46 C.F.R. § 502.62

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 502.62 - Private party complaints for formal adjudication
(a)Filing a complaint for formal adjudication.
(1) A person may file a sworn complaint alleging violation of the Shipping Act of 1984, 46 U.S.C. 40101 et seq.
(2)Form. Complaints should be drafted in accordance with the rules in this section.
(3)Content of complaint. The complaint must be verified and must contain the following:
(i) The name, street address, and email address of each complainant, and the name, address, and email address of each complainant's attorney or representative, the name, address, and, if known, email address of each person against whom complaint is made;
(ii) A recitation of the legal authority and jurisdiction for institution of the proceeding, with specific designation of the statutory provisions alleged to have been violated;
(iii) A clear and concise factual statement sufficient to inform each respondent with reasonable definiteness of the acts or practices alleged to be in violation of the law, and a statement showing that the complainant is entitled to relief;
(iv) A request for the relief and other affirmative action sought; and
(v) Shipping Act violation must be alleged. If the complaint fails to indicate the sections of the Act alleged to have been violated or clearly to state facts which support the allegations, the Commission may, on its own initiative, require the complaint to be amended to supply such further particulars as it deems necessary.
(4)Complaints seeking reparation; statute of limitations. A complaint may seek reparation (money damages) for injury caused by violation of the Shipping Act of 1984. (See subpart O of this part.)
(i) Where reparation is sought, the complaint must set forth the injury caused by the alleged violation and the amount of alleged damages.
(ii) Except under unusual circumstances and for good cause shown, reparation will not be awarded upon a complaint in which it is not specifically requested, nor upon a new complaint by or for the same complainant which is based upon a finding in the original proceeding.
(iii) A complaint seeking reparation must be filed within three years after the claim accrues. Notification to the Commission that a complaint may or will be filed for the recovery of reparation will not constitute a filing within the applicable statutory period.
(iv) Civil penalties must not be requested and will not be awarded in complaint proceedings.
(5)Oral hearing. The complaint should designate whether an oral hearing is requested and the desired place for any oral hearing. The presiding officer will determine whether an oral hearing is necessary.
(6)Filing fee. The complaint must be accompanied by remittance of a $387 filing fee.
(7) A complaint is deemed filed on the date it is received by the Commission.
(b)Answer to a complaint.
(1)Time for filing. A respondent must file with the Commission an answer to the complaint and must serve the answer on complainant as provided in subpart H of this part within 25 days after the date of service of the complaint by the Commission or the Complainant unless this period has been extended under § 502.67 or § 502.102 , or reduced under § 502.103 , or unless motion is filed to withdraw or dismiss the complaint, in which latter case, answer must be filed within 10 days after service of an order denying such motion. For good cause shown, the presiding officer may extend the time for filing an answer.
(2)Contents of answer. The answer must be verified and must contain the following:
(i) The name, address, and email address of each respondent, and the name, address, and email address of each respondent's attorney or representative;
(ii) Admission or denial of each alleged violation of the Shipping Act;
(iii) A clear and concise statement of each ground of defense and specific admission, denial, or explanation of facts alleged in the complaint, or, if respondent is without knowledge or information thereof, a statement to that effect; and
(iv) Any affirmative defenses, including allegations of any additional facts on which the affirmative defenses are based.
(3)Oral hearing. The answer should designate whether an oral hearing is requested and the desired place for such hearing. The presiding officer will determine whether an oral hearing is necessary.
(4)Counterclaims, crossclaims, and third-party complaints. In addition to filing an answer to a complaint, a respondent may include in the answer a counterclaim against the complainant, a crossclaim against another respondent, or a third-party complaint. A counterclaim, a crossclaim, or a third-party complaint must allege and be limited to violations of the Shipping Act within the jurisdiction of the Commission. The service and filing of a counterclaim, a crossclaim, or a third-party complaint and answers or replies thereto are governed by the rules and requirements of this section for the filing of complaints and answers.
(5) A reply to an answer may not be filed unless ordered by the presiding officer.
(6)Effect of failure to file answer.
(i) Failure of a party to file an answer to a complaint, counterclaim, crossclaim, or third-party complaint within the time provided will be deemed to constitute a waiver of that party's right to appear and contest the allegations of the complaint, counterclaim, crossclaim, or third-party complaint to which it has not filed an answer and to authorize the presiding officer to enter an initial decision on default as provide for in 46 CFR 502.65 . Well pleaded factual allegations in the complaint not answered or addressed will be deemed to be admitted.
(ii) A party may make a motion for initial decision on default. [Rule 62.]

46 C.F.R. §502.62

77 FR 61524, Oct. 10, 2012; 77 FR 64758, Oct. 23, 2012, as amended at 80 FR 14319, Mar. 19, 2015; 81 FR 59143, Aug. 29, 2016; 83 FR 50294, Oct. 5, 2018; 85 FR 72577, Nov. 13, 2020
81 FR 59143, 10/1/2016; 83 FR 50294, 12/19/2018; 85 FR 72577, 11/13/2020; 88 FR 16897, 6/5/2023