40 C.F.R. § 60.51Da

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 60.51Da - Reporting requirements
(a) For SO2, NOX, PM, and NOX plus CO emissions, the performance test data from the initial and subsequent performance test and from the performance evaluation of the continuous monitors (including the transmissometer) must be reported to the Administrator.
(b) For SO2 and NOX the following information is reported to the Administrator for each 24-hour period.
(1) Calendar date.
(2) The average SO2 and NOX emission rates (ng/J, lb/MMBtu, or lb/MWh) for each 30 successive boiler operating days, ending with the last 30-day period in the quarter; reasons for non-compliance with the emission standards; and, description of corrective actions taken.
(3) For owners or operators of affected facilities complying with the percent reduction requirement, percent reduction of the potential combustion concentration of SO2 for each 30 successive boiler operating days, ending with the last 30-day period in the quarter; reasons for non-compliance with the standard; and, description of corrective actions taken.
(4) Identification of the boiler operating days for which pollutant or diluent data have not been obtained by an approved method for at least 75 percent of the hours of operation of the facility; justification for not obtaining sufficient data; and description of corrective actions taken.
(5) Identification of the times when emissions data have been excluded from the calculation of average emission rates because of startup, shutdown, or malfunction.
(6) Identification of "F" factor used for calculations, method of determination, and type of fuel combusted.
(7) Identification of times when hourly averages have been obtained based on manual sampling methods.
(8) Identification of the times when the pollutant concentration exceeded full span of the CEMS.
(9) Description of any modifications to CEMS which could affect the ability of the CEMS to comply with Performance Specifications 2 or 3.
(c) If the minimum quantity of emission data as required by § 60.49Da is not obtained for any 30 successive boiler operating days, the following information obtained under the requirements of § 60.48Da(h) is reported to the Administrator for that 30-day period:
(1) The number of hourly averages available for outlet emission rates (no) and inlet emission rates (ni) as applicable.
(2) The standard deviation of hourly averages for outlet emission rates (so) and inlet emission rates (si) as applicable.
(3) The lower confidence limit for the mean outlet emission rate (Eo*) and the upper confidence limit for the mean inlet emission rate (Ei*) as applicable.
(4) The applicable potential combustion concentration.
(5) The ratio of the upper confidence limit for the mean outlet emission rate (Eo*) and the allowable emission rate (Estd) as applicable.
(d) In addition to the applicable requirements in § 60.7 , the owner or operator of an affected facility subject to the opacity limits in § 60.43c(c) and conducting performance tests using Method 9 of appendix A-4 of this part shall submit excess emission reports for any excess emissions from the affected facility that occur during the reporting period and maintain records according to the requirements specified in paragraph (d)(1) of this section.
(1) For each performance test conducted using Method 9 of appendix A-4 of this part, the owner or operator shall keep the records including the information specified in paragraphs (d)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section.
(i) Dates and time intervals of all opacity observation periods;
(ii) Name, affiliation, and copy of current visible emission reading certification for each visible emission observer participating in the performance test; and
(iii) Copies of all visible emission observer opacity field data sheets.
(2) [Reserved]
(e) If fuel pretreatment credit toward the SO2 emission standard under § 60.43Da is claimed, the owner or operator of the affected facility shall submit a signed statement:
(1) Indicating what percentage cleaning credit was taken for the calendar quarter, and whether the credit was determined in accordance with the provisions of § 60.50Da and Method 19 of appendix A of this part; and
(2) Listing the quantity, heat content, and date each pretreated fuel shipment was received during the previous quarter; the name and location of the fuel pretreatment facility; and the total quantity and total heat content of all fuels received at the affected facility during the previous quarter.
(f) For any periods for which opacity, SO2 or NOX emissions data are not available, the owner or operator of the affected facility shall submit a signed statement indicating if any changes were made in operation of the emission control system during the period of data unavailability. Operations of the control system and affected facility during periods of data unavailability are to be compared with operation of the control system and affected facility before and following the period of data unavailability.
(g) [Reserved]
(h) The owner or operator of the affected facility shall submit a signed statement indicating whether:
(1) The required CEMS calibration, span, and drift checks or other periodic audits have or have not been performed as specified.
(2) The data used to show compliance was or was not obtained in accordance with approved methods and procedures of this part and is representative of plant performance.
(3) The minimum data requirements have or have not been met; or, the minimum data requirements have not been met for errors that were unavoidable.
(4) Compliance with the standards has or has not been achieved during the reporting period.
(i) For the purposes of the reports required under § 60.7 , periods of excess emissions are defined as all 6-minute periods during which the average opacity exceeds the applicable opacity standards under § 60.42Da(b) . Opacity levels in excess of the applicable opacity standard and the date of such excesses are to be submitted to the Administrator each calendar quarter.
(j) The owner or operator of an affected facility shall submit the written reports required under this section and subpart A to the Administrator semiannually for each six-month period. All semiannual reports shall be postmarked by the 30th day following the end of each six-month period.
(k) The owner or operator of an affected facility may submit electronic quarterly reports for SO2 and/or NOX and/or opacity in lieu of submitting the written reports required under paragraphs (b) and (i) of this section. The format of each quarterly electronic report shall be coordinated with the permitting authority. The electronic report(s) shall be submitted no later than 30 days after the end of the calendar quarter and shall be accompanied by a certification statement from the owner or operator, indicating whether compliance with the applicable emission standards and minimum data requirements of this subpart was achieved during the reporting period.

40 C.F.R. §60.51Da

72 FR 32722, June 13, 2007, as amended at 74 FR 5083, Jan. 28, 2009; 77 FR 9458, Feb. 16, 2012