7 C.F.R. § 760.1502

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 760.1502 - Definitions

The following definitions apply to this subpart. The definitions in §§ 718.2 and 1400.3 of this title also apply, except where they conflict with the definitions in this section. In the event of conflict, the definitions in this section apply.

2017 WHIP factor means the factor in § 760.1511 , determined by the Deputy Administrator, that is based on the crop insurance or NAP coverage level elected by the 2017 WHIP participant for a crop for which a payment is being requested; or, as applicable, the factor that applies for a crop of a crop year where the participant had no insurance or NAP coverage.

2017 WHIP yield means, for a unit:

(1) For an insured crop, excluding crops located in Puerto Rico, the approved federal crop insurance APH, for the disaster year;
(2) For a NAP covered crop, excluding crops located in Puerto Rico, the approved yield for the disaster year;
(3) For a crop located in Puerto Rico or an uninsured crop, excluding citrus crops located in Florida, the county expected yield for the disaster year; and
(4) For citrus crops located in Florida, the yield based on documentation submitted according to § 760.1511(c)(3) , or if documentation is not submitted, the county expected yield.

Actual production means the total quantity of the crop appraised, harvested, or assigned, as determined by the FSA State or county committee in accordance with instructions issued by the Deputy Administrator.

Administrative county office means the FSA county office designated to make determinations, handle official records, and issue payments for the farm as specified in accordance part 718 of this title.

Appraised production means the amount of production determined by FSA, or a company reinsured by the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC), that was unharvested but was determined to reflect the crop's yield potential at the time of appraisal.

Approved yield means the amount of production per acre, computed as specified in FCIC's Actual Production History (APH) Program in part 400, subpart G of this title or, for crops not included in part 400, subpart G of this title, the yield used to determine the guarantee. For crops covered under NAP, the approved yield is established according to part 1437 of this title.

Average adjusted gross farm income means the average of the portion of adjusted gross income of the person or legal entity that is attributable to activities related to farming, ranching, or forestry. The relevant tax years are:

(1) For 2017 WHIP, 2013, 2014, and 2015; and
(2) For WHIP+, 2015, 2016, and 2017.

Average adjusted gross income means the average of the adjusted gross income as defined under 26 U.S.C. 62 or comparable measure of the person or legal entity. The relevant tax years are:

(1) For 2017 WHIP, 2013, 2014, and 2015; and
(2) For WHIP+, 2015, 2016, and 2017.

Bush means, a low, branching, woody plant, from which at maturity of the bush, an annual fruit or vegetable crop is produced for commercial market for human consumption, such as a blueberry bush. The definition does not cover nursery stock or plants that produce a bush after the normal crop is harvested.

Buy-up NAP coverage means NAP coverage at a payment amount that is equal to an indemnity amount calculated for buy-up coverage computed under section 508(c) or (h) of the Federal Crop Insurance Act and equal to the amount that the buy-up coverage yield for the crop exceeds the actual yield for the crop.

Catastrophic coverage has the meaning as defined in § 1437.3 of this title.

Citrus crops and citrus trees include grapefruit, lemon, lime, Mandarin, Murcott, orange (all types), pummelo (pomelo), tangelo, tangerine, tangor.

County disaster yield means the average yield per acre calculated for a county or part of a county for the applicable crop year based on disaster events, and is intended to reflect the amount of production that a participant would have been expected to make based on the eligible disaster conditions in the county or area, as determined by the FSA county committee in accordance with instructions issued by the Deputy Administrator.

County expected yield has the meaning assigned in § 1437.102(b) of this title.

Coverage level means the percentage determined by multiplying the elected yield percentage under a crop insurance policy or NAP coverage by the elected price percentage.

Crop insurance means an insurance policy reinsured by FCIC under the provisions of the Federal Crop Insurance Act, as amended. It does not include private plans of insurance.

Crop insurance indemnity means, for the purpose of this subpart, the payment to a participant for crop losses covered under crop insurance administered by RMA in accordance with the Federal Crop Insurance Act (7 U.S.C. 1501-1524 ) .

Crop year means:

(1) For insurable crops, trees, bushes, and vines, the crop year as defined according to the applicable crop insurance policy;
(2) For NAP eligible crops, the crop year as defined in § 1437.3 of this title;
(3) For uninsurable trees, bushes, and vines, the calendar year in which the qualifying disaster event occurred.

