41 C.F.R. § 51-3.4

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 51-3.4 - Distribution of orders
(a) Central nonprofit agencies shall distribute orders from the Government only to nonprofit agencies which the Committee has authorized to furnish the specific commodity or service. When the Committee has authorized two or more nonprofit agencies to furnish a specific commodity or service, the central nonprofit agency shall distribute orders in a manner that is fair and equitable to each authorized nonprofit agency, and that provides the best value for the requiring Federal agency and best meets the mission of the Program.
(b) For new and existing Procurement List services that are estimated to exceed $10 million in total project value for a Federal agency, other than the Department of Defense and its components, or $50 million in total project value for the Department of Defense and its components, inclusive of the base period and all option periods, a Federal agency may, at the Senior Executive Service or Flag or General Officer level, request that the procurement be distributed to an authorized nonprofit agency on a competitive basis among all authorized nonprofit agencies. In addition to the requirements described at part 51-6 of this chapter, the requesting Federal agency shall advise the Committee of the rationale for competition, whether it will provide resources to support the competitive process, the independent government cost estimate of the contract being competed or of the resources to support the competitive process, any information pertaining to performance, and such other information as is requested by the Committee. The Committee will answer a request within 60 days of receipt unless additional information is needed.
(c) If the Committee accepts a request from a Federal agency for competitive distribution, the action will be forwarded to the responsible central nonprofit agency for assessment in accordance with § 51-3.2(b) through (d). Upon receipt of a recommendation from the central nonprofit agency, the Committee will determine whether a competitive distribution is appropriate after considering the suitability criteria described at § 51-2.4 of this chapter and applicable Committee policies and procedures. If the Committee decides that a competitive distribution is appropriate and authorizes at least two nonprofit agencies to serve as mandatory sources, a competitive distribution may commence upon notification in the Federal Register.
(d) After notification, the responsible central nonprofit agency shall select the authorized nonprofit agency that it determines provides the best value for the ordering Federal agency and meets the mission of the Program in accordance with the Committee's policies and procedures. The selection decision shall be based on criteria approved by the Committee, such as technical capability, past performance, and price. The selection decision may also consider any other criteria or subcriteria specific to the service requirement. In addition, each selection decision shall consider criteria or subcriteria that address the nonprofit agency's capability to provide opportunities related to training and placements, as well as employment, for individuals who are blind or have significant disabilities. Criteria may be weighted, but price shall not have greater weight than the non-price factors when combined, except for competitive distributions directed by the Committee in accordance with paragraph (e) of this section.
(e) The Committee may also direct a competitive distribution in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section for any service requirement already on the Procurement List that exceeds a total project value of $1 million, if bilateral negotiations described at § 51-2.7(b) of this chapter are attempted in good faith but fail to produce a recommendation to the Committee for revising the fair market price. A Federal agency may not request, and the Committee shall not direct a competitive distribution based solely on failed price negotiations, until the parties have exhausted all available remedies established within the Committee's pricing policies and procedures.
(f) Any dispute arising out of a competitive distribution decision described at paragraph (d) of this section shall be submitted to the appropriate central nonprofit agency for resolution. If the affected nonprofit agency disagrees with the central nonprofit agency's resolution, it may appeal that decision to the Committee for final resolution. Appeals must be filed with the Committee within five business days of the nonprofit agency's notification of the central nonprofit agency's resolution decision, and only a nonprofit agency that participated in the competitive distribution process described at paragraph (c) of this section may file an appeal.

41 C.F.R. §51-3.4

56 FR 48979, Sept. 26, 1991; 56 FR 64002, Dec. 6, 1991
89 FR 20338, 4/22/2024