45 C.F.R. § 410.1306

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 410.1306 - Language access services
(1) To the greatest extent practicable, care provider facilities shall consistently offer unaccompanied children the option of interpretation and translation services in their native or preferred language, depending on the unaccompanied children's preference, and in a way they effectively understand. If after taking reasonable efforts, care provider facilities are unable to obtain a qualified interpreter or translator for the unaccompanied children's native or preferred language, depending on the children's preference, care provider facilities shall consult with qualified ORR staff for guidance on how to ensure meaningful access to their programs and activities for the children, including those with limited English proficiency.
(2) Care provider facilities shall prioritize the ability to provide in-person, qualified interpreters for unaccompanied children who need them, particularly for rare or indigenous languages. After care provider facilities take reasonable efforts to obtain in-person, qualified interpreters, then they may use qualified remote interpreter services.
(3) Care provider facilities shall translate all documents and materials shared with the unaccompanied children, including those posted in the facilities, in the unaccompanied children's native or preferred language, depending on the children's preference, and in a timely manner.
(b)Placement considerations. ORR shall make placement decisions for the unaccompanied children that are informed in part by language access considerations and other factors as listed in § 410.1103(b). To the extent appropriate and practicable, giving due consideration to an unaccompanied child's individualized needs, ORR shall place unaccompanied children with similar language needs within the same care provider facility.
(c)Intake, orientation, and confidentiality.
(1) Prior to completing the UC Assessment and starting counseling services, care provider facilities shall provide a written notice of the limits of confidentiality they share while in ORR care and custody, and orally explain the contents of the written notice to the unaccompanied children, in their native or preferred language, depending on the children's preference, and in a way they can effectively understand.
(2) Care provider facilities shall conduct assessments and initial medical exams with unaccompanied children in their native or preferred language, depending on the children's preference, and in a way they effectively understand.
(3) Care provider facilities shall provide a standardized and comprehensive orientation to all unaccompanied children in their native or preferred language, depending on the children's preference, and in a way they effectively understand regardless of spoken language, reading comprehension level, or disability.
(4) For all step-ups to and step-downs from restrictive placements, care provider facilities shall explain to the unaccompanied children why they were placed in a restrictive setting and/or if their placement was changed and do so in the unaccompanied children's native or preferred language, depending on the children's preference, and in a way they effectively understand. All documents shall be translated into the unaccompanied children's and/or sponsor's native or preferred language, depending on the children's preference.
(5) If the unaccompanied children are not literate, or if the documents provided during intakes and/or orientation are not translated into a language that they can read and effectively understand, the care provider facility shall have a qualified interpreter orally translate or sign language translate and explain all the documents in the unaccompanied children's native or preferred language, depending on the children's preference, and confirm with the unaccompanied children that they fully comprehend all material.
(6) Care provider facilities shall provide information regarding grievance reporting policies and procedures in the unaccompanied children's native or preferred language, depending on the children's preference, and in a way they effectively understand. Care provider facilities shall also provide grievance reporting policies and procedures in a manner accessible to unaccompanied children with disabilities.
(7) Care provider facilities shall educate unaccompanied children on ORR's sexual abuse and sexual harassment policies in the unaccompanied children's native or preferred language, depending on the children's preference, and in a way they effectively understand.
(8) Care provider facilities shall notify the unaccompanied children that care provider facilities shall accommodate the unaccompanied children's language needs while they remain in ORR care.
(9) For paragraphs (c)(1) through (8) of this section, care provider facilities shall document that the unaccompanied children acknowledge that they effectively understand what was provided to them in the child's case files.
(1) Care provider facilities shall provide educational instruction and relevant materials in a format and language accessible to all unaccompanied children, regardless of the child's native or preferred language, including, but not limited to, providing services from an in-person, qualified interpreter, written translations of materials, and qualified remote interpretation when in-person interpretation options have been exhausted.
(2) Care provider facilities shall provide unaccompanied children with appropriate recreational reading materials in languages in formats and languages accessible to all unaccompanied children for use during their leisure time.
(3) Care provider facilities shall translate all ORR-required documents provided to unaccompanied children that are part of educational lessons in formats and languages accessible to all unaccompanied children. If written translations are not available, care provider facilities shall orally translate or sign language translate all documents, prioritizing services from an in-person, qualified interpreter and translation before using qualified remote interpretation and translation services.
(e)Religious and cultural observation and services. If an unaccompanied child requests religious and/or cultural information or items, the care provider facility shall provide the requested items in the unaccompanied child's native or preferred language, depending on the child's preference, and as long as the request is reasonable.
(f)Parent and sponsor communications. Care provider facilities shall utilize any necessary qualified interpretation or translation services needed to ensure meaningful access by an unaccompanied child's parent(s), guardian(s), and/or potential sponsor(s). Care provider facilities shall translate all documents and materials shared with the parent(s), guardian, and/or potential sponsors in their native or preferred language, depending on their preference.
(g)Healthcare services. While providing or arranging healthcare services for unaccompanied children, care provider facilities shall ensure that unaccompanied children are able to communicate with physicians, clinicians, and healthcare staff in their native or preferred language, depending on the unaccompanied children's preference, and in a way the unaccompanied children effectively understand, prioritizing services from an in-person, qualified interpreter before using qualified remote interpretation services.
(h)Legal services. Care provider facilities shall make qualified interpretation and/or translation services available to unaccompanied children, child advocates, and legal service providers upon request while unaccompanied children are being provided with those services. Such services shall be available to unaccompanied children in enclosed, confidential areas.
(i)Interpreter's and translator's responsibility with respect to confidentiality of information. Qualified interpreters and translators shall keep confidential all information they receive about the unaccompanied children's cases and/or services while assisting ORR, its grantees, and its contractors, with the provision of case management or other services. Qualified interpreters and translators shall not disclose case file information to other interested parties or to individuals or entities that are not employed by ORR or its grantees and contractors or that are not providing services under the direction of ORR. Qualified interpreters and translators shall not disclose any communication that is privileged by law or protected as confidential under this part unless authorized to do so by the parties to the communication or pursuant to court order.

45 C.F.R. §410.1306

89 FR 34584, 7/1/2024