32 C.F.R. § 855 app Table 1 to Part 855

Current through August 31, 2024
Appendix Table 1 to Part 855 - Purpose of Use/Verification/Approval Authority/Fees

Purpose of use Verification Approval * authority Fees
Contractor or subcontractor (A). A US or foreign contractor or subcontractor, operating corporate, personal, or leased aircraft in conjunction with fulfilling the terms of a government contractCurrent Government contract numbers; the Air Force airfields required for each contract; a brief description of the work to be performed; and the name, telephone number, and address of the government contracting officer must be provided on the DD Form 2401 or a continuation sheet1No.
Note: Potential contractors may not land at Air Force airfields to pursue or present an unsolicited proposal for procurement of government business. One time authorization can be provided when an authorized US Government representative verifies that the potential contractor has been specifically invited for a sales presentation or to discuss their product.
Demonstration (B). Aircraft, aircraft with components installed, or aircraft transporting components or equipment operating to demonstrate or display a product to US Government representatives who have procurement authority or certification responsibilities. (Authority granted under this paragraph does not include aerobatic demonstrations.)Demonstration or display must be a contractual requirement or presented at the request of an authorized US Government representative. The name, address, and telephone number of the requesting government representative or contracting officer and contract number must be included on the DD Form 24011No.
Aerial performance (BB). Aircraft performing aerobatics and or fly-bys at Air Force airfieldsApproval of MAJCOM, FOA, or DRU and FAA as specified in AFI 35-201, Community Relations1No.
Active duty US military and other US uniformed service members with military identification cards (includes members of the US Public Health Service, Coast Guard, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) (C). Service members, operating their own aircraft, leased aircraft, or other available aircraft for official duty travel (temporary duty, permanent change of station, etc.) or for private, non revenue flightsSocial security number in block 1 on DD Form 24011No.
Reserve Forces (D). Members of the US Reserve Forces (including Reserve Officer Training Corps and National Guard) operating their own aircraft, leased aircraft, or other available aircraft to fulfill their official duty commitment at the installation where their unit is assigned and other installations for temporary duty assignmentsEndorsement from member's commander that validates military status and requirement for use of Air Force airfields listed on the DD Form 2401. The endorsement may be included on the DD Form 2401 or provided separately by letter. When appropriate, travel orders must be on board the aircraft1No.
Dependents of active duty US military personnel, other US uniformed service personnel, (CC), or US Reserve Forces personnel (DD). Dependents operating their own aircraft, leased aircraft, or other available aircraft in conjunction with activities related to entitlements as a dependent of a uniformed service memberIdentification card (DD Form 1173) number or social security number, identification card expiration date, and a letter of endorsement from sponsor1No.
US Government civil service employees (E). Civilian employees of the US Government operating their own aircraft, leased aircraft, or other available aircraft for official Government business travelSupervisor's endorsement in block 4 of the DD Form 2401. Individual must have a copy of current travel orders or other official travel certification available for verification if requested by an airfield manager or a designated representative1No.
Retired US military members and other retired US uniformed service members with a military identification card authorizing use of the commissary, base exchange, and or military medical facilities (G). Retired Service members, operating their own aircraft, leased aircraft, or other available aircraft in conjunction with activities related to retirement entitlements authorized by law or regulationCopy of retirement orders on file with the approving authority1No.
Dependents of retired US military personnel and other retired US uniformed service personnel (GG). Dependents of retired Service members operating their own aircraft, leased aircraft, or other available aircraft in conjunction with activities related to entitlements authorized by law or regulation as a dependent of a retired Service memberIdentification card (DD Form 1173) number or social security number, identification card expiration date, sponsor's retirement orders, and letter of endorsement from sponsor1No.
Civil Air Patrol (CAP) (H). CAP members operating personal or CAP aircraft for official CAP activitiesEndorsement of the application by HQ CAP-USAF/XOO, 105 South Hansell Street, Maxwell AFB AL 36112-63321No.
Aero club members (I). Individuals operating their own aircraft at the Air Force airfield where they hold active aero club membershipMembership validation by the aero club manager on the DD Form 24016No.
Weather alternate (J). An Air Force airfield identified on a scheduled air carrier's flight plan as an alternate airport as prescribed by Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) or equivalent foreign Government regulations. The airfield can only be used if weather conditions develop while the aircraft is in flight that preclude landing at the original destination. Aircraft may not be dispatched from the point of departure to an Air Force airfield designated as an approved weather alternateList of the destination civil airports for which the alternate will be used and certification of scheduled air carrier status, such as the US Department of Transportation Fitness Certificate1Yes
