40 C.F.R. § 98.238

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 98.238 - [Effective 1/1/2025] Definitions

Except as provided in this section, all terms used in this subpart have the same meaning given in the Clean Air Act and subpart A of this part.

Acid gas means hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and/or carbon dioxide (CO2) contaminants that are separated from sour natural gas by an acid gas removal unit.

Acid gas removal unit (AGR) means a process unit that separates hydrogen sulfide and/or carbon dioxide from sour natural gas using liquid or solid absorbents or membrane separators.

Acid gas removal unit (AGR) vent emissions mean the acid gas separated from the acid gas absorbing medium (e.g., an amine solution) and released with methane and other light hydrocarbons to the atmosphere.

Associated gas venting or flaring means the venting or flaring of natural gas which originates at wellheads that also produce hydrocarbon liquids and occurs either in a discrete gaseous phase at the wellhead or is released from the liquid hydrocarbon phase by separation. This does not include venting or flaring resulting from activities that are reported elsewhere, including tank venting, well completions, and well workovers.

Associated with a single well-pad means associated with the hydrocarbon stream as produced from one or more wells located on that single well-pad. The association ends where the stream from a single well-pad is combined with streams from one or more additional single well-pads, where the point of combination is located off that single well-pad. Onshore production storage tanks on or associated with a single well-pad are considered a part of the onshore production facility.

Atmospheric pressure storage tank means a vessel (excluding sumps) operating at atmospheric pressure that is designed to contain an accumulation of crude oil, condensate, intermediate hydrocarbon liquids, or produced water and that is constructed entirely of non-earthen materials (e.g., wood, concrete, steel, plastic) that provide structural support. Atmospheric pressure storage tanks include both fixed roof tanks and floating roof tanks. Floating roof tanks include tanks with either an internal floating roof or an external floating roof.

Automated liquids unloading means an unloading that is performed without manual interference. Examples of automated liquids unloadings include a timing and/or pressure device used to optimize intermittent shut-in of the well before liquids choke off gas flow or to open and close valves, continually operating equipment that does not require presence of an operator such as rod pumping units, automated and unmanned plunger lifts, or other unloading activities that do not entail a physical presence at the well-pad,

Basin means geologic provinces as defined by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Geologic Note: AAPG-CSD Geologic Provinces Code Map: AAPG Bulletin, Prepared by Richard F. Meyer, Laure G. Wallace, and Fred J. Wagner, Jr., Volume 75, Number 10 (October 1991) (incorporated by reference, see § 98.7 ) and the Alaska Geological Province Boundary Map, Compiled by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists Committee on Statistics of Drilling in Cooperation with the USGS, 1978 (incorporated by reference, see § 98.7 ).

Centralized oil production site means any permanent combination of one or more hydrocarbon liquids storage tanks located on one or more contiguous or adjacent properties that does not also contain a permanent combination of one or more compressors that are part of the onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting facility that gathers hydrocarbon liquids from multiple well-pads. A centralized oil production site is a type of gathering and boosting site for purposes of this subpart.

Compressor means any machine for raising the pressure of a natural gas or CO2 by drawing in low pressure natural gas or CO2 and discharging significantly higher pressure natural gas or CO2.

Compressor mode means the operational and pressurized status of a compressor. For both centrifugal compressors and reciprocating compressors, "mode" refers to either: Operating-mode, standby-pressurized-mode, or not-operating-depressurized-mode.

Compressor source means the source of certain venting or leaking emissions from a centrifugal or reciprocating compressor. For centrifugal compressors, "source" refers to blowdown valve leakage through the blowdown vent, unit isolation valve leakage through an open blowdown vent without blind flanges, wet seal oil degassing vents, and dry seal vents. For reciprocating compressors, "source" refers to blowdown valve leakage through the blowdown vent, unit isolation valve leakage through an open blowdown vent without blind flanges, and rod packing emissions.

Condensate means hydrocarbon and other liquid, including both water and hydrocarbon liquids, separated from natural gas that condenses due to changes in the temperature, pressure, or both, and remains liquid at storage conditions.

Crankcase venting means the process of venting or removing blow-by from the void spaces of an internal combustion engine outside of the combustion cylinders to prevent excessive pressure build-up within the engine. This does not include ingestive systems that vent blow-by into the engine where it is returned to the combustion process (e.g., closed crankcase ventilation system, closed breather system) or if the vent blow-by is routed to another closed vent system.

Delineation well means a well drilled in order to determine the boundary of a field or producing reservoir.

Distribution pipeline means a pipeline that is designated as such by the Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration (PHMSA) 49 CFR 192.3 .

