40 C.F.R. § 63.640

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 63.640 - Applicability and designation of affected source
(a) This subpart applies to petroleum refining process units and to related emissions points that are specified in paragraphs (c)(1) through (9) of this section that are located at a plant site and that meet the criteria in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section:
(1) Are located at a plant site that is a major source as defined in section 112(a) of the Clean Air Act; and
(2) Emit or have equipment containing or contacting one or more of the hazardous air pollutants listed in table 1 of this subpart.
(1) If the predominant use of the flexible operation unit, as described in paragraphs (b)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section, is as a petroleum refining process unit, as defined in § 63.641 , then the flexible operation unit shall be subject to the provisions of this subpart.
(i) Except as provided in paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section, the predominant use of the flexible operation unit shall be the use representing the greatest annual operating time.
(ii) If the flexible operation unit is used as a petroleum refining process unit and for another purpose equally based on operating time, then the predominant use of the flexible operation unit shall be the use that produces the greatest annual production on a mass basis.
(2) The determination of applicability of this subpart to petroleum refining process units that are designed and operated as flexible operation units shall be reported as specified in § 63.655(h)(6)(i) .
(c) For the purposes of this subpart, the affected source shall comprise all emissions points, in combination, listed in paragraphs (c)(1) through (9) of this section that are located at a single refinery plant site.
(1) All miscellaneous process vents from petroleum refining process units meeting the criteria in paragraph (a) of this section;
(2) All storage vessels associated with petroleum refining process units meeting the criteria in paragraph (a) of this section;
(3) All wastewater streams and treatment operations associated with petroleum refining process units meeting the criteria in paragraph (a) of this section;
(4) All equipment leaks from petroleum refining process units meeting the criteria in paragraph (a) of this section;
(5) All gasoline loading racks classified under Standard Industrial Classification code 2911 meeting the criteria in paragraph (a) of this section;
(6) All marine vessel loading operations located at a petroleum refinery meeting the criteria in paragraph (a) of this section and the applicability criteria of subpart Y, § 63.560 ;
(7) All storage vessels and equipment leaks associated with a bulk gasoline terminal or pipeline breakout station classified under Standard Industrial Classification code 2911 located within a contiguous area and under common control with a refinery meeting the criteria in paragraph (a) of this section; and
(8) All heat exchange systems, as defined in this subpart.
(9) All releases associated with the decoking operations of a delayed coking unit, as defined in this subpart.
(d) The affected source subject to this subpart does not include the emission points listed in paragraphs (d)(1) through (d)(5) of this section.
(1) Stormwater from segregated stormwater sewers;
(2) Spills;
(3) Any pump, compressor, pressure relief device, sampling connection system, open-ended valve or line, valve, or instrumentation system that is intended to operate in organic hazardous air pollutant service, as defined in § 63.641 of this subpart, for less than 300 hours during the calendar year;
(4) Catalytic cracking unit and catalytic reformer catalyst regeneration vents, and sulfur plant vents; and
(5) Emission points routed to a fuel gas system, as defined in § 63.641 , provided that on and after January 30, 2019, any flares receiving gas from that fuel gas system are subject to § 63.670 . No other testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, or reporting is required for refinery fuel gas systems or emission points routed to refinery fuel gas systems.
(e) The owner or operator of a storage vessel constructed on or before August 18, 1994, shall follow the procedures specified in paragraphs (e)(1) and (e)(2) of this section to determine whether a storage vessel is part of a source to which this subpart applies. The owner or operator of a storage vessel constructed after August 18, 1994, shall follow the procedures specified in paragraphs (e)(1), (e)(2)(i), and (e)(2)(ii) of this section to determine whether a storage vessel is part of a source to which this subpart applies.
(1) Where a storage vessel is used exclusively by a process unit, the storage vessel shall be considered part of that process unit.
(i) If the process unit is a petroleum refining process unit subject to this subpart, then the storage vessel is part of the affected source to which this subpart applies.
(ii) If the process unit is not subject to this subpart, then the storage vessel is not part of the affected source to which this subpart applies.