Note: Scheduled air carriers are defined at Attachment 1. Only those airfields identified on the list at Attachment 2 are available for use as weather alternates. Airfields cannot be used as alternates for non-scheduled operations. Passengers and cargo may not be offloaded, except with the approval of the installation commander when there is no other reasonable alternative. Boarding new passengers and or loading new cargo is not authorized.
Air Mobility Command (AMC) contractor charter (K). An air carrier transporting passengers or cargo under the terms of an AMC contract. (Landing permits for this purpose are processed by HQ AMC/DOKA, 402 Scott Drive, Unit 3A1, Scott AFB IL 62225-5302.)International flights must have an AMC Form 8, Civil Aircraft Certificate, on board the aircraft. Domestic flights must have either a Certificate of QUICK-TRANS (Navy), a Certificate of Courier Service Operations (AMC), or a Certificate of Intra-Alaska Operations (AMC) on board the aircraft3No.
CRAF alternate (KK). An Air Force airfield used as an alternate airport by air carriers that have contracted to provide aircraft for the Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF)Participant in the CRAF program and authorized by contract2Yes.
US Government contract or charter operator (L). An air carrier transporting passengers or cargo for a US Government department or agency other than US military departmentsThe chartering agency and name, address, and telephone number of the Government official procuring the transportation must be listed in block 4 of the DD Form 2401. An official government document, such as an SF 1169, US government Transportation Request, must be on board the aircraft to substantiate that the flight is operating for a US Government department or agency1No.
Contractor or subcontractor charter (M). Aircraft chartered by a US or foreign contractor or subcontractor to transport personnel or cargo in support of a current government contractThe contractor or subcontractor must provide written validation to the decision authority that the charter operator will be operating on their behalf in fulfilling the terms of a government contract, to include current government contract numbers and contract titles or brief description of the work to be performed; the Air Force airfields required for use, and the name, telephone number, and address of the government contracting officer1No.
DOD charter (N). Aircraft transporting passengers or cargo within the United States for the military departments to accommodate transportation requirements that do not exceed 90 daysMilitary Air Transportation Agreement (MATA) approved by the Military Transportation Management Command (MTMC) (this includes survey and approval by HQ AMC/DOB, 402 Scott Drive, Suite 132, Scott AFB IL 62225-5363). An SF 1169 or SF 1103, US Government Bill of Lading, must be on board the aircraft to validate the operation is for the military departments as specified in AFJI 24-211, Defense Traffic Management Regulation. (Passenger charters arranged by the MTMC are assigned a commercial air movement (CAM) or civil air freight movement number each time a trip is awarded. Installations will normally be notified by message at least 24 hours before a pending CAM.)1No.
Media (F). Aircraft transporting representatives of the media for the purpose of gathering information about a US Government operation or event. (Except for the White House Press Corps, use will be considered on a case-by-case basis. For example, authorization is warranted if other forms of transportation preclude meeting a production deadline or such use is in the best interest of the US Government. DD Forms 2400 and 2402 should be on file with HQ USAF/XOOBC to ensure prompt telephone approval for validated requests.)Except for White House Press Corps charters, concurrence of the installation commander, base operations officer, and public affairs officer2Note 1.
Commercial aircraft certification testing required by the FARs that only involves use of normal flight facilities (P)Application must cite the applicable FAR, describe the test, and include the name and telephone number of the FAA certification officer2Yes.
Commercial development testing at Air Force flight test facilities (Q) as described in AFI 99-101, Development Test & EvaluationStatement of Capability Number or Cooperative Research and Development Agreement Number, and name and telephone number of the Air Force official who approved support of the test project1Yes.
Commercial charter operations (R). Aircraft transporting passengers or cargo for hire for other than US military departmentsUnavailability of:
a. a suitable civil airport,
b. aircraft that could operate into the local civil airport, or
c. other modes of transportation that would reasonably satisfy the transportation requirement.
Note: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certification is required for airfields used by carriers certified under FAR, part 121 (passenger aircraft that exceed 30 passenger seats). HQ USAF/XOOBC will request that FAA issue an airport operating certificate under FAR, part 139, as necessary. Exceptions to the requirement for certification are Air Force airfields used for:
a. Emergencies.
b. Weather alternates.
c. Air taxi operations under FAR, part 135. Note: This is currently under review. Anticipate a change that will eliminate the air taxi exemption.
