130 CMR, § 520.019

Current through Register 1531, September 27, 2024
Section 520.019 - Transfer of Resources Occurring on or after August 11, 1993
(A)Payment of Nursing-facility Services. The MassHealth agency applies the provisions of 130 CMR 520.018 and 520.019 to nursing-facility residents as defined at 130 CMR 515.001: Definition of Terms requesting MassHealth agency payment for nursing-facility services provided in a nursing facility or in any institution for a level of care equivalent to that received in a nursing facility or for home- and community-based services provided in accordance with 130 CMR 519.007(B): Home- and Community-based Services Waiver Frail Elder.
(B)Look-back Period. Transfers of resources are subject to a look-back period, beginning on the first date the individual is both a nursing-facility resident and has applied for or is receiving MassHealth Standard.
(1) For transfers occurring before February 8, 2006, this period generally extends back in time for 36 months.
(2) For transfers of resources occurring on or after February 8, 2006, the period generally extends back in time for 60 months. The 60-month look-back period will begin to be phased in on February 8, 2009. Beginning on March 8, 2009, applicants will be asked to provide verifications of their assets for the 37 months prior to the application. As each month passes, the look-back period will increase by one month until the full 60 months is reached on February 8, 2011.
(3) For transfers of resources from or into trusts, the look-back period is described in 130 CMR 520.023(A).
(C)Disqualifying Transfer of Resources. The MassHealth agency considers any transfer during the appropriate look-back period by the nursing-facility resident or spouse of a resource, or interest in a resource, owned by or available to the nursing-facility resident or the spouse (including the home or former home of the nursing-facility resident or the spouse) for less than fair-market value a disqualifying transfer unless listed as permissible in 130 CMR 520.019(D), identified in 130 CMR 520.019(F), or exempted in 130 CMR 520.019(J). The MassHealth agency may consider as a disqualifying transfer any action taken to avoid receiving a resource to which the nursing-facility resident or spouse is or would be entitled if such action had not been taken. Action taken to avoid receiving a resource may include, but is not limited to, waiving the right to receive a resource, not accepting a resource, agreeing to the diversion of a resource, or failure to take legal action to obtain a resource. In determining whether or not failure to take legal action to receive a resource is reasonably considered a transfer by the individual, the MassHealth agency considers the specific circumstances involved. A disqualifying transfer may include any action taken that would result in making a formerly available asset no longer available.
(D)Permissible Transfers. The MassHealth agency considers the following transfers permissible. Transfers of resources made for the sole benefit of a particular person must be in accordance with federal law.
(1) The resources were transferred to the spouse of the nursing-facility resident or to another for the sole benefit of the spouse. A nursing-facility resident who has been determined eligible for MassHealth agency payment of nursing-facility services and who has received an asset assessment from the MassHealth agency must make any necessary transfers within 90 days after the date of the notice of approval for MassHealth in accordance with 130 CMR 520.016(B)(3).
(2) The resources were transferred from the spouse of the nursing-facility resident to another for the sole benefit of the spouse.
(3) The resources were transferred to the nursing-facility resident's permanently and totally disabled or blind child or to a trust, a pooled trust, or a special-needs trust created for the sole benefit of such child.
(4) The resources were transferred to a trust, a special-needs trust, or a pooled trust created for the sole benefit of a permanently and totally disabled person who was younger than 65 years old at the time the trust was created or funded.
(5) Effective until 60 days after the end of the maintenance of effort and continuous eligibility provisions of Section 6008 of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (Public Law No. 116-127), the resources were transferred to a pooled trust created for the sole benefit of the permanently and totally disabled nursing-facility resident. Effective 60 days after the end of the maintenance of effort and continuous eligibility provisions of Section 6008 of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (Public Law No. 116-127), this transfer is no longer permissible.