(2) If a storage vessel is not dedicated to a single process unit, then the applicability of this subpart shall be determined according to the provisions in paragraphs (e)(2)(i) through (e)(2)(iii) of this section.
(i) If a storage vessel is shared among process units and one of the process units has the predominant use, as determined by paragraphs (e)(2)(i)(A) and (e)(2)(i)(B) of this section, then the storage vessel is part of that process unit.
(A) If the greatest input on a volume basis into the storage vessel is from a process unit that is located on the same plant site, then that process unit has the predominant use.
(B) If the greatest input on a volume basis into the storage vessel is provided from a process unit that is not located on the same plant site, then the predominant use shall be the process unit that receives the greatest amount of material on a volume basis from the storage vessel at the same plant site.
(ii) If a storage vessel is shared among process units so that there is no single predominant use, and at least one of those process units is a petroleum refining process unit subject to this subpart, the storage vessel shall be considered to be part of the petroleum refining process unit that is subject to this subpart. If more than one petroleum refining process unit is subject to this subpart, the owner or operator may assign the storage vessel to any of the petroleum refining process units subject to this subpart.
(iii) If the predominant use of a storage vessel varies from year to year, then the applicability of this subpart shall be determined based on the utilization of that storage vessel during the year preceding August 18, 1995. This determination shall be reported as specified in § 63.655(h)(6)(ii) .
(f) The owner or operator of a distillation unit constructed on or before August 18, 1994, shall follow the procedures specified in paragraphs (f)(1) through (f)(4) of this section to determine whether a miscellaneous process vent from a distillation unit is part of a source to which this subpart applies. The owner or operator of a distillation unit constructed after August 18, 1994, shall follow the procedures specified in paragraphs (f)(1) through (f)(5) of this section to determine whether a miscellaneous process vent from a distillation unit is part of a source to which this subpart applies.
(1) If the greatest input to the distillation unit is from a process unit located on the same plant site, then the distillation unit shall be assigned to that process unit.
(2) If the greatest input to the distillation unit is provided from a process unit that is not located on the same plant site, then the distillation unit shall be assigned to the process unit located at the same plant site that receives the greatest amount of material from the distillation unit.
(3) If a distillation unit is shared among process units so that there is no single predominant use, as described in paragraphs (f)(1) and (f)(2) of this section, and at least one of those process units is a petroleum refining process unit subject to this subpart, the distillation unit shall be assigned to the petroleum refining process unit that is subject to this subpart. If more than one petroleum refining process unit is subject to this subpart, the owner or operator may assign the distillation unit to any of the petroleum refining process units subject to this rule.
(4) If the process unit to which the distillation unit is assigned is a petroleum refining process unit subject to this subpart and the vent stream contains greater than 20 parts per million by volume total organic hazardous air pollutants, then the vent from the distillation unit is considered a miscellaneous process vent (as defined in § 63.641 of this subpart) and is part of the source to which this subpart applies.
(5) If the predominant use of a distillation unit varies from year to year, then the applicability of this subpart shall be determined based on the utilization of that distillation unit during the year preceding August 18, 1995. This determination shall be reported as specified in § 63.655(h)(6)(iii) .
(g) The provisions of this subpart do not apply to the processes specified in paragraphs (g)(1) through (g)(7) of this section.
(1) Research and development facilities, regardless of whether the facilities are located at the same plant site as a petroleum refining process unit that is subject to the provisions of this subpart;
(2) Equipment that does not contain any of the hazardous air pollutants listed in table 1 of this subpart that is located within a petroleum refining process unit that is subject to this subpart;
(3) Units processing natural gas liquids;
(4) Units that are used specifically for recycling discarded oil;
(5) Shale oil extraction units;
(6) Ethylene processes; and
(7) Process units and emission points subject to subparts F, G, H, and I of this part.
(h) Sources subject to this subpart are required to achieve compliance on or before the dates specified in table 11 of this subpart, except as provided in paragraphs (h)(1) through (3) of this section.
