36 C.F.R. § 7.58

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 7.58 - Cape Hatteras National Seashore
(1) Lands within the Seashore on which hunting is legally permitted are designated as follows:
(i) Ocracoke Island, except Ocracoke village.
(ii) Hatteras Island, 500 acres, in three disconnected strips 250 feet wide measuring eastward from mean high water mark on Pamlico Sound between villages of Salvo and Avon and Buxton, and between Frisco and Hatteras.
(iii) Bodie Island, 1,500 acres, between high water mark of Roanoke Sound and a line 2,000 feet west of and parallel to U.S. Highway 158, and from the north dike of the Goosewing Club property on the north to the north boundary of the Dare County tract on the south.
(2) Seashore lands on which hunting is not permitted will be posted accordingly.
(3) This hunting plan will be administered and enforced by the National Park Service, through the Service's authorized local representative, the Superintendent of the Seashore, hereinafter referred to as the Superintendent.
(4) The State of North Carolina will assist in the enforcement of applicable State and Federal hunting laws and otherwise in carrying out this plan.
(5) Hunting will be restricted to waterfowl. Season length, opening and closing dates, bag limits and species of waterfowl which may be taken will be in accordance with the rules and regulations issued by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
(6) Hunting privileges will be free for all hunters possessing a North Carolina State hunting license and Federal migratory bird hunting stamp.
(7) Permanent blinds will be constructed exclusively by the Seashore and these will be built only on Bodie Island. Setting up and use of temporary or portable blinds by hunters will be permitted on Hatteras and Ocracoke Islands.
(8) Minimum distance between blinds on Seashore land and ponds within the designated hunting areas will be 300 yards unless other conditions, such as natural screening, justify a shorter distance.
(9) Hunting on Ocracoke Island will be permitted and managed in the same manner as Hatteras Island.
(10) "Jump shooting" of waterfowl will be permitted only on Hatteras and Ocracoke Islands and is prohibited within 300 yards of any blind.
(11) Properly licensed and authorized guides may provide hunting guide service within the designated hunting areas in the Seashore. They will not be permitted to solicit business within the boundaries of the Seashore and all arrangements with hunters must be made outside of those boundaries. Guides will be required to possess a North Carolina State guide license and to fulfill all requirements and conditions imposed by that license. Fees charged by guides must be approved in advance by the Superintendent. Each guide must also possess a permit issued by the Superintendent which authorizes him to guide hunters within the Seashore and the amount of the fees which he may charge.
(12) Guides shall have no permanent or seasonal blind rights within the Seashore and no special privileges other than those specified in this section.
(13) At 5:00 a.m. each morning the day of hunting a drawing for blind assignments will be conducted at the check-out station. Advance reservations for permission to draw will be accepted through the United States mail only. Reservations postmarked prior to 12:01 a.m. of September 25 will not be accepted. The postmark date and hour will establish and govern the priority of drawing. Maximum reservation by any person shall be three (3) consecutive days in any week, Monday through Saturday, and limited to a total of six (6) days during the season. Reservations shall have priority over nonreservations at drawing time. In the event a reservation is to be canceled, the Superintendent shall be informed by the party prior to drawing time for the date or dates of the reservation.
(14) The first departure from a blind by a person terminates his hunting privilege within Bodie Island for that day and the blinds may be reassigned by the Superintendent, Cape Hatteras National Seashore Recreational Area, or his duly authorized representative, for use by others later the same day. Vacating parties must check out and furnish information regarding their take at the checking station on Bodie Island located near the north boundary of the hunting area.
(15) Hunters and guides shall provide their own decoys and are required to leave the blind which they used in a clean, sanitary and undamaged condition.
(16) All hunters taking banded fowl shall turn in the bands at the check-out station.
(17) Details of this plan, interpretations and further information regarding it will be published in local newspapers and issued in circular form free to all interested persons.
(18) Access to blinds will be by designated foot trails. Vehicles will not be permitted to drive to the blind sites.
(19) Trained dogs will be permitted for retrieving providing they are kept under restraint by the hunter.
(20) Blinds will be limited to two persons without a guide and three including the guide. Only two guns will be permitted in each blind.
(21) All other regulations will be in accordance with the North Carolina State and Federal migratory bird hunting laws.
(b)Definitions. As used in this section:
(1)Definitions. As used in this part:
(i)Seashore. Cape Hatteras National Seashore.
(ii)Legal resident of an established village. An individual (excluding a corporation, partnership, or other artificial person) having domicile in one of the following Outer Banks villages referred to in section 1 of the Act of August 17, 1937 (50 Stat. 669):