(6) The nursing facility resident transferred the home he or she used as the principal residence at the time of transfer and the title to the home to one of the following persons:
(a) the spouse;
(b) the nursing facility resident's child who is younger than 21 years old, or who is blind or permanently and totally disabled;
(c) the nursing facility resident's sibling who has a legal interest in the nursing-facility resident's home and was living in the nursing facility resident's home for at least one year immediately before the date of the nursing facility resident's admission to the nursing facility; or
(d) the nursing facility resident's child (other than the child described in 130 CMR 520.019(D)(6)(b)) who was living in the nursing facility resident's home for at least two years immediately before the date of the nursing facility resident's admission to the institution, and who, as determined by the MassHealth agency, provided care to the nursing-facility resident that permitted him or her to live at home rather than in a nursing facility.
(7) The resources were transferred to a separately identifiable burial account, burial arrangement, or a similar device for the nursing facility resident or the spouse in accordance with 130 CMR 520.008(F).
(E)Repayment of Financial and Medical Assistance. A nursing-facility resident who has received or will be receiving payment from a third party as a result of an accident, injury, or other loss must first repay the MassHealth agency for medical assistance under M.G.L. c. 118E, § 22 and 42 U.S.C. 1396a(a)(25)(A) and (B) and the Department of Transitional Assistance for financial assistance under M.G.L. c. 18, § 5G, before the MassHealth agency will consider whether a transfer of such third-party payments may be permissible under 130 CMR 520.019(D), (F), or (J).
(F)Determination of Intent. In addition to the permissible transfers described in 130 CMR 520.019(D), the MassHealth agency will not impose a period of ineligibility for transferring resources at less than fair-market value if the nursing-facility resident or the spouse demonstrates to the MassHealth agency's satisfaction that
(1) the resources were transferred exclusively for a purpose other than to qualify for MassHealth; or
(2) the nursing-facility resident or spouse intended to dispose of the resource at either fair-market value or for other valuable consideration. Valuable consideration is a tangible benefit equal to at least the fair-market value of the transferred resource.
(G)Period of Ineligibility Due to a Disqualifying Transfer.
(1)Duration of Ineligibility. If the MassHealth agency has determined that a disqualifying transfer of resources has occurred, the MassHealth agency will calculate a period of ineligibility. The number of months in the period of ineligibility is equal to the total, cumulative, uncompensated value as defined in 130 CMR 515.001: Definition of Terms of all resources transferred by the nursing-facility resident or the spouse, divided by the average monthly cost to a private patient receiving nursing-facility services in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts at the time of application, as determined by the MassHealth agency.
(2)Determination of the Period of Ineligibility in Special Circumstances. The MassHealth agency determines the periods of ineligibility in the following situations.
(a)Transfers in the Same Month. When a number of resources have been transferred in the same month, the MassHealth agency calculates the period of ineligibility by dividing the total value of the transferred resources by the average monthly cost to a private patient receiving nursing-facility services in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts at the time of application, as determined by the MassHealth agency. The period of ineligibility begins on the first day of the month in which the resources were transferred.
(b)Periods of Ineligibilty that Overlap. When transfers of resources result in periods of ineligibility that overlap, the MassHealth agency adds the value of all the transferred resources and divides the total by the average monthly cost to a private patient receiving nursing-facility services in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts at the time of application, as determined by the MassHealth agency. The result is a single period of ineligibility beginning on the first day of the month in which the first transfer was made.
(c)Periods of Ineligibility that do not Overlap. In the case of multiple transfers where the periods of ineligibility for each transfer do not overlap, the MassHealth agency considers each transfer as a separate event with its own period of ineligibility. For non- overlapping multiple transfers occurring on or after February 8, 2006, see130 CMR 520.019(G)(2)1.
(d)Periods of Ineligibility of less than One Month. If the calculated period of ineligibility is less than one month, the MassHealth agency imposes a partial-month period of ineligibility and does not round down or disregard any fractional period of ineligibility.