(1) Marine tank vessels at existing sources shall be in compliance with this subpart, except for §§ 63.657 through 63.660 , no later than August 18, 1999, unless the vessels are included in an emissions average to generate emission credits. Marine tank vessels used to generate credits in an emissions average shall be in compliance with this subpart no later than August 18, 1998, unless an extension has been granted by the Administrator as provided in § 63.6(i) .
(2) Existing Group 1 floating roof storage vessels meeting the applicability criteria in item 1 of the definition of Group 1 storage vessel shall be in compliance with § 63.646 at the first degassing and cleaning activity after August 18, 1998, or August 18, 2005, whichever is first.
(3) An owner or operator may elect to comply with the provisions of § 63.648(c) through (i) as an alternative to the provisions of § 63.648(a) and (b) . In such cases, the owner or operator shall comply no later than the dates specified in paragraphs (h)(3)(i) through (iii) of this section.
(i) Phase I (see table 2 of this subpart), beginning on August 18, 1998;
(ii) Phase II (see table 2 of this subpart), beginning no later than August 18, 1999; and
(iii) Phase III (see table 2 of this subpart), beginning no later than February 18, 2001.
(i) If an additional petroleum refining process unit is added to a plant site that is a major source as defined in section 112(a) of the Clean Air Act, the addition shall be subject to the requirements for a new source if it meets the criteria specified in paragraphs (i)(1) through (i)(3) of this section:
(1) It is an addition that meets the definition of construction in § 63.2 of subpart A of this part;
(2) Such construction commenced after July 14, 1994; and
(3) The addition has the potential to emit 10 tons per year or more of any hazardous air pollutant or 25 tons per year or more of any combination of hazardous air pollutants.
(j) If any change is made to a petroleum refining process unit subject to this subpart, the change shall be subject to the requirements for a new source if it meets the criteria specified in paragraphs (j)(1) and (j)(2) of this section:
(1) It is a change that meets the definition of reconstruction in § 63.2 of subpart A of this part; and
(2) Such reconstruction commenced after July 14, 1994.
(k) If an additional petroleum refining process unit is added to a plant site or a change is made to a petroleum refining process unit and the addition or change is determined to be subject to the new source requirements according to paragraphs (i) or (j) of this section it must comply with the requirements specified in paragraphs (k)(1) and (k)(2) of this section:
(1) The reconstructed source, addition, or change shall be in compliance with the new source requirements in item (1), (2), or (3) of table 11 of this subpart, as applicable, upon initial startup of the reconstructed source or by August 18, 1995, whichever is later; and
(2) The owner or operator of the reconstructed source, addition, or change shall comply with the reporting and recordkeeping requirements that are applicable to new sources. The applicable reports include, but are not limited to:
(i) The application for approval of construction or reconstruction shall be submitted as soon as practical before the construction or reconstruction is planned to commence (but it need not be sooner than November 16, 1995);
(ii) The Notification of Compliance Status report as required by § 63.655(f) for a new source, addition, or change;
(iii) Periodic Reports and other reports as required by § 63.655(g) and (h) ;
(iv) Reports and notifications required by § 60.487 of subpart VV of part 60 or § 63.182 of subpart H of this part. The requirements for subpart H are summarized in table 3 of this subpart;
(v) Reports required by 40 CFR 61.357 of subpart FF;
(vi) Reports and notifications required by § 63.428(b), (c), (g)(1), (h)(1) through (h)(3), and (k) of subpart R. These requirements are summarized in table 4 of this subpart; and
(vii) Reports and notifications required by §§ 63.565 and 63.567 of subpart Y of this part. These requirements are summarized in table 5 of this subpart.
