40 C.F.R. § 763.98

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 763.98 - Waiver; delegation to State
(1) Upon request from a state Governor and after notice and comment and an opportunity for a public hearing in accordance with paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, EPA may waive some or all of the requirements of this subpart E if the state has established and is implementing or intends to implement a program of asbestos inspection and management that contains requirements that are at least as stringent as the requirements of this subpart. In addition, if the state chooses to receive electronic documents, the state program must include, at a minimum, the requirements of 40 CFR part 3-(Electronic reporting).
(2) A waiver from any requirement of this subpart E shall apply only to the specific provision for which a waiver has been granted under this section. All requirements of this subpart E shall apply until a waiver is granted under this section.
(b)Request. Each request by a Governor to waive any requirement of this subpart E shall be sent with three complete copies of the request to the Regional Administrator for the EPA Region in which the State is located and shall include:
(1) A copy of the State provisions or proposed provisions relating to its program of asbestos inspection and management in schools for which the request is made.
(i) The name of the State agency that is or will be responsible for administering and enforcing the requirements for which a waiver is requested, the names and job titles of responsible officials in that agency, and phone numbers where the officials can be contacted.
(ii) In the event that more than one agency is or will be responsible for administering and enforcing the requirements for which a waiver is requested, a description of the functions to be performed by each agency, how the program will be coordinated by the lead agency to ensure consistency and effective administration in the asbestos inspection and management program within the State, the names and job titles of responsible officials in the agencies, and phone numbers where the officials can be contacted. The lead agency will serve as the central contact point for the EPA.
(3) Detailed reasons, supporting papers, and the rationale for concluding that the state's asbestos inspection and management program provisions for which the request is made are at least as stringent as the requirements of subpart E of this part, and that, if the state chooses to receive electronic documents, the state program includes, at a minimum, the requirements of 40 CFR part 3-(Electronic reporting).
(4) A discussion of any special situations, problems, and needs pertaining to the waiver request accompanied by an explanation of how the State intends to handle them.
(5) A statement of the resources that the State intends to devote to the administration and enforcement of the provisions relating to the waiver request.
(6) Copies of any specific or enabling State laws (enacted and pending enactment) and regulations (promulgated and pending promulgation) relating to the request, including provisions for assessing criminal and/or civil penalties.
(7) Assurance from the Governor, the Attorney General, or the legal counsel of the lead agency that the lead agency or other cooperating agencies have the legal authority necessary to carry out the requirements relating to the request.
(c)General notice-hearing.
(1) Within 30 days after receipt of a request for a waiver, EPA will determine the completeness of the request. If EPA does not request further information within the 30-day period, the request will be deemed complete.
(2) Within 30 days after EPA determines that a request is complete, EPA will issue for publication in the FEDERAL REGISTER a notice that announces receipt of the request, describes the information submitted under paragraph (b) of this section, and solicits written comment from interested members of the public. Comments must be submitted within 60 days.
(3) If, during the comment period, EPA receives a written objection to a Governor's request and a request for a public hearing detailing specific objections to the granting of a waiver, EPA will schedule a public hearing to be held in the affected State after the close of the comment period and will announce the public hearing date in the FEDERAL REGISTER before the date of the hearing. Each comment shall include the name and address of the person submitting the comment.
(d)Criteria. EPA may waive some or all of the requirements of subpart E of this part if:
(1) The State's lead agency and other cooperating agencies have the legal authority necessary to carry out the provisions of asbestos inspection and management in schools relating to the waiver request.
(2) The State's program of asbestos inspection and management in schools relating to the waiver request and implementation of the program are or will be at least as stringent as the requirements of this subpart E.
(3) The state has an enforcement mechanism to allow it to implement the program described in the waiver request and any electronic reporting requirements are at least as stringent as 40 CFR part 3-(Electronic reporting).
(4) The lead agency and any cooperating agencies have or will have qualified personnel to carry out the provisions relating to the waiver request.
(5) The State will devote adequate resources to the administration and enforcement of the asbestos inspection and management provisions relating to the waiver request.
(6) When specified by EPA, the State gives satisfactory assurances that necessary steps, including specific actions it proposes to take and a time schedule for their accomplishment, will be taken within a reasonable time to conform with applicable criteria under paragraphs (d) (2) through (4) of this section.
(e)Decision. EPA will issue for publication in the FEDERAL REGISTER a notice announcing its decision to grant or deny, in whole or in part, a Governor's request for a waiver from some or all of the requirements of this subpart E within 30 days after the close of the comment period or within 30 days following a public hearing, whichever is applicable. The notice will include the Agency's reasons and rationale for granting or denying the Governor's request. The 30-day period may be extended if mutually agreed upon by EPA and the State.
(f)Modifications. When any substantial change is made in the administration or enforcement of a State program for which a waiver was granted under this section, a responsible official in the lead agency shall submit such changes to EPA.
(g)Reports. The lead agency in each State that has been granted a waiver by EPA from any requirement of subpart E of this part shall submit a report to the Regional Administrator for the Region in which the State is located at least once every 12 months to include the following information:
(1) A summary of the State's implementation and enforcement activities during the last reporting period relating to provisions waived under this section, including enforcement actions taken.
(2) Any changes in the administration or enforcement of the State program implemented during the last reporting period.
(3) Other reports as may be required by EPA to carry out effective oversight of any requirement of this subpart E that was waived under this section.
(h)Oversight. EPA may periodically evaluate the adequacy of a State's implementation and enforcement of and resources devoted to carrying out requirements relating to the waiver. This evaluation may include, but is not limited to, site visits to local education agencies without prior notice to the State.
(i)Informal conference.
(1) EPA may request that an informal conference be held between appropriate State and EPA officials when EPA has reason to believe that a State has failed to:
(i) Substantially comply with the terms of any provision that was waived under this section.
(ii) Meet the criteria under paragraph (d) of this section, including the failure to carry out enforcement activities or act on violations of the State program.
(2) EPA will:
(i) Specify to the State those aspects of the State's program believed to be inadequate.
(ii) Specify to the State the facts that underlie the belief of inadequacy.
(3) If EPA finds, on the basis of information submitted by the State at the conference, that deficiencies did not exist or were corrected by the State, no further action is required.
(4) Where EPA finds that deficiencies in the State program exist, a plan to correct the deficiencies shall be negotiated between the State and EPA. The plan shall detail the deficiencies found in the State program, specify the steps the State has taken or will take to remedy the deficiencies, and establish a schedule for each remedial action to be initiated.
(1) If the State fails to meet with EPA or fails to correct deficiencies raised at the informal conference, EPA will deliver to the Governor of the State and a responsible official in the lead agency a written notice of its intent to rescind, in whole or part, the waiver.
(2) EPA will issue for publication in the FEDERAL REGISTER a notice that announces the rescission of the waiver, describes those aspects of the State's program determined to be inadequate, and specifies the facts that underlie the findings of inadequacy.

40 C.F.R. §763.98

52 FR 41846, Oct. 30, 1987, as amended at 70 FR 59889, Oct. 13, 2005