43 C.F.R. § 418.38

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 418.38 - Maximum allowable diversion
(a) The MAD established in this part is based on the premise that the Project should be operated to ensure that it is capable of delivering to the headgate of each water right holder the full water entitlement for irrigable eligible acres and includes distribution system losses. The MAD will be established (and is likely to vary) each year. The annual MAD will be calculated each year based on the actual acreage to be irrigated that year.
(b) Historically, actual deliveries at farm headgates have been approximately 90 percent of entitlements. This practice is expected to continue but the percentage is expected to change. This variance between headgate deliveries and headgate entitlements will be calculated annually under this part and is allowed to be diverted if needed and thereby provides an assurance that full headgate deliveries can be made. The expected diversion and associated efficiency target for the examples shown in the Newlands Project Water Budget table would be: 285,243 AF and 65.1 percent in 1996 and beyond. These are well below the MAD limits; however, the District may divert up to the MAD if it is needed to meet valid headgate entitlements.

43 C.F.R. § 418.38