(l) If an additional petroleum refining process unit is added to a plant site or if a miscellaneous process vent, storage vessel, gasoline loading rack, marine tank vessel loading operation, heat exchange system, or decoking operation that meets the criteria in paragraphs (c)(1) through (9) of this section is added to an existing petroleum refinery or if another deliberate operational process change creating an additional Group 1 emissions point(s) (as defined in § 63.641 ) is made to an existing petroleum refining process unit, and if the addition or process change is not subject to the new source requirements as determined according to paragraph (i) or (j) of this section, the requirements in paragraphs (l)(1) through (4) of this section shall apply. Examples of process changes include, but are not limited to, changes in production capacity, or feed or raw material where the change requires construction or physical alteration of the existing equipment or catalyst type, or whenever there is replacement, removal, or addition of recovery equipment. For purposes of this paragraph (l) and paragraph (m) of this section, process changes do not include: Process upsets, unintentional temporary process changes, and changes that are within the equipment configuration and operating conditions documented in the Notification of Compliance Status report required by § 63.655(f) .
(1) The added emission point(s) and any emission point(s) within the added or changed petroleum refining process unit are subject to the requirements for an existing source.
(2) The added emission point(s) and any emission point(s) within the added or changed petroleum refining process unit shall be in compliance with the applicable requirements in item (4) of table 11 of this subpart by the dates specified in paragraph (l)(2)(i) or (ii) of this section.
(i) If a petroleum refining process unit is added to a plant site or an emission point(s) is added to any existing petroleum refining process unit, the added emission point(s) shall be in compliance upon initial startup of any added petroleum refining process unit or emission point(s) or by the applicable compliance date in item (4) of table 11 of this subpart, whichever is later.
(ii) If a deliberate operational process change to an existing petroleum refining process unit causes a Group 2 emission point to become a Group 1 emission point (as defined in § 63.641 ), the owner or operator shall be in compliance upon initial startup or by August 18, 1998, whichever is later, unless the owner or operator demonstrates to the Administrator that achieving compliance will take longer than making the change. If this demonstration is made to the Administrator's satisfaction, the owner or operator shall follow the procedures in paragraphs (m)(1) through (m)(3) of this section to establish a compliance date.
(3) The owner or operator of a petroleum refining process unit or of a storage vessel, miscellaneous process vent, wastewater stream, gasoline loading rack, marine tank vessel loading operation, heat exchange system, or decoking operation meeting the criteria in paragraphs (c)(1) through (9) of this section that is added to a plant site and is subject to the requirements for existing sources shall comply with the reporting and recordkeeping requirements that are applicable to existing sources including, but not limited to, the reports listed in paragraphs (l)(3)(i) through (vii) of this section. A process change to an existing petroleum refining process unit shall be subject to the reporting requirements for existing sources including, but not limited to, the reports listed in paragraphs (l)(3)(i) through (vii) of this section. The applicable reports include, but are not limited to:
(i) The Notification of Compliance Status report as required by § 63.655(f) for the emission points that were added or changed;
(ii) Periodic Reports and other reports as required by § 63.655(g) and (h) ;
(iii) Reports and notifications required by sections of subpart A of this part that are applicable to this subpart, as identified in table 6 of this subpart.
(iv) Reports and notifications required by § 63.182 , or 40 CFR 60.487 . The requirements of subpart H of this part are summarized in table 3 of this subpart;
(v) Reports required by § 61.357 of subpart FF;
(vi) Reports and notifications required by § 63.428(b), (c), (g)(1), (h)(1) through (h)(3), and (k) of subpart R. These requirements are summarized in table 4 of this subpart; and
(vii) Reports and notifications required by §§ 63.565 and 63.567 of subpart Y. These requirements are summarized in table 5 of this subpart.
(4) If pumps, compressors, pressure relief devices, sampling connection systems, open-ended valves or lines, valves, or instrumentation systems are added to an existing source, they are subject to the equipment leak standards for existing sources in § 63.648 . A notification of compliance status report shall not be required for such added equipment.
(m) If a change that does not meet the criteria in paragraph (l) of this section is made to a petroleum refining process unit subject to this subpart, and the change causes a Group 2 emission point to become a Group 1 emission point (as defined in § 63.641 ), then the owner or operator shall comply with the applicable requirements of this subpart for existing sources, as specified in item (4) of table 11 of this subpart, for the Group 1 emission point as expeditiously as practicable, but in no event later than 3 years after the emission point becomes Group 1.
