43 C.F.R. § 36.11

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 36.11 - Special access
(a) This section implements the provisions of section 1110(a) of ANILCA regarding use of snowmachines, motorboats, nonmotorized surface transportation, aircraft, as well as off-road vehicle use.

As used in this section, the term:

(1)Area also includes public lands administered by the BLM and designated as wilderness study areas.
(2)Adequate snow cover shall mean snow of sufficient depth, generally 6-12 inches or more, or a combination of snow and frost depth sufficient to protect the underlying vegetation and soil.
(b) Nothing in this section affects the use of snowmobiles, motorboats and nonmotorized means of surface transportation traditionally used by rural residents engaged in subsistence activities, as defined in Tile VIII of ANILCA.
(c) The use of snowmachines (during periods of adequate snow cover and frozen river conditions) for traditional activities (where such activities are permitted by ANILCA or other law) and for travel to and from villages and homesites and other valid occupancies is permitted within the areas, except where such use is prohibited or otherwise restricted by the appropriate Federal agency in accordance with the procedures of paragraph (h) of this section.
(d) Motorboats may be operated on all area waters, except where such use is prohibited or otherwise restricted by the appropriate Federal agency in accordance with the procedures of paragraph (h) of this section.
(e) The use of nonmotorized surface transportation such as domestic dogs, horses and other pack or saddle animals is permitted in areas except where such use is prohibited or otherwise restricted by the appropriate Federal agency in accordance with the procedures of paragraph (h) of this section.
(1) Fixed-wing aircraft may be landed and operated on lands and waters within areas, except where such use is prohibited or otherwise restricted by the appropriate Federal agency, including closures or restrictions pursuant to the closures of paragraph (h) of this section. The use of aircraft for access to or from lands and waters within a national park or monument for purposes of taking fish and wildlife for subsistence uses therein is prohibited, except as provided in 36 CFR 13.45 . The operation of aircraft resulting in the harassment of wildlife is prohibited.
(2) In imposing any prohibitions or restrictions on fixed-wing aircraft use the appropriate Federal agency shall:
(i) Publish notice of prohibition or restrictions in "Notices to Airmen" issued by the Department of Transportation; and
(ii) Publish permanent prohibitions or restrictions as a regulatory notice in the United States Flight Information Service "Supplement Alaska."
(3) Except as provided in paragraph (f)(3)(i) of this section, the owners of any aircraft downed after December 2, 1980, shall remove the aircraft and all component parts thereof in accordance with procedures established by the appropriate Federal agency. In establishing a removal procedure, the appropriate Federal agency is authorized to establish a reasonable date by which aircraft removal operations must be complete and determine times and means of access to and from the downed aircraft.
(i) The appropriate Federal agency may waive the requirements of this paragraph upon a determination that the removal of downed aircraft would constitute an unacceptable risk to human life, or the removal of a downed aircraft would result in extensive resource damage, or the removal of a downed aircraft is otherwise impracticable or impossible.
(ii) Salvaging, removing, possessing or attempting to salvage, remove or possess any downed aircraft or component parts thereof is prohibited, except in accordance with a removal procedure established under this paragraph and as may be controlled by the other laws and regulations.
(4) The use of a helicopter in any area other than at designated landing areas pursuant to the terms and conditions of a permit issued by the appropriate Federal agency, or pursuant to a memorandum of understanding between the appropriate Federal agency and another party, or involved in emergency or search and rescue operations is prohibited.
(g)Off-road vehicles.
(1) The use of off-road vehicles (ORV) in locations other than established roads and parking areas is prohibited, except on routes or in areas designated by the appropriate Federal agency in accordance with Executive Order 11644, as amended or pursuant to a valid permit as prescribed in paragraph (g)(2) of this section or in § 36.10 or § 36.12 .
(2) The appropriate Federal agency is authorized to issue permits for the use of ORVs on existing ORV trails located in areas (other than in areas designated as part of the National Wilderness Preservation System) upon a finding that such ORV use would be compatible with the purposes and values for which the area was established. The appropriate Federal agency shall include in any permit such stipulations and conditions as are necessary for the protection of those purposes and values.
(h)Closure procedures.
(1) The appropriate Federal agency may close an area on a temporary or permanent basis to use of aircraft, snowmachines, motorboats or nonmotorized surface transportation only upon a finding by the agency that such use would be detrimental to the resource values of the area.
(2)Temporary closures.
(i) Temporary closures shall not be effective prior to notice and hearing in the vicinity of the area(s) directly affected by such closures and other locations as appropriate.
(ii) A temporary closure shall not exceed 12 months.
(3) Permanent closures shall be published by rulemaking in the FEDERAL REGISTER with a minimum public comment period of 60 days and shall not be effective until after a public hearing(s) is held in the affected vicinity and other locations as deemed appropriate by the appropriate Federal agency.
(4) Temporary and permanent closures shall be:
(i) Published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in Alaska and in a local newspaper, if available; posted at community post offices within the vicinity affected; made available for broadcast on local radio stations in a manner reasonably calculated to inform residents in the affected vicinity; and designated on a map which shall be available for public inspection at the office of the appropriate Federal agency and other places convenient to the public; or
(ii) Designated by posting the area with appropriate signs; or
(iii) Both.
(5) In determining whether to open an area that has previously been closed pursuant to the provisions of this section, the appropriate Federal agency shall provide notice in the FEDERAL REGISTER and shall, upon request, hold a hearing in the affected vicinity and other locations as appropriate prior to making a final determination.
(6) Nothing in this section shall limit the authority of the appropriate Federal agency to restrict or limit uses of an area under other statutory authority.
(i) Except as otherwise specifically permitted under the provisions of this section, entry into closed areas or failure to abide by restrictions established under this section is prohibited.
(j) Any person convicted of violating any provision of the regulations contained in this section, or as the same may be amended or supplemented, may be punished by a fine or by imprisonment in accordance with the penalty provisions applicable to the area.

43 C.F.R. §36.11

51 FR 31629, Sept. 4, 1986; 51 FR 36011, Oct. 8, 1986