale SOR) or a secondary electronic tracking system used by a Marijuana Establishment or an MTC or an Independent Testing Laboratory. This system shall capture everything that happens to an individual Marijuana plant, from seed and cultivation, through growth, harvest and Manufacture of Marijuana Products and MIPs, including transportation, if any, to final sale of finished products. Seed-to-sale Electronic Tracking System shall utilize a unique-plant identification and unique-batch identification. It will also be able to track agents' and Registrants' involvement with the Marijuana Product. Any secondary system used by the Marijuana Establishment or an MTC or an Independent Testing Laboratory shall integrate with the SOR in a form and manner determined by the Commission.

Seed-to-sale System of Record (Seed-to-sale SOR) means the electronic tracking system designated and required by the Commission to perform a process.

Shelf-stable means able to be safely stored at room temperature in a sealed container. Shelf-stable does not include "Time/Temperature Controlled for Safety Food" as it is defined under 105 CMR 590.001(A): Adoption of 2013 Food Code.

Small Business means, for the purposes of 935 CMR 500.005(1)(b), an applicant or Licensee that (a) currently employs a combined total of 50 or fewer full-time equivalent employees in all locations or employees work less than a combined total of 2,600 hours per quarter; and (b) has gross revenues of $5 million or less, as reported to the Massachusetts Department of Revenue the year prior to the date of the Licensee's renewal application or as otherwise demonstrated in a form and manner determined by the Commission.

Social Consumption Establishment means an entity licensed to sell Marijuana or Marijuana Products and allow Consumers to consume Marijuana or Marijuana Products solely on its Premises.

Social Equity Business (SEB) means a Marijuana Establishment comprised of at least 51% (majority) ownership of individuals who are Social Equity Program Participants, or who have been certified as meeting the Commission's criteria for designation as an Economic Empowerment Priority Applicant, or both.

Social Equity Program Participant means an individual who qualified to participate in the Social Equity Program and is designated as a program participant by the Commission.

Substantial Modification means a material change to a term of a contract that a reasonable person would understand alters the relationship between the parties. A Substantial Modification shall include, but is not limited to, shifting responsibility for the performance of a contract term or increasing or decreasing the amount of consideration being paid for performance of the contract above an amount that is de minimis.

Summary Suspension means the suspension of any License or registration issued under 935 CMR 500.000, and the cessation of all operations in order to protect the public health, safety and welfare.

Temporary Patient Registration means an interim registration document for patients and their Personal Caregivers generated automatically upon the Commission's receipt of a Certifying Healthcare Provider's Electronic Certification. The temporary registration document shall constitute a Registration Card for patients and their Personal Caregivers to access an MTC. Temporary registration shall expire 14 days after the Commission issues the Registration Card or on the issuance and receipt of an annual Registration Card, whichever occurs first.

Third-party Technology Platform Provider means an individual or entity that provides or hosts an internet-based application or group of applications developed for the facilitation of ordering and delivering Finished Marijuana Products, Marijuana Accessories and Branded Goods for sale or delivery by a Marijuana Retailer, Delivery Licensee or a Marijuana Establishment with a Delivery Endorsement to a Consumer. A proprietary application developed by a Licensee exclusively for that Licensee's use shall not be considered to be a Third-party Technology Platform Provider. A Third-party Technology Platform Provider may not be an investor in a Delivery Licensee.

Tincture means a Cannabis-infused alcohol or oils concentrate administered orally in small amounts using a dropper or measuring spoon. Tinctures are not considered an Edibles under 935 CMR 500.000 and are not subject to the dosing limitations applicable to Edibles.

Transfer means the sale of Marijuana or Marijuana Products from a Marijuana Establishment to a separate Marijuana Establishment, Independent Testing Laboratory or MTC (but not to Consumers) subject to entry of the transaction in the Commission's Seed-to-sale SOR.

United States (U.S.) means the United States of America.

Unreasonably Impracticable means that the measures necessary to comply with the regulations, ordinances or bylaws adopted pursuant to St. 2016, c. 334, as amended by St. 2017, c. 55, M.G.L. c. 94G, M.G.L. c. 94I, 935 CMR 500.000, or 501.000: Medical Use of Marijuana subject Licensees to unreasonable risk or require such a high investment of risk, money, time or any other resource or asset that a reasonably prudent businessperson would not operate a Marijuana Establishment.

Usable Marijuana means the fresh or dried leaves and flowers of the female Marijuana plant and any mixture or preparation thereof, including Marijuana, Marijuana Products or MIPs, but does not include the seedlings, seeds, stalks, roots of the plant, or Marijuana rendered unusable in accordance with 935 CMR 500.105(12)(c).