(1) The owner or operator shall submit to the Administrator for approval a compliance schedule, along with a justification for the schedule.
(2) The compliance schedule shall be submitted within 180 days after the change is made, unless the compliance schedule has been previously submitted to the permitting authority. If it is not possible to determine until after the change is implemented whether the emission point has become Group 1, the compliance schedule shall be submitted within 180 days of the date when the affect of the change is known to the source. The compliance schedule may be submitted in the next Periodic Report if the change is made after the date the Notification of Compliance Status report is due.
(3) The Administrator shall approve or deny the compliance schedule or request changes within 120 calendar days of receipt of the compliance schedule and justification. Approval is automatic if not received from the Administrator within 120 calendar days of receipt.
(n) Overlap of this subpart with other regulations for storage vessels. As applicable, paragraphs (n)(1), (3), (4), (6), and (7) of this section apply for Group 2 storage vessels and paragraphs (n)(2) and (5) of this section apply for Group 1 storage vessels.
(1) After the compliance dates specified in paragraph (h) of this section, a Group 2 storage vessel that is subject to the provisions of 40 CFR part 60, subpart Kb, is required to comply only with the requirements of 40 CFR part 60, subpart Kb, except as provided in paragraph (n)(8) of this section. After the compliance dates specified in paragraph (h) of this section, a Group 2 storage vessel that is subject to the provisions of 40 CFR part 61, subpart Y, is required to comply only with the requirements of 40 CFR part 61, subpart Y, except as provided in paragraph (n)(10) of this section.
(2) After the compliance dates specified in paragraph (h) of this section, a Group 1 storage vessel that is also subject to 40 CFR part 60, subpart Kb, is required to comply only with either 40 CFR part 60, subpart Kb, except as provided in paragraph (n)(8) of this section or this subpart. After the compliance dates specified in paragraph (h) of this section, a Group 1 storage vessel that is also subject to 40 CFR part 61, subpart Y, is required to comply only with either 40 CFR part 61, subpart Y, except as provided in paragraph (n)(10) of this section or this subpart.
(3) After the compliance dates specified in paragraph (h) of this section, a Group 2 storage vessel that is part of a new source and is subject to 40 CFR 60.110b , but is not required to apply controls by 40 CFR 60.110b or 60.112b , is required to comply only with this subpart.
(4) After the compliance dates specified in paragraph (h) of this section, a Group 2 storage vessel that is part of a new source and is subject to 40 CFR 61.270 , but is not required to apply controls by 40 CFR 61.271 , is required to comply only with this subpart.
(5) After the compliance dates specified in paragraph (h) of this section, a Group 1 storage vessel that is also subject to the provisions of 40 CFR part 60, subpart K or Ka, is required to only comply with the provisions of this subpart.
(6) After compliance dates specified in paragraph (h) of this section, a Group 2 storage vessel that is subject to the control requirements of 40 CFR part 60, subparts K or Ka is required to comply only with the provisions of 40 CFR part 60, subparts K or Ka except as provided for in paragraph (n)(9) of this section.
(7) After the compliance dates specified in paragraph (h) of this section, a Group 2 storage vessel that is subject to 40 CFR part 60, subparts K or Ka, but not to the control requirements of 40 CFR part 60, subparts K or Ka, is required to comply only with this subpart.
(8) Storage vessels described by paragraph (n)(1) of this section are to comply with 40 CFR part 60, subpart Kb, except as provided in paragraphs (n)(8)(i) through (vi) of this section. Storage vessels described by paragraph (n)(2) electing to comply with part 60, subpart Kb of this chapter shall comply with subpart Kb except as provided in paragraphs (n)(8)(i) through (viii) of this section.
(i) Storage vessels that are to comply with § 60.112b(a)(2) of subpart Kb are exempt from the secondary seal requirements of § 60.112b(a)(2)(i)(B) during the gap measurements for the primary seal required by § 60.113b(b) of subpart Kb.
