211 CMR, § 123.06

Current through Register 1530, September 13, 2024
Section 123.06 - Referral Repair Shop Programs
(1)Consumer's Choice of Shop: No direct payment plan approved under 211 CMR 123.000, and no insurer in implementing such plan, shall require a claimant to have repairs made at any specific repair shop.
(2)Number of Shops:
(a) Every plan must provide that every claimant will be given a single list containing the names and locations of all registered repair shops as defined in 211 CMR 123.03 that appear on the list of registered repair shops maintained by the Division of Standards pursuant to M.G.L. c. 100A, § 6. The insurer may indicate by clearly marking with an asterisk or other means of highlighting on the list of all registered repair shops at least five repair shops geographically convenient for the claimant which will perform the repairs on referred claims without undue delay. An insurer shall not provide a separate list containing only its referral shops. A repair shop may not be an insurer's referral shop unless that repair shop appears on the list of all registered repair shops maintained by the Division of Standards and complies with the provisions of M.G.L. c. 100A. The claimant may or may not choose to use an insurer's referral shop.
(b) The list of all registered repair shops maintained by the Division of Standards pursuant to M.G.L. c. 100A, § 6 shall be updated quarterly. The Automobile Insurers Bureau of Massachusetts or any successor thereto shall maintain a separate list containing the names and locations of all registered repair shops as defined in 211 CMR 123.03 that appear on the list maintained by the Division of Standards. For the purposes stated in 211 CMR 123.06(2)(a), every insurer with an approved Direct Payment Plan shall reproduce the listing of all registered repair shops maintained by the Automobile Insurers Bureau of Massachusetts or any successor thereto. The list given to the claimants by the insurers pursuant to 211 CMR 123.06(2)(a) shall not exceed 12 standard size (81/2 by 11 inches) pages unless the Commissioner has given a written waiver of this requirement.
(c) Any individual insurer wishing to implement a plan which does not contain at least five repair referral shops geographically convenient for the claimant which will perform the repairs on referred claims may petition the Commissioner for a waiver of this requirement. The insurer seeking such a waiver shall set forth the specific facts regarding market share, geographic location, availability of repair shops, or other circumstances in support of its petition. No insurer may implement a plan which does not meet this requirement unless and until the Commissioner has granted a petition for waiver.
(3)Insurer's Choice of Shops:
(a) Insurer's referral shops shall include only shops:
1. which are registered repair shops; and
2. which have entered into an agreement satisfactory to the insurer, to complete repairs for claimants referred by the insurer without undue delay, for the amount of the direct payment to the insured plus any applicable deductible, plus any supplemental payment authorized by the insurer.
(b) In determining which registered repair shops willbe referral shops, the insurer shall consider all of the following criteria, and only the following criteria: the quality and cost of repairs at a particular shop, the quality of the service given the customer, the responsiveness of the shop to the customer's needs, the ability of the shop to perform repairs without undue delay, the geographic convenience of the shop for the claimant, cooperation of the shop with the pre- and post-repair inspections and the shop's compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Each individual insurer shall maintain written guidelines incorporating these criteria as applied by the insurer in implementing its plan; such guidelines shall be deemed to be a part of the individual insurer's plan. While individual insurers which have adopted an industry plan shall maintain such written guidelines, under no circumstances shall a rating organization which files an industry plan propose or maintain such guidelines. Individual insurers' guidelines shall be made available to the Commissioner upon his or her request and shall also be made available to any repair shop in the event the insurer denies that shop's request to be a referral shop or revokes the referral shop agreement of any referral shop.

A repair shop shall be included as an insurer's referral shop if the shop agrees in writing to comply fully with the plan, unless the shop's request is denied or the shop's referral shop agreement is revoked pursuant to 211 CMR 123.06(4), and is determined by the insurer not to satisfy one or more of the criteria listed above. The form of agreement between the insurer and the insurer's referral shops may provide adequate assurances that the repair shop will continue to satisfy the insurer as to such criteria.

(4)Development and Changes of Referral Shops: An insurer may deny a repair shop's request to be a referral shop or revoke a referral shop's agreement, provided the insurer files a statement with the Commissioner specifying the nature of the shop's failure to comply with the plan or with the agreement or proposed agreement between the insurer and the repair shop. A repair shop which claims that it has been improperly denied as a referral shop or whose referral shop agreement has been revoked may demand arbitration. Such binding arbitration shall be conducted by a neutral arbitrator jointly agreed to by the insurer and the repair shop, or, in the absence of such agreement, within 21 days of submission of the request for arbitration to the insurer, by an arbitrator selected by the Commissioner. The parties to the arbitration shall bear the costs of the arbitration equally, but the losing party shall be liable to the prevailing party for its costs, unless the arbitrator orders otherwise. If the arbitrator finds that the losing party acted in bad faith, he or she may also award the prevailing party attorney's fees, if any. The arbitrator shall determine whether the repair shop was improperly denied, but shall make no finding or order as to any damages other than the award of costs and /or attorney' s fees, if any. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final.
(5)Insurer's Guarantee: If a claimant has repairs performed at a repair shop included on the insurer's list, then the insurer shall guarantee the quality of the materials and workmanship used in making the repairs. No insurer may petition the Commissioner for a waiver of this requirement. This guarantee by the insurer shall be in addition to all other guarantees which may be made by the manufacturer and the repair shop. The agreement between the insurer and the repair shop may provide for indemnification of the insurer by the repair shop for any costs associated with such guarantee under such terms and conditions as the parties to the agreement shall specify.
(6)Reinspection Requirements: Every plan shall provide that the insurer shall have a licensed automobile damage appraiser reinspect vehicles following completion of repairs as follows:
(a) with respect to repairs as to which the appraisal indicates that the cost is expected to exceed $4,000, at least 75% of such vehicles shall be reinspected;
(b) with respect to repairs as to which the appraisal indicates that the cost is not expected to exceed $4,000, at least 25% of such vehicles shall be reinspected.

In no event shall the selection of vehicles for reinspection be based on the age or sex of the policyholder or of the customary operators of the vehicle, or on the principal place of garaging the vehicle, or on whether the repairs were performed at a repair shop that is not a referral repair shop.

(7)Conflicts of Interest:
(a) No employee or agent of an insurer with responsibility for entering into referral shop agreements as prescribed in 211 CMR 123.06(3) shall receive or ask for any payment, gift or any other thing of value from any repair shop seeking to be a referral shop or from any referral shop. No repair shop, or employee or owner thereof, shall give, payor offer to give or pay, any thing of value to any employee or agent of an insurer with responsibility for creating, managing or maintaining a list of repair shops. No repair shop, or employee, owner or agent thereof, shall give or pay, or offer to give or pay, or offer to give or pay, any thing of value to any person in exchange for being included, or as an inducement for being included, as an insurer's referral shop. For purposes of 211 CMR 123.08(7)(a), the words "employee", "owner" and "agent" shall also include any spouse or child of an employee, owner or agent.
(b) A discount on parts, glass, labor rate or other item or customer service in connection with the repair of motor vehicles offered by a repair shop to an insurer shall not constitute a "payment, gift or any other thing of value" for purposes of 211 CMR 123.06(7)(a).

211 CMR, § 123.06