Drilling mud means a mixture of clays and additives with water, oil, or synthetic materials. While drilling, the drilling mud is continuously pumped through the drill string and out the bit to cool and lubricate the drill bit, and move cuttings through the wellbore to the surface.

Drilling mud degassing means the practice of safely removing pockets of free gas entrained in the drilling mud once it is outside of the wellbore.

Enclosed combustion device means a flare that uses a closed flame.

Engineering estimation, for purposes of subpart W, means an estimate of emissions based on engineering principles applied to measured and/or approximated physical parameters such as dimensions of containment, actual pressures, actual temperatures, and compositions.

Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) means the use of certain methods such as water flooding or gas injection into existing wells to increase the recovery of crude oil from a reservoir. In the context of this subpart, EOR applies to injection of critical phase or immiscible carbon dioxide into a crude oil reservoir to enhance the recovery of oil.

Equivalent stratigraphic interval means the depth of the same stratum of rock in the Earth's subsurface.

External combustion means fired combustion in which the flame and products of combustion are separated from contact with the process fluid to which the energy is delivered. Process fluids may be air, hot water, or hydrocarbons. External combustion equipment may include fired heaters, industrial boilers, and commercial and domestic combustion units.

Facility with respect to natural gas distribution for purposes of reporting under this subpart and for the corresponding subpart A requirements means the collection of all distribution pipelines and metering-regulating stations that are operated by a Local Distribution Company (LDC) within a single state that is regulated as a separate operating company by a public utility commission or that are operated as an independent municipally-owned distribution system.

Facility with respect to onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting for purposes of reporting under this subpart and for the corresponding subpart A requirements means all gathering pipelines and other equipment located along those pipelines that are under common ownership or common control by a gathering and boosting system owner or operator and that are located in a single hydrocarbon basin as defined in this section. Where a person owns or operates more than one gathering and boosting system in a basin (for example, separate gathering lines that are not connected), then all gathering and boosting equipment that the person owns or operates in the basin would be considered one facility. Any gathering and boosting equipment that is associated with a single gathering and boosting system, including leased, rented, or contracted activities, is considered to be under common control of the owner or operator of the gathering and boosting system that contains the pipeline. The facility does not include equipment and pipelines that are part of any other industry segment defined in this subpart.

Facility with respect to onshore petroleum and natural gas production for purposes of reporting under this subpart and for the corresponding subpart A requirements means all petroleum or natural gas equipment on a single well-pad or associated with a single well-pad and CO2 EOR operations that are under common ownership or common control including leased, rented, or contracted activities by an onshore petroleum and natural gas production owner or operator and that are located in a single hydrocarbon basin as defined in § 98.238 . Where a person or entity owns or operates more than one well in a basin, then all onshore petroleum and natural gas production equipment associated with all wells that the person or entity owns or operates in the basin would be considered one facility.

Facility with respect to the onshore natural gas transmission pipeline segment means the total U.S. mileage of natural gas transmission pipelines, as defined in this section, owned and operated by an onshore natural gas transmission pipeline owner or operator as defined in this section. The facility does not include pipelines that are part of any other industry segment defined in this subpart.

Farm Taps are pressure regulation stations that deliver gas directly from transmission pipelines to generally rural customers. In some cases a nearby LDC may handle the billing of the gas to the customer(s).

Field means oil and gas fields identified in the United States as defined by the Energy Information Administration Oil and Gas Field Code Master List 2008, DOE/EIA 0370(08) (incorporated by reference, see § 98.7 ).

Flare, for the purposes of subpart W, means a combustion device, whether at ground level or elevated, that uses an open or closed flame to combust waste gases without energy recovery.

Flare combustion efficiency means the fraction of hydrocarbon gas, on a volume or mole basis, that is combusted at the flare burner tip.

Flare stack emissions means CO2 in gas routed to a flare, CO2 from partial combustion of hydrocarbons in gas routed to a flare, CH4 emissions resulting from the incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons in gas routed to a flare, and N2 O resulting from operation of a flare.

Forced extraction of natural gas liquids means removal of ethane or higher carbon number hydrocarbons existing in the vapor phase in natural gas, by removing ethane or heavier hydrocarbons derived from natural gas into natural gas liquids by means of a forced extraction process. Forced extraction processes include but are not limited to refrigeration, absorption (lean oil), cryogenic expander, and combinations of these processes. Forced extraction does not include in and of itself natural gas dehydration, the collection or gravity separation of water or hydrocarbon liquids from natural gas at ambient temperature or heated above ambient temperatures, the condensation of water or hydrocarbon liquids through passive reduction in pressure or temperature, a Joule-Thomson valve, a dew point depression valve, or an isolated or standalone Joule-Thomson skid.

