40 C.F.R. § 125.59

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 125.59 - General
(a)Basis for application. An application under this subpart shall be based on a current, improved, or altered discharge into ocean waters or saline estuarine waters.
(b)Prohibitions. No section 301(h) modified permit shall be issued:
(1) Where such issuance would not assure compliance with all applicable requirements of this subpart and part 122;
(2) For the discharge of sewage sludge;
(3) Where such issuance would conflict with applicable provisions of State, local, or other Federal laws or Executive Orders. This includes compliance with the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, 16 U.S.C. 1451 et seq.; the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.; and Title III of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act, as amended, 16 U.S.C. 1431 et seq.;
(4) Where the discharge of any pollutant enters into saline estuarine waters which at the time of application do not support a balanced indigenous population of shellfish, fish, and wildlife, or allow recreation in and on the waters or which exhibit ambient water quality below applicable water quality standards adopted for the protection of public water supplies, shellfish, fish, and wildlife or recreational activities or such other standards necessary to assure support and protection of such uses. The prohibition contained in the preceding sentence shall apply without regard to the presence or absence of a causal relationship between such characteristics and the applicant's current or proposed discharge; or
(5) Where the discharge of any pollutant is into the New York Bight Apex.
(c)Applications. Each applicant for a modified permit under this subpart shall submit an application to EPA signed in compliance with 40 CFR part 122, subpart B, which shall contain:
(1) A signed, completed NPDES Application Standard form A, parts I, II, III;
(2) A completed Application Questionnaire;
(3) The certification in accordance with 40 CFR 122.22(d) ;
(4) In addition to the requirements of § 125.59(c) (1) through (3) , applicants for permit renewal shall support continuation of the modification by supplying to EPA the results of studies and monitoring performed in accordance with § 125.63 during the life of the permit. Upon a demonstration meeting the statutory criteria and requirements of this subpart, the permit may be renewed under the applicable procedures of 40 CFR part 124.
(d)Revisions to applications.
(1) POTWs which submitted applications in accordance with the June 15, 1979, regulations (44 FR 34784) may revise their applications one time following a tentative decision to propose changes to treatment levels and/or outfall and diffuser location and design in accordance with § 125.59(f)(2)(i) ; and
(2) Other applicants may revise their applications one time following a tentative decision to propose changes to treatment levels and/or outfall and diffuser location and design in accordance with § 125.59(f)(2)(i) . Revisions by such applicants which propose downgrading treatment levels and/or outfall and diffuser location and design must be justified on the basis of substantial changes in circumstances beyond the applicant's control since the time of application submission.
(3) Applicants authorized or requested to submit additional information under § 125.59(g) may submit a revised application in accordance with § 125.59(f)(2)(ii) where such additional information supports changes in proposed treatment levels and/or outfall location and diffuser design. The opportunity for such revision shall be in addition to the one-time revision allowed under § 125.59(d) (1) and (2) .
(4) POTWs which revise their applications must:
(i) Modify their NPDES form and Application Questionnaire as needed to ensure that the information filed with their application is correct and complete;
(ii) Provide additional analysis and data as needed to demonstrate compliance with this subpart;
(iii) Obtain new State determinations under §§ 125.61(b)(2) and 125.64(b) ; and
(iv) Provide the certification described in paragraph (c)(3) of this section.
(5) Applications for permit renewal may not be revised.
(e)Submittal of additional information to demonstrate compliance with §§ 125.60 and 125.65 .
(1) On or before the deadline established in paragraph (f)(3) of this section, applicants shall submit a letter of intent to demonstrate compliance with §§ 125.60 and 125.65 . The letter of intent is subject to approval by the Administrator based on the requirements of this paragraph and paragraph (f)(3) of this section. The letter of intent shall consist of the following:
(i) For compliance with § 125.60 :
(A) A description of the proposed treatment system which upgrades treatment to satisfy the requirements of § 125.60 .
(B) A project plan, including a schedule for data collection and for achieving compliance with § 125.60 . The project plan shall include dates for design and construction of necessary facilities, submittal of influent/effluent data, and submittal of any other information necessary to demonstrate compliance with § 125.60 . The Administrator will review the project plan and may require revisions prior to authorizing submission of the additional information.
(ii) For compliance with § 125.65 :
(A) A determination of what approach will be used to achieve compliance with § 125.65 .
(B) A project plan for achieving compliance. The project plan shall include any necessary data collection activities, submittal of additional information, and/or development of appropriate pretreatment limits to demonstrate compliance with § 125.65 . The Administrator will review the project plan and may require revisions prior to submission of the additional information.
(iii) POTWs which submit additional information must:
(A) Modify their NPDES form and Application Questionnaire as needed to ensure that the information filed with their application is correct and complete;
(B) Obtain new State determinations under §§ 125.61(b)(2) and 125.64(b) ; and
(C) Provide the certification described in paragraph (c)(3) of this section.
(2) The information required under this paragraph must be submitted in accordance with the schedules in § 125.59(f)(3)(ii) . If the applicant does not meet these schedules for compliance, EPA may deny the application on that basis.
(f)Deadlines and distribution -
(i) The application for an original 301(h) permit for POTWs which directly discharges effluent into saline waters shall be submitted to the appropriate EPA Regional Administrator no later than December 29, 1982.
