50 C.F.R. § 84.12

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 84.12 - What are the information collection, record keeping, and reporting requirements?
(a) Information collection requirements include:
(1) An Application for Federal Assistance (Standard Form 424);
(2) A proposal, following the guidance of OMB Circular A-102 and the Federal Aid Grant Application Booklet (OMB Control Number 1018-0109), that includes statements of need and objective(s); a description of expected results or benefits; the approach to be used, such as procedures, schedules, key personnel and cooperators, location of the proposed action, and estimated costs to accomplish the objective(s); identification of any other actions that may relate to the grant; and a description of public involvement and interagency coordination;
(3) Discussion of ranking criteria, including a completed summary information form (USFWS Form 3-2179);
(4) Assurances of compliance with all applicable Federal laws, regulations, and policies (SF 424B or SF 424D); and
(5) Documents, as appropriate, supporting the proposal; for example, environmental assessments (including the NEPA compliance checklist, USFWS Form 3-2185) and evaluations of effects on threatened and endangered species.
(6) A grant agreement form if the proposal is selected for an award (USFWS Form 3-1552); and
(7) A grant amendment form if the agreement is modified (USFWS Form 3-1591).
(b) Record-keeping requirements include the tracking of costs and accomplishments related to the grant as required by 43 CFR 12.60, monitoring and reporting program performance ( 43 CFR 12.80 ), and financial reporting ( 43 CFR 12.81 ). The project report should include information about the acres conserved, with a breakdown by conservation method (for example, acquired, restored, or both) and type of habitat (list habitat types and include the acreage of each). Are the results of the project being monitored? Is there evidence that the resources targeted in the proposal (for example, anadromous fish, threatened and endangered species, and migratory birds) have benefited?
(c) Reporting requirements include retention and access requirements as specified in 43 CFR 12.82 and authorized by OMB through the Federal Aid Grant Application Booklet (OMB Control Number 1018-0109).

50 C.F.R. §84.12