49 C.F.R. § 1180.6

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 1180.6 - Supporting information
(a) All applications filed under 49 U.S.C. 11323 shall show in the title the names of the applicants and the nature of the proposed transaction. Beneath the title indicate the name, title, business address, and telephone number of the person(s) to whom correspondence with respect to the application should be addressed. The following information shall be included in all applications:
(1) A description of the proposed transaction, including appropriate references to any supporting exhibits and statements contained in the application and discussing the following:
(i) A brief summary of the proposed transaction, the name of applicants, their business address, telephone number, and the name of the counsel to whom questions regarding the transaction can be addressed.
(ii) The proposed time schedule for consummation of the proposed transaction.
(iii) The purpose sought to be accomplished by the proposed transaction, e.g., operating economies, eliminating excess facilities, improving service, or improving the financial viability of the applicants.
(iv) The nature and amount of any new securities or other financial arrangements.
(2) A detailed discussion of the public interest justifications in support of the application, indicating how the proposed transaction is consistent with the public interest, with particular regard to the relevant statutory criteria, including
(i) The effect of the transaction on inter- and intramodal competition, including a description of the relevant markets (see § 1180.7 ). Include a discussion of whether, as a result of the transaction, there is likely to be any lessening of competition, creation of a monopoly, or restraint of trade in freight surface transportation in any region of the United States.
(ii) The financial consideration involved in the proposed transaction, and any economies, to be effected in operations, and any increase in traffic, revenues, earnings available for fixed charges, and net earnings, expected to result from the consummation of the proposed transaction.
(iii) The effect of the increase, if any, of total fixed charges resulting from the proposed transaction.
(iv) The effect of the proposed transaction upon the adequacy of transportation service to the public, as measured by the continuation of essential transportation services by applicants and other carriers.
(v) The effect of the proposed transaction upon applicant carriers' employees (by class or craft), the geographic points where the impact will occur, the time frame of the impact (for at least 3 years after consolidation), and whether any employee protection agreements have been reached.
(vi) The effect of inclusion (or lack of inclusion) in the proposed transaction of other railroads in the territory, under 49 U.S.C. 11324 .
(3) Any other supporting or descriptive statements applicants deem material.
(4) An opinion of applicants' counsel that the transaction meets the requirements of the law and will be legally authorized and valid, if approved by the Board. This should include specific references to any pertinent provisions of applicants' bylaws or charter or articles of incorporation.
(5) A list of the State(s) in which any part of the property of each applicant carrier is situated.
(6) Map (exhibit 1). Submit a general or key map indicating clearly, in separate colors or otherwise, the line(s) of applicant carriers in their true relations to each other, short line connections, other rail lines in the territory, and the principal geographic points in the region traversed. If a geographically limited transaction is proposed, a map detailing the transaction should also be included. In addition to the map accompanying each application, 20 unbound copies of the map shall be filed with the Board.
(7) Explanation of the transaction.
(i) Describe the nature of the transaction (e.g., merger, control, purchase, trackage rights), the significant terms and conditions, and the consideration to be paid (monetary or otherwise).
(ii) Agreement (exhibit 2). Submit a copy of any contract or other written instrument entered into, or proposed to be entered into, pertaining to the proposed transaction. In addition, parties to exempt trackage rights agreements and renewal of agreements described at § 1180.2(d)(7) must submit one copy of the executed agreement or renewal agreement with the notice of exemption, or within 10 days of the date that the agreement is executed, whichever is later.
(iii) If a consolidation or merger is proposed, indicate:
(A) The name of the company resulting from the consolidation or merger;
(B) the State or territory under the laws of which the consolidated company is to be formed or the merged company is to file its certificate of amendment;
(C) the capitalization proposed for the resulting company; and
(D) the amount and character of capital stock and other securities to be issued.
(iv) Court order (exhibit 3). If a trustee, receiver, assignee, or personal representative of the real party in interest is an applicant, submit a certified copy of the order, if any, of the court having jurisdiction, authorizing the contemplated action.
(v) State whether the property involved in the proposed transaction includes all the property of the applicant carriers and, if not, describe what property is included in the proposed transaction.
(vi) Briefly describe the principal routes and termini of the lines involved, the principal points of interchange on the routes, and the amount of main-line mileage and branch line mileage involved.
(vii) State whether any governmental financial assistance is involved in the proposed transaction and, if so, the form, amount, source, and application of such financial assistance.
(8) Environmental data (exhibit 4). Submit information and data with respect to environmental matters prepared in accordance with 49 CFR part 1105 . In major and significant transaction, applicants shall, as soon as possible, and no later than the filing of a notice of intent, consult with the Board's Office of Environmental Analysis for the proper format of the environmental report.
(b) In a major transaction, submit the following information:
(1)Form 10-K (exhibit 6). Submit: The most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under 17 CFR 249.310 made within the year prior to the filing of the application by each applicant or by any entity that is in control of an applicant. These shall not be incorporated by reference, and shall be updated with any Form 10-K subsequently filed with the SEC during the pendency of the proceeding.
(2)Form S-4 (exhibit 7). Submit: The most recent filing with the SEC under 17 CFR 239.25 made within the year prior to the filing of the application by each applicant or by any entity that is in control of an applicant. These shall not be incorporated by reference, and shall be updated with any Form S-4 subsequently filed with the SEC during the pendency of the proceeding.
(3)Change in control (exhibit 8). If an applicant carrier submits an annual report Form R-1, indicate any change in ownership or control of that applicant carrier not indicated in its most recent Form R-1, and provide a list of the principal six officers of that applicant carrier and of any related applicant, and also of their majority-owned rail carrier subsidiaries. If any applicant carrier does not submit an annual report Form R-1, list all officers of that applicant carrier, and identify the person(s) or entity/entities in control of that applicant carrier and all owners of 10% or more of the equity of that applicant carrier.
(4)Annual reports (exhibit 9). Submit: The two most recent annual reports to stockholders by each applicant, or by any entity that is in control of an applicant, made within 2 years of the date of filing of the application. These shall not be incorporated by reference, and shall be updated with any annual or quarterly report to stockholders issued during the pendency of the proceeding.
(5) Issues (exhibit 10). Submit a discussion of any other issues relevant to the transaction.
(6)Corporate chart (exhibit 11). Submit a corporate chart indicating all relationships between applicant carriers and all affiliates and subsidiaries and also companies controlling applicant carriers directly, indirectly or through another entity (with each chart indicating the percentage ownership of every company on the chart by any other company on the chart). For each company: include a statement indicating whether that company is a noncarrier or a carrier; and identify every officer and/or director of that company who is also an officer and/or director of any other company that is part of a different corporate family that includes a rail carrier. Such information may be referenced through notes to the chart.
(7) If applicant is not a carrier, indicate
(i) the type of business in which it is engaged,
(ii) the length of time so engaged, and
(iii) its present and prospective activities which have or may have a relation to transportation subject to 49 U.S.C. Subtitle IV.
(8)Intercorporate or financial relationships. Indicate whether there are any direct or indirect intercorporate or financial relationships at the time the application is filed, not disclosed elsewhere in the application, through holding companies, ownership of securities, or otherwise, in which applicants or their affiliates own or control more than 5% of the stock of a non-affiliated carrier, including those relationships in which a group affiliated with applicants owns more than 5% of the stock of such a carrier. Indicate the nature and extent of any such relationships, and, if an applicant owns securities of a carrier subject to 49 U.S.C. Subtitle IV, provide the carrier's name, a description of securities, the par value of each class of securities held, and the applicant's percentage of total ownership. For purposes of this paragraph, "affiliates" has the same meaning as "affiliated companies" in Definition 5 of the Uniform System of Accounts ( 49 CFR part 1201, subpart A).
(9)Employee impact exhibit. The effect of the proposed transaction upon applicant carriers' employees (by class or craft), the geographic points where the impacts would occur, the time frame of the impacts (for at least 3 years after consolidation), and whether any employee protection agreements have been reached. This information (except with respect to employee protection agreements) may be set forth in the following format:

Effects on Applicant Carriers' Employees

Current Location
Jobs Classification
Jobs Transferred to
Jobs Abolished
Jobs Created

(10)Conditions to mitigate and offset merger-related harms. Applicants are expected to propose measures to mitigate and offset merger-related harms. These conditions should not simply preserve, but also enhance, competition.
(i) Applicants must explain how they would preserve competitive options for shippers and for Class II and III rail carriers. At a minimum, applicants must explain how they would preserve the use of major existing gateways, the potential for build-outs or build-ins, and the opportunity to enter into contracts for one segment of a movement as a means of gaining the right separately to pursue rate relief for the remainder of the movement.
(ii) Applicants should explain how the transaction and conditions they propose would enhance competition and improve service.
(11)Calculating public benefits. Applicants must enumerate and, where possible, quantify the net public benefits their merger would generate (if approved). In making this estimate, applicants should identify the benefits that would arise from service improvements, enhanced competition, cost savings, and other merger-related public interest benefits, and should discuss whether the particular benefits they are relying upon could be achieved short of merger. Applicants must also identify, discuss, and, where possible, quantify the likely negative effects approval would entail, such as losses of competition, potential for service disruption, and other merger-related harms. In addition, applicants must suggest additional measures that the Board might take if it approves the application and the anticipated public benefits identified by applicants fail to materialize in a timely manner.
(12)Downstream merger applications.
(i) Applicants should anticipate whether additional Class I mergers are likely to be proposed in response to their own proposal and explain how, taken together, these mergers, if approved, could affect the eventual structure of the industry and the public interest.
(ii) Applicants are expected to discuss whether any conditions imposed on an approval of their proposed merger would have to be altered, or any new conditions imposed, if the Board should approve additional future rail mergers.
(13)Purpose of the proposed transaction. The purpose sought to be accomplished by the proposed transaction, such as improving service, enhancing competition, strengthening the nation's transportation infrastructure, creating operating economies, and ensuring financial viability.
(c) In a significant transaction, submit the information specified in paragraphs (b)(3), (b)(5), (b)(6), (b)(7), and (b)(8) of this section.

49 C.F.R. §1180.6

47 FR 9844, Mar. 8, 1982. Redesignated at 47 FR 49592, Nov. 1, 1982, and amended at 50 FR 15751, Apr. 22, 1985; 56 FR 41806, Aug. 3, 1991; 57 FR 28641, June 26, 1992; 58 FR 63104, Nov. 30, 1993; 62 FR 9717, Mar. 4, 1997; 64 FR 53269, Oct. 1, 1999; 66 FR 32587, June 15, 2001; 83 FR 15080, Apr. 9, 2018
83 FR 15080, 5/2/2018