Vault means a secured, limited access storage room within a Marijuana Establishment that is outfitted with adequate security features for the purposes of storing Marijuana or Marijuana Products or cash. A vault must be adequately sized to store inventory that is not being actively handled for purposes of dispensing, packaging, processing or transportation.

Vegetation means the sporophytic state of the Cannabis or Marijuana plant, which is a form of asexual reproduction in plants during which plants do not produce resin or flowers and are bulking up to a desired production size for Flowering.

Vegetative Plant means a plant in a stage of Vegetation.

Vendor Sample means a sample of Marijuana or Marijuana Product developed by a Marijuana Cultivator or a Marijuana Product Manufacturer licensed under the provisions of 935 CMR 500.000 that is provided to a Marijuana Product Manufacturer, a Marijuana Retailer or a Delivery Operator to promote product awareness.

Verified Financial Hardship means that an individual is a recipient of MassHealth, or Supplemental Security Income, or the individual's income does not exceed 300% of the federal poverty level, adjusted for family size.

Veteran means a person who served in the active military, naval air, or space service of the United States and who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable.

Visitor means an individual, other than a Marijuana Establishment Agent or Laboratory Agent, authorized by the Marijuana Establishment or Independent Testing Laboratory to be on the Premises of an Establishment for a purpose related to its operations and consistent with the objectives of St. 2016, c. 334, as amended by St. 2017, c. 55, M.G.L. c. 94G, and 935 CMR 500.000; provided, however, that no such individual shall be younger than 21 years old.

Visitor Identification Badge means a badge issued by an MTC, Marijuana Establishment or the Commission to be used at all times while on the Premises of a Marijuana Establishment or an MTC or Independent Testing Laboratory. These identification badges shall be issued in a form and manner determined by the Commission.

Waiver of Consent means the document signed by potential participants or the legal guardians of potential participants that waives one or more elements of consent.

Warehouse means an indoor structure or a portion of the structure on the Licensee's Premises used by a Marijuana Establishment for the onsite storage of Marijuana and Marijuana Products in compliance with the regulatory requirements of 935 CMR 500.000, including the requirements for security, storage and disposal. For Delivery Operators, the location of the Warehouse shall be the Licensee's principle place of business in the host community.

Warehousing means the on-site storage of Marijuana and Marijuana Products that have been purchased at wholesale for eventual resale.

White Labeling means to affix a product label that includes the branding, including the name and logo, of a specific Marijuana Establishment Licensee to a Finished Marijuana Product that was previously produced and packaged by a licensed Product Manufacturer, Cultivator, Microbusiness or Craft Marijuana Cooperative for sale to Consumers. Vaporizer Devices shall not be white labeled. White labeled products shall be required to comply with 935 CMR 500.105(5), and (6), 935 CMR 500.130(6) and 935 CMR 500.146(7).

Wholesale means the Transfer of Marijuana or Marijuana Product between Marijuana Establishments.

Wholesale Agreement means a contract between Marijuana Establishments defining the terms of Transfer of Marijuana or Marijuana Products between the Marijuana Establishments.

Written Certification means a form submitted to the Commission by a Massachusetts licensed Certifying Healthcare Provider describing the Qualifying Patient's pertinent symptoms, specifying the patient's Debilitating Medical Condition, and stating that in the physician's professional opinion the potential benefits of the medical use of Marijuana would likely outweigh the health risks for the patient.

14-day Supply means that amount of Marijuana, or equivalent amount of Marijuana in MIPs, that a Registered Qualifying Patient would reasonably be expected to need over a period of 14 calendar days for the Patient's personal medical use, which is 2.5 ounces, subject to 935 CMR 501.010(10), unless otherwise determined by a Certifying Healthcare Provider.

60-day Supply means that amount of Marijuana, or equivalent amount of Marijuana in MIPs, that a Registered Qualifying Patient would reasonably be expected to need over a period of 60 calendar days for his or her personal medical use, which is ten ounces, subject to 935 CMR 501.010(10), unless otherwise determined by a Certifying Healthcare Provider.

935 CMR, § 500.002

Adopted by Mass Register Issue 1361, eff. 3/23/2018.
Amended by Mass Register Issue 1403, eff. 11/1/2019.
Amended by Mass Register Issue 1406, eff. 11/1/2019.
Amended by Mass Register Issue 1434, eff. 1/8/2021.
Amended by Mass Register Issue 1436, eff. 1/8/2021.
Amended by Mass Register Issue 1441, eff. 1/8/2021.
Amended by Mass Register Issue 1507, eff. 10/27/2023.