40 C.F.R. § 61.341

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 61.341 - Definitions

Benzene concentration means the fraction by weight of benzene in a waste as determined in accordance with the procedures specified in § 61.355 of this subpart.

Car-seal means a seal that is placed on a device that is used to change the position of a valve (e.g., from opened to closed) in such a way that the position of the valve cannot be changed without breaking the seal.

Chemical manufacturing plant means any facility engaged in the production of chemicals by chemical, thermal, physical, or biological processes for use as a product, co-product, by-product, or intermediate including but not limited to industrial organic chemicals, organic pesticide products, pharmaceutical preparations, paint and allied products, fertilizers, and agricultural chemicals. Examples of chemical manufacturing plants include facilities at which process units are operated to produce one or more of the following chemicals: benzenesulfonic acid, benzene, chlorobenzene, cumene, cyclohexane, ethylene, ethylbenzene, hydroquinone, linear alklylbenzene, nitrobenzene, resorcinol, sulfolane, or styrene.

Closed-vent system means a system that is not open to the atmosphere and is composed of piping, ductwork, connections, and, if necessary, flow inducing devices that transport gas or vapor from an emission source to a control device.

Coke by-product recovery plant means any facility designed and operated for the separation and recovery of coal tar derivatives (by-products) evolved from coal during the coking process of a coke oven battery.

Container means any portable waste management unit in which a material is stored, transported, treated, or otherwise handled. Examples of containers are drums, barrels, tank trucks, barges, dumpsters, tank cars, dump trucks, and ships.

Control device means an enclosed combustion device, vapor recovery system, or flare.

Cover means a device or system which is placed on or over a waste placed in a waste management unit so that the entire waste surface area is enclosed and sealed to minimize air emissions. A cover may have openings necessary for operation, inspection, and maintenance of the waste management unit such as access hatches, sampling ports, and gauge wells provided that each opening is closed and sealed when not in use. Example of covers include a fixed roof installed on a tank, a lid installed on a container, and an air-supported enclosure installed over a waste management unit.

External floating roof means a pontoon-type or double-deck type cover with certain rim sealing mechanisms that rests on the liquid surface in a waste management unit with no fixed roof.

Facility means all process units and product tanks that generate waste within a stationary source, and all waste management units that are used for waste treatment, storage, or disposal within a stationary source.

Fixed roof means a cover that is mounted on a waste management unit in a stationary manner and that does not move with fluctuations in liquid level.

Floating roof means a cover with certain rim sealing mechanisms consisting of a double deck, pontoon single deck, internal floating cover or covered floating roof, which rests upon and is supported by the liquid being contained, and is equipped with a closure seal or seals to close the space between the roof edge and unit wall.

Flow indicator means a device which indicates whether gas flow is present in a line or vent system.

Fuel gas system means the offsite and onsite piping and control system that gathers gaseous streams generated by facility operations, may blend them with sources of gas, if available, and transports the blended gaseous fuel at suitable pressures for use as fuel in heaters, furnaces, boilers, incinerators, gas turbines, and other combustion devices located within or outside the facility. The fuel is piped directly to each individual combustion device, and the system typically operates at pressures over atmospheric.

Individual drain system means the system used to convey waste from a process unit, product storage tank, or waste management unit to a waste management unit. The term includes all process drains and common junction boxes, together with their associated sewer lines and other junction boxes, down to the receiving waste management unit.

Internal floating roof means a cover that rests or floats on the liquid surface inside a waste management unit that has a fixed roof.

Liquid-mounted seal means a foam or liquid-filled primary seal mounted in contact with the liquid between the waste management unit wall and the floating roof continuously around the circumference.

Loading means the introduction of waste into a waste management unit but not necessarily to complete capacity (also referred to as filling).

Maximum organic vapor pressure means the equilibrium partial pressure exerted by the waste at the temperature equal to the highest calendar-month average of the waste storage temperature for waste stored above or below the ambient temperature or at the local maximum monthly average temperature as reported by the National Weather Service for waste stored at the ambient temperature, as determined:

(1) In accordance with § 60.17(c) ; or
(2) As obtained from standard reference texts; or
(3) In accordance with § 60.17(a)(37) ; or
(4) Any other method approved by the Administrator.

No detectable emissions means less than 500 parts per million by volume (ppmv) above background levels, as measured by a detection instrument reading in accordance with the procedures specified in § 61.355(h) of this subpart.

Oil-water separator means a waste management unit, generally a tank or surface impoundment, used to separate oil from water. An oil-water separator consists of not only the separation unit but also the forebay and other separator basins, skimmers, weirs, grit chambers, sludge hoppers, and bar screens that are located directly after the individual drain system and prior to additional treatment units such as an air flotation unit, clarifier, or biological treatment unit. Examples of an oil-water separator incude an API separator, parallel-plate interceptor, and corrugated-plate interceptor with the associated ancillary equipment.

Petroleum refinery means any facility engaged in producing gasoline, kerosene, distillate fuel oils, residual fuel oils, lubricants, or other products through the distillation of petroleum, or through the redistillation, cracking, or reforming of unfinished petroleum derivatives.

Petroleum means the crude oil removed from the earth and the oils derived from tar sands, shale, and coal.

Point of waste generation means the location where the waste stream exits the process unit component or storage tank prior to handling or treatment in an operation that is not an integral part of the production process, or in the case of waste management units that generate new wastes after treatment, the location where the waste stream exits the waste management unit component.

