47 C.F.R. § 9.3

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 9.3 - Definitions

Terms with definitions including the "(RR)" designation are defined in the same way in § 2.1 of this chapter and in the Radio Regulations of the International Telecommunication Union.

911 calls. Any call initiated by an end user by dialing 911 for the purpose of accessing an emergency service provider. For wireless carriers, all 911 calls include those they are required to transmit pursuant to subpart C of this part.

Alternative location information. Location information (which may be coordinate-based) sufficient to identify the caller's civic address and approximate in-building location, including floor level, in large buildings.

Appropriate local emergency authority. An emergency answering point that has not been officially designated as a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP), but has the capability of receiving 911 calls and either dispatching emergency services personnel or, if necessary, relaying the call to another emergency service provider. An appropriate local emergency authority may include, but is not limited to, an existing local law enforcement authority, such as the police, county sheriff, local emergency medical services provider, or fire department.

Automated dispatchable location. Automatic generation of dispatchable location.

Automatic Location Information (ALI). Information transmitted while providing E911 service that permits emergency service providers to identify the geographic location of the calling party.

Automatic Number Identification (ANI). For 911 systems, the Automatic Number Identification (ANI) identifies the calling party and may be used as the callback number.

Commercial mobile radio service (CMRS). A mobile service that is:

(i) Provided for profit, i.e., with the intent of receiving compensation or monetary gain;
(ii) An interconnected service; and
(iii) Available to the public, or to such classes of eligible users as to be effectively available to a substantial portion of the public; or
(2) The functional equivalent of such a mobile service described in paragraph (1) of this definition.
(3) A variety of factors may be evaluated to make a determination whether the mobile service in question is the functional equivalent of a commercial mobile radio service, including: Consumer demand for the service to determine whether the service is closely substitutable for a commercial mobile radio service; whether changes in price for the service under examination, or for the comparable commercial mobile radio service, would prompt customers to change from one service to the other; and market research information identifying the targeted market for the service under review.
(4) Unlicensed radio frequency devices under part 15 of this chapter are excluded from this definition of Commercial mobile radio service.

Common carrier or carrier. Any common carrier engaged in interstate Communication by wire or radio as defined in section 3(h) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the Act), and any common carrier engaged in intrastate communication by wire or radio, notwithstanding sections 2(b) and 221(b) of the Act. Communications assistant (CA). A person who transliterates or interprets conversation between two or more end users of TRS.

Configured. The settings or configurations for a particular MLTS installation have been implemented so that the MLTS is fully capable when installed of dialing 911 directly and providing MLTS notification as required under the statute and rules. This does not preclude the inclusion of additional dialing patterns to reach 911. However, if the system is configured with these additional dialing patterns, they must be in addition to the default direct dialing pattern.

Designated PSAP. The Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) designated by the local or state entity that has the authority and responsibility to designate the PSAP to receive wireless 911 calls.

Device-based location information. Information regarding the location of a device used to call or text 911 generated all or in part from on-device sensors and data sources.

Dispatchable location. A location delivered to the PSAP with a 911 call that consists of the validated street address of the calling party, plus additional information such as suite, apartment or similar information necessary to adequately identify the location of the calling party, except for Commercial Mobile Radio Service providers, which shall convey the location information required by subpart C of this part.

Earth station. A station located either on the Earth's surface or within the major portion of the Earth's atmosphere intended for communication:

(1) With one or more space stations; or
(2) With one or more stations of the same kind by means of one or more reflecting satellites or other objects in space. (RR)

Emergency Call Center. A facility that subscribers of satellite commercial mobile radio services call when in need of emergency assistance by dialing "911" on their mobile earth station terminals.

Feeder link. A radio link from a fixed earth station at a given location to a space station, or vice versa, conveying information for a space radiocommunication service other than the Fixed-Satellite Service. The given location may be at a specified fixed point or at any fixed point within specified areas. (RR)

Fixed-Satellite Service (FSS). A radiocommunication service between earth stations at given positions, when one or more satellites are used; the given position may be a specified fixed point or any fixed point within specified areas; in some cases this service includes satellite-to-satellite links, which may also be operated in the inter-satellite service; the Fixed-Satellite Service may also include feeder links of other space radiocommunication services. (RR)

Handset-based location technology. A method of providing the location of wireless 911 callers that requires the use of special location-determining hardware and/or software in a portable or mobile phone. Handset-based location technology may also employ additional location-determining hardware and/or software in the CMRS network and/or another fixed infrastructure.

iTRS access technology. Any equipment, software, or other technology issued, leased, or provided by an internet-based TRS provider that can be used to make and receive an internet-based TRS call.

Improvement to the hardware or software of the system. An improvement to the hardware or software of the MLTS, including upgrades to the core systems of the MLTS, as well as substantial upgrades to the software and any software upgrades requiring a significant purchase.

Interconnected VoIP service.

