34 C.F.R. § 12 app A to Part 12

Current through August 31, 2024
Appendix A to Part 12 - Public Benefit Allowance for Transfer of Surplus Federal Real Property for Educational Purposes1

ClassificationPercent allowed
Basic public benefit allowanceOrganization allowancesUtilization allowancesMaximum public benefit allowance4
AccreditationFederal impactPublic service trainingHardshipInadequacy of existing school plant facilitiesIntroduction of new instructional programsStudent health and welfareResearchService to handicapped
Elementary or high schools7010101010203010101010100
Colleges or Universities5020101010203010101010100
Specialized schools70101010203010101010100
Public libraries or educational museums2 1002 100
School outdoor education40103 101070
Central administrative and/or service centers8080
Non-profit educational research organizations502010101010100

2 Applicable when this is the primary use to be made of the property. The public benefit allowance for the overall program is applicable when such facilities are conveyed as a minor component of other facilities.

3 This 10% may include an approvable recreation program which will be accessible to the public and entirely compatible with, but subordinate to, the educational program.

4 This column establishes the maximum discount from the fair market value for payment due from the transferee at the time of the transfer. This column does not apply for purposes of ranking applicants to determine to which applicant the property will be transferred. Competitive rankings are based on the absolute total of public benefit allowance points and are not limited to the 100% ceiling.

Description of Terms Used in This Appendix

Elementary or High School means an elementary school (including a kindergarten), high school, junior high school, junior-senior high school or elementary or secondary school system, that provides elementary or secondary education as determined under State law. However, it does not include a nursery school even though it may operate as part of a school system.

College or University means a non-profit or public university or college, including a junior college, that provides postsecondary education.

Specialized School means a vocational school, area trade school, school for the blind, or similar school.

Public Library means a public library or public library service system, not a school library or library operated by non-profit, private organizations or institutions that may be open to the general public. School libraries receive the public benefit allowance in the appropriate school classification.

Educational Museum means a museum that conducts courses on a continuing, not ad hoc, basis for students who receive credits from accredited postsecondary education institutions or school systems.

School Outdoor Education means a separate facility for outdoor education as distinguished from components of a basic school. Components of a school such as playgrounds and athletic fields receive the basic allowance applicable for that type of school. The outdoor education must be located reasonably near the school system and may be open to and used by the general public, but only if the educational program for which the property is conveyed is given priority of use. This category does not include components of the school such as playgrounds and athletic fields, that are utilized during the normal school year, and are available to all students.

Central Administrative and/or Service Center means administrative office space, equipment storage areas, and similar facilities.

Description of Allowances

Basic Public Benefit Allowance means an allowance that is earned by an applicant that satisfies the requirements of § 12.10 of this part.

Organization Allowance

Accreditation means an allowance that is earned by any postsecondary educational institution, including a vocational or trade school, that is accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the Secretary under 34 CFR part 602.

Federal Impact means an allowance that is earned by any local educational agency (LEA) qualifying for Federal financial assistance as the result of the impact of certain Federal activities upon a community, such as the following under Public Law 81-874 and Public Law 81-815 : to any LEA charged by law with responsibility for education of children who reside on, or whose parents are employed on, Federal property, or both; to any LEA to which the Federal Government has caused a substantial and continuing financial burden as the result of the acquisition of a certain amount of Federal property since 1938; or to any LEA that urgently needs minimum school facilities due to a substantial increase in school membership as the result of new or increased Federal activities.

Public Services Training means an allowance that is earned if the applicant has cadet or ROTC units or other personnel training contracts for the Federal or State governments. This is given to a school system only if the particular school receiving the property furnishes that training.

Hardship means an allowance earned by an applicant that has suffered a significant facility loss because of fire, storm, flood, other disaster, or condemnation. This allowance is also earned if unusual conditions exist such as isolation or economic factors that require special consideration.

Inadequacies of Existing Facilities means an allowance that is earned on a percentage basis depending on the degree of inadequacy considering both public and nonpublic facilities. Overall plant requirements are determined based on the relationship between the maximum enrollment accommodated in the present facilities, excluding double and night sessions and the anticipated enrollment if the facilities are transferred. Inadequacies may be computed for a component school unit such as a school farm, athletic field, facility for home economics, round-out school site, cafeteria, auditorium, teacherages, faculty housing, etc., only if the component is required to meet State standards. In that event, the State Department of Education will be required to provide a certification of the need. Component school unit inadequacies may only be related to a particular school and not to the entire school system.

Utilization Allowances

Introduction of New Instructional Programs means an allowance that is earned if the proposed use of the property indicates that new programs will be added at a particular school. Examples of these new programs include those for vocational education, physical education, libraries, and similar programs.

Student Health and Welfare means an allowance that is earned if the proposed program and plan of use of the property provides for cafeteria, clinic, infirmary, bus loading shelters, or other uses providing for the well-being and health of students and eliminating safety and health hazards.

Research means an allowance that is earned if the proposed use of the property will be predominantly for research by faculty or graduate students under school auspices, or other primary educational research.

Service to Handicapped means an allowance that is earned if the proposed program and plan of use for the property will be for special education for the physically or mentally handicapped.

34 C.F.R. 12 app A to Part 12