(ii) The application for renewal of a 301(h) modified permit shall be submitted no less than 180 days prior to the expiration of the existing permit, unless permission for a later date has been granted by the Administrator. (The Administrator shall not grant permission for applications to be submitted later than the expiration date of the existing permit.)
(iii) A copy of the application shall be provided to the State and interstate agency(s) authorized to provide certification/concurrence under §§ 124.53 through 124.55 on or before the date the application is submitted to EPA.
(2)Revisions to Applications.
(i) Applicants desiring to revise their applications under § 125.59 (d)(1) or (d)(2) must:
(A) Submit to the appropriate Regional Administrator a letter of intent to revise their application either within 45 days of the date of EPA's tentative decision on their original application or within 45 days of November 26, 1982, whichever is later. Following receipt by EPA of a letter of intent, further EPA proceedings on the tentative decision under 40 CFR part 124 will be stayed.
(B) Submit the revised application as described for new applications in § 125.59(f)(1) either within one year of the date of EPA's tentative decision on their original application or within one year of November 26, 1982, if a tentative decision has already been made, whichever is later.
(ii) Applicants desiring to revise their applications under § 125.59(d)(3) must submit the revised application as described for new applications in § 125.59(f)(1) concurrent with submission of the additional information under § 125.59(g) .
(3) Deadline for additional information to demonstrate compliance with §§ 125.60 and 125.65 .
(i) A letter of intent required under § 125.59(e)(1) must be submitted by the following dates: for permittees with 301(h) modifications or for applicants to which a tentative or final decision has been issued, November 7, 1994; for all others, within 90 days after the Administrator issues a tentative decision on an application. Following receipt by EPA of a letter of intent containing the information required in § 125.59(e)(1) , further EPA proceedings on the tentative decision under 40 CFR part 124 will be stayed.
(ii) The project plan submitted under § 125.59(e)(1) shall ensure that the applicant meets all the requirements of §§ 125.60 and 125.65 by the following deadlines:
(A) By August 9, 1996 for applicants that are not grandfathered under § 125.59(j) .
(B) At the time of permit renewal or by August 9, 1996, whichever is later, for applicants that are grandfathered under § 125.59(j) .
(4)State determination deadline. State determinations, as required by §§ 125.61(b)(2) and 125.64(b) shall be filed by the applicant with the appropriate Regional Administrator no later than 90 days after submission of the revision to the application or additional information to EPA. Extensions to this deadline may be provided by EPA upon request. However, EPA will not begin review of the revision to the application or additional information until a favorable State determination is received by EPA. Failure to provide the State determination within the timeframe required by this paragraph (f)(4) is a basis for denial of the application.
(1) The Administrator may authorize or request an applicant to submit additional information by a specified date not to exceed one year from the date of authorization or request.
(2) Applicants seeking authorization to submit additional information on current/modified discharge characteristics, water quality, biological conditions or oceanographic characteristics must:
(i) Demonstrate that they made a diligent effort to provide such information with their application and were unable to do so, and
(ii) Submit a plan of study, including a schedule, for data collection and submittal of the additional information. EPA will review the plan of study and may require revisions prior to authorizing submission of the additional information.
(h)Tentative decisions on section 301(h) modifications. The Administrator shall grant a tentative approval or a tentative denial of a section 301(h) modified permit application. To qualify for a tentative approval, the applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Administrator that it is using good faith means to come into compliance with all the requirements of this subpart and that it will meet all such requirements based on a schedule approved by the Administrator. For compliance with §§ 125.60 and 125.65 , such schedule shall be in accordance with § 125.59(f)(3)(ii) .
(i)Decisions on section 301(h) modifications.
(1) The decision to grant or deny a section 301(h) modification shall be made by the Administrator and shall be based on the applicant's demonstration that it has met all the requirements of §§ 125.59 through 125.68 .
(2) No section 301(h) modified permit shall be issued until the appropriate State certification/concurrence is granted or waived pursuant to § 124.54 or if the State denies certification/ concurrence pursuant to § 124.54 .
(3) In the case of a modification issued to an applicant in a State administering an approved permit program under 40 CFR part 123, the State Director may:
(i) Revoke an existing permit as of the effective date of the EPA issued section 301(h) modified permit; and
(ii) Cosign the section 301(h) modified permit if the Director has indicated an intent to do so in the written concurrence.
(4) Any section 301(h) modified permit shall:
(i) Be issued in accordance with the procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 124, except that, because section 301(h) permits may be issued only by EPA, the terms "Administrator or a person designated by the Administrator" shall be substituted for the term "Director" as appropriate; and
(ii) Contain all applicable terms and conditions set forth in 40 CFR part 122 and § 125.68 .
(5) Appeals of section 301(h) determinations shall be governed by the procedures in 40 CFR part 124.
(j)Grandfathering provision. Applicants that received tentative or final approval for a section 301(h) modified permit prior to February 4, 1987, are not subject to § 125.60 , the water quality criteria provisions of § 125.62(a)(1) , or § 125.65 until the time of permit renewal. In addition, if permit renewal will occur prior to August 9, 1996, applicants may have additional time to come into compliance with §§ 125.60 and 125.65 , as determined appropriate by EPA on a case-by-case basis. Such additional time, however, shall not extend beyond August 9, 1996. This paragraph does not apply to any application that was initially tentatively approved, but as to which EPA withdrew its tentative approval or issued a tentative denial prior to February 4, 1987.

40 C.F.R. §125.59