d. Air carrier operations in support of contract flights exclusively for the US military departments.
Commercial air crew training flights (S). Aircraft operated by commercial air carrier crews for the purpose of maintaining required proficiencyMemorandum of Understanding approved by HQ USAF/XOOBC that establishes conditions and responsibilities in conducting the training flights2Yes.
Private, non revenue producing flights (T). Aircraft operating for a variety of reasons, such as transporting individuals to meet with Government representatives or participate in Government sponsored ceremonies and similar events. At specified locations, the purpose of use may be to gain access to collocated private sector facilities as authorized by lease, agreement, or contractThe verification will vary with the purpose for use. For example, when use is requested in conjunction with events such as meetings or ceremonies, the applicant must provide the name and telephone number of the Government project officer4Note 2.
Provisional airfield (U). An Air Force airfield used by civil aircraft when the local civil airport is temporarily unavailable, or by a commercial air carrier operating at a specific remote location to provide commercial air transportation for local military members under the provisions of a lease or other legal instrumentMemorandum of Understanding, Letter of Agreement, or lease that establishes responsibilities and conditions for use2Yes.
Foreign government charter (V). Aircraft chartered by a foreign government to transport passengers or cargoApplication must include name and telephone number of the foreign government representative responsible for handling the charter arrangements2Note 3.
Flights transporting foreign military sales (FMS) material (W). (Hazardous, oversized, or classified cargo only.)FMS case number, requisition numbers, delivery term code and information as specified below:2Note 3.
a. Description of cargo (nomenclature and or proper shipping name). The description of hazardous cargo must include the Department of Transportation exemption number, hazard class, number of pieces, and net explosive weight
b. Name, address, and telephone number of individual at Air Force base that is coordinating cargo handling and or other required terminal services
c. Cargo to be loaded or off loaded must be equipped with sufficient cargo pallets and or tiedown materials to facilitate handling. Compatible 463L pallets and nets will be exchanged on a one-for-one basis for serviceable units. Nonstandard pallets and nets cannot be exchanged; however, they will be used to buildup cargo loads after arrival of the aircraft. Aircraft arriving without sufficient cargo loading and tiedown devices must be floor loaded and the aircraft crew will be responsible for purchasing the necessary ropes, chains, and so forth
d. US Government FMS case management agency to which costs for services rendered are chargeable
e. Name, address, and telephone number of freight forwarder
f. Name, address, and telephone number of shipper
Certified flight record attempts (X). Aircraft operating to establish a new aviation recordDocumentation that will validate National Aeronautic Association or Federation Aeronautique Internationale sanction of the record attempt2Yes.
Political candidates (Y). (For security reasons only) Aircraft either owned or chartered explicitly for a Presidential or Vice Presidential candidate, including not more than one accompanying overflow aircraft for the candidate's staff and press corps. Candidate must be a Presidential or Vice Presidential candidate who is being furnished protection by the US Secret Service. Aircraft clearance is predicated on the Presidential or Vice Presidential candidate being aboard one of the aircraft (either on arrival or departure). Normal landing fees will be charged. To avoid conflict with US statutes and Air Force operational requirements, and to accommodate expeditious handling of aircraft and passengers, the installation commander will:The Secret Service must confirm that use has been requested in support of its security responsibilities2Yes.
a. Provide minimum official welcoming party.
b. Not provide special facilities.
c. Not permit political rallies or speeches on the installation.
d. Not provide official transportation to unauthorized personnel, such as the press or local populace.
Aircraft either owned or personally chartered for transportation of the President, Vice President, a past President of the United States, the head of any US Federal department or agency, or a member of the Congress (Z)Use by other than the President or Vice President must be for official government business. All requests will be coordinated with the Office of Legislative Liaison (SAF/LL) as prescribed in AFI 90-401, Air Force Relations with Congress2No.

* Approving Authority:

1 = Can be approved at all levels.



4 = Except as specifically delegated in paragraphs 2.4.2 and, must be approved by HQ USAF/XOOBC.

5 = Except as specifically delegated in paragraph, must be approved by HQ USAF/XOOBC.

6 = Policy concerning private aircraft use of aero club facilities varies from base to base, primarily due to space limitations and military mission requirements. Therefore, applications for use of aero club facilities must be processed at base level.

Note 1: Landing fees are charged for White House Press Corps flights. Landing fees are not charged if the Air Force has invited media coverage of specific events.

Note 2: Landing fees are charged if flight is not operating in support of official Government business.

Note 3: Landing fees are charged unless US Government charters have reciprocal privileges in the foreign country.

32 C.F.R. 855 app Table 1 to Part 855