41 C.F.R. § 102-75.335

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 102-75.335 - Where asbestos is identified, what information must the disposal agency incorporate into the offer to purchase and the conveyance document?

Where the existence of asbestos on the property has been brought to the attention of the disposal agency by the Report of Excess Real Property (Standard Form 118) information provided (see § 102-75.125), the disposal agency must incorporate this information (less any cost or time estimates to remove the asbestos-containing materials) into any offer to purchase and conveyance document and include the following wording:

Notice of the Presence of Asbestos-Warning!

(a) The Purchaser is warned that the property offered for sale contains asbestos-containing materials. Unprotected or unregulated exposures to asbestos in product manufacturing, shipyard, and building construction workplaces have been associated with asbestos-related diseases. Both the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulate asbestos because of the potential hazards associated with exposure to airborne asbestos fibers. Both OSHA and EPA have determined that such exposure increases the risk of asbestos-related diseases, which include certain cancers and which can result in disability or death.
(b) Bidders (offerors) are invited, urged and cautioned to inspect the property to be sold prior to submitting a bid (offer). More particularly, bidders (offerors) are invited, urged and cautioned to inspect the property as to its asbestos content and condition and any hazardous or environmental conditions relating thereto. The disposal agency will assist bidders (offerors) in obtaining any authorization(s) that may be required in order to carry out any such inspection(s). Bidders (offerors) shall be deemed to have relied solely on their own judgment in assessing the overall condition of all or any portion of the property including, without limitation, any asbestos hazards or concerns.
(c) No warranties either express or implied are given with regard to the condition of the property including, without limitation, whether the property does or does not contain asbestos or is or is not safe for a particular purpose. The failure of any bidder (offeror) to inspect, or to be fully informed as to the condition of all or any portion of the property offered, will not constitute grounds for any claim or demand for adjustment or withdrawal of a bid or offer after its opening or tender.
(d) The description of the property set forth in the Invitation for Bids (Offer to Purchase) and any other information provided therein with respect to said property is based on the best information available to the disposal agency and is believed to be correct, but an error or omission, including, but not limited to, the omission of any information available to the agency having custody over the property and/or any other Federal agency, shall not constitute grounds or reason for nonperformance of the contract of sale, or any claim by the Purchaser against the Government including, without limitation, any claim for allowance, refund, or deduction from the purchase price.
(e) The Government assumes no liability for damages for personal injury, illness, disability, or death, to the Purchaser, or to the Purchaser's successors, assigns, employees, invitees, or any other person subject to Purchaser's control or direction, or to any other person, including members of the general public, arising from or incident to the purchase, transportation, removal, handling, use, disposition, or other activity causing or leading to contact of any kind whatsoever with asbestos on the property that is the subject of this sale, whether the Purchaser, its successors or assigns has or have properly warned or failed properly to warn the individual(s) injured.
(f) The Purchaser further agrees that, in its use and occupancy of the property, it will comply with all Federal, State, and local laws relating to asbestos.

41 C.F.R. § 102-75.335