40 C.F.R. § 142.81

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 142.81 - Notice to the State
(a) If the Administrator finds through periodic review or other available information that a State (1) has abused its discretion in applying the criteria for avoiding filtration under § 141.71 of this chapter in determining that a system does not have to provide filtration treatment, or (2) has failed to prescribe compliance schedules for those systems which must provide filtration in accordance with section 1412(b)(7)(C)(ii) of the Act, (s)he shall notify the State of these findings. Such notice shall:
(1) Identify each public water system for which the Administrator finds the State has abused its discretion;
(2) Specify the reasons for the finding;
(3) As appropriate, propose that the criteria of § 141.71 of this chapter be applied properly to determine the need for a public water system to provide filtration treatment or propose a revised schedule for compliance by the public water system with the filtration treatment requirements;
(b) The Administrator shall also notify the State that a public hearing is to be held on the provisions of the notice required by paragraph (a) of this section. Such notice shall specify the time and location of the hearing. If, upon notification of a finding by the Administrator that the State has abused its discretion under § 141.71 of this chapter, the State takes corrective action satisfactory to the Administrator, the Administrator may rescind the notice to the State of a public hearing.
(c) The Administrator shall publish notice of the public hearing in the FEDERAL REGISTER and in a newspaper of general circulation in the involved State, including a summary of the findings made pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, a statement of the time and location for the hearing, and the address and telephone number of an office at which interested persons may obtain further information concerning the hearing.
(d) Hearings convened pursuant to paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section shall be conducted before a hearing officer to be designated by the Administrator. The hearing shall be conducted by the hearing officer in an informal, orderly, and expeditious manner. The hearing officer shall have the authority to call witnesses, receive oral and written testimony, and take such other action as may be necessary to ensure the fair and efficient conduct of the hearing. Following the conclusion of the hearing, the hearing officer may make a recommendation to the Administrator based on the testimony presented at the hearing and shall forward any such recommendation and the record of the hearing to the Administrator.
(e) Within 180 days after the date notice is given pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section, the Administrator shall:
(1) Rescind the notice to the State of a public hearing if the State takes corrective action satisfactory to the Administrator; or
(2) Rescind the finding for which the notice was given and promptly notify the State of such rescission; or
(3) Uphold the finding for which the notice was given. In this event, the Administrator shall revoke the State's decision that filtration was not required or revoke the compliance schedule approved by the State, and promulgate, as appropriate, with any appropriate modifications, a revised filtration decision or compliance schedule and promptly notify the State of such action.
(f) Revocation of a State's filtration decision or compliance schedule and/or promulgation of a revised filtration decision or compliance schedule shall take effect 90 days after the State is notified under paragraph (e)(3) of this section.

40 C.F.R. §142.81