Gathering and boosting site means a single gathering compressor station as defined in this section, centralized oil production site as defined in this section, gathering pipeline site as defined in this section, or other fence-line site within the onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting industry segment.

Gathering and boosting system means a single network of pipelines, compressors and process equipment, including equipment to perform natural gas compression, dehydration, and acid gas removal, that has one or more connection points to gas and oil production or one or more other gathering and boosting systems and a downstream endpoint, typically a gas processing plant, transmission pipeline, LDC pipeline, or other gathering and boosting system.

Gathering and boosting system owner or operator means any person that holds a contract in which they agree to transport petroleum or natural gas from one or more onshore petroleum and natural gas production wells or one or more other gathering and boosting systems to a downstream endpoint, typically a natural gas processing facility, another gathering and boosting system, a natural gas transmission pipeline, or a distribution pipeline, or any person responsible for custody of the petroleum or natural gas transported.

Gathering compressor station means any permanent combination of one or more compressors located on one or more contiguous or adjacent properties that are part of the onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting facility that move natural gas at increased pressure through gathering pipelines or into or out of storage. A gathering compressor station is a type of gathering and boosting site for purposes of this subpart.

Gathering pipeline site means all of the gathering pipelines within a single state. A gathering pipeline site is a type of gathering and boosting site for purposes of this subpart.

Horizontal well means a well bore that has a planned deviation from primarily vertical to a primarily horizontal inclination or declination tracking in parallel with and through the target formation.

Internal combustion means the combustion of a fuel that occurs with an oxidizer (usually air) in a combustion chamber. In an internal combustion engine the expansion of the high-temperature and -pressure gases produced by combustion applies direct force to a component of the engine, such as pistons, turbine blades, or a nozzle. This force moves the component over a distance, generating useful mechanical energy. Internal combustion equipment may include gasoline and diesel industrial engines, natural gas-fired reciprocating engines, and gas turbines.

In vacuum service means equipment operating at an internal pressure which is at least 5 kilopascals (kPa) (0.7 psia) below ambient pressure.

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) means natural gas (primarily methane) that has been liquefied by reducing its temperature to -260 degrees Fahrenheit at atmospheric pressure.

LNG boil-off gas means natural gas in the gaseous phase that vents from LNG storage tanks due to ambient heat leakage through the tank insulation and heat energy dissipated in the LNG by internal pumps.

Manifolded compressor source means a compressor source (as defined in this section) that is manifolded to a common vent that routes gas from multiple compressors.

Manifolded group of compressor sources means a collection of any combination of manifolded compressor sources (as defined in this section) that are manifolded to a common vent.

Manual liquids unloading means an unloading when field personnel attend to the well at the well-pad, for example to manually plunge a well at the site using a rig or other method, to open a valve to direct flow to an atmospheric tank to clear the well, or to manually shut-in the well to allow pressure to build in the well-bore. Manual unloadings may be performed on a routine schedule or on "as needed" basis.

Meter/regulator run means a series of components used in regulating pressure or metering natural gas flow, or both, in the natural gas distribution industry segment. At least one meter, at least one regulator, or any combination of both on a single run of piping is considered one meter/regulator run.

Metering-regulating station means a station that meters the flowrate, regulates the pressure, or both, of natural gas in a natural gas distribution facility. This does not include customer meters, customer regulators, or farm taps.

Mud rate means the pumping rate of the mud by the mud pumps, usually measured in gallons per minute (gpm).

Natural gas means a naturally occurring mixture or process derivative of hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon gases found in geologic formations beneath the earth's surface, of which its constituents include, but are not limited to, methane, heavier hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide. Natural gas may be field quality, pipeline quality, or process gas.

Nitrogen removal unit (NRU) means a process unit that separates nitrogen from natural gas using various separation processes (e.g., cryogenic units, membrane units).

Nitrogen removal unit vent emissions means the nitrogen gas separated from the natural gas and released with methane and other gases to the atmosphere.

Offshore means seaward of the terrestrial borders of the United States, including waters subject to the ebb and flow of the tide, as well as adjacent bays, lakes or other normally standing waters, and extending to the outer boundaries of the jurisdiction and control of the United States under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act.