Process unit means equipment assembled and connected by pipes or ducts to produce intermediate or final products. A process unit can be operated independently if supplied with sufficient fuel or raw materials and sufficient product storage facilities.

Process unit turnaround means the shutting down of the operations of a process unit, the purging of the contents of the process unit, the maintenance or repair work, followed by restarting of the process.

Process unit turnaround waste means a waste that is generated as a result of a process unit turnaround.

Process wastewater means water which comes in contact with benzene during manufacturing or processing operations conducted within a process unit. Process wastewater is not organic wastes, process fluids, product tank drawdown, cooling tower blowdown, steam trap condensate, or landfill leachate.

Process wastewater stream means a waste stream that contains only process wastewater.

Product tank means a stationary unit that is designed to contain an accumulation of materials that are fed to or produced by a process unit, and is constructed primarily of non-earthen materials (e.g., wood, concrete, steel, plastic) which provide structural support.

Product tank drawdown means any material or mixture of materials discharged from a product tank for the purpose of removing water or other contaminants from the product tank.

Safety device means a closure device such as a pressure relief valve, frangible disc, fusible plug, or any other type of device which functions exclusively to prevent physical damage or permanent deformation to a unit or its air emission control equipment by venting gases or vapors directly to the atmosphere during unsafe conditions resulting from an unplanned, accidental, or emergency event. For the purpose of this subpart, a safety device is not used for routine venting of gases or vapors from the vapor headspace underneath a cover such as during filling of the unit or to adjust the pressure in this vapor headspace in response to normal daily diurnal ambient temperature fluctuations. A safety device is designed to remain in a closed position during normal operations and open only when the internal pressure, or another relevant parameter, exceeds the device threshold setting applicable to the air emission control equipment as determined by the owner or operator based on manufacturer recommendations, applicable regulations, fire protection and prevention codes, standard engineering codes and practices, or other requirements for the safe handling of flammable, ignitable, explosive, reactive, or hazardous materials.

Segregated stormwater sewer system means a drain and collection system designed and operated for the sole purpose of collecting rainfall runoff at a facility, and which is segregated from all other individual drain systems.

Sewer line means a lateral, trunk line, branch line, or other enclosed conduit used to convey waste to a downstream waste management unit.

Slop oil means the floating oil and solids that accumulate on the surface of an oil-water separator.

Sour water stream means a stream that:

(1) Contains ammonia or sulfur compounds (usually hydrogen sulfide) at concentrations of 10 ppm by weight or more;
(2) Is generated from separation of water from a feed stock, intermediate, or product that contained ammonia or sulfur compounds; and
(3) Requires treatment to remove the ammonia or sulfur compounds.

Sour water stripper means a unit that:

(1) Is designed and operated to remove ammonia or sulfur compounds (usually hydrogen sulfide) from sour water streams;
(2) Has the sour water streams transferred to the stripper through hard piping or other enclosed system; and
(3) Is operated in such a manner that the offgases are sent to a sulfur recovery unit, processing unit, incinerator, flare, or other combustion device.

Surface impoundment means a waste management unit which is a natural topographic depression, man-made excavation, or diked area formed primarily of earthen materials (although it may be lined with man-made materials), which is designed to hold an accumulation of liquid wastes or waste containing free liquids, and which is not an injection well. Examples of surface impoundments are holding, storage, settling, and aeration pits, ponds, and lagoons.

Tank means a stationary waste management unit that is designed to contain an accumulation of waste and is constructed primarily of nonearthen materials (e.g., wood, concrete, steel, plastic) which provide structural support.

Treatment process means a stream stripping unit, thin-film evaporation unit, waste incinerator, or any other process used to comply with § 61.348 of this subpart.

Vapor-mounted seal means a foam-filled primary seal mounted continuously around the perimeter of a waste management unit so there is an annular vapor space underneath the seal. The annular vapor space is bounded by the bottom of the primary seal, the unit wall, the liquid surface, and the floating roof.

Waste means any material resulting from industrial, commercial, mining or agricultural operations, or from community activities that is discarded or is being accumulated, stored, or physically, chemically, thermally, or biologically treated prior to being discarded, recycled, or discharged.

Waste management unit means a piece of equipment, structure, or transport mechanism used in handling, storage, treatment, or disposal of waste. Examples of a waste management unit include a tank, surface impoundment, container, oil-water separator, individual drain system, steam stripping unit, thin-film evaporation unit, waste incinerator, and landfill.

Waste stream means the waste generated by a particular process unit, product tank, or waste management unit. The characteristics of the waste stream (e.g., flow rate, benzene concentration, water content) are determined at the point of waste generation. Examples of a waste stream include process wastewater, product tank drawdown, sludge and slop oil removed from waste management units, and landfill leachate.

Wastewater treatment system means any component, piece of equipment, or installation that receives, manages, or treats process wastewater, product tank drawdown, or landfill leachate prior to direct or indirect discharge in accordance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit regulations under 40 CFR part 122 . These systems typically include individual drain systems, oil-water separators, air flotation units, equalization tanks, and biological treatment units.

Water seal controls means a seal pot, p-leg trap, or other type of trap filled with water (e.g., flooded sewers that maintain water levels adequate to prevent air flow through the system) that creates a water barrier between the sewer line and the atmosphere. The water level of the seal must be maintained in the vertical leg of a drain in order to be considered a water seal.

40 C.F.R. §61.341

55 FR 8346, Mar. 7, 1990; 55 FR 12444, Apr. 3, 1990, as amended at 58 FR 3095, Jan. 7, 1993; 67 FR 68531, Nov. 12, 2002