50 C.F.R. § 14.255

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 14.255 - What are the requirements for a registered pre-BCPSA owner?

To be a registered pre-BCPSA owner (also referred to as a "registrant") and qualify for an exception in § 14.257 , an entity or individual must meet all of the requirements of this section.

(a) A registered pre-BCPSA owner must register each individual prohibited wildlife species in their possession with the Service's BCPSA registration form (Form Number 3-200-11) by no later than 180 days after the date of enactment of the BCPSA (i.e., no later than June 18, 2023). Each individual prohibited wildlife species in the registrant's possession must:
(1) Have been born:
(i) Before the date of enactment of the BCPSA; or
(ii) On or after the date of enactment of the BCPSA from breeding that occurred before the date of enactment of the BCPSA, only if the registrant provides documentation to the Service on the BCPSA registration form (Form Number 3-200-11) to prove the individual prohibited wildlife species was born on or after the date of enactment of the BCPSA from breeding that occurred before the date of enactment of the BCPSA;
(2) Not have been acquired by the registrant after the date of enactment of the BCPSA (i.e., legally in the registrant's possession on or before the date of enactment of the BCPSA and have remained continually in the registrant's possession); and
(3) Be marked with a unique identifier that is either a tattoo or a microchip.
(b) A registered pre-BCPSA owner must not:
(1) Breed, acquire, or sell any prohibited wildlife species after the date of the enactment of the BCPSA (This requirement applies regardless of whether the activity is intrastate, interstate, or international); or
(2) Allow direct contact between the public and any prohibited wildlife species after the date of the enactment of the BCPSA.
(c) A registered pre-BCPSA owner must provide the Service with detailed information for each individual prohibited wildlife species as required by the Service in the BCPSA registration form (Form Number 3-200-11), including:
(1) Common name of prohibited wildlife species;
(2) Name given to individual prohibited wildlife species, if applicable;
(3) Genus, species, and subspecies;
(4) Birthdate and date of acquisition, including supporting documentation;
(5) Unique identifier information (i.e., microchip or tattoo);
(6) Sex;
(7) Description (e.g., eye color, scars, ear tags);
(8) Photographs of individual prohibited wildlife species;
(9) Physical location of individual prohibited wildlife species (if different from registrant's contact information);
(10) Protocols taken to prevent breeding;
(11) Protocols taken to prevent direct contact between the public and the prohibited wildlife species; and
(12) Copies of all local, State, or Federal licenses held in relation to the prohibited wildlife species, if applicable.
(d) Within 10 calendar days as required by the Service in the BCPSA registration form (Form Number 3-200-11), a registered pre-BCPSA owner must update the registration with the Service when a prohibited wildlife species dies or any of the following information changes: The location where the prohibited wildlife species is housed; the protocols taken to prevent breeding; the protocols taken to prevent direct contact between the public and big cat; ownership; or a unique identifier.
(e) A registered pre-BCPSA owner must maintain complete and accurate records of information for each individual prohibited wildlife species in their possession as required by the Service in the BCPSA registration form (Form Number 3-200-11) for the lifespan of each individual prohibited wildlife species and for 5 years after its death or disposition and must copy these records for Service officials, if requested.
(1) While the pre-BCPSA owner may not sell or otherwise engage in commerce with prohibited wildlife species, if the pre-BCPSA owner is no longer able to continue to possess their prohibited wildlife species, the pre-BCPSA owner may make arrangements to donate the prohibited wildlife species to a licensed entity, registered Federal facility, State college, State university, State agency, State-licensed veterinarian, or a wildlife sanctuary, or may make arrangements to abandon the prohibited wildlife species to the Federal Government. The disposition must not be reasonably likely to result in the registered pre-BCPSA owner's economic use, gain, or benefit, including, but not limited to, profit (whether in cash or in kind).
(2) The records required by this paragraph (e) must be up to date, and the registered pre-BCPSA owner must make these records available and allow access to their facilities and prohibited wildlife specimens for inspection by Service officials at reasonable hours.

50 C.F.R. §14.255

88 FR 38372, 6/12/2023