(ii) If the owner or operator determines that it is unsafe to perform the seal gap measurements required in § 60.113b(b) of this chapter or to inspect the vessel to determine compliance with § 60.113b(a) of this chapter because the roof appears to be structurally unsound and poses an imminent danger to inspecting personnel, the owner or operator shall comply with the requirements in either § 63.120(b)(7)(i) or (ii) of subpart G (only up to the compliance date specified in paragraph (h) of this section for compliance with § 63.660 , as applicable) or either § 63.1063(c)(2)(iv)(A) or (B) of subpart WW.
(iii) If a failure is detected during the inspections required by § 60.113b(a)(2) or during the seal gap measurements required by § 60.113b(b)(1) , and the vessel cannot be repaired within 45 days and the vessel cannot be emptied within 45 days, the owner or operator may utilize up to two extensions of up to 30 additional calendar days each. The owner or operator is not required to provide a request for the extension to the Administrator.
(iv) If an extension is utilized in accordance with paragraph (n)(8)(iii) of this section, the owner or operator shall, in the next periodic report, identify the vessel, provide the information listed in § 60.113b(a)(2) or § 60.113b(b)(4)(iii) , and describe the nature and date of the repair made or provide the date the storage vessel was emptied.
(v) Owners and operators of storage vessels complying with subpart Kb of part 60 may submit the inspection reports required by §§ 60.115b(a)(3), (a)(4), and (b)(4) of subpart Kb as part of the periodic reports required by this subpart, rather than within the 30-day period specified in §§ 60.115b(a)(3), (a)(4), and (b)(4) of subpart Kb.
(vi) The reports of rim seal inspections specified in § 60.115b(b)(2) are not required if none of the measured gaps or calculated gap areas exceed the limitations specified in § 60.113b(b)(4) . Documentation of the inspections shall be recorded as specified in § 60.115b(b)(3) .
(vii) To be in compliance with § 60.112b(a)(1)(iv) or (a)(2)(ii) of this chapter, guidepoles in floating roof storage vessels must be equipped with covers and/or controls (e.g., pole float system, pole sleeve system, internal sleeve system or flexible enclosure system) as appropriate to comply with the "no visible gap" requirement.
(viii) If a flare is used as a control device for a storage vessel, on and after January 30, 2019, the owner or operator must meet the requirements of § 63.670 instead of the requirements referenced from part 60, subpart Kb of this chapter for that flare.
(9) Storage vessels described by paragraph (n)(6) of this section that are to comply with 40 CFR part 60, subpart Ka, are to comply with only subpart Ka except as provided for in paragraphs (n)(9)(i) through (n)(9)(iv) of this section.
(i) If the owner or operator determines that it is unsafe to perform the seal gap measurements required in § 60.113a(a)(1) of this chapter because the floating roof appears to be structurally unsound and poses an imminent danger to inspecting personnel, the owner or operator shall comply with the requirements in either § 63.120(b)(7)(i) or (ii) of subpart G (only up to the compliance date specified in paragraph (h) of this section for compliance with § 63.660 , as applicable) or either § 63.1063(c)(2)(iv)(A) or (B) of subpart WW.
(ii) If a failure is detected during the seal gap measurements required by § 60.113a(a)(1) of subpart Ka, and the vessel cannot be repaired within 45 days and the vessel cannot be emptied within 45 days, the owner or operator may utilize up to 2 extensions of up to 30 additional calendar days each.
(iii) If an extension is utilized in accordance with paragraph (n)(9)(ii) of this section, the owner or operator shall, in the next periodic report, identify the vessel, describe the nature and date of the repair made or provide the date the storage vessel was emptied. The owner or operator shall also provide documentation of the decision to utilize an extension including a description of the failure, documentation that alternate storage capacity is unavailable, and a schedule of actions that will ensure that the control equipment will be repaired or the vessel emptied as soon as possible.