Onshore natural gas transmission pipeline owner or operator means, for interstate pipelines, the person identified as the transmission pipeline owner or operator on the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity issued under 15 U.S.C. 717f , or, for intrastate pipelines, the person identified as the owner or operator on the transmission pipeline's Statement of Operating Conditions under section 311 of the Natural Gas Policy Act, or for pipelines that fall under the "Hinshaw Exemption" as referenced in section 1(c) of the Natural Gas Act, 15 U.S.C. 717-717 (w) (1994), the person identified as the owner or operator on blanket certificates issued under 18 CFR 284.224 . If an intrastate pipeline is not subject to section 311 of the Natural Gas Policy Act (NGPA), the onshore natural gas transmission pipeline owner or operator is the person identified as the owner or operator on reports to the state regulatory body regulating rates and charges for the sale of natural gas to consumers.

Onshore petroleum and natural gas production owner or operator means the person or entity who holds the permit to operate petroleum and natural gas wells on the drilling permit or an operating permit where no drilling permit is issued, which operates an onshore petroleum and/or natural gas production facility (as described in § 98.230(a)(2) . Where petroleum and natural gas wells operate without a drilling or operating permit, the person or entity that pays the State or Federal business income taxes is considered the owner or operator.

Operating pressure means the containment pressure that characterizes the normal state of gas or liquid inside a particular process, pipeline, vessel or tank.

Other large release event means any planned or unplanned uncontrolled release to the atmosphere of gas, liquids, or mixture thereof, from wells and/or other equipment that result in emissions for which there are no methodologies in § 98.233 other than under § 98.233(y) to appropriately estimate these emissions. Other large release events include, but are not limited to, well blowouts, well releases, pressure relief valve releases from process equipment other than hydrocarbon liquids storage tanks, storage tank cleaning and other maintenance activities, and releases that occur as a result of an accident, equipment rupture, fire, or explosion. Other large release events also include failure of equipment or equipment components such that a single equipment leak or release has emissions that exceed the emissions calculated for that source using applicable methods in § 98.233(a) through (h), (j) through (s), (w), (x), (dd), or (ee) by the threshold in § 98.233(y)(1)(ii) . Other large release events do not include blowdowns for which emissions are calculated according to the provisions in § 98.233(i) .

Pressure groups as applicable to each sub-basin are defined as follows: Less than or equal to 25 psig; greater than 25 psig and less than or equal to 60 psig; greater than 60 psig and less than or equal to 110 psig; greater than 110 psig and less than or equal to 200 psig; and greater than 200 psig. The pressure in the context of pressure groups is either the well shut-in pressure; well casing pressure; or you may use the casing-to-tubing pressure of one well from the same sub-basin multiplied by the tubing pressure for each well in the sub-basin.

Produced water means the water (brine) brought up from the hydrocarbon-bearing strata during the extraction of oil and gas, and can include formation water, injection water, and any chemicals added downhole or during the oil/water separation process.

Pump means a device used to raise pressure, drive, or increase flow of liquid streams in closed or open conduits.

Pump seals means any seal on a pump drive shaft used to keep methane and/or carbon dioxide containing light liquids from escaping the inside of a pump case to the atmosphere.

Pump seal emissions means hydrocarbon gas released from the seal face between the pump internal chamber and the atmosphere.

Reduced emissions completion means a well completion following hydraulic fracturing where gas flowback emissions from the gas outlet of the separator that are otherwise vented are captured, cleaned, and routed to the flow line or collection system, re-injected into the well or another well, used as an on-site fuel source, or used for other useful purpose that a purchased fuel or raw material would serve, with de minimis direct venting to the atmosphere. Short periods of flaring during a reduced emissions completion may occur.

Reduced emissions workover means a well workover with hydraulic fracturing (i.e., refracturing) where gas flowback emissions from the gas outlet of the separator that are otherwise vented are captured, cleaned, and routed to the flow line or collection system, re-injected into the well or another well, used as an on-site fuel source, or used for other useful purpose that a purchased fuel or raw material would serve, with de minimis direct venting to the atmosphere. Short periods of flaring during a reduced emissions workover may occur.

Reservoir means a porous and permeable underground natural formation containing significant quantities of hydrocarbon liquids and/or gases.

Residue Gas and Residue Gas Compression mean, respectively, production lease natural gas from which gas liquid products and, in some cases, non-hydrocarbon components have been extracted such that it meets the specifications set by a pipeline transmission company, and/or a distribution company; and the compressors operated by the processing facility, whether inside the processing facility boundary fence or outside the fence-line, that deliver the residue gas from the processing facility to a transmission pipeline.