(e)Transfer of Lump-sum Income. When income has been transferred as a lump sum, the MassHealth agency calculates the period of ineligibility on the lump-sum value.
(f)Transfer of Stream of Income. When a stream of income has been transferred, the MassHealth agency calculates the period of ineligibility for each income payment that is periodically transferred. The MassHealth agency may impose partial-month periods of ineligibility.
(g)Transfer of the Right to a Stream of Income. When the right to a stream of income has been transferred, the MassHealth agency calculates the period of ineligibility based on the total amount of income expected to be transferred during the nursing-facility resident's life, according to the life-expectancy tables as determined by the MassHealth agency.
(h)Transfer by the Spouse. When a transfer by the spouse results in a period of ineligibility for the nursing-facility resident, and the spouse later becomes institutionalized and applies for MassHealth agency payment of nursing-facility services, the MassHealth agency apportions the remaining period of ineligibility equally between the spouses. If both spouses become nursing-facility residents in the same month, the MassHealth agency divides the period of ineligibility equally between them. When one spouse is no longer subject to a penalty, any remaining penalty must then be imposed on the remaining nursing-facility-resident spouse.
(i)Multiple Transfers Occurring on or after February 8, 2006. For transfers occurring on or after February 8, 2006, the MassHealth agency adds the value of all the resources transferred during the look-back period and divides the total by the average monthly cost to a private patient receiving long-term-care services in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts at the time of application, as determined by the MassHealth agency. The result will be a single period of ineligibility beginning on the first day of the month in which the first transfer was made or the date on which the individual is otherwise eligible for long-term-care services, whichever is later.
(3)Begin Date. For transfers occurring before February 8, 2006, the period of ineligibility begins on the first day of the month in which resources have been transferred for less than fair-market value. For transfers occurring on or after February 8, 2006, the period of ineligibility begins on the first day of the month in which resources were transferred for less than fair-market value or the date on which the individual is otherwise eligible for Mass- Health agency payment of long-term-care services, whichever is later. For transfers involving revocable trusts, the date of transfer is the date the payment to someone other than the nursing-facility resident or the spouse is made. For transfers involving irrevocable trusts, the date of transfer is
(a) the date that the countable trust resources are transferred to someone other than the nursing-facility resident or spouse; or
(b) the latest of the following:
1. the date that payment to the nursing-facility resident or the spouse was foreclosed under the terms of the trust;
2. the date that the trust was established; or
3. the date that any resource was placed in the trust.
(H)Transfers of Jointly Held Resources. The MassHealth agency will determine the amount of the nursing-facility resident's ownership interest of jointly held resources as defined in 130 CMR 515.001: Definition of Terms in accordance with the ownership rules at 130 CMR 520.005. The MassHealth agency will consider as a transfer any action taken by any person that reduces or eliminates the nursing-facility resident's ownership or control of the resource. The MassHealth agency then will determine whether the transfer was made at less than fair-market value in accordance with the transfer rules.
(I)Transfer of Life-estate and Remainder Interest. The rules pertaining to transfer of life-estate and remainder interest apply in instances involving remainder interest of property including life estates, annuities, wills, and trusts.
(1) The MassHealth agency considers a transfer of property with the retention of a life estate, as defined in 130 CMR 515.001: Definition of Terms, to be a transfer of resources. The difference between the fair-market value of the entire asset and the value of the life estate is called the remainder interest. The remainder interest is the amount considered to be transferred at less than fair-market value. The MassHealth agency will calculate the values of the remainder interest and the life estate in accordance with the life-estate tables, as determined by the MassHealth agency. If the language of the document creating the life estate explicitly states that the owner of the life estate has the power to sell the entire property (not simply the life estate), then the creation of this type of life estate will be treated as a trust.