Corolla, Duck, Kitty Hawk, Kill Devil Hills, Collington, Nags Head, Manteo, Wanchese, Rodanthe, Waves, Salvo, Avon, Buxton, Frisco, Hatteras, Ocracoke.

(iii)Commercial fishing. All operations preparatory to, during, and subsequent to the taking of fish by any means if a primary purpose of the taking is to sell fish.
(iv)Commercial fishing permit. Written revocable authorization, issued by the Superintendent to an eligible individual, to engage in commercial fishing from the Seashore beaches. The permit will be issued on an annual basis commencing on October 1st of each year.
(2)Commercial fishing permit required. A commercial fishing permit is required before engaging in commercial fishing from the seashore beaches.
(3)Permits. Commercial fishing permits may be issued by the Superintendent or his authorized representative limited to individuals meeting the following criteria of eligibility:
(i) A legal resident of an established village.
(ii) Possession of a valid North Carolina commercial fishing license or engagement in a joint commercial fishing venture with a North Carolina commercial fishing licensee.

The permit shall be carried at all times while engaged in commercial fishing and shall be displayed upon request by the Superintendent or his representative. When two or more individuals engage in a joint commercial fishing venture involving a splitting of profits or any other assumption of proprietary interests, each individual must qualify for and have a commercial fishing permit. An employee hired by a permittee for a specific wage with no financial interest in the activity need not have a permit.

(4)Revocation of permit. The Superintendent may revoke the commercial fishing permit of any permittee who ceases to meet the criteria of eligibility set forth in paragraph (c)(3) of this section or who violates any General, Special, or other related regulation governing activities at the Seashore.
(5)Beach sanitation and conservation of aquatic life. Notwithstanding any General Regulation of the National Park Service to the contrary, all fishermen, commercial and sport, landing fish on the Seashore by any method and not using such fish because of size, edible quality, or other reason, shall immediately release and return such fish alive in the waters from which taken. No dead fish or part thereof may be left on any shore, beach, dock, pier, fish cleaning table or thrown back into the waters, but must be disposed of only at points or places designated for the disposal thereof or removed from the seashore area.
(6)Sport-fishing Zone. A zone is established for the protection and enhancement of recreational sport-fishing commencing at Beach Access Ramp No. 22 and continuing south and west along the ocean shore, including Cape Point (Cape Hatteras), to Beach Access Ramp No. 30. Within this zone commercial fishing, as specified in the Act of August 17, 1937 (50 Stat. 669), is permitted, except between the hours of 12:01 a.m. on Saturday to 11:59 p.m. on Sunday from October 1 through April 30, commercial fishermen are not permitted to haul seines or nets onto the beach within the Zone.
(c)Off-road motor vehicle use -
(1)Definitions. In addition to the definitions found in § 1.4 of this chapter, the following terms apply in this paragraph (c):

ORV means a motor vehicle used off of park roads (off-road), subject to the vehicle requirements, prohibitions, and permitting requirements described in this paragraph (c).

ORV corridor means the actual physical limits of the designated ORV route in the Seashore. On the landward side, the ORV corridor on Seashore beaches will be marked when possible by posts that are located seaward of the toe of the dune or the vegetation line. On the seaward side, the corridor runs to the water line, which will not be marked by posts unless necessary. Where the ocean beach is at least 30 meters wide above the high tide line, the landward side of the corridor will be posted at least 10 meters seaward of the toe of the dune.