Damage factor means a percentage of the value lost when a tree, bush, or vine is damaged and requires rehabilitation but is not completely destroyed, as determined by the Deputy Administrator.

Eligible crop means a crop for which coverage was available either from FCIC under part 400 of this title, or through NAP under § 1437.4 of this title, that was affected by a qualifying disaster event.

Eligible disaster event means a disaster event that was:

(1) For insured crops, an eligible cause of loss under the applicable crop insurance policy for the crop year;
(2) For NAP covered crops and uninsured crops, an eligible cause of loss as specified in § 1437.10 of this title.

End use means the purpose for which the harvested crop is used, such as grain, hay, or seed.

Expected production means, for an agricultural unit, the historic yield multiplied by the number of planted or prevented planted acres of the crop for the unit.

FCIC means the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, a wholly owned Government Corporation of USDA, administered by RMA.

Final planting date means the latest date, established by RMA for insurable crops, by which the crop must initially be planted in order to be insured for the full production guarantee or amount of insurance per acre. For NAP eligible crops, the final planting date is as defined in § 1437.3 of this title.

Growth stage means a classification system for trees, bushes, and vines based on a combination of age and production capability, determined by:

(1) The applicable insurance policy for insurable trees, bushes, and vines; or
(2) The Deputy Administrator for trees, bushes, and vines for which RMA does not offer an insurance policy.

Harvested means:

(1) For insurable crops, harvested as defined according to the applicable crop insurance policy;
(2) For NAP eligible single harvest crops, that a crop has been removed from the field, either by hand or mechanically;
(3) For NAP eligible crops with potential multiple harvests in 1 year or harvested over multiple years, that the producer has, by hand or mechanically, removed at least one mature crop from the field during the crop year;
(4) For mechanically-harvested NAP eligible crops, that the crop has been removed from the field and placed in a truck or other conveyance, except hay is considered harvested when in the bale, whether removed from the field or not. Grazed land will not be considered harvested for the purpose of determining an unharvested or prevented planting payment factor.

Insurable crop means an agricultural crop (excluding livestock) for which the producer on a farm is eligible to obtain a policy or plan of insurance under the Federal Crop Insurance Act (7 U.S.C. 1501-1524 ) .

Multi-use crop means a crop intended for more than one end use during the crop year such as grass harvested for seed, hay, and grazing.

Multiple cropping means the planting of two or more different crops on the same acreage for harvest within the same crop year.

Multiple planting means the planting for harvest of the same crop in more than one planting period in a crop year on different acreage.

NASS means the National Agricultural Statistics Service.

NAP means the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program under section 196 of the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996 (7 U.S.C. 7333 ) and part 1437 of this title.

NAP covered crop means a crop for which the producer on a farm obtained NAP coverage.

NAP eligible crop means an agricultural crop for which the producer on a farm is eligible to obtain NAP coverage.

NAP service fee means the amount the producer must pay to obtain NAP coverage.

Planted acreage means land in which seed, plants, or trees have been placed, appropriate for the crop and planting method, at a correct depth, into a seedbed that has been properly prepared for the planting method and production practice normal to the USDA plant hardiness zone as determined by the county committee.

Prevented planting means the inability to plant an eligible crop with proper equipment during the planting period as a result of an eligible cause of loss, as determined by FSA.

Price means price per unit of the crop or commodity and will be:

(1) For an insured crop under a crop insurance policy that establishes a price, and under WHIP+, the price for a crop for which the producer obtained a revenue plan of insurance is the greater of the projected price or the harvest price to determine liability, that established price;
(2) For an insured crop under a crop insurance policy that does not establish a price to determine crop insurance liability, the county average price, as determined by FSA;
(3) For a NAP covered crop or uninsured crop, the average market price determined in § 1437.12 of this title; or
(4) For a tree, bush, or vine, the price determined by the Deputy Administrator based on the species of tree, bush, or vine and its growth stage.

Production means quantity of the crop or commodity produced expressed in a specific unit of measure including, but not limited to, bushels or pounds. Production under this subpart includes all harvested production, unharvested appraised production, and assigned production for the total planted acreage of the crop on the unit.

Qualifying disaster event means:

(1) For 2017 WHIP, a hurricane, wildfire, or Tropical Storm Cindy or related condition that occurred in the 2017 calendar year; extreme cold in calendar year 2017 for losses of peach and blueberry crops in calendar year 2017; and extreme cold and hurricane damage in calendar year 2017 for blueberry productivity losses in calendar year 2018; and
(2) For WHIP+, a hurricane, flood, tornado, typhoon, volcanic activity, snowstorm, wildfire, excessive moisture, qualifying drought, or related condition that occurred in the 2018 or 2019 calendar year.