(1) An interconnected Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service is a service that:
(i) Enables real-time, two-way voice communications;
(ii) Requires a broadband connection from the user's location;
(iii) Requires internet protocol-compatible customer premises equipment (CPE); and
(iv) Permits users generally to receive calls that originate on the public switched telephone network and to terminate calls to the public switched telephone network.
(2) Notwithstanding the foregoing, solely for purposes of compliance with the Commission's 911 obligations, an interconnected VoIP service includes a service that fulfills each of paragraphs (1)(i) through (iii) of this definition and permits users generally to terminate calls to the public switched telephone network.

Internet-based TRS (iTRS). A telecommunications relay service (TRS) in which an individual with a hearing or a speech disability connects to a TRS communications assistant using an Internet Protocol-enabled device via the internet, rather than the public switched telephone network. Except as authorized or required by the Commission, internet-based TRS does not include the use of a text telephone (TTY) or RTT over an interconnected voice over Internet Protocol service.

Internet Protocol Captioned Telephone Service (IP CTS). A telecommunications relay service that permits an individual who can speak but who has difficulty hearing over the telephone to use a telephone and an Internet Protocol-enabled device via the internet to simultaneously listen to the other party and read captions of what the other party is saying. With IP CTS, the connection carrying the captions between the relay service provider and the relay service user is via the internet, rather than the public switched telephone network.

Internet Protocol Relay Service (IP Relay). A telecommunications relay service that permits an individual with a hearing or a speech disability to communicate in text using an Internet Protocol-enabled device via the internet, rather than using a text telephone (TTY) and the public switched telephone network.

Location-based routing. The use of information regarding the location of a device, including but not limited to device-based location information, to deliver 911 calls and real-time text communications to point(s) designated by the authorized local or state entity to receive wireless 911 voice calls and real-time text communications to 911, such as an Emergency Services internet Protocol Network (ESInet) or PSAP, or to an appropriate local emergency authority.

Location-capable handsets. Portable or mobile phones that contain special location-determining hardware and/or software, which is used by a licensee to locate 911 calls.

MLTS notification. An MLTS feature that can send notice to a central location at the facility where the system is installed or to another person or organization regardless of location. Examples of notification include conspicuous on-screen messages with audible alarms for security desk computers using a client application, text messages for smartphones, and email for administrators. Notification shall include, at a minimum, the following information:

(1) The fact that a 911 call has been made;
(2) A valid callback number; and
(3) The information about the caller's location that the MLTS conveys to the public safety answering point (PSAP) with the call to 911; provided, however, that the notification does not have to include a callback number or location information if it is technically infeasible to provide this information.

Mobile Earth Station. An earth station in the Mobile-Satellite Service intended to be used while in motion or during halts at unspecified points. (RR)

Mobile-Satellite Service (MSS).

(1) A radiocommunication service:
(i) Between mobile earth stations and one or more space stations, or between space stations used by this service; or
(ii) Between mobile earth stations, by means of one or more space stations.
(2) This service may also include feeder links necessary for its operation. (RR)

Mobile service. A radio communication service carried on between mobile stations or receivers and land stations, and by mobile stations communicating among themselves, and includes:

(1) Both one-way and two-way radio communications services;
(2) A mobile service which provides a regularly interacting group of base, mobile, portable, and associated control and relay stations (whether licensed on an individual, cooperative, or multiple basis) for private one-way or two-way land mobile radio communications by eligible users over designated areas of operation; and
(3) Any service for which a license is required in a personal communications service under part 24 of this chapter.

Network-based location technology. A method of providing the location of wireless 911 callers that employs hardware and/or software in the CMRS network and/or another fixed infrastructure, and does not require the use of special location-determining hardware and/or software in the caller's portable or mobile phone.

Multi-line telephone system or MLTS. A system comprised of common control units, telephone sets, control hardware and software and adjunct systems, including network and premises based systems, such as Centrex and VoIP, as well as PBX, Hybrid, and Key Telephone Systems (as classified by the Commission under part 68 of title 47, Code of Federal Regulations), and includes systems owned or leased by governmental agencies and non-profit entities, as well as for profit businesses.

Non-English language relay service. A telecommunications relay service that allows persons with hearing or speech disabilities who use languages other than English to communicate with voice telephone users in a shared language other than English, through a CA who is fluent in that language.

On-premises. In the context of a multi-line telephone system, within the fixed property (e.g. building(s), facilities, or campus) and under the operational control of a single administrative authority.

Person engaged in the business of installing an MLTS. A person that configures the MLTS or performs other tasks involved in getting the system ready to operate. These tasks may include, but are not limited to, establishing the dialing pattern for emergency calls, determining how calls will route to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), and determining where the MLTS will interface with the PSTN. These tasks are performed when the system is initially installed, but they may also be performed on a more or less regular basis by the MLTS operator as the communications needs of the enterprise change. The MLTS installer may be the MLTS manager or a third party acting on behalf of the manager.

Person engaged in the business of managing an MLTS. The entity that is responsible for controlling and overseeing implementation of the MLTS after installation. These responsibilities include determining how lines should be distributed (including the adding or moving of lines), assigning and reassigning telephone numbers, and ongoing network configuration.