(2) If the nursing-facility resident's or the spouse's life-estate interest or property including the life-estate interest is sold or transferred, the value of the life-estate interest at the time of the sale or transfer is calculated in accordance with the life-estate tables, as determined by the MassHealth agency. The MassHealth agency will attribute the value of the life-estate interest at the time of the sale or transfer to the person selling or transferring the life estate.
(3) The MassHealth agency considers the purchase of a life estate in another individual's home made on or after April 1, 2006, a disqualifying transfer, unless the purchaser resides in the home for a period of at least one year after the date of the purchase.
(J)Home Equity Loans and Reverse Mortgages. Proceeds from a home equity loan or a reverse mortgage that are transferred in the month of receipt will be considered a disqualifying transfer of resources if transferred for less than fair-market value.
(K)Exempting Transfers from the Period of Ineligibility.
(1)During the Eligibility Process. To avoid the imposition of a period of ineligibility, the nursing-facility resident may take action during the determination of eligibility before the issuance of a notice of a period of ineligibility as follows.
(a)Revising a Trust. During the eligibility process, the nursing-facility resident may revise a trust to comply with the criteria of a special-needs trust or a pooled trust, as defined in 130 CMR 515.001: Definition of Terms. The use of resources to create these trusts are permissible transfers, in accordance with 130 CMR 520.019(D). The MassHealth agency will use the original application date if during the eligibility process the nursing-facility resident provides proof that the trust has been revised accordingly.
(b)Curing a Transfer. During the eligibility process, the full value or a portion of the full value of the transferred resources may be returned to the nursing-facility resident. The MassHealth agency will use the original application date and consider the transfer to have been eliminated or adjusted. The MassHealth agency will apply the countable assets rules at 130 CMR 520.007 and the countable income rules at 130 CMR 520.009 to the returned resources in determining eligibility.
(2)After Issuance of the Notice of the Period of Ineligibility. After the issuance of the notice of the period of ineligibility, the nursing-facility resident may avoid imposition of the period of ineligibility in the following instances.
(a)Revising a Trust. If the nursing-facility resident revises a trust to comply with the criteria of a special-needs trust or a pooled trust as defined in 130 CMR 515.001: Definition of Terms and exempted in 130 CMR 520.019(D), the MassHealth agency will rescind the period of ineligibility as follows.
1. The MassHealth agency will use the original application date if within 60 days after the date of the notice of the period of ineligibility, the nursing-facility resident provides proof that the trust has been revised to comply with the criteria of a special- needs trust or a pooled trust. The MassHealth agency may extend the original 60-day period for an additional 120 days, if court action is required to revise the trust, as long as the court action is filed within the 60-day period after the date of the notice of the period of ineligibility.
2. If after the 60th day after the date of the notice of the period of ineligibility, the nursing-facility resident provides proof that the trust has been revised to comply with the criteria of a special-needs trust or a pooled trust, the MassHealth agency will consider the trust revised as of the date the trust has been both revised and notarized.
(b)Curing a Transfer. If the full value or a portion of the full value of the transferred resources is returned to the nursing-facility resident, the MassHealth agency will rescind or adjust the period of ineligibility and will apply the countable-assets rules at 130 CMR 520.007 and the countable-income rules at 130 CMR 520.009 to the returned resources in the determination of eligibility. The MassHealth agency will rescind or adjust the period of ineligibility as follows.
1. The MassHealth agency uses the original application date if the nursing-facility resident provides proof within 60 days after the date of the notice of the period of ineligibility that the transfer has been fully or partially cured. In the case of a partial cure, the MassHealth agency recalculates the period of ineligibility based on the transferred amount remaining after deducting the cured portion, beginning with the date of transfer or, for cures of transfers occurring on or after February 8, 2006, the later of the date of transfer or the date on which the individual would have otherwise been eligible.
2. If the nursing-facility resident provides proof later than the 60th day after the date of the notice of a period of ineligibility that the transfer has been fully or partially cured, the nursing-facility resident must reapply. The MassHealth agency recalculates the period of ineligibility based on the amount of the transfer remaining after the cure, beginning with the date of transfer or, for cures of transfers occurring on or after February 8, 2006, the later of the date of transfer or the date on which the individual would have otherwise been eligible.