Qualifying drought means an area within the county was rated by the U.S. Drought Monitor as having a D3 (extreme drought) or higher level of drought intensity during the applicable calendar year.

Related condition means damaging weather or an adverse natural occurrence that occurred as a direct result of a specified qualifying disaster event, as determined by FSA, such as excessive rain, high winds, flooding, mudslides, and heavy smoke, as determined by the Deputy Administrator.

Repeat crop means, with respect to production, a commodity that is planted or prevented from being planted in more than one planting period on the same acreage in the same crop year.

RMA means the Risk Management Agency.

Salvage value means the dollar amount or equivalent for the quantity of the commodity that cannot be marketed or sold in any recognized market for the crop.

Secondary use means the harvesting of a crop for a use other than the intended use.

Secondary use value means the value determined by multiplying the quantity of secondary use times the FSA-established price for that use.

Tree means a tall, woody plant having comparatively great height, and a single trunk from which an annual crop is produced for commercial market for human consumption, such as a maple tree for syrup, or papaya or orchard tree for fruit. It includes immature trees that are intended for commercial purposes. Nursery stock, banana and plantain plants, and trees used for pulp or timber are not considered eligible trees under this subpart.

Tropical crops is defined in § 1437.501 of this title.

Tropical region is defined in § 1437.502 of this title.

Unharvested payment factor means a percentage established by FSA for a crop and applied in a payment formula to reduce the payment for reduced expenses incurred because commercial harvest was not performed.

Uninsured means a crop that was not covered by crop insurance or NAP for the crop year for which a payment is being requested under this subpart.

Unit means, unless otherwise determined by the Deputy Administrator, basic unit as defined in part 457 or § 1437.9 of this title, for ornamental nursery production, includes all eligible plant species and sizes.

Unit of measure means:

(1) For insurable crops, the FCIC-established unit of measure; and
(2) For NAP eligible crops, the established unit of measure used for the NAP price and yield.

USDA means the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

USDA Plant Hardiness Zone means the 11 regions or planting zones as defined by a 10 degree Fahrenheit difference in the average annual minimum temperature.

U.S. drought monitor is a system for classifying drought severity according to a range of abnormally dry to exceptional drought. It is a collaborative effort between Federal and academic partners, produced on a weekly basis, to synthesize multiple indices, outlooks, and drought impacts on a map and in narrative form. This synthesis of indices is reported by the National Drought Mitigation Center at http://droughtmonitor.unl.edu.

Value loss crop has the meaning specified in subpart D, of part 1437 of this title.

Vine means a perennial plant grown under normal conditions from which an annual fruit crop is produced for commercial market for human consumption, such as grape, kiwi, or passion fruit, and that has a flexible stem supported by climbing, twining, or creeping along a surface. Nursery stock, perennials that are normally propagated as annuals such as tomato plants, biennials such as strawberry plants, and annuals such as pumpkin, squash, cucumber, watermelon, and other melon plants, are excluded from the term vine in this subpart.

WHIP+ factor means the factor in § 760.1511 , determined by the Deputy Administrator, that is based on the crop insurance or NAP coverage level elected by the WHIP+ participant for a crop for which a payment is being requested; or, as applicable, the factor that applies for a crop during a crop year in which the participant had no insurance or NAP coverage.

WHIP+ yield means, for a unit:

(1) For an insured crop, excluding crops located in Puerto Rico, the approved federal crop insurance APH, for the crop year;
(2) For a NAP covered crop, excluding crops located in Puerto Rico, the approved yield for the crop year;
(3) For a crop located in Puerto Rico or an uninsured crop, excluding select crops, the county expected yield for the crop year; and
(4) For select crops, the yield based on documentation submitted according to § 760.1511(c)(3) , or if documentation is not submitted, the county expected yield.

Yield means unit of production, measured in bushels, pounds, or other unit of measure, per area of consideration, usually measured in acres.

7 C.F.R. §760.1502

83 FR 33801, July 18, 2018, as amended 84 FR 48529, Sept. 13, 2019; 86 FR 445, Jan. 6, 2021
83 FR 33801, 7/18/2018; as amended 84 FR 48529, 9/13/2019; 86 FR 445, 1/6/2021