32 C.F.R. § 855.5

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 855.5 - Responsibilities and authorities
(a) The Air Force:
(1) Determines whether civil aircraft use of Air Force airfields is compatible with current and planned military activities.
(2) Normally authorizes civil aircraft use of Air Force airfields only in support of official Government business. If exceptional circumstances warrant, use for other purposes may be authorized.
(3) Acts as clearing authority for civil aircraft use of Air Force airfields, subject to the laws and regulations of the US, or to applicable international agreements (e.g., status of forces agreements) with the country in which the Air Force installation is located.
(4) Reserves the right to suspend any operation that is inconsistent with national defense interests or deemed not in the best interests of the Air Force.
(5) Will terminate authority to use an Air Force airfield if the:
(i) User's liability insurance is canceled.
(ii) User lands for other than the approved purpose of use or is otherwise in violation of this part or clearances and directives hereunder.
(6) Will not authorize use of Air Force airfields:
(i) In competition with civil airports by providing services or facilities that are already available in the private sector.

Note: Use to conduct business with or for the US Government is not considered as competition with civil airports.

(ii) Solely for the convenience of passengers or aircraft operator.
(iii) Solely for transient aircraft servicing.
(iv) By civil aircraft that do not meet US Department of Transportation operating and airworthiness standards.
(v) That selectively promotes, benefits, or favors a specific commercial venture unless equitable consideration is available to all potential users in like circumstances.
(vi) For unsolicited proposals in procuring Government business or contracts.
(vii) Solely for customs-handling purposes.
(viii) When the air traffic control tower and base operations are closed or when a runway is restricted from use by all aircraft.

Note: Requests for waiver of this provision must address liability responsibility, emergency response, and security.

(7) Will not authorize civil aircraft use of Air Force ramps located on civil airfields.

Note: This section does not apply to use of aero club facilities located on Air Force land at civil airports, or civil aircraft chartered by US military departments and authorized use of terminal facilities and ground handling services on the Air Force ramp. Only the DD Form 2400, Civil Aircraft Certificate of Insurance, and DD Form 2402, Civil Aircraft Hold Harmless Agreement, are required for use of Air Force ramps on civil airfields.

(b) Civil aircraft operators must:
(1) Have an approved DD Form 2401, Civil Aircraft Landing Permit, before operating at Air Force airfields, except for emergency use and as indicated in paragraphs (d)(2) and (d)(2)(iii)(E) of this section, and , and § 855.13(b)(1)(ii) .
(2) Ensure that pavement load-bearing capacity will support the aircraft to be operated at the Air Force airfield.
(3) Ensure that aircraft to be operated at Air Force airfields are equipped with an operating two-way radio capable of communicating with the air traffic control tower.
(4) Obtain final approval for landing from the installation commander or a designated representative (normally base operations) at least 24 hours prior to arrival.
(5) Not assume that the landing clearance granted by an air traffic control tower facility is a substitute for either the approved civil aircraft landing permit or approval from the installation commander or a designated representative (normally base operations).
(6) Obtain required diplomatic or overflight clearance before operating in foreign airspace.
(7) Pay applicable costs and fees.
(8) File a flight plan before departing the Air Force airfield.
(c) The installation commander or a designated representative:
(1) Exercises administrative and security control over both the aircraft and passengers while on the installation.
(2) May require civil users to delay, reschedule, or reroute aircraft arrivals or departures to preclude interference with military activities.
(3) Cooperates with customs, immigration, health, and other public authorities in connection with civil aircraft arrival and departure.
(d) Decision Authority: The authority to grant civil aircraft use of Air Force airfields is vested in:
(1) Directorate of Operations, Bases and Units Division, Civil Aviation Branch (HQ USAF/XOOBC). HQ USAF/XOOBC may act on any request for civil aircraft use of an Air Force airfield. Decision authority for the following will not be delegated below HQ USAF:
(i) Use of multiple Air Force airfields except as designated in paragraph (d)(2) of this section.
(ii) Those designated as 2 under Approval Authority in Table 1 to this part.
(iii) Any unusual or unique purpose of use not specifically addressed in this part.
(2) Major Command, Field Operating Agency, Direct Reporting Unit, or Installation Commander. With the exception of those uses specifically delegated to another decision authority, major commands (MAJCOMs), field operating agencies (FOAs), direct reporting units (DRUs) and installation commanders or designated representatives have the authority to approve or disapprove civil aircraft landing permit applications (DD Forms 2400, Civil Aircraft Certificate of Insurance; 2401; Civil Aircraft Landing Permit, and 2402, Civil Aircraft Hold Harmless Agreement) at airfields for which they hold oversight responsibilities. Additionally, for expeditious handling of short notice requests, they may grant requests for one-time, official Government business flights that are in the best interest of the US Government and do not violate other provisions of this part. As a minimum, for one-time flights authorized under this section, the aircraft owner or operator must provide the decision authority with insurance verification and a completed DD Form 2402 before the aircraft operates into the Air Force airfield. Air Force authority to approve civil aircraft use of Air Force airfields on foreign soil may be limited. Commanders outside the US must be familiar with base rights agreements or other international agreements that may render inapplicable, in part or in whole, provisions of this part. Decision authority is delegated for specific purposes of use and or locations as follows:
(i) Commander, 611th Air Operations Group (AOG). The Commander, 611th AOG or a designated representative may approve commercial charters, on a case-by-case basis, at all Air Force airfields in Alaska, except Eielson and Elmendorf AFBs, if the purpose of the charter is to transport goods and or materials, such as an electric generator or construction materials for a community center, for the benefit of remote communities that do not have adequate civil airports.
(ii) Commander, Air Mobility Command (AMC). The Commander, AMC or a designated representative may approve permits that grant landing rights at Air Force airfields worldwide in support of AMC contracts.
(iii) US Defense Attache Office (USDAO). The USDAO, acting on behalf of HQ USAF/XOOBC, may grant a request for one-time landing rights at an Air Force airfield provided:
(A) The request is for official Government business of either the US or the country to which the USDAO is accredited.
(B) The Air Force airfield is located within the country to which the USDAO is accredited.
(C) Approval will not violate any agreement with the host country.
(D) The installation commander concurs.
(E) The USDAO has a properly completed DD Form 2402 on file and has verified that the insurance coverage meets the requirements of Table 2 to this part, before the aircraft operates into the Air Force airfield.

32 C.F.R. §855.5