42 C.F.R. § 441.365

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 441.365 - Periodic evaluation, assessment, and review
(a)Purpose. This section prescribes requirements for periodic evaluation, assessment, and review of the care and services furnished to individuals receiving home and community-based waiver services under this subpart.
(b)Evaluation and assessment review team.
(1) A review team, as described in paragraphs (b)(2) and (c) of this section, must periodically evaluate and assess the care and services furnished to beneficiaries under this subpart. The review team must be created by the State agency directly, or (through interagency agreement) by other departments of State government (such as the Department of Health or the Agency on Aging).
(2) Each review team must consist of at least one physician or registered nurse, and at least one other individual with health and social service credentials who the State believes is qualified to properly evaluate and assess the care and services provided under the waiver. If there is no physician on the review team, the Medicaid agency must ensure that a physician is available to provide consultation to the review team.
(3) For waiver services furnished to individuals who have been found to be likely to require the level of care furnished in a NF that is also an IMD, each review team must have a psychiatrist or physician and other appropriate mental health or social service personnel who are knowledgeable about geriatric mental illness.
(c)Financial interests and employment of review team members.
(1) No member of a review team may have a financial interest in or be employed by any entity that furnishes care and services under the waiver to a beneficiary whose care is under review.
(2) No physician member of a review team may evaluate or assess the care of a beneficiary for whom he or she is the attending physician.
(3) No individual who serves as case manager, caseworker, benefit authorizer, or any similar position, may serve as member of a review team that evaluates and assesses care furnished to a beneficiary with whom he or she has had a professional relationship.
(d)Number and location of review teams. A sufficient number of teams must be located within the State so that onsite inspections can be made at appropriate intervals at sites where waiver beneficiaries receive care and services.
(e)Frequency of periodic evaluations and assessments. Periodic evaluations and assessments must be conducted at least annually for each beneficiary under the waiver. The review team and the agency have the option to determine the frequency of further periodic evaluations and assessments, based on the quality of services and access to care being furnished under the waiver and the condition of patients receiving care and services.
(f)Notification before inspection. No provider of care and services under the waiver may be notified in advance of a periodic evaluation, assessment, and review. However, when a beneficiary receives services in his own home or the home of a relative, notification must be provided to the residents of the household at least 48 hours in advance. The beneficiary must have an opportunity to decline access to the home. If the beneficiary declines access to his or her own home, or the home of a relative, the review is limited solely to the review of the provider's records. If the beneficiary is incompetent, the head of the household has the authority to decline access to the home.
(g)Personal contact with and observation of beneficiaries and review of records.
(1) For beneficiaries of care and services under a waiver, the review team's evaluation and assessment must include-
(i) A review of each beneficiary's medical record, the evaluation and reevaluation required by § 441.353(c) , and the plan of care under which the waiver and other services are furnished; and
(ii) If the records described in paragraph (g)(1)(i) of this section are inadequate or incomplete, personal contact and observation of each beneficiary.
(2) The review team may personally contact and observe any beneficiary whose care the team evaluates and assesses.
(3) The review team may consult with both formal and informal caregivers when the beneficiary's records are inadequate or incomplete and when any apparent discrepancy exists between services required by the beneficiary and services furnished under the waiver.
(h)Determinations by the review team. The review team must determine in its evaluation and assessment whether-
(1) The services included in the plan of care are adequate to meet the health and welfare needs of each beneficiary;
(2) The services included in the plan of care have been furnished to the beneficiary as planned;
(3) It is necessary and in the interest of the beneficiary to continue receiving services through the waiver program; and
(4) It is feasible to meet the beneficiary's health and welfare needs through the waiver program.
(i)Other information considered by review team. When making determinations, under paragraph (h) of this section, for each beneficiary, the review team must consider the following information and may consider other information as it deems necessary:
(1) Whether the medical record, the determination of level of care, and the plan of care are consistent, and whether all ordered services have been furnished and properly recorded.
(2) Whether physician review of prescribed psychotropic medications (when required for behavior control) has occurred at least every 30 days.
(3) Whether tests or observations of each beneficiary indicated by his or her medical record are made at appropriate times and properly recorded.
(4) Whether progress notes entered in the record by formal and informal caregivers are made as required and appear to be consistent with the observed condition of the beneficiary.
(5) Whether reevaluations of the beneficiary's level of care have occurred at least as frequently as would be required if that individual were served in a NF.
(6) Whether the beneficiary receives adequate care and services, based, at a minimum, on the following when observations are necessary (the requirements for the necessity of observations are set forth in new § 441.365(g)(3) ):
(i) Cleanliness.
(ii) Absence of bedsores.
(iii) Absence of signs of malnutrition or dehydration.
(7) Whether the beneficiary needs any service that is not included in the plan of care, or if included, is not being furnished by formal or informal caregivers under the waiver or through arrangements with another public or private source of assistance.
(8) Determination as to whether continued home and community-based services are required by the beneficiary to avoid the likelihood of placement in a NF.
(j)Submission of review team's results. The review team must submit to the Medicaid agency the results of its periodic evaluation, assessment and review of the care of the beneficiary:
(1) Within 1 month of the completion of the review.
(2) Immediately upon its determination that conditions exist that may constitute a threat to the life or health of a beneficiary.
(k)Agency's action. The Medicaid agency must establish and adhere to procedures for taking appropriate action in response to the findings reported by the review team. These procedures must provide for immediate response to any finding that the life or health of a beneficiary may be jeopardized.

42 C.F.R. §441.365

Effective Date Note: At 57 FR 29156, June 30, 1992, § 441.365 was added. This section contains information collection and recordkeeping requirements and will not become effective until approval has been given by the Office of Management and Budget.