40 C.F.R. § 194 app A to Part 194

Current through August 31, 2024
Appendix A to Part 194 - Certification of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant's Compliance With the 40 CFR Part 191 Disposal Regulations and the 40 CFR Part 194 Compliance Criteria

In accordance with the provisions of the WIPP Compliance Criteria of this part, the Agency finds that the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant ("WIPP") will comply with the radioactive waste disposal regulations at part 191, subparts B and C, of this chapter. Therefore, pursuant to Section 8(d)(2) of the WIPP Land Withdrawal Act ("WIPP LWA"), as amended, the Administrator certifies that the WIPP facility will comply with the disposal regulations. In accordance with the Agency's authority under § 194.4(a) , the certification of compliance is subject to the following conditions:

Condition 1: § 194.14(b) , Disposal system design, panel closure system. The Department shall close filled waste panels in a manner that has been specifically approved by the Agency. DOE must inform EPA of any modification to the approved panel closure design pursuant to § 194.4(b)(3)(i) , and provide any supporting information required by § 194.14 , Content of compliance certification application. The Administrator or Administrator's authorized representative will determine whether the change differs significantly from the design included in the most recent compliance certification, and whether the planned change would require modification of the compliance criteria. The EPA's approval of a panel closure change request requires that performance assessment calculations adequately represent the waste panel closure design, and that those calculations demonstrate the WIPP's compliance with the release standards set by 40 CFR part 191, Subpart B in accordance with § 194.34 , Results of performance assessments.

Condition 2: § 194.22 : Quality Assurance. The Secretary shall not allow any waste generator site other than the Los Alamos National Laboratory to ship waste for disposal at the WIPP until the Agency determines that the site has established and executed a quality assurance program, in accordance with §§ 194.22(a)(2)(i) , 194.24(c)(3) and 194.24(c)(5) for waste characterization activities and assumptions. The Agency will determine compliance of site-specific quality assurance programs at waste generator sites using the process set forth in § 194.8 .

Condition 3: § 194.24 : Waste Characterization. The Secretary may allow shipment for disposal at the WIPP of legacy debris waste at the Los Alamos National Laboratory ("LANL") that can be characterized using the systems and processes inspected by the Agency and documented in Docket A-93-02, Item II-I-70. The Secretary shall not allow shipment of any waste from any additional LANL waste stream(s) or from any waste generator site other than LANL for disposal at the WIPP until the Agency has approved the processes for characterizing those waste streams for shipment using the process set forth in § 194.8 .

Condition 4: § 194.43 , Passive institutional controls.

(a) Not later than the final recertification application submitted prior to closure of the disposal system, the Department shall provide, to the Administrator or the Administrator's authorized representative:

(1) a schedule for implementing passive institutional controls that has been revised to show that markers will be fabricated and emplaced, and other measures will be implemented, as soon as possible following closure of the WIPP. Such schedule should describe how testing of any aspect of the conceptual design will be completed prior to or soon after closure, and what changes to the design of passive institutional controls may be expected to result from such testing.

(2) documentation showing that the granite pieces for the proposed monuments and information rooms described in Docket A-93-02, Item II-G-1, and supplementary information may be: quarried (cut and removed from the ground) without cracking due to tensile stresses from handling or isostatic rebound; engraved on the scale required by the design; transported to the site, given the weight and dimensions of the granite pieces and the capacity of existing rail cars and rail lines; loaded, unloaded, and erected without cracking based on the capacity of available equipment; and successfully joined.

(3) documentation showing that archives and record centers will accept the documents identified and will maintain them in the manner identified in Docket A-93-02, Item II-G-1.

(4) documentation showing that proposed recipients of WIPP information other than archives and record centers will accept the information and make use of it in the manner indicated by the Department in Docket A-93-02, Item II-G-1 and supplementary information.

(b) Upon receipt of the information required under paragraph (a) of this condition, the Agency will place such documentation in the public dockets identified in § 194.67 . The Agency will determine if a modification to the compliance certification in effect is necessary. Any such modification will be conducted in accordance with the requirements at §§ 194.65 and 194.66 .

40 C.F.R. 194 app A to Part 194

63 FR 27405, May 18, 1998, as amended at 79 FR 60756, Oct. 8, 2014