(2)ORV permits. ORV permits are a form of NPS special park use permits, which are issued and administered by the Superintendent and for which the NPS charges a fee to recover its administrative costs.
(i) A permit issued by the Superintendent is required to operate a vehicle on designated ORV routes at the Seashore.
(ii) Operation of a motor vehicle authorized under an ORV permit is limited to those routes designated in this paragraph (c).
(iii) There is no limit to the number of ORV permits that the Superintendent may issue.
(iv) ORV permits are valid for the dates specified on the permit. The public will be notified of any changes to ORV permit durations through one or more of the methods listed in § 1.7(a) of this chapter.
(v) In order to obtain a permit, an applicant must comply with vehicle and equipment requirements, complete a short education program in a manner and location specified by the Superintendent, acknowledge in writing an understanding of the rules governing ORV use at the Seashore, and pay the permit fee.
(vi) Each permit holder must affix the proof of permit, in a manner and location specified by the Superintendent, to the vehicle covered by the permit for use off-road.
(3)Vehicle and equipment requirements. The following requirements apply for driving off-road:
(i) The vehicle must be registered, licensed, and insured for highway use and must comply with inspection requirements for the state, country, or province where the vehicle is registered.
(ii) The vehicle may have no more than two axles.
(iii) A towed boat or utility trailer may have no more than two axles.
(iv) Vehicle tires must be listed or approved by the U.S. Department of Transportation.
(v) The vehicle must carry a low-pressure tire gauge, shovel, jack, and jack support board.
(4)Vehicle inspection. Authorized persons may inspect the vehicle to determine compliance with the requirements of this paragraph (c).
(5)Certain vehicles prohibited. The off-road operation of a motorcycle, all-terrain vehicle (ATV), or utility vehicle (UTV) is prohibited.
(6)Travel trailers prohibited. The towing of a travel trailer (i.e., a trailer with sleeping or bathroom facilities) off-road is prohibited.
(7)Special-use permits for off-road driving, temporary use. Special-use permits issued under this paragraph are subject to resource, safety, and other closures implemented under § 7.58(c)(10) , and may only be used in a manner consistent with the terms and conditions of the permit. The Superintendent may issue a special-use permit for temporary off-road vehicle use to:
(i) Authorize the North Carolina Department of Transportation to use Seashore beaches as a public way, when necessary, to bypass sections of NC Highway 12 that are impassable or closed for repairs;
(ii) Allow participants in regularly scheduled fishing tournaments to drive in an area if driving was allowed in that area for that tournament before January 1, 2009; or
(iii) Allow vehicular transport of mobility impaired individuals via the shortest, most direct distance from the nearest designated ORV route or Seashore road to a predetermined location in a beach area in front of a village that is not otherwise open to ORV use.
(8)Commercial fishing vehicles. The Superintendent, when issuing a commercial fishing permit, may authorize the holder, when actively engaged in authorized commercial fishing, to operate a vehicle off-road.
(i) An authorization under this paragraph may allow off-road driving on a beach not otherwise designated for ORV use, only if the beach is not subject to a resource closure or is not a lifeguarded beach.
(ii) An authorization under this paragraph may allow off-road driving beginning at 5 a.m. on days when night-driving restrictions are in effect, to set or tend haul seine or gill nets, only if the permit holder is carrying and able to present a fish-house receipt from the previous 30 days.
(9)ORV routes. The following tables indicate designated ORV routes. The following ramps are designated for off-road use to provide access to ocean beaches: 2, 4, 23, 25, 27, 30, 32, 34, 38, 43, 44, 48, 49, 55, 59, 63, 67, 68, 70, and 72. Designated ORV routes and ramps are subject to resource, safety, seasonal, and other closures implemented under § 7.58(c)(10) . Soundside ORV access ramps are described in the table below. For a village beach to be open to ORV use during the winter season, it must be at least 20 meters (66 feet) wide from the toe of the dune seaward to mean high tide line. Maps showing designated routes and ramps are available in the Office of the Superintendent and on the Seashore Web site.

