50 C.F.R. § 660.705

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 660.705 - Prohibitions

In addition to the general prohibitions specified in § 600.725 of this chapter, it is unlawful for any person to do any of the following:

(a) Fish for HMS in the U.S. EEZ off the Pacific coast without a permit issued under § 660.707 for the use of authorized fishing gear.
(b) Fish with gear in any closed area specified in this subpart that prohibits the use of such gear.
(c) Land HMS at Pacific coast ports without a permit issued under § 600.707 for the use of authorized fishing gear.
(d) Sell HMS without an applicable commercial state fishery license.
(e) When fishing for HMS, fail to return a prohibited species to the sea immediately with a minimum of injury, except under the following circumstances:
(1) Any prohibited species may be retained for examination by an authorized observer or to return tagged fish as specified by the tagging agency.
(2) Salmon may be retained if harvested in accordance with subpart H of this part, and other applicable law.
(3) Great white sharks, basking sharks, and megamouth sharks may be retained if incidentally caught and subsequently sold or donated to a recognized scientific or educational organization for research or display purposes.
(4) Pacific halibut may be retained if harvested in accordance with part 300, subpart E of this Title, and other applicable law.
(f) Falsify or fail to affix and maintain vessel markings as required by § 660.704 .
(g) Fish for HMS in violation of any terms or conditions attached to an exempted fishing permit issued under § 600.745 of this chapter.
(h) When a directed fishery has been closed for a specific species, take and retain, possess, or land that species after the closure date.
(i) Refuse to submit fishing gear or fish subject to such person's control to inspection by an authorized officer, or to interfere with or prevent, by any means, such an inspection.
(j) Falsify or fail to make and/or file any and all reports of fishing, landing, or any other activity involving HMS, containing all data, and in the exact manner, required by the applicable state law, as specified in § 660.708(b) .
(k) Fail to carry aboard a vessel that vessel's permit issued under § 660.707 or exempted fishing permit issued under § 660.718 , except if the permit was issued while the vessel was at sea.
(l) Fail to install, activate, repair, replace, carry, operate or maintain a VMS unit as required under § 660.712 and § 660.713 .
(m) Interfere with, tamper with, alter, damage, disable, or impede the operation of a VMS unit or to attempt any of the same; or to move or remove a VMS unit without the prior permission of the SAC.
(n) Make a false statement, oral or written, to an authorized officer, regarding the use, operation, or maintenance of a VMS unit.
(o) Fish for, catch, or harvest HMS with longline or drift gillnet gear without an operating VMS unit on board the vessel after installation of the VMS unit.
(p) Possess on board a vessel without an operating VMS unit HMS harvested with longline or drift gillnet gear after installation of the VMS unit.
(q) Direct fishing effort toward the harvest of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) using longline gear deployed west of 150° W. long. and north of the equator (0° lat.) on a vessel registered for use of longline gear in violation of § 660.712(a)(1) .
(r) Possess a light stick on board a longline vessel when fishing west of 150° W. long. and north of the equator (0° lat.) in violation of § 660.712(a)(6)
(s) If no observer is on the vessel and J-type fishing hooks are used, possess more than 10 swordfish; if no observer on the vessel and only circle-type fishing hooks are used, possess more than 25 swordfish on board a longline vessel from a fishing trip where any part of the trip included fishing west of 150° W. long. and north of the equator (0° lat.) in violation of § 660.712(a)(9) .
(t) Interfere with, impede, delay, or prevent the installation, maintenance, repair, inspection, or removal of a VMS unit.
(u) Interfere with, impede, delay, or prevent access to a VMS unit by a NMFS observer.
(v) Connect or leave connected additional equipment to a VMS unit without the prior approval of the SAC.
(w) Fish for HMS with a vessel registered for use of longline gear within closed areas or by use of unapproved gear configurations in violation of § 660.712(a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(7), (a)(8), or (a)(9) .
(x) Fail to use a line setting machine or line shooter, with weighted branch lines, to set the main longline when operating a vessel that is registered for use of longline gear and equipped with monofilament main longline, when making deep sets north of 23° N. lat. in violation of § 660.712(c)(1)(i) and (c)(1)(ii) .
(y) Fail to employ basket-style longline gear such that the mainline is deployed slack when operating a vessel registered for use of longline gear north of 23° N. lat. in violation of § 660.712 (c)(1)(iii) .
(z) Fail to maintain and use blue dye to prepare thawed bait when operating a vessel registered for use of longline gear that is fishing north of 23° N. lat., in violation of § 660.712(c)(2) and (c)(3) .
(aa) Fail to retain, handle, and discharge fish, fish parts, and spent bait strategically when operating a vessel registered for use of longline gear that is fishing north of 23° N. lat. in violation of § 660.712 (c)(4) through (c)(7) .
(bb) Fail to handle short-tailed albatrosses that are caught by pelagic longline gear in a manner that maximizes the probability of their long-term survival, in violation of § 660.712(c)(8) .
(cc) Fail to handle seabirds other than short-tailed albatross that are caught by pelagic longline gear in a manner that maximizes the probability of their long-term survival in violation of § 660.712(c)(17) .
