33 C.F.R. § 110.173

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 110.173 - Port of Charleston, SC
(a)The anchorage grounds -
(1)Commercial Anchorage A. This anchorage is located adjacent to the western edge of Folly Island Channel and southwest of Rebellion Reach and is bounded by the following coordinates:

32°45'34" N., 79°52'12" W.; to

32°46'17" N., 79°53'21" W.; to

32°45'51" N., 79°53'23" W.; to

32°45'34" N., 79°52'55" W.; thence back to

32°45'34" N., 79°52'12" W.

(2)Commercial Anchorage B. This anchorage is located adjacent to the south side of South Channel and bounded by the following coordinates:

32°45'28" N., 79°53'40" W.; to

32°45'28" N., 79°54'46" W.; to

32°45'19" N., 79°54'46" W.; to

32°45'12" N., 79°54'06" W.; to

32°45'16" N., 79°53'40" W.; thence back to

32°45'28" N., 79°53'40" W.

(3)Commercial Anchorage C. This anchorage is located 1800 yards, 118° true from St. Michaels Church Spire and has a diameter of 500 yards. Vessels using this anchorage must anchor in the center.
(4)Commercial Anchorage D. This anchorage is located 51°30' true, 1375 yards from St. Michaels Church Spire and has a diameter of 1400 feet. The use of this anchorage is limited to loaded vessels for a period of not more than 24 hours.
(b)The regulations.
(1) Except in cases of great emergency, no vessel shall be anchored in the main ship channels as defined by broken lines marking their boundaries on NOAA Chart 11524. Vessels must be anchored in such a way as not to interfere with the free navigation of channels in the port, including Cooper, Ashley, Wando Rivers, and Town Creek, nor to obstruct the approach to any pier or entrance to any slip, nor to impede the movement of any vessel or craft.
(2) Vessels using the anchorages opposite the eastern waterfront of Charleston shall place their anchors as near as possible in the center of the anchorage. Vessels not using a designated commercial anchorage shall not place their anchors within the main ship channels, nor shall be so anchored as to swing within 400 feet of any wharf or pier on the eastern waterfront of Charleston. Vessels may be so anchored as to swing into the main ship channels only if they are so placed with reference to the customary winds, tides, and currents of the harbor, as to swing only during slack water, and that during this period there shall remain in the waters adjacent to the channel an area of sufficient depth as to permit the safe passage of loaded vessels.
(3) No vessel may anchor within the designated anchorages for more than 72 hours without the prior approval of the Captain of the Port.
(4) No vessel may anchor unless it maintains a bridge watch, guards and answers Channel 16 FM, and maintains an accurate position plot.
(5) If any anchored vessel is so close to another that a collision is probable, each vessel must communicate with the other vessel and the Captain of the Port on Channel 16 FM and shall act to eliminate the close proximity situation.
(6) No vessel may anchor unless it maintains the capability to get underway within 4 hours.
(7) No vessel may anchor in a "dead ship" status (propulsion or control unavailable for normal operations) without the prior approval of the Captain of the Port.
(8) Dragging of anchors in or across main ship channels and cable areas is prohibited.
(9) Vessels which, through force of great emergency, are anchored contrary to the foregoing regulations in this section shall be shifted to new berths in accordance with such regulations at the earliest opportunity.
(10) A vessel, upon notification from the Captain of the Port to shift its position in anchorage grounds must get underway at once or signal for a tug, and must change position as directed with reasonable promptness.
(11) No vessel may conduct lightering operations in an anchorage without permission from the Captain of the Port.
(12) When the use of an anchorage is required by naval vessels, the vessels anchored therein shall move when the Captain of the Port directs them.
(13) Nothing in this section shall be construed as relieving the owner or person in charge of any vessel from the penalties of law for obstructing navigation, or for obstructing or interfering with range lights, or for not complying with the navigation laws in regard to lights, fog signals, etc.

33 C.F.R. §110.173

CGD7 83-15, 49 FR 26587, June 28, 1984