(L)Waiver of the Period of Ineligibility Due to Undue Hardship. In addition to revising a trust and curing a transfer, the nursing-facility resident may claim undue hardship in order to eliminate the period of ineligibility.
(1) The MassHealth agency may waive a period of ineligibility due to a disqualifying transfer of resources if ineligibility would cause the nursing-facility resident undue hardship.

The MassHealth agency may waive the entire period of ineligibility or only a portion when all of the following circumstances exist.

(a) The denial of MassHealth would deprive the nursing-facility resident of medical care such that his or her health or life would be endangered, or the nursing-facility resident would be deprived of food, shelter, clothing, or other necessities such that he or she would be at risk of serious deprivation.
(b) Documentary evidence has been provided that demonstrates to the satisfaction of the MassHealth agency that all appropriate attempts to retrieve the transferred resource have been exhausted and that the resource or other adequate compensation cannot be obtained to provide payment, in whole or part, to the nursing-facility resident or the nursing facility.
(c) The institution has notified the nursing-facility resident of its intent to initiate a discharge of the resident because the resident has not paid for his or her institutionalization.
(d) There is no less costly noninstitutional alternative available to meet the nursing- facility resident 's needs.
(2) Undue hardship does not exist when imposition of the period of ineligibility would merely inconvenience or restrict the nursing-facility resident without putting the nursing- facility resident at risk of serious deprivation.
(3) Where the MassHealth agency has issued a notice of the period of ineligibility due to a disqualifying transfer of resources, the nursing-facility resident may request a hardship waiver. For transfers occurring on or after February 8, 2006, nursing facilities may apply for a hardship waiver on behalf of a resident, with the consent of the nursing-facility resident or the resident's authorized representative.
(4) If the nursing-facility resident feels the imposition of a period of ineligibility would result in undue hardship, the nursing-facility resident must submit a written request for consideration of undue hardship and any supporting documentation to the MassHealth Enrollment Center listed on the notice of the period of ineligibility within 15 days after the date on the notice. Within 30 days after the date of the nursing-facility resident's request, the MassHealth agency will inform the nursing-facility resident in writing of the undue-hardship decision and of the right to a fair hearing. The MassHealth agency will extend this 30-day period if the MassHealth agency requests additional documentation or if extenuating circumstances as determined by the MassHealth agency require additional time.
(5) The nursing-facility resident may appeal the MassHealth agency's undue-hardship decision and the imposition of a period of ineligibility by submitting a request for a fair hearing to the MassHealth agency's Office of Medicaid Board of Hearings within 30 days after the nursing-facility resident's receipt of the MassHealth agency's written undue-hardship notice, in accordance with 130 CMR 610.000: MassHealth: Fair Hearing Rules.
(6) The nursing-facility resident's request for consideration of undue hardship does not limit his or her right to request a fair hearing for reasons other than undue hardship.
(M)Fraudulent Transfer or Sale. If a nursing-facility resident whose estate would be subject to a claim under 130 CMR 515.011: Estate Recovery transfers or sells any property including a home or an interest in the property for less than fair-market value, the MassHealth agency may consider the transfer or sale that does not meet the conditions of 130 CMR 520.019(D)(6) to be fraudulent under the Uniform Fraudulent Conveyance Act (M.G.L. c. 109(A)) and take appropriate legal action to set aside the transfer or sale.
(N)No Double Penalty. In the event that application of the transfer rules and the trust rules in 130 CMR 520.000 results in a nursing-facility resident being subject to a transfer penalty twice for actions involving the same resource, the trust rules will supersede the transfer rules in the determination of eligibility.

130 CMR, § 520.019

Amended by Mass Register Issue 1486, eff. 1/6/2023.