Person engaged in the business of manufacturing, importing, selling, or leasing an MLTS. A person that manufactures, imports, sells, or leases an MLTS.

Person engaged in the business of operating an MLTS. A person responsible for the day-to-day operations of the MLTS.

Pre-configured. An MLTS that comes equipped with hardware and/or software capable of establishing a setting that enables users to directly dial 911 as soon as the system is able to initiate calls to the public switched telephone network, so long as the MLTS is installed and operated properly. This does not preclude the inclusion of additional dialing patterns to reach 911. However, if the system is configured with these additional dialing patterns, they must be in addition to the default direct dialing pattern.

Private mobile radio service. A mobile service that meets neither the paragraph (1) nor paragraph (2) in the definition of commercial mobile radio service in this section. A mobile service that does not meet paragraph (1) in the definition of commercial mobile radio service in this section is presumed to be a private mobile radio service. Private mobile radio service includes the following:

(1) Not-for-profit land mobile radio and paging services that serve the licensee's internal communications needs as defined in part 90 of this chapter. Shared-use, cost-sharing, or cooperative arrangements, multiple licensed systems that use third party managers or users combining resources to meet compatible needs for specialized internal communications facilities in compliance with the safeguards of § 90.179 of this chapter are presumptively private mobile radio services;
(2) Mobile radio service offered to restricted classes of eligible users. This includes entities eligible in the Public Safety Radio Pool and Radiolocation service.
(3) 220-222 MHz land mobile service and Automatic Vehicle Monitoring systems (part 90 of this chapter) that do not offer interconnected service or that are not-for-profit; and
(4) Personal Radio Services under part 95 of this chapter (General Mobile Services, Radio Control Radio Services, and Citizens Band Radio Services); Maritime Service Stations (excluding Public Coast stations) (part 80 of this chapter); and Aviation Service Stations (part 87 of this chapter).

Pseudo Automatic Number Identification (Pseudo-ANI). A number, consisting of the same number of digits as ANI, that is not a North American Numbering Plan telephone directory number and may be used in place of an ANI to convey special meaning. The special meaning assigned to the pseudo-ANI is determined by agreements, as necessary, between the system originating the call, intermediate systems handling and routing the call, and the destination system.

Public safety answering point or PSAP. An answering point that has been designated to receive 911 calls and route them to emergency services personnel.

Public Switched Network. Any common carrier switched network, whether by wire or radio, including local exchange carriers, interexchange carriers, and mobile service providers, that uses the North American Numbering Plan in connection with the provision of switched services.

Real-Time Text (RTT). Text communications that are transmitted over Internet Protocol (IP) networks immediately as they are created, e.g., on a character-by-character basis.

Registered internet-based TRS user. An individual that has registered with a VRS, IP Relay, or IP CTS provider as described in § 64.611 .

Registered Location. The most recent information obtained by a provider of interconnected VoIP service or telecommunications relay services (TRS), as applicable, that identifies the physical location of an end user.

Space station. A station located on an object which is beyond, is intended to go beyond, or has been beyond, the major portion of the Earth's atmosphere. (RR)

Speech-to-speech relay service (STS). A telecommunications relay service that allows individuals with speech disabilities to communicate with voice telephone users through the use of specially trained CAs who understand the speech patterns of persons with speech disabilities and can repeat the words spoken by that person.

Statewide default answering point. An emergency answering point designated by the State to receive 911 calls for either the entire State or those portions of the State not otherwise served by a local PSAP.

Station. A station equipped to engage in radio communication or radio transmission of energy ( 47 U.S.C. 153(k) ).

Telecommunications relay services (TRS). Telephone transmission services that provide the ability for an individual who has a hearing or speech disability to engage in communication by wire or radio with a hearing individual in a manner that is functionally equivalent to the ability of an individual who does not have a hearing or speech disability to communicate using voice communication services by wire or radio. Such term includes services that enable two-way communication between an individual who uses a text telephone or other nonvoice terminal device and an individual who does not use such a device, speech-to-speech services, video relay services and non-English relay services. TRS supersedes the terms "dual party relay system," "message relay services," and "TDD Relay."

Text telephone (TTY). A machine that employs graphic communication in the transmission of coded signals through a wire or radio communication system. TTY supersedes the term "TDD" or "telecommunications device for the deaf," and TT.

Video relay service (VRS). A telecommunications relay service that allows people with hearing or speech disabilities who use sign language to communicate with voice telephone users through video equipment. The video link allows the CA to view and interpret the party's signed conversation and relay the conversation back and forth with a voice caller.

Wireline E911 Network. A dedicated wireline network that:

(1) Is interconnected with but largely separate from the public switched telephone network;
(2) Includes a selective router; and
(3) Is used to route emergency calls and related information to PSAPs, designated statewide default answering points, appropriate local emergency authorities or other emergency answering points.

47 C.F.R. §9.3

83 FR 7401, 3/23/2018; 84 FR 66760, 1/6/2020; 89 FR 18523, 5/13/2024