46 C.F.R. § 388.6

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 388.6 - Process
(a)Initial process.
(1) We will review each application for completeness as received. We will notify the applicant if additional information is necessary or if the application does not meet the initial eligibility requirements for waiver. All applications will be available for public inspection electronically in the Department of Transportation Docket at http://dot.dms.gov.
(2) Applications being processed on the merits will be noticed in the FEDERAL REGISTER. Interested parties will be given an opportunity to comment on whether introduction of any proposed vessel would adversely affect them. In the absence of duly filed objections to an application, and in the absence of unduly adverse impact on vessel builders or businesses employing U.S.-built vessels otherwise discovered by us, we will conclude that there will be no adverse effect. If an objection to an application is received, additional information may be sought from the objector. The applicant will be given a sufficient amount of time to respond. The Director, Office of Ports and Domestic Shipping, will then either make a decision based on the written submissions and all available information or, on MARAD's motion or at the applicant's request, hold a hearing on the application and make a decision based on the hearing record. The decision will be communicated to the applicant, commenters and the United States Coast Guard in writing and placed in the docket. If MARAD grants a waiver, the applicant must thereafter contact the Coast Guard to obtain the necessary documentation for domestic operation. MARAD's waiver does not satisfy other requirements of the Coast Guard for documentation. The waiver, if approved, will be assigned to the vessel.
(b)Revocation. We may, upon the request of a U.S. builder or a coastwise trade business of a person who employs U.S.-built vessels or upon our own initiative propose to revoke a waiver granted under this part, on the basis that the waiver was obtained through fraud. The grantee of the waiver in question will be notified directly by mail, and a notice will be published in the FEDERAL REGISTER. The original docket of the application will be reopened. We may request additional information from the applicant granted the waiver or from any respondent to the notice. The Director, Office of Ports and Domestic Shipping, will then either make a decision based on the written submissions and all available information or, on MARAD's motion or at the applicant's request, hold a hearing on the proposed revocation and make a decision based on the hearing record. The decision will be communicated in writing to: the applicant granted the waiver, the requestor (if any), each respondent to the proposed revocation notice, the Coast Guard; and placed in the docket. If MARAD revokes a waiver, the Coast Guard, automatically and without further proceedings, shall revoke the vessel's coastwise endorsement.
(c)Review of determinations.
(1) The decisions by the Director, Office of Ports and Domestic Shipping, to grant a waiver, deny a waiver, or revoke a waiver will not be final until time for discretionary review by the Administrator has expired. Each decision to grant, deny, or revoke a waiver will be made in writing and a copy of the written decision will be provided to each applicant and other parties to the decision. Applicants, persons who requested revocation of a waiver, and persons who submitted comments in response to a FEDERAL REGISTER notice may petition the Administrator to review a decision by the Director, Office of Ports and Domestic Shipping, to grant a waiver, deny a waiver, or revoke a waiver within five (5) business days after such decision is filed in the docket. Each petition for review should state the petitioner's standing and the reasons review is being sought, clearly pointing out alleged errors of fact or misapplied points of law. Within five (5) business days of submission of a petition for review, the applicant, and other persons with standing, may request that the Administrator not review a decision by the Director, Office of Ports and Domestic Shipping, to grant, deny, or revoke a waiver. Such petitions and responses must either be sent by facsimile to the Secretary, Maritime Administration, at (202) 366-9206 or filed electronically in the appropriate DOT docket at http://dms.dot.gov. The Administrator will decide whether to review within five (5) business days following the last day for submission of a request that the Administrator not take review. If the Administrator undertakes review, the decision by the Director, Office of Ports and Domestic Shipping, is stayed until final disposition. In the event the Administrator decides to undertake review, a decision will be made based on the written submissions and all available information. As a matter of discretion, the Administrator or designated representative may hold a hearing on the proposed action and make a decision based on the hearing record. The decision will be communicated in writing to the interested parties and the Coast Guard. In the review process, the decision of the Maritime Administrator is the final disposition. In the absence of any petition for review, the determination by the Director, Office of Ports and Domestic Shipping, becomes final on the sixth business day after the decision. The Secretary, MARAD, may extend any of the time limits, but only for good cause shown.
(2) Such petitions and responses must either be sent by facsimile to the Secretary, Maritime Administration, at (202) 366-9206 or filed electronically in the appropriate DOT docket at http://dms.dot.gov. The Administrator will decide whether to review within five (5) business days following the last day for submission of a request that the Administrator not take review. If the Administrator takes review, the decision by the Director, Office of Ports and Domestic Shipping, is stayed until final disposition. In the event the Administrator decides to take review, a decision will be made based on the written submissions and all available information. As a matter of discretion, the Administrator or designated representative may hold a hearing on the proposed action and make a decision based on the hearing record. The decision will be communicated in writing to the interested parties and the Coast Guard. In the review process, the decision of the Maritime Administrator is the final disposition. In the absence of any petition for review, the determination by the Director, Office of Ports and Domestic Shipping, becomes final on the sixth business day after the decision. The Secretary, MARAD, may extend any of the time limits, but only for good cause shown.

46 C.F.R. §388.6