(iv) Owners and operators of storage vessels complying with subpart Ka of part 60 may submit the inspection reports required by § 60.113a(a)(1)(i)(E) of subpart Ka as part of the periodic reports required by this subpart, rather than within the 60-day period specified in § 60.113a(a)(1)(i)(E) of subpart Ka.
(10) Storage vessels described by paragraph (n)(1) of this section are to comply with 40 CFR part 61, subpart Y, except as provided in paragraphs (n)(10)(i) through (vi) of this section. Storage vessels described by paragraph (n)(2) electing to comply with 40 CFR part 61, subpart Y, shall comply with subpart Y except as provided for in paragraphs (n)(10)(i) through (viii) of this section.
(i) Storage vessels that are to comply with § 61.271(b) of this chapter are exempt from the secondary seal requirements of § 61.271(b)(2)(ii) of this chapter during the gap measurements for the primary seal required by § 61.272(b) of this chapter.
(ii) If the owner or operator determines that it is unsafe to perform the seal gap measurements required in § 61.272(b) of this chapter or to inspect the vessel to determine compliance with § 61.272(a) of this chapter because the roof appears to be structurally unsound and poses an imminent danger to inspecting personnel, the owner or operator shall comply with the requirements in either § 63.120(b)(7)(i) or (ii) of subpart G (only up to the compliance date specified in paragraph (h) of this section for compliance with § 63.660 , as applicable) or either § 63.1063(c)(2)(iv)(A) or (B) of subpart WW.
(iii) If a failure is detected during the inspections required by § 61.272(a)(2) of this chapter or during the seal gap measurements required by § 61.272(b)(1) of this chapter, and the vessel cannot be repaired within 45 days and the vessel cannot be emptied within 45 days, the owner or operator may utilize up to two extensions of up to 30 additional calendar days each. The owner or operator is not required to provide a request for the extension to the Administrator.
(iv) If an extension is utilized in accordance with paragraph (n)(10)(iii) of this section, the owner or operator shall, in the next periodic report, identify the vessel, provide the information listed in § 61.272(a)(2) or (b)(4)(iii) of this chapter, and describe the nature and date of the repair made or provide the date the storage vessel was emptied.
(v) Owners and operators of storage vessels complying with 40 CFR part 61, subpart Y, may submit the inspection reports required by § 61.275(a), (b)(1), and (d) of this chapter as part of the periodic reports required by this subpart, rather than within the 60-day period specified in § 61.275(a), (b)(1), and (d) of this chapter.
(vi) The reports of rim seal inspections specified in § 61.275(d) of this chapter are not required if none of the measured gaps or calculated gap areas exceed the limitations specified in § 61.272(b)(4) of this chapter. Documentation of the inspections shall be recorded as specified in § 61.276(a) of this chapter.
(vii) To be in compliance with § 61.271(a)(6) or (b)(3) of this chapter, guidepoles in floating roof storage vessels must be equipped with covers and/or controls (e.g., pole float system, pole sleeve system, internal sleeve system or flexible enclosure system) as appropriate to comply with the "no visible gap" requirement.
(viii) If a flare is used as a control device for a storage vessel, on and after January 30, 2019, the owner or operator must meet the requirements of § 63.670 instead of the requirements referenced from part 61, subpart Y of this chapter for that flare.
(o) Overlap of this subpart CC with other regulations for wastewater.
(1) After the compliance dates specified in paragraph (h) of this section a Group 1 wastewater stream managed in a piece of equipment that is also subject to the provisions of 40 CFR part 60, subpart QQQ is required to comply only with this subpart.
(2) After the compliance dates specified in paragraph (h) of this section a Group 1 or Group 2 wastewater stream that is conveyed, stored, or treated in a wastewater stream management unit that also receives streams subject to the provisions of §§ 63.133 through 63.147 of subpart G wastewater provisions of this part shall comply as specified in paragraph (o)(2)(i) or (o)(2)(ii) of this section. Compliance with the provisions of paragraph (o)(2) of this section shall constitute compliance with the requirements of this subpart for that wastewater stream.