Routed to combustion means, for onshore petroleum and natural gas production facilities, natural gas distribution facilities, and onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting facilities, that emissions are routed to stationary or portable fuel combustion equipment specified in § 98.232(c)(22), (i)(7), or (j)(12) , as applicable. For all other industry segments in this subpart, routed to combustion means that emissions are routed to a stationary fuel combustion unit subject to subpart C of this part (General Stationary Fuel Combustion Sources).

Separator means a vessel in which streams of multiple phases are gravity separated into individual streams of single phase.

Sub-basin category, for onshore natural gas production, means a subdivision of a basin into the unique combination of wells with the surface coordinates within the boundaries of an individual county and subsurface completion in one or more of each of the following five formation types: Oil, high permeability gas, shale gas, coal seam, or other tight gas reservoir rock. The distinction between high permeability gas and tight gas reservoirs shall be designated as follows: High permeability gas reservoirs with [GREATER THAN]0.1 millidarcy permeability, and tight gas reservoirs with [LESS THAN EQUAL TO]0.1 millidarcy permeability. Permeability for a reservoir type shall be determined by engineering estimate. Wells that produce only from high permeability gas, shale gas, coal seam, or other tight gas reservoir rock are considered gas wells; gas wells producing from more than one of these formation types shall be classified into only one type based on the formation with the most contribution to production as determined by engineering knowledge. All wells that produce hydrocarbon liquids (with or without gas) and do not meet the definition of a gas well in this sub-basin category definition are considered to be in the oil formation. All emission sources that handle condensate from gas wells in high permeability gas, shale gas, or tight gas reservoir rock formations are considered to be in the formation that the gas well belongs to and not in the oil formation.

Target hydrocarbon-bearing stratigraphic formation means the stratigraphic interval intended to be the primary hydrocarbon producing formation.

Transmission company interconnect M&R station means a metering and pressure regulating stations with an inlet pressure above 100 psig located at a point of transmission pipeline to transmission pipeline interconnect.

Transmission-distribution (T-D) transfer station means a metering-regulating station where a local distribution company takes part or all of the natural gas from a transmission pipeline and puts it into a distribution pipeline.

Transmission pipeline means a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission rate-regulated Interstate pipeline, a state rate-regulated Intrastate pipeline, or a pipeline that falls under the "Hinshaw Exemption" as referenced in section 1(c) of the Natural Gas Act, 15 U.S.C. 717-717 (w) (1994).

Tubing diameter groups are defined as follows: Outer diameter less than or equal to 1 inch; outer diameter greater than 1 inch and less than 2.375 inch; and outer diameter greater than or equal to 2.375 inch.

Tubing systems means piping equal to or less than one half inch diameter as per nominal pipe size.

Turbine meter means a flow meter in which a gas or liquid flow rate through the calibrated tube spins a turbine from which the spin rate is detected and calibrated to measure the fluid flow rate.

Vented emissions means intentional or designed releases of CH4 or CO2 containing natural gas or hydrocarbon gas (not including stationary combustion flue gas), including process designed flow to the atmosphere through seals or vent pipes, equipment blowdown for maintenance, and direct venting of gas used to power equipment (such as pneumatic devices).

Vertical well means a well bore that is primarily vertical but has some unintentional deviation or one or more intentional deviations to enter one or more subsurface targets that are off-set horizontally from the surface location, intercepting the targets either vertically or at an angle.

Well blowout means a complete loss of well control for a long duration of time resulting in an emissions release.

Well identification (ID) number means the unique and permanent identification number assigned to a petroleum or natural gas well. If the well has been assigned a US Well Number, the well ID number required in this subpart is the US Well Number. If a US Well Number has not been assigned to the well, the well ID number is the identifier established by the well's permitting authority.

Well-pad site means all equipment on or associated with a single well-pad. Specifically, the well-pad site includes all equipment on a single well-pad plus all equipment associated with that single well-pad.

Well release means a short duration of uncontrolled emissions release from a well followed by a period of controlled emissions release in which control techniques were successfully implemented.

Well testing venting and flaring means venting and/or flaring of natural gas at the time the production rate of a well is determined for regulatory, commercial, or technical purposes. If well testing is conducted immediately after well completion or workover, then it is considered part of well completion or workover.

Wildcat well means a well outside known fields or the first well drilled in an oil or gas field where no other oil and gas production exists.

40 C.F.R. §98.238

75 FR 74488, Nov. 30, 2010, as amended at 76 FR 80590, Dec. 23, 2011; 79 FR 63794, Oct. 24, 2014; 79 FR 70424, Nov. 25, 2014; 80 FR 64296, Oct. 22, 2015
89 FR 42321, 7/15/2024; 89 FR 42322, 1/1/2025