50 C.F.R. § 218.72

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 218.72 - Permissible methods of taking
(a) Under LOAs issued pursuant to §§ 216.106 of this chapter and 218.76, the Holder of the LOAs (hereinafter "Navy") may incidentally, but not intentionally, take marine mammals within the area described in § 218.70(b) by Level A harassment and Level B harassment associated with the use of active sonar and other acoustic sources and explosives as well as serious injury or mortality associated with vessel strikes and explosives, provided the activity is in compliance with all terms, conditions, and requirements of these regulations in this subpart and the applicable LOAs.
(b) The incidental take of marine mammals by the activities listed in § 218.70(c) is limited to the following species:

Table 1 to § 218.72

Species Stock
Blue whaleCentral North Pacific.
Blue whaleEastern North Pacific.
Bryde's whaleEastern Tropical Pacific.
Bryde's whaleHawaii.
Fin whaleCA/OR/WA.
Fin whaleHawaiian.
Humpback whaleCA/OR/WA.
Humpback whaleCentral North Pacific.
Minke whaleCA/OR/WA.
Minke whaleHawaii.
Sei whaleEastern North Pacific.
Sei whaleHawaii.
Gray whaleEastern North Pacific.
Gray whaleWestern North Pacific.
Sperm whaleCA/OR/WA.
Sperm whaleHawaii.
Dwarf sperm whaleHawaii.
Pygmy sperm whaleHawaii.
Kogia whalesCA/OR/WA.
Baird's beaked whaleCA/OR/WA.
Blainville's beaked whaleHawaii.
Cuvier's beaked whaleCA/OR/WA.
Cuvier's beaked whaleHawaii.
Longman's beaked whaleHawaii.
Mesoplodon spp.CA/OR/WA.
Bottlenose dolphinCalifornia Coastal.
Bottlenose dolphinCA/OR/WA Offshore.
Bottlenose dolphinHawaii Pelagic.
Bottlenose dolphinKauai & Niihau.
Bottlenose dolphinOahu.
Bottlenose dolphin4-Island.
Bottlenose dolphinHawaii.
False killer whaleHawaii Pelagic.
False killer whaleMain Hawaiian Islands Insular.
False killer whaleNorthwestern Hawaiian Islands.
Fraser's dolphinHawaii.
Killer whaleEastern North Pacific (ENP) Offshore.
Killer whaleENP Transient/West Coast Transient.
Killer whaleHawaii.
Long-beaked common dolphinCalifornia.
Melon-headed whaleHawaiian Islands.
Melon-headed whaleKohala Resident.
Northern right whale dolphinCA/OR/WA.
Pacific white-sided dolphinCA/OR/WA.
Pantropical spotted dolphinHawaii Island.
Pantropical spotted dolphinHawaii Pelagic.
Pantropical spotted dolphinOahu.
Pantropical spotted dolphin4-Island.
Pygmy killer whaleHawaii.
Pygmy killer whaleTropical.
Risso's dolphinCA/OR/WA.
Risso's dolphinHawaii.
Rough-toothed dolphinHawaii.
Short-beaked common dolphinCA/OR/WA.
Short-finned pilot whaleCA/OR/WA.
Short-finned pilot whaleHawaii.
Spinner dolphinHawaii Island.
Spinner dolphinHawaii Pelagic.
Spinner dolphinKauai & Niihau.
Spinner dolphinOahu & 4-Island.
Striped dolphinCA/OR/WA.
Striped dolphinHawaii.
Dall's porpoiseCA/OR/WA.
California sea lionU.S.
Guadalupe fur sealMexico.
Northern fur sealCalifornia.
Harbor sealCalifornia.
Hawaiian monk sealHawaii.
Northern elephant sealCalifornia.

Note to Table 1: CA/OR/WA = California/Oregon/Washington.

50 C.F.R. §218.72