(i) Comply with paragraphs (o)(2)(i)(A) through (D) of this section.
(A) The provisions in §§ 63.133 through 63.140 of subpart G for all equipment used in the storage and conveyance of the Group 1 or Group 2 wastewater stream.
(B) The provisions in both 40 CFR part 61, subpart FF and in §§ 63.138 and 63.139 of subpart G for the treatment and control of the Group 1 or Group 2 wastewater stream.
(C) The provisions in §§ 63.143 through 63.148 of subpart G for monitoring and inspections of equipment and for recordkeeping and reporting requirements. The owner or operator is not required to comply with the monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements associated with the treatment and control requirements in 40 CFR part 61, subpart FF, §§ 61.355 through 61.357 .
(D) If a flare is used as a control device, on and after January 30, 2019, the flare shall meet the requirements of § 63.670 . Prior to January 30, 2019, the flare shall meet the applicable requirements of 40 CFR part 61, subpart FF, and subpart G of this part, or the requirements of § 63.670 .
(ii) Comply with paragraphs (o)(2)(ii)(A) through (C) of this section.
(A) Comply with the provisions of §§ 63.133 through 63.148 and §§ 63.151 and 63.152 of subpart G.
(B) For any Group 2 wastewater stream or organic stream whose benzene emissions are subject to control through the use of one or more treatment processes or waste management units under the provisions of 40 CFR part 61, subpart FF on or after December 31, 1992, comply with the requirements of § 63.133 through § 63.147 of subpart G for Group 1 wastewater streams.
(C) If a flare is used as a control device, on and after January 30, 2019, the flare shall meet the requirements of § 63.670 . Prior to January 30, 2019, the flare shall meet the applicable requirements of 40 CFR part 61, subpart FF, and subpart G of this part, or the requirements of § 63.670 .
(p) Overlap of subpart CC with other regulations for equipment leaks.
(1) After the compliance dates specified in paragraph (h) of this section, equipment leaks that are also subject to the provisions of 40 CFR parts 60 and 61 standards promulgated before September 4, 2007, are required to comply only with the provisions specified in this subpart.
(2) Equipment leaks that are also subject to the provisions of 40 CFR part 60, subpart GGGa, are required to comply only with the provisions specified in 40 CFR part 60, subpart GGGa, except that pressure relief devices in organic HAP service must only comply with the requirements in § 63.648(j) .
(q) For overlap of subpart CC with local or State regulations, the permitting authority for the affected source may allow consolidation of the monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements under this subpart with the monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements under other applicable requirements in 40 CFR parts 60, 61, or 63, and in any 40 CFR part 52 approved State implementation plan provided the implementation plan allows for approval of alternative monitoring, reporting, or recordkeeping requirements and provided that the permit contains an equivalent degree of compliance and control.
(r) Overlap of subpart CC with other regulations for gasoline loading racks. After the compliance dates specified in paragraph (h) of this section, a Group 1 gasoline loading rack that is part of a source subject to subpart CC and also is subject to the provisions of 40 CFR part 60, subpart XX is required to comply only with this subpart.
(s) Overlap of this subpart with other regulation for flares. On January 30, 2019, flares that are subject to the provisions of 40 CFR 60.18 or 63.11 and subject to this subpart are required to comply only with the provisions specified in this subpart. Prior to January 30, 2019, flares that are subject to the provisions of 40 CFR 60.18 or 63.11 and elect to comply with the requirements in §§ 63.670 and 63.671 are required to comply only with the provisions specified in this subpart.

40 C.F.R. §63.640

60 FR 43260, Aug. 18, 1995; 61 FR 7051, Feb. 23, 1996, as amended at 61 FR 29878, June 12, 1996; 63 FR 44140, Aug. 18, 1998; 66 FR 28841, May 25, 2001; 74 FR 55683, Oct. 28, 2009; 78 FR 37145, June 20, 2013; 80 FR 75237, Dec. 1, 2015; 85 FR 6082, Feb. 4, 2020
85 FR 6082, 2/4/2020