When is the route open?Where is the route located?
Bodie Island-Designated Routes
Year RoundRamp 2 to 0.2 miles south of ramp 4.
September 15-March 140.2 miles south of ramp 4 to the eastern confluence of the Atlantic Ocean and Oregon Inlet.
Hatteras Island-Designated Routes
Year Round1.5 miles south of ramp 23 to ramp 27.
Ramp 30 to approximately 0.3 miles south of ramp 32
The following soundside ORV access routes from NC Highway 12 to Pamlico Sound between the villages of Salvo and Avon: soundside ramps 46, 48, 52, 53, 54. The soundside ORV access at Little Kinnakeet starts just to the west of the Kinnakeet lifesaving structures and continues to the sound.
Ramp 38 to 1.5 miles south of ramp 38.
The following soundside ORV access routes from NC Highway 12 to Pamlico Sound between the villages of Avon and Buxton: soundside ramps 57, 58, 59, and 60.
0.4 miles north of ramp 43 to Cape Point to 0.3 miles west of "the hook."
Bypass which extends due south from the opening at ramp 44, running continuously behind the dunes until the bypass connects with the beach.
Interdunal route ("Inside Road") from intersection with Lighthouse Road (i.e. ramp 44) to ramp 49, with one spur route from the interdunal route to ramp 48.
Just east of Ramp 48 to east Frisco boundary.
A soundside ORV access route from Museum Drive to Pamlico Sound near Coast Guard Station Hatteras Inlet
Pole Road from Museum Drive to Spur Road to Pamlico Sound, with one spur route, commonly known as Cable Crossing, to Pamlico Sound and four spur routes to the ORV route below.
Ramp 55 southwest along the ocean beach for 1.6 miles, ending at the intersection with the route commonly known as Bone Road.
October 15-April 140.1 mile south of Rodanthe Pier to 1.5 mile south of ramp 23
1.0 mile north of ramp 34 to ramp 38 (Avon)
East Frisco boundary to west Frisco boundary (Frisco village beach)
East Hatteras boundary to ramp 55 (Hatteras village beach)
Ocracoke Island-Designated Routes
Year RoundRamp 59 to just southwest of ramp 63.
Routes from NC Highway 12 to Pamlico Sound located north of the Pony Pens, commonly known as Prong Road, Barrow Pit Road, and Scrag Cedar Road.
1.0 mile northeast of ramp 67 to 0.5 mile northeast of ramp 68
0.4 miles northeast of ramp 70 to Ocracoke inlet.
From ramp 72 to a pedestrian trail to Pamlico Sound, commonly known as Shirley's Lane.
October 15-April 140.5 mile northeast of ramp 68 to ramp 68 (Ocracoke Campground area).
September 15-March 14A route 0.6 mile south of ramp 72 from the beach route to a pedestrian trail to Pamlico Sound.
A route at the north end of South Point spit from the beach route to Pamlico Sound.

(10)Superintendent's closures.
(i) The Superintendent will temporarily limit, restrict, or terminate access to routes or areas designated for off-road use based on one or more of the following criteria:
(A) Public health and safety;
(B) Vehicle carrying capacity and other ORV management considerations;
(C) Natural and cultural resource protection;
(D) Applicable species management strategies including buffer distances; or
(E) Desired future conditions for threatened, endangered, state-listed, and special status species.
(ii) The Superintendent will conduct periodic reviews of the criteria for and results of these closures to assess their effectiveness. The public will be notified of such closures through one or more of the methods listed in § 1.7(a) of this chapter. Violation of any closure is prohibited.
(iii) The Superintendent will remove or relax closures based on the same criteria used for closure.
(11)Rules for Vehicle Operation.
(i) Notwithstanding the definition of "Public Vehicular Area" (PVA) in North Carolina law, the operator of any motor vehicle anywhere in the Seashore, whether in motion or parked, must at all times comply with all North Carolina traffic laws that would apply if the operator were operating the vehicle on a North Carolina highway.
(ii) In addition to the requirements of Part 4 of this chapter, the following restrictions apply:
(A) A vehicle operator must yield to pedestrians on all designated ORV routes.
(B) When approaching or passing a pedestrian on the beach, a vehicle operator must move to the landward side to yield the wider portion of the ORV corridor to the pedestrian.
(C) A vehicle operator must slow to 5 mph when traveling within 30.5 meters (100 feet) or less of pedestrians at any location on the beach at any time of year.
(D) An operator may park on a designated ORV route, but no more than one vehicle deep, and only as long as the parked vehicle does not obstruct two-way traffic.
(E) When driving on a designated route, an operator must lower the vehicle's tire pressure sufficiently to maintain adequate traction within the posted speed limit.
(F) The speed limit for off-road driving is 15 mph, unless otherwise posted.
(12)Hours of Operation/Night-Driving Restrictions.
(i) Hours of operation and night-driving restrictions are listed in the following table:

Hours of Operation/Night Driving Restrictions

When are the restrictions in place?Where are the restrictions in place?
November 16-April 30All designated ORV routes are open 24 hours a day.
May 1-September 14Designated ORV routes in sea turtle nesting habitat (ocean intertidal zone, ocean backshore, dunes) are closed at 9:00 p.m. and open no earlier than 6:00 a.m. The Seashore will publish exact opening times on an annual basis.
September 15-November 15Designated ORV routes in sea turtle nesting habitat (ocean intertidal zone, ocean backshore, dunes) are closed at 9:00 p.m. and open no earlier than 6:00 a.m., but the Superintendent may open designated ORV routes, or portions of the routes, 24 hours a day if no turtle nests remain. The Seashore will publish exact opening times on an annual basis.

(ii) Maps available in the office of the Superintendent and on the Seashore's Web site will show routes closed due to night-driving restrictions, and routes or portions of the routes the Superintendent opens because there are no turtle nests remaining.
(13)Vehicle carrying capacity. The maximum number of vehicles allowed on any ORV route, at one time, is the length of the route (or, if part of the route is closed, the length of the portion of the route that is open) divided by 6 meters (20 feet).
(14) Violating any of the provisions of this paragraph, or the terms, conditions, or requirements of an ORV or other permit authorizing ORV use is prohibited. A violation may also result in the suspension or revocation of the applicable permit by the Superintendent.
(15)Information Collection. As required by 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq., OMB has approved the information collection requirements contained in this paragraph. The OMB approval number is 1024-0026. NPS is collecting this information to provide the Superintendent data necessary to issue ORV special-use permits. The information will be used to grant a benefit. The obligation to respond is required in order to obtain the benefit in the form of the ORV permit.
(d)Bicycle Use.
(1) The Superintendent may designate all or a portion of the following trails as open to bicycle use:
(i) Multi-use pathway in the Hatteras Island District (approximately 1.6 miles).
(ii) [Reserved]
(2) Maps showing the pathway as open to bicycle use will be available at Seashore visitor centers and posted on the Seashore website. The Superintendent will provide notice that the pathway is open to bicycle use in accordance with § 1.7 of this chapter, including in the superintendent's compendium (or written compilation) of discretionary actions referred to in 36 CFR 1.7(b) .
(3) The Superintendent may limit, restrict, or impose conditions on bicycle use, or close any trail to bicycle use, or terminate such conditions, closures, limits, or restrictions in accordance with § 4.30 of this chapter. A violation of any such limit, restriction, condition, or closure is prohibited.

36 C.F.R. §7.58

24 FR 11052, Dec. 30, 1959, as amended at 38 FR 33081, Nov. 30, 1973; 40 FR 4135, Jan. 28, 1975; 40 FR 56888, Dec. 5, 1975; 48 FR 30295, June 30, 1983; 52 FR 10686, Apr. 2, 1987; 77 FR 3142, Jan. 23, 2012; 81 FR 93604, Dec. 21, 2016
81 FR 93604, 12/21/2016; 89 FR 47868, 7/5/2024