(dd) Own a longline vessel registered for use of longline gear that is engaged in longline fishing for HMS without a valid protected species workshop certificate issued by NMFS or a legible copy thereof in violation of § 660.712(e)(3) .
(ee) Fish for HMS on a vessel registered for use of longline gear without having on board a valid protected species workshop certificate issued by NMFS or a legible copy thereof in violation of § 660.712(e) .
(ff) Fail to carry line clippers, dip nets, and wire or bolt cutters on a vessel registered for use as a longline vessel in violation of § 660.712(b) .
(gg) Fail to comply with sea turtle handling, resuscitation, and release requirements specified in § 660.712(b)(4) through (7) when operating a vessel.
(hh) Fail to comply with seabird take mitigation or handling techniques required under § 660.712(c)
(ii) Fish for HMS with a vessel registered for use as a longline vessel without being certified by NMFS for completion of an annual protected species workshop as required under § 660.712(e) .
(jj) Fail to notify the Regional Administrator at least 24 hours prior to departure on a fishing trip using longline gear as required under § 660.712(f) .
(kk) Except when fishing under a western Pacific longline limited entry permit issued under § 660.21 , direct fishing effort toward the harvest of swordfish or fail to have and use gear in waters west of 150° W. long. in violation of § 660.720 .
(ll) Except when fishing under a western Pacific longline limited entry permit issued under § 660.21 , possess a light stick on board a longline vessel on the high seas of the Pacific Ocean west of 150° W. long. north of the equator in violation of § 660.720 (a)(ii) .
(mm) Except when fishing under a western Pacific longline limited entry permit issued under § 660.21 , possess more than 10 swordfish on board a longline vessel from a fishing trip where any part of the trip included fishing on the high seas of the Pacific Ocean west of 150° W. long. north of the equator in violation of § 660.720(a)(3) .
(nn) Except when fishing under a western Pacific longline limited entry permit issued under § 660.21 , fail to employ basket-style longline gear such that the mainline is deployed slack when fishing on the high seas of the Pacific Ocean west of 150° W. long. north of the equator, in violation of § 660.720 (a)(iv) .
(oo) Except when fishing under a western Pacific longline limited entry permit issued under § 660.21 , when a conventional monofilament longline is deployed by a vessel subject to this section, deploy fewer than 15 branch lines between any two floats, in violation of § 660.720 (a)(v) . Vessel operators using basket-style longline gear may not set less than 10 branch lines between any 2 floats when fishing in waters west of 150° W. long. north of the equator.
(pp) Except when fishing under a western Pacific longline limited entry permit issued under § 660.21 , fail to deploy longline gear such that the deepest point of the main longline between any two floats, i.e., the deepest point in each sag of the main line, is at a depth greater than 100 m (328.1 ft or 54.6 fm) below the sea surface, in violation of § 660.720 (a)(vi) .
(qq) Take and retain, possess on board, or land, fish in excess of any bag limit specified in § 660.721 .
(rr) Fail to notify NMFS or the NMFS-designated observer provider at least 48 hours prior to departure on a fishing trip using drift gillnet gear as required under § 660.713 .
(ss) Fail to submit a declaration report to the NMFS Office of Law Enforcement prior to departure on a fishing trip using drift gillnet gear as required under § 660.713 .
(tt) Fish with a large-mesh drift gillnet (mesh size [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 14 inches) in the U.S. West Coast Exclusive Economic Zone during the time the fishery is closed pursuant to § 660.713(h)(2)(ii) .
(uu) Retain on board, transship, or land any fish caught with a large-mesh drift gillnet (mesh size [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 14 inches) later than 4 days after the effective date of a drift gillnet fishery closure and before the drift gillnet fishery re-opens pursuant to § 660.713(h)(2)(ii) .
(vv) Deploy or have onboard a vessel, deep-set buoy gear (DSBG) in contravention of gear configuration specifications described at § 660.715(a) and (b) .
(ww) Own or operate a vessel used to fish with DSBG in contravention of operational requirements specified at § 660.715(c)(1) and (2) .
(xx) When required under § 660.715(c)(3) , fail to notify NMFS or the NMFS-designated observer provider at least 48 hours prior to departure on a fishing trip during which DSBG is deployed.
(yy) Own or operate a vessel that is engaged in DSBG fishing without record of the operator's participation in a protected species workshop as required under § 660.715(c)(4) .
(zz) Own or operate a vessel used to fish with DSBG in Federal waters north of a line extending seaward of the Oregon/Washington border at 46°16' N latitude.
(aaa) Own or operate a vessel used to fish with DSBG in the Southern California Bight (as defined at § 660.715(d)(2) ) while not in possession of a valid DSBG limited entry permit.
(bbb) Own or operate a vessel used to fish a linked configuration of DSBG shoreward of a line approximating the 400 meter depth contour (according to coordinates specified at § 660.715(d)(3) ) in waters between a line extending seaward at 34°16'8.331" N latitude and a line extending seaward from the Oregon/Washington border at 46°16' N latitude.

50 C.F.R. §660.705

69 FR 18453, Apr. 7, 2004, as amended at 72 FR 58259, Oct. 15, 2007; 77 FR 15975, Mar. 19, 2012; 80 FR 10395, Feb. 26, 2015; 80 FR 46520, Aug. 5, 2015; 85 FR 7250, Feb. 7, 2020; 88 FR 29548, May 8, 2023
85 FR 7250, 2/7/2020; 88 FR 29548, 6/7/2023