48 C.F.R. §§ 1652.245-70

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 1652.245-70 - Government property (negotiated benefits contracts)

As prescribed in section 1645.303-70 , the following clause shall be inserted in all FEHBP contracts.

Government Property (Negotiated Benefits Contracts) (JAN 1998)

(a)Government-furnished property.
(1) The Government shall deliver to the Carrier, for use in connection with and under the terms of this contract, the Government-furnished property described in this contract together with any related data and information that the Carrier may request and is reasonably required for the intended use of the property (hereinafter referred to as "Government-furnished property").
(2) The delivery or performance dates for this contract are based upon the expectation that Government-furnished property suitable for use (except for property furnished "as-is") will be delivered to the Carrier at the times stated in this contract or, if not so stated, in sufficient time to enable the Carrier to meet the contract's performance dates.
(3) If Government-furnished property is received by the Carrier in a condition not suitable for the intended use, the Carrier shall, upon receipt of it, notify the Contracting Officer, detailing the facts, and, as directed by the Contracting Officer and at Government expense, either repair, modify, return, or otherwise dispose of the property. After completing the directed action and upon written request of the Carrier, the Contracting Officer shall make an equitable adjustment as provided in paragraph (h) of this clause.
(b)Changes in Government-furnished property.
(1) The Contracting Officer may, by written notice, (i) decrease the Government-furnished property provided or to be provided under this contract, or (ii) substitute other Government-furnished property for the property to be provided by the Government, or to be acquired by the Carrier for the Government, under this contract. The Carrier shall promptly take such action as the Contracting Officer may direct regarding the removal, shipment, or disposal of the property covered by such notice.
(2) Upon the Carrier's written request, the Contracting Officer shall make an equitable adjustment to the contract in accordance with paragraph (h) of this clause, if the Government has agreed in this contract to make the property available for performing this contract and there is any-
(i) Decrease or substitution in this property pursuant to subparagraph (b)(1) above; or
(ii) Withdrawal of authority to use this property, if provided under any other contract or lease.
(c)Title in Government property.
(1) The Government shall retain title to all Government-furnished property.
(2) All Government-furnished property and all property acquired by the Carrier, title to which vests in the Government under this paragraph (collectively referred to as "Government property"), are subject to the provisions of this clause. Title to Government property shall not be affected by its incorporation into or attachment to any property not owned by the Government, nor shall Government property become a fixture or lose its identity as personal property by being attached to any real property.
(d)Use of Government property. The Government property shall be used only for performing this contract, unless otherwise provided in this contract or approved by the Contracting Officer.
(e)Property administration.
(1) The Carrier shall be responsible and accountable for all Government property provided under this contract and shall comply with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) subpart 45.5, as in effect on the date of this contract.
(2) The Carrier shall establish and maintain a program for the use, maintenance, repair, protection, and preservation of Government property in accordance with sound industrial practice and the applicable provisions of subpart 45.5 of the FAR.
(3) If damage occurs to Government property, the risk of which has been assumed by the Government under this contract, the Government shall replace the items or the Carrier shall make such repairs as the Government directs. However, if the Carrier cannot effect such repairs within the time required, the Carrier shall dispose of the property as directed by the Contracting Officer. When any property for which the Government is responsible is replaced or repaired, the Contracting Officer shall make an equitable adjustment in accordance with paragraph (h) of this clause.
(4) The Carrier represents that the contract price does not include any amount for repairs or replacement for which the Government is responsible. Repair or replacement of property for which the Carrier is responsible shall be accomplished by the Carrier at its own expense.
(f)Access. The Government and all its designees shall have access at all reasonable times to the premises in which any Government property is located for the purpose of inspecting the Government property.
(g)Risk of loss. Unless otherwise provided in this contract, the Carrier assumes the risk of, and shall be responsible for, any loss or destruction of, or damage to, Government property upon its delivery to the Carrier. However, the Carrier is not responsible for reasonable wear and tear to Government property or for Government property properly consumed in performing this contract.
(h)Equitable adjustment. When this clause specifies an equitable adjustment, it shall be made to any affected contract provision in accordance with the procedures of the Changes clause. When appropriate, the Contracting Officer may initiate an equitable adjustment in favor of the Government. The right to an equitable adjustment shall be the Carrier's exclusive remedy. The Government shall not be liable to suit for breach of contract for-
(1) Any delay in delivery of Government-furnished property;
(2) Delivery of Government-furnished property in a condition not suitable for its intended use;
(3) A decrease in or substitution of Government-furnished property; or
(4) Failure to repair or replace Government property for which the Government is responsible.
(i)Final accounting and disposition of Government property. Upon completing this contract, or at such earlier dates as may be fixed by the Contracting Officer, the Carrier shall submit, in a form acceptable to the Contracting Officer, inventory schedules covering all items of Government property (including any resulting scrap) not consumed in performing this contract or delivered to the Government. The Carrier shall prepare for shipment, deliver f.o.b. origin, or dispose of the Government property as may be directed or authorized by the Contracting Officer. The net proceeds of any such disposal shall be credited to the contract price or shall be paid to the Government as the Contracting Officer directs.
(j)Abandonment and restoration of Carrier's premises. Unless otherwise provided herein, the Government-
(1) May abandon any Government property in place, at which time all obligations of the Government regarding such abandoned property shall cease; and
(2) Has no obligation to restore or rehabilitate the Carrier's premises under any circumstances (e.g., abandonment, disposition upon completion of need, or upon contract completion). However, if the Government-furnished property is withdrawn or is unsuitable for the intended use, or if other Government property is substituted, then the equitable adjustment under paragraph (h) of this clause may properly include restoration or rehabilitation costs.
(k)Communications. All communications under this clause shall be in writing.
(l)Overseas contracts. If this contract is to be performed outside of the United States of America, its territories, or possessions, the words "Government" and "Government-furnished" (wherever they appear in this clause) shall be construed as "United States Government" and "United States Government-furnished", respectively.

(End of clause)

48 C.F.R. §§1652.245-70

62 FR